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A Guest Lecturer
Date of Scene: 05 May 2017
Location: Academy of Tomorrow - Lecture Hall
Synopsis: Captain Marvel is a guest lecturer at the Academy of Tomorrow, talking about the importance of self belief and confidence in one's abilities. She lingers a while after the lecture to interact with the students.
Cast of Characters: Captain Marvel (Danvers), Raven, 87, 232

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
Today some of the students were given time off their regular classes, to attend a guest lecture by Captain Marvel, a prominent superhero who is currently serving with the Avengers. But she has quite the resume even before her heroing days, and that is largely the topic of her lecture. To entertain the kids, Captain Marvel did show up in her superhero costume, in blue, red and gold. She starts with a simple questions, "how many of the students in the room were told they couldn't do something? How many were told not to bother pursuiting their passions because they could never make it?"

It is from that simple question, that Captain Marvel cuts into an example from her own life. How as a kid she was told she could not go to college. How she could not be a pilot, and how she needs to stop desiring something she could never attain. Then she tells how she defied all who questioned her, took on a commitment by enlisting in the Air Force, because through service she could get the education she desired. She takes a brief lapse to stress the importance of higher education, and all the possibilities it can open, before concluding with her rise to top of her class in the Air Force Academy, and eventually becoming a fighter jet pilot.

There's a lot more she could tell, and even more she likely wouldn't tell in this forum or a smaller one, but she made her point. "Stay In School. Believe In Yourself. The Only Failure Is Never Trying."

With the lecture over after little more than 30 minutes, there's still time in the period, and so she offered students to either catch up on their assignments, or ask her any questions they might have, as she moved to one side of the room to allow others to approach her.

Raven has posed:
    Rachel comes to Captain Marvel's speech, and then to the panel held afterward, as Rachel rather than Raven: that is, as a pale, punky girl in ripped black street clothes with a pyramid-cut red gem on her forehead (she wonders briefly if Captain Marvel has ever encountered Mister Sinister and/or would mistake her for him, but decides she's confident Captain Marvel won't immediately start punching teenagers in a school). She shows up not with a phone to ask for a selfie, but with a half-sized notebook and a pen to ask for an autograph. She waits patiently, impassively for her turn to do so, and nods a greeting rather than smiling or adopting any particularly recognizeable facial expression when it's her turn. "May I have your autograph, Captain?" she asks, her voice not quite hoarse, not quite croaking, but creaky, like the door hinges in a haunted house. "And if you have time, I was wondering about the opposite of your speech. What if you've been told all your life you can do something, and you have an obligation not to do it?"

Vorpal (87) has posed:
Vorpal definitely lucked out. Having had an interested in the academy for a while, and even though he's already enrolled and going to classes at another institution, it doesn't hurt to get a tour because transfers are, after all, a thing. What were the odds, though, that the spectacular dynamo, Captain Marvel, would choose that day to give a special lecture?

As a courtesy, he is allowed to sit in on the lecture as a visitor. Since he inquired about the school in his secret identity, he shows up as the pale red-headed human with freckles and a disorderly mop of curly hair. All throughout the talk, he has been taking notes on his notebook.

Those in attendance who are susceptible to magic, and particularly chaos magic, might be able to sense that the teen practically crackles and breathes chaos magic in a very perceptible aura around him, noticeable exclusively to those 'born to strange sights, things invisible to see.'

He notes the goth girl's question down. It's a good question, and he remains quiet for now while the Captain answers. He does have a questioni jotted for down the line, but he always hates being first.

Gwenn Tennyson (232) has posed:
First day of school and classes are interrupted by a guest lecturer. There are worse things that could happen. Especially when she discovered that it's Captain Marvel giving the whole lecture. Gwen is no stranger to the name. You can't work close with the Acronym branch without hearing her name. Still she's never met the woman behind that name. So she was looking forward to the whole thing.

Right before the lecture started she was reading a strange violet book with gold trim. Speaking two words, something weird starts. "Scribo Inacendia!" Pink magic wraps around her pen and it simply waits to start writing by itself. As the lecture begins, she watches and listens. The pen meanwhile is moving on its own, writing down notes on the lecture. She is keeping a tight handle on her magic so she doesn't start a fire by writing too fast. Still its a relatively small spell but effective.

The spell fades at the end of the lecture. She takes her things and quietly heads over to the side room to meet the famous hero. Hey she's gotta look up to someone. As she walks in she notices there are a lot of people there. She can feel some strong mana in the room but she is definitely not going to start mentioning it to people Nope. She's new here and that means she needs to get to know people. Quietly she approaches the Captain. Waiting in line, she doesn't really say much as she files in behind Vorpal. She simply lets the Goth girl who really seems to be putting off an aura of magic, talk to the Captain.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
Captain Marvel is very patient with the students who do choose to approach her, greeting each one with a smile. She answers a question here, takes a selfie with someone there, and does give the occasional autograph when asked for it. Which is exactly what she does for Rachel when she reaches her. "Gladly," Carol says as she places a neat cursive autograph in Rachel's notebook and hands it back to her.

At Rachel's question, Carol turns her full attention on Rachel, "now that's an interesting question." She takes a moment, as if to consider, before asking Rachel, "what do you think? I think it sounds quite similar to me, rather than the opposite, don't you? No matter what you're told, listen to your own voice as well. Sometimes we do know better, no matter what others are trying to say." She doesn't pry for details that weren't offered, figuring there's a reason the question was presented in such a vague manner. But Rachel might notice that genuine interst in Captain Marvel's eyes as she was addressing her question.

Raven has posed:
    Rachel nods slowly at the captain. She wants to ask a follow-up question, but it would be unfair to everyone else waiting in line to ask something. She just puts her notebook back under her arm (it's slightly too big to fit in even the cargo pockets of her jeans) and walks stolidly to the back of the line again. Maybe she'll think of a follow-up question.
    Rachel, for her part, probably projects an aura of magic if you're looking for that kind of thing. She's far from impossible to notice, but it is difficult; occluded, to make a pun. It's as if there's a darkness pulled over her, dimming her light. Heh, maybe it's something she cultivates. She IS wearing black lipstick, after all.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
There's magic in the air, but Vorpal can't quite tell from where. He's not a *trained* spellcaster, so whiffs and hints are all he can get unless someone gets real close, and real magical, quick. He does find Rachel's appearance striking. Unusual. He likes unusual, maybe she needs friends?

Alright, it's the Cheshire cat that likes unsual. Before their souls merged, Tommy wasn't too adventurous... outside of the whole 'put life at risk in order to get a good video of Superman fighting X villain.' Now, he was slowly becoming positively eccentric.

"Captain," Vorpal begins with a grin, "You have made a career goal of inspiring young girls all over, I was wondering-" and there is a very slight glitch in his illusion spell, where for a split-second part of his real appearance is revealed. It's fleeting, and unless someeone is paying *close* attention, they might miss it altogether, "Have you ever thought about joining forces with Wonder Woman? What do you think is the most important message for young women of our generation to hear?"

A trojan question- one question hidden inside another. But it technically counts as a valid question...

Gwenn Tennyson (232) has posed:
Gwenn Tennyson moves up in line. She is still rather quiet. She doesn't know anyone. She just waits patiently. Quietly she gets out her notebook and quickly writes on a page so that it reads Autographs. Then its just the waiting game. Her mind races. What is a good question to ask Captain Marvel?

Then it clicks. That would be a good one So with a smile she continues waiting in line. As for her magic, She doesn't bother trying to hide it. Her very nature is to manipulate mana. Sure her human body blocks much of it but to try to stop it would be like trying to fight back a tide. Its just not going to happen.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
With Rachel's question answered, or perhaps food for thought was offered instead, Carol turns her attention to the next student in line. After a couple more students, it comes to Vorpal and Carol gives him her full attention, same as she did with the others. Very little ever escapes Captain Marvel's notice, her visage always seems sharp and attentive, her gaze penetrative, and yet she makes no comment of the slight glitch in Vorpal's illusion. Carol takes a moment to consider the question asked, not one she was expecting, "I'm actually for inspiring anyone I can to better themselves, I just think the playing field is tilted in many respect against girls quite naturally. That's why they need more of a dose of truth than boys might." It could sound like a biased statement to some, but from what Carol has experienced and seen, she knows it's not an empty one. "I think Wonder Woman is a great role model in her own right, I would not rule out working along side if circumstances present the opportunity." She takes another short pause when asked about the most important message for young women, and she chuckles a bit, "pretty much what I said in my lecture. I think the most important lesson is not to always defer to others, to have faith in themselves, and dare to try. There's more than just modelling, there's more than just reality television, young women can make a real difference just as much as young men can."

Raven has posed:
    In line behind Gwenn, Rachel notes something unusual: a notebook. Huh. She taps briefly on Gwenn's shoulder--very briefly; the strike is so quick it feels almost like something pecked the younger girl; all the quicker for Rachel to drop her hand safely back to her side--and when she has Gwenn's attention, Rachel inclines her head slightly while shooting a pointed glance at the notebook. "Hi," she says, not warmly, not coldly (well...not TOO coldly), but a bit quietly, as not to distract from the main event. "I was wondering. Why a notebook instead of a photo?"
    You may recall Rachel went there for an autograph rather than a photo herself.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
Vorpal thanks the Captain and goes back to the line. He does scribble one quick question that just came to him. One that is applicable to the field. When he finally gets his turn again, he will ask:

"Sorry for the long-winded questions, Captain. I'll try to be brief. When you're out in the field and you have to make quick decisions with lives at stake... what guides you? I mean how can you tell that the decision you have to make in a split second is the right one? Is there some advice you'd like to give to..." he trails off, realizing he might be outing himself, and quickly rights the buggy, "Anyone who is inspired to do what you do?"

Which is his version of 'Asking for a friend.' Probably NOT that convincing. He looks for the gothic one, she seems to be talking to the other ne who asked for an autograph.



Oh god.

"Andwoulditbetoomuchtoaskforyourautograph?" he asks quietly, holding his notebook.

Gwenn Tennyson (232) has posed:
Gwenn turns quickly as she is tapped on the shoulder. It definitely gets her attention, thats putting it lightly. She gives a soft smile to Raven before speaking up. "Oh umm. Because I don't have a picture. I'm new to the Academy. I didn't know we were going to be meeting Captain Marvel today." She blushes a little and shrugs. "My name is Gwenn. Gwenn Tennyson. Or Gwenn 10 if you wanna be all rhyming and everything. Gods knows my parents did. I can't even shorten my names without it rhyming." She laughs.

As the line moves up. She is almost to Captain Marvel now. As excited as she is to meet one of her role models, the thing she didn't expect was to be nervous. Quietly she looks around. Her gaze falling on Vorpal as she listens to the question she gives. Thats a very good question. One she's had to ask herself before. Usually for her its how do I save them all.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
Taking note of Rachel approaching and starting a conversation with Gwenn puts a smile on Carol's face. From looks alone, Rachel seemed like the sort who would shy away from company, and it feels good to see that initial impression may not necessarily be correct. With Gwenn delayed a bit to chat with Rachel, she grants Vorpal second question an answer as well, albeit not the most direct one. "I am very fortunate to have been trained at the United States Airforce, where split second deicison making could mean life or death, success or failure. I think this is a skill that is learned by experience, every bit as much as training." She looks amused as Vorpal fumbles over who might such an advice be aimed at, and she offers, "I would suggest to avoid such situations if you're just starting...'you' of course being anyone who might happen to be trying to act heroicly. The most important factor to understand is you first and foremost are trying to save lives. I personally try to take the fight away from civillians, minimize damage to property, and if possible neutralize the threat before it can materialize."

She does provide Vorpal with her autograph, same as everyone else, but as she signs her autograph she offers, "if you know someone who might need a more indepth discussion, I wrote down an email for you as well, maybe I can meet with that person some other time and we can talk more." She doesn't outright suggest she knows why Vorpal asked the question, but has enough accidental phrashing that might suggest as much.

Her eyes then drift towards Gwenn, as she asks, "did you have a question as well? That was quite the useful method you had for note taking during my lecture, impressive."

Raven has posed:
    Rachel nods back at Gwenn. "I meant on your phone, but fair enough. I'm Rachel. Nice to meet you." Another nod is given here, this one a nod of greeting (what? they totally look like different nods!), with no hand offered. "Rachel Roth. It doesn't rhyme," she adds dryly. Her eyes flick pointedly over Gwenn's shoulder. "You're up. Try to breathe."
    Yeah, it shows.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
Tommy -stares- at his notebook. He rolls to keep his decorum, and has a nearly-critical failure. "OH... thank you Captain! This will be- I mean, this other person will find it very useful, thank you so much!"

And with that, he puts himself out of the queue, standing close to Rachel. He's asked his questions, he doesn't want to monopolize.

"She's...so.... cool," he says quietly to Rachel. He's having a bad case of star-struck, and not the Lady Gaga song.

Gwenn Tennyson (232) has posed:
Gwenn looks at Rachel and smiles bright. "Nice to meet you. You aren't exactly without magic huh?" She laughs a little. Then she is informed by Rachel that she is up. "I sorta left my phone back at my dorm. My cousin likes to annoy me and I didn't want to be distracted during the lecture.

When Captain Marvel addresses her, Gwenn snickers a little. "When it works its really good. I have to be careful because if I try to do that too fast, I could start a fire." That is definitely experience talking there. "Nice to meet you Captain, My name is Gwenn Tennyson. My question is, What advice would you give to a person, boy or girl, who is already involved with doing what you do. Like doing the hero thing and trying to save lives. I know I've already been told that I shouldn't be out there. Diana Prince and Captain America both tried to tell me I should try to be more careful but, You know how it goes." She shrugs a little.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
Carol nods at Vorpal with a somewhat teasing smile on her lips, before she turns to Gwenn, ready to coax her to come nearer if she delays further. "Oh..." Carol seems a bit surprised at the risk entailed in Gwenn's method of notetaking, "I trust that hasn't happened in class before? Do be careful with that feat...despite what many troublemakers tend to think, it isn't fun when a school burns down."

When Gwenn evokes the names of Captain America and Wonder Woman, Carol certainly looks impressed, "that only tells me one thing. Either you're not quite the beginner you make yourself out to be, keeping such company," Carol stalls a moment to measure Gwenn's visage, estimate the truth from looks alone, before proceeding, "or you're serious about heroing, and just might be taking it too far too fast, being around danger zones where such big time heroes are needed." This was more of less Carol's indirect tip, should Gwenn choose to notice. "But you've already started nicely, by doing what you believe in. That's good. But they are right...you should be careful. I think the best advice I can give, at this point, is to keep your ears open and seek out more experienced heroes. See if anyone might have the time to help you hone your skills. Never underestimate the worth of hard work in training. There's a famous military saying: hard in training, easy in battle. Easy in training, hard in battle. Words to live by."

With that Carol tilts her head a little, almost as if she was hearing something that wasn't even in the room. "I'm sorry, students, but if you'll excuse me...it does seem I'm needed. Thank you for attending my lecture and asking me your questions, I hope you got some food for thought." At that she starts to leave the classroom, but the moment she's outside, she's just gone like she never even been there. Only the gust of wind in her wake suggests how fast she made her way out, maybe there is some emergency developing that required her attention.

Raven has posed:
    Rachel scowls at the captain's disappearance, which, with her perpetually stony face, comes to a miniscule lowering of the eyebrows that vanishes quickly as she remembers not to let herself be disappointed. She just turns back to Vorpal and nods. "She is," Rachel agrees, no longer bothering to lower her voice now that the speaker is gone. Her tone is flat and factual; she might be telling you the atomic weight of cobalt. "Good for you not making a fuss about her preference to help women. Lots of men can't handle a woman saying that." Her voice is still flat: Des Moines is the capital of Iowa.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
Vorpal grins, and a bit of the cheshire grin slips into the human grin. "Are you kidding me? I'm Wonder Woman's number one fan. I had a bracelet made of interlocking double-us made..." and then the smile fades a little, "Until some asshole stole it when I went to the pool. So..." he couldn't help overhearing, with his big cat ears and all , "... magic is afoot around here?" he asks quietly with a knowing, raised eyebrow.

Gwenn Tennyson (232) has posed:
Gwenn Tennyson blushes a little at Captain Marvel's words. Then she is off. She doesn't have super hearing or anything so, no knowing anything. Then she realizes something. "Darn, didn't get her autograph. Ah well." She shrugs it off and puts her tablet away. Then she goes quiet. Her thoughts on the words that she was told. If she only knew. Gwenn had been in the hero game since she was ten years old. Sure early on she wasn't on the front lines like her cousin or grandpa. She was helping though. Things of course had changed since then, As she often finds herself right there beside her cousin and in the middle of the frey.

As magic is mentioned, Gwenn is pulled back to the conversation. "Oh umm. Yeah. I use magic. Well. Mana. Life energy. Most people call that magic."

Raven has posed:
    "There you go, then," Rachel says, both acknowledging Gwenn and answering Vorpal, her face calmly impassive. She'd be a terror in poker. "Why do you ask?"

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"Well. Just had never really met other people who..." he huddles in closer, to keep the conversation closer to the private side of things, "You know. Were sort of like me."

To demonstrate, he holds out a palm, low so as not to be in the line of sight of outsiders. A rose blooms from his hand, blossoms, and then ages and turns to ash in all of two seconds. The flavor of illusion magic hangs in the air for those who can perceive it. It's something that permeates -him- at the moment, too. "I just got... it a few months ago."

Gwenn Tennyson (232) has posed:
Gwenn Tennyson smiles a little as she watches the magical display. "A few years ago this woman sorta decided she didn't like me. So We fought. We did a few times. It wasn't pretty. She was using magic against me and stuff. So when we finally be her, I took her spell book from her. Since then I've been studying magic and learning to use it. I don't really hide what I can do. There are bigger secrets to keep then me using magic."

Pink magic ignites around her hands and a half bubble covers all three of them. The thing is air tight and pretty strong. "There are some spells I use so often that I don't need an incantation for them anymore. I am still learning though. My grandma wants me to come live with her so I can learn more. I keep telling her no but, She's stubborn." She snickers over that. She had to get it from somewhere.

She looks at Rachel, "You can use music too, can't you? I can feel it around you. Its... sorta like its cloaked in darkness though." she shrugs. "I might be wrong though."

Raven has posed:
    Rachel glances at the illusion, then at Gwenn. "Might want to watch that," she suggests. "It's impolite to out someone." That warning given, she turns her attention back to Vorpal. "So why are you hiding it like that?"

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"Because..." Vorpal looks around. He concentrates for a second and tries a rather complicated illusion: To anyone looking outside at the group, there will be no change at all. But inside the group, Vorpal drops his illusion entirely. There he is- all Cheshire Cat and hero suit and all.

"... I sort of have a secret identity."

He figures that if he can trust anyone, it's two people who admire Captain Marvel clearly, and someone who frequents Captain America AND Wonder Woman.

After this revelation, the illusion goes back up on Vorpal, turning him into Tommy, and the external illusion vanishes.

"... I'm... really new to all of this. It's why I asked the question I asked, y'see."

Gwenn Tennyson (232) has posed:
Gwenn Tennyson frowns, "Sorry, I just. I didn't mean to out ya. I just sorta was thinking everyone here was powered or something. At least it wasn't to the whole school." She sighs and feels foolish over the whole thing. Quietly she drops the bubble field and just lets her mana disapate.

"I tried to keep my identity secret but, when Ben's identity was outed on the national news I just sorta gave up on trying to keep it quiet. I still keep somethings quiet though. Its difficult sometimes." She sighs and leans against a wall.

"Have you ever had to do something for your own safety, even if it limits what you can do?" She asks in a rather solemn tone.

Raven has posed:
    "Just don't do it again," Rachel says to Gwenn, as if she considers the matter closed, which she does. She could say a lot to Gwenn's question--starting with 'Yes, everything I do falls into that description'--but no need to be dramatic, so she just nods. "Yeah. What are you thinking about?"

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"It's what I try to do with the secret ID thing. I'm afraid my family could get targeted. And they totally wouldn't approve, anyways, of it," Vorpal says, nodding to Gwenn.

Gwenn Tennyson (232) has posed:
Gwenn Tennyson looks at Rachel and shrugs, "I dunno. Just rambling. Sometimes I think maybe it would be for the best for me to go stay with my grandma for a while but... that would mean losing myself I guess." She sighs and shakes her head.

"I don't have that problem too much. My family is weird. I'd feel more bad for the people that would come at my family." She laughs nervously.

Raven has posed:
    Rachel can't really talk about the concept of family, or even empathize much, so she doesn't comment on the topic of filial approval. She just asks Gwenn, "Why do you say that?"

Vorpal (87) has posed:
Vorpal looks at Rachel, noticing she doesn't really put forth much information about herself. Feline curiosity has been engaged: Nosy Mode buffering.

He doesn't butt in just yet, though, because he is curious about the answer to the question. His family was exceptionally unprepared for dealing with any supervillain trying to target them.

Gwenn Tennyson (232) has posed:
Gwenn Tennyson looks at Rachel and shrugs, "Its one of those things. Like I said, my family is weird. My magic isn't exactly weak. My grandma's though... Its like she's not human!" She states this with a smile. Boy is she covering that one up.

"I just dunno if I'd be the same when I got back." She winces over that. Yes she is definitely worried about something. Something major.

Raven has posed:
    "You're never the same when you come back from anywhere," Rachel says, her voice the auditory equivalent of a shrug, though her shoulders are still. She's good at being still. She shoots a glance at the clock, and says, "Time for me to go. Lessons with the headmistress. Nice meeting you." That last would have sounded more convincing if it had been less flat, but maybe she has a neurological issue, or a mutation that makes her expressionless, or something. You never know.

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"... she's very mysterious and reserved," Vorpal comments as Rachel makes her exit, and then looks at Gwenn, "And you're the opposite. You know, this is the setup for a perfect Buddy Comedy." He's intrigued by Rachel, and he likes Gwenn so far. "I hope I get to chat to her again. I am intriguied."

Perhaps he should come by more often, even if he doesn't end up transfering.

"So... you have actually -met- Diana? I... sort of met her briefly at a museum heist about a week ago. I didn't do too hot, and I don't think she noticed me..."

Gwenn Tennyson (232) has posed:
Gwenn Tennyson smiles and nods, "She seems really nice. Not everyone is really open with their emotions. Thats fine though." She grins. "I think she'll be the type of friend who you could count on when things get bad."

She nods, "Yes actually just yesterday. She was stopping by to visit Miss. Frost while I was moving into my room. Almost got runover by Captain America too. That was all last night."

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"Man... what wouldn't I give to talk to her..." he pauses. "Or maybe not. I went to that charity concert over at the Hall of Justice and I completely froze on the floor. I couldn't even approach her."

He sighs, and looks around. "I should probably start heading out soon. I'm just a visitor so I've got limited privileges here... so," he sounds conspiratorial, "... are you trying to do the whole vigilante thing I am trying to do, too?"

Gwenn Tennyson (232) has posed:
Gwenn Tennyson takes a deep breath. "I've been doing it since I was Ten. I sorta work as a consultant to a few of the Acronym groups. Its kinda cool. I mainly help out with Alien threats though. Not like, Kryptonians or Kree... Well most of them. We have a few of those on Earth. There are others out there who aren't good."

She thinks a little. "You know, Diana is just like Captain Marvel or Rachel or me. She's just another person. Nothing to really worry about." She smiles. "All ya gotta do is just talk. Don't put people on a pedistool. It just gets awkward. Or in the case of my cousin, ya get a really big head."

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"Right. It just seems a little... like an imposition. 'Oh I am a rookie, give me your knowledge', you know? It'd be different if there were... I 'unno. A group for people like me. For young people, I mean. I'm eighteen, inexperienced and nowhere near ready to play in the big leagues, you know?" He gives out a nervous little chuckle.

Gwenn Tennyson (232) has posed:
Gwenn Tennyson smiles, "Maybe we need one! I know i usually work with my cousin and my boyfriend. Even my team is weird though! I use magic. My cousin, you may know of, Ben Tennyson? Ben 10?" She smiles. "He has this thing that turns him into all these differet aliens. Its pretty cool honestly, Though He gets a really big head." She laughs. "My boyfriend is an alien. His body becomes anything he touches. Like I said, my family is crazy."

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"... maybe we DO need one," Vorpal says, eyes widening a little. "Ben Ten? Your family -is- tough. Mine... well. My parents work in multimedia, so not the most superheroic of fields. And I have as of yet failed to acquire a boyfriend."

He ponders this, liking the idea. "... a group for young heroes. But we'd need some recources... unless we're just going by the seat of our pants and meet in a basement somewhere... and... who else would join us?"

He's clearly taking to the idea.

Gwenn Tennyson (232) has posed:
Gwenn Tennyson smiles brightly. "It depends what we are setting out to do. Are we just going to protect a city? A Country? The whole world? The whole Galaxy?" She giggles over that.

She snickers and nods, "Gwenn Ten? Nice to meet you." She laughs. "As much as he likes to take credit for all of our exploits, Kevin and I both have been there beside him and been helping him to do that stuff.

"I dunno? There are a number of other young heroes who would likely love a team like that though."

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"Tommy Hunter. Vorpal's my moniker because... well. I am *the* Cheshire cat," Vorpal confides, "Cross my heart and all of that. Do you know these other younger heroes? I mean, you clearly have more networking time than I do. You are the first one my age I've met..."

He pauses, and looks over his shoulder, "Unless you think that girl is also one of us? She seemed mightily secretive. She could just be a magic user not really interested in doing the hero thing. She seems too... stoic to want to put on tights and fight for our rights." He turns back to face Gwenn.

Gwenn Tennyson (232) has posed:
Gwenn Tennyson shrugs, "I don't know. She seems nice and all. I just dunno." She laughs a little. "Honestly, I don't have that much in the way of networking. Aside from Kevin, Much of the work I do is with the Acronyms. You know, SHIELD? Them and my family. I know a lot about Aliens so I'm sorta like a consultant."

She smiles to Tommy, "But that doesn't mean we can't find people! Right?"

Vorpal (87) has posed:
"You are absolutely correct. Young justice-bringers need to gather and reach out to each other." Vorpal scratches his chin. "Let's trade numbers. I have to head out, tour's nearly over for me... but we can get together over pizza and toss ideas around? Maybe invite our mysterious magician if she's interested?"

Gwenn Tennyson (232) has posed:
Gwenn Tennyson smiles and nods, "Alright! Here." She quickly writes down her number and hands it over to him. "Here you are. I hope you find more powered types. That way we can do more to make things better." She beams. "I need to get to class anyway so. It was nice meeting you Tommy." With that she heads out.