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Latest revision as of 14:20, 14 June 2019

Do you have any Questions
Date of Scene: 14 June 2019
Location: Central Hub, Watchtower
Synopsis: The Question Meets J'onn and gets the watch tower tour as well as some help with another question at hand.
Thanks to: J'onn for making a good scene partner.
Cast of Characters: Question, Martian Manhunter
Tinyplot: Question joins the Justice League
Tinyplot2: A New Question Arises

Question has posed:
Question wanders slowly around the station. Being careful not to set off any security system. The way he was brought on board by Batman, with hardly any forewarning he is likely not in any of the systems as a friendly. Wouldn't it make his day to just step into the wrong room only to be atomized by an overzelous version of Hal 2000.

As he steps carefully about, his hat in his hand and his hair all frazzled from the recent events he considers what he had just witnessed. It was definitely something right out of a biblical second coming. God preserve us, as a god (lower 'g') now walks among us once again. Still an invitation was offered. One that should not be turned down lightly.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn hasn't been on the watchtower much, lately, dealing with a couple other things on heart and up in space, including a small visit on mars. But he didn't forget his duties in the monitor room, and today he spent a lot of time in there, watching and monitoring with only a package of oreos with him. It is after that part of his day has been completed, that he finally stands from his chair, walks towards the door of the monitor room, and walks through the corridors aiming his steps for the central hub.
     Today, J'onn is in his natural form, more than two meters of green alien, with a muscular body wearing the uniform of the martian manhunter, and he almost floats soundlessly through the tower's corridors, arriving probably in sight of Question in one of those visitorfriendly areas, alias the ones where security doesn't instantly turn you into a marshmallow.
While a giant green alien that steps literally through a door via phasing could not be that calming sight, said alien glancing in Question direction and waving friendly is at least a good start.

Question has posed:
Question freezes in his tracks as he sees a figure ghost through a doorway. Not a holographic projection, and certainly not a ghost. Why would a ghost ever haunt space anyway. It takes him a moment to realize that the very alien being in the room with him must be one of the Justice League.

He turns his blank face towards you and then the rest of his body follows as he squares off with you without a hint of revulsion or fear in his body language. He then says in a quiet matter of fact tone, "You must be the Martian. The shape-shifer. That is your actual native shape I take it, and not the family friendly one you made for the television audiences on Earth."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn stops not less than two meters in front of Question, and indeed, he shapeshifts into a more humanfriendly form, the one of a tall and athletic business man with short black hair, blue eyes, an ebony skin, and wrapped in a tailored blue suit. "greetings," he pauses, probably his mind skimming at least the surface thoughts around him to be able to add with a certain surety "question..."

Question has posed:
Question smiles, and though it is not immediately visible with his mask a tilt to his head conveys the expression anyway. He offers his hand, "No need to go to all that effort. I am quite familiar with the fact that aliens exist and that many are on our planet. Not even all our natives look... humanoid."

"So what do you prefer to be called by?" he asks keeping his voice politely inquisitive.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn extends his own right hand, to briefly shake Question's offered one, twisting his face into a smile "it's more out of habit than anything else, even because this face is better at expressing emotions and nonverbal language... Martians, didn't really need it, so a smile from my previous form wouldn't be that pleasant to see, trust me." he says, assuming a straight posture with his hands clasped behind his back "well, I think I am one of the few ones whose second identity, the humanoid one, is not my true one... So you can call me J'onn, that would be my name, or martian manhunter, or however you prefer I suppose... And I guess, till you're wearing that mask, I will call you question, hm?"

Question has posed:
Question nods, "The Question, is my moniker. Though no doub't there is more you could get from up here." he taps his head with a finger. Though his thoughts are almost as well controlled as Batman's at this point. The only thing in his surface thoughts are the words he is speaking as if he were completely present in the moment absorbed in nothing else.

He adds, "You may use Q for shorthand if you'd prefer. So tell me, what is Justice League Dark, and why did I just get invited to it? Superman was a bit... preoccupied with collapsing back into slumber when he mentioned it to me." he says wondering of the name meant he was being slotted for some sinister dark ops role in the organization.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn smiles again, shaking his head "I usually don't really dive into people's mind just like that" he admits, even if he probably could and to get basic informations he indeed does. After all, reading surface thoughts is something that he almost does without even thinking, but then, for one of the most powerful telepaths in the universe scanning a mind is not that hard. "hmm, well, justice league dark is, a division of the league" he says, observing question carefully "that deals with issues more linked to the mystical, or the, less usual treats than the ones the league usually deals with..." he explains "so less alien invasions or technological hazards, but more magic and mystical artifacts... As for why you were invited in that, I don't know, yet."

Question has posed:
Question nods slowly, "So the "Dark" title alludes to situations that are usually not in the public eye. Like vampires, I ran into one at a Big Belly Burger the other day of all places. Caused quite a stir when they didn't get his order right. Unfortunately I was unaware of who or what he was at the time. It seems there are quite a few of them in the Gotham area."

He frowns, again this is conveyed by the angle of his head and in his voice, "Surprising actually that more isn't being done."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn nods "exactly..." he tilts his head "a lot of the things we regularly deal with are not in the public's eye, to be honest, and only a third of what we do ends up on the tv screens downstairs" and he of course refers to Earth with that 'downstairs'. "however, the, dark league, deals with what humans might call dark events, such as indeed vampires and demons and all that sort of things..."

Question has posed:
Question nods slowly, "Wonderful." he says witheringly. "As if my problems weren't big enough already." He then pauses and looks at you, "I do have a question for you... I was in Gotham following a case. Perhaps you could be of assistance. Would you consider it unethical to probe a suspect's mind? Just to confirm his innocence or guilt?"

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn chuckles slightly, looking at the question "am I the only one to find amusing a question from question?" he says, then nods and listens. "hmm, no, it is something I could do... I would keep his secrets and personal informations somewhere safe, anyways, and communicate only the innocence or what would prove otherwise" he admits, studying question again

Question has posed:
Question nods slowly, "I see, and if this suspect were... someone close by? Say someone who had been brought into the League? Would you still consider probing them? Especially if I asked you to do it without their knowlege?"

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn stares at Question with a considering look "if you had the absolute certainty that I could read your mind, discover your every little secret, but at the same time you knew for sure that none of it would leave my mouth nor my mind, how would you feel?" he turns the question to Question, quietly waiting for an answer

Question has posed:
Question looks at you, "If we were friends, collegues... I would still feel it was a violation of trust. It would have to be for a very damn good reason."

He then says, "Murder is a good enough reason, wouldn't you think? Though this would certainly put you at odds with the Bat if he were to find out."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn nods, understandingly. "you must understand, Q, that I scanned the mind of almost every single person on Earth... But my readings are usually to the point... If I was looking for, say, your true name in your mind, I wouldn't see your past, your childhood, your lover, your secrets, but I would find what your true name is. That is something that more experienced telepaths can do" he then tilts his head and sighs "murder is a serious enough reason, but then, to scan the mind of a friend, a fellow leaguer, Bats, I would need a very good context..."

Question has posed:
Question reaches up and taps his head again, "Then let me give you a briefing. Let me show you what I have so far." He says offering to let you into his mind voluntarily.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn nods in agreement and aknowledgement and there, in a second, he links his mind with Question's.
It is an almost imperceptible thing, nothing changes, J'onn just stands there, and there's nothing different in Question's mind probably,, yet the thought comes clear in J'onn's voice in the man's mind 'if you think abou t what you want me to see, I won't have to scan through your life...'

Question has posed:
Question opens his mind, and inside you find yourself in a dark black space in the center of which is a lone interrogation table. There is a spotlight on it and two chairs in which the Question sits in one of them. Upon the table sits a case folder. He gestures and invites you to sit down in the chair across from him. Spinning the folder around he opens it up...

Mickey "The Grip" Granger likes to do his work in the places where refuse likes to gather. Back alleys, garbage dumps, junk yards, sewage plants, even the occasional recycling center. It makes body disposal so much more convenient when there is actually a place to "dump" the body. A known killer for hired contracts, and his hatred of women. This time his victim, a city employee named Franklin Welbourne, was discovered in a bar's dumpster in Hub City. The police were well on the case but let it go cold figuring that the murderer had left their jurisdiction... they were right.

The Question knew that Mickey had left town. Mister Welbourne was a city accountant about to blow open a nest of corruption that had once again rooted itself deeply into the City's central nervous system. This time it was in the city's public transportation office. Now the accountant was dead and the case went with him. It was more than that however. Left behind were three kids and a overworked wife. They were left in dire straights and would soon fall into deep poverty because of the death.

As Victor Sage, investigative reporter, the story was dead too. That didn't matter to the Question though. He would follow this case no matter where it leads. It took a while to track the killer's movements but the trail lead straight to Gotham. The only other city he knew of, in the western world, that had even more crime and corruption than his own. Once there the trail goes cold for a time until an arrest report comes in describing an attack and attempted robbery on a woman named Alice Adair, an aspiring actress. Mickey must have gotten desparate for cash being on the run and resorted to a juvenile past-time of mugging in an alleyway. He was thwarted and left on the steps of the local police station by none other than the Red Robin.

The case should have ended there....

Question has posed:
Instead, another murder took place. Right there in the precinct holding pens. His body was gone leaving behind a puddle of blood and two "R" shaped shiriken. Alice Adair as it turns out used to be the girlfriend of one Tim Drake. He of course would have no alibi publicly, but he also did not have any access to the police station. Adair had other boyfriends of course, many of them, but only Drake was a former ward of Bruice Wayne. One of several. Question found this interesting. VERY interesting, and now there is missing evidence. Commissioner Gordon, by any measure, is a good man. But his police organization, embarassed by the incident, played it close to the vest and very slow. Gordon had questions, but who to ask? Even Batman told him "I'll look into it."

There is something wrong here. Either the black evil corruption of deliberate murder has crept into the very heart of the Bat Family, or someone is trying very hard to make it look that way. A two-month long investigation stalls leaving the Question no choice but to confront the Caped Crusader about the troubling circumstances surrounding his former ward...

Metalurgical analysis reveals that the shirikan are of a different metal than Red Robin's usual composition. That however does not mean he is innocent. It could just be a countermeasure meant to throw off the forensic investigation. These people KNOW what they are doing after all.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn doesn't move, and apparently nothing gives away he's living the memories in Question's head. But then, after a millisecond, the time needed to relive a memory, he nods "well, then... There is my first thought..." he crosses his arms "if I were me, and I committed some quite not very legal actions, I wouldn't use my trademark weapon... Don't you think?"

Question has posed:
Question nods, "Of course, but again, it may be subterfuge. Placing yourself in the spotlight to avoid suspicion. I need to know for certain if he is guilty or innocent. I must elimiate him with certainty so that I can move on and perhaps uncover a new thread to follow. I cannot ask for the boy's help unless he is eliminated as my suspect, as there are currenly no others. Noone in town knew the man. Noone had followed him from Hub City, I checked the passenger manifests at the airport several days prior and following his arrival. I am missing something and that boy is the key."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn considers the matter quietly for a couple of seconds, then nods "I will talk with him" he just says "I can give you an immediate answer, but being him who he is, I will adopt, extra countermeasures. I will ask his mind just a simple question, and I will give you just the simple answer that I will get from it, yes, or no..."

Question has posed:
Question nods, "That will suffice. I've dug through his garbage enough already. I am not inviting you to do more of it." Though now begs the question, Question thinks to himself. .oO((Can the answers from the Martian be trusted? We shall see. We shall see...))

He shifts his stance a little and gestures, "Now, how about giving me a run-down of your happy home here. And perhaps you can get me entered in whatever databases that are nessesary so that I may return if I need to without getting fried by security?" he asks politely.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn doesn't comment on that thought, nor his body language suggests that he picked it, he may have, he may not have... He however nods at the request "of course... Please, come with me then" he says, starting to walk along the corridor to reach the celtral hub, and it is accessing one of the panels on the wall, and typing quickly on it, that he opens the interface to add Question as a friendly nonshootable nonzappable nondisintegrable nonlaserable noncuttable nonsecuritiable person for the security system...

Question has posed:
Question raises a hand, "One thought, I take several disguises in my profession. Will it know the difference? I assume it uses various scanning methods for identity?" he says. "If so set it for voice-print and tell it to avoid facial scans or fingerprint biometrics. I am sure it uses a similar method for yourself, being a shape shifter."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn nods and indeed sets it on voice print, including however the full bioscan as well "it recognizes you in several other ways, eye scan being one of them. But it scans all of you, so it knows who you are even if you're shapeshifted or wearing masks and gloves... Don't worry it will not mistake you for anyone else and kill you"

Question has posed:
Question mmns, "There are some shape-shifters capable of even copying genetic codes." he eyes you carefully, "Add a password for me, at the end of which I will append a number starting with 1 in hexidecimal based numbers. Advancing it by one with each use. That way the same code will never be used more than precisely once." he says.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn steps to the side and points at the console "program your own password, then... I will adjust it later with the various access levels that will be granted to you" he just says, the console's interface intuitive enough for the man to set at least his password.

Question has posed:
Question steps forward and carefully taps something out. The computer chimes, "Recognition scan complete. Reccognize: Justice League, Dark, number one nine five zero, The Question. Welcome aboard the Watchtower." He blinks at that and nods slowly. "Smart computer you have." ((OOC using my dbref number, wont forget that!))

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn grins slightly, patting one of the walls "of course it's smart, I helped to build it, after all..." he says, just a bit proudly "it will be one of your best friends when you'll be alone, monitoring the monitor room. But we'll get to that soon" he glances around "we are in the central hub, from here, almost every area of the station is accessible... The station is divided into four sectors, a b c and d, clockwise in this order..."

Question has posed:
Question nods listening carefully. Taking in the implication that he too will be serving as monitor from time to time. Being left alone with such a level of access denotes a certain level of trust. All the better to keep an eye on them. "I take it there are hidden trasport points in all the major cities? Can your transporter teleport you up or down from or to anywhere if an emergency arises? I assume this is done through those communicators I've seen in some of your ears."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn nods "of course, at first, you'll perform your duties with other members of the league..." he says matter of factly, trust is ok, but excessive trust not that much... "and yes, we can go pretty much everywhere, even if the main z-tubes are for the main cities... But then" he grins "some of us fly, so..." he shrugs a bit "so we can be everywhere in a moment... If that doesn't work, in the hangar there are transports, spacecrafts, all those useful things... Anyways" he pauses, glancing around and pointing as he speaks "we have the gymnasium and the pool, where we can train and swim, in section A as well as the arboretum... In section B you will find the living quarters, the galley and the place where you will not want to be, the medical center, section C is almost entirely for the hangar, and section D hosts the trophy room, the justice hall, and the workshop. Above you you will find the monitor room, and below you some other places you don't want to be..."

Question has posed:
Question nods slowly taking in all of the information. He then digs into a pocket and pulls out a stoppered vial. "Place this in your infirmary. It will allow you to remove my mask in an emergency. Batman is already aware of my true identity, but if it means saving my life... do what you must."

"The formula is a closely guarded secret. But this works only as a removal agent. Analyzing it will not reveal anything else. If the seal is broken it will transform into a gas. So it should be held close to my mask."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn nods and takes the vial, pocketing it "I will store it somewhere safe, don't worry, and make sure it is known how and when to use it." he says, "well, if there's a particular place you would like to see, feel free to tell me and I will show it to you"

Question has posed:
Question shakes his head, "Merely the way back to Gotham. I have some other matters I must attend to soon."

He smiles, "Nice to meet you again, J'onn." he says making sure to include the accented inflection in with your name, "I apreciate the tour, and your assistance. I will owe you a favor, just ask anytime and I will put my skills and resources to your aid if you ever have need." He then offers his hand once more.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn extends his hand again to shake wQuestion's, then smiles at him "it is a pleasure, feel free to send a message my way should you ever need me for anything." he clasps the man's hand, shaking it briefly and then releasing it, then starts walking towards the monitor room with his transporters, it'll be probably a matter of minutes to explain Question how to get in and out from Gotham, and then safely escort him down there, to then part ways with a "be safe, Question..."