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Sentinels: Protest Panic
Date of Scene: 15 June 2019
Location: Bushwick (Mutant Town), Brooklyn
Synopsis: Sentinels arrive at a protest march. Negasonic, Rachel Grey, Nightcrawler and Thor intervene.
Cast of Characters: Vision, Negasonic Teenage Warhead, Marvel Girl, Nightcrawler, Thor
Tinyplot: Sentinels: Protest Panic
Tinyplot2: Sentinels

Vision has posed:
Despite the heat, Bushwick is buzzing. People are out in droves and gathered outside St. Margaret's Church. A stage has been set up and speakers are taking turns rowsing the crowd to protest against the Sentinels. The crowd is hugely mixed. Mutants and humans, young and old, from a huge range of walks of life have gathered to protest the giant machines that have taken to the skies over New York. Rusticate, a staple Mutant Town punk band is there to perform between speakers. People have placards and many are wearing the yellow and blue of the mutant rights movement, either as clothes, facepaint or both.

The streets are basically shut down by the crowds. NYPD has shown up but is doing nothing more than blocking traffic from going into the few blocks near the church. Even outside that zone though, there are a ton of people on their way to or from the protest, to the bars and eateries nearby or just drawn by the buzz. A few news vans are around as well with their tall masts up, broadcasting the protest live.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Well really Ellie will never blame the oppressed for putting on a good protest. That sort of civil disobedience and quest for social justice is her jam.

Still she was looking forward to going to the club in Mutant Town with Rachel and Kurt. Low key. Spending time with Rachel. Things are still not quite normal but when are things ever normal.

As she is often quoted, our lives are strange.

Still the right thing to do is to watch the protest now and keep an eye out for trouble considering the message the Iron Corpratist gave them about the Sentinel.

Also she can totally tweet and social media this protest to increase it's impact.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Protesting Sentinels? That's Rachel's mission right there. So when she heard there was a protest going on, she was the first to insist they should stop by. Keep an eye on things, make sure everything stayed safe. Maybe contribute a little bit. It's a simple adjustment to change her clothes to close-fitting black, ripped jeans, sturdy boots, and a loose gray tank top, casual enough to fit in with the crowd.

On the alert, she lets her mind roam over the crowd, checking for hot spots where a fight might break out or suspiciously cool spots that might indicate plants of some sort looking for trouble. She's visibly on edge though, radiating enough anger at the idea of Sentinels that most people give her space.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "You two keep an eye out low, I'll go high, ja?" Kurt inquires of Ellie and Rachel. Dropping back to keep them from being enveloped in smoke before he disappears into a cloud of smoke with the chuff of air rushing into place. Appearing on the roof of the churge, pullling off his casual wear, his uniform beneath, adjusting how his plates sit as he clings to the eves, looking down at the proceedings.
    **"Comms check, am I coming in?"** a finger pressing a bead pushed into his ear, testing his signal.

Thor has posed:
    Why was the Mighty Thor here, at a protest for mutant rights? The Asgardian has never seemed excessively involved with such things in the past. Nay, it was hard for Thor to grasp the very concept, as to his Godly eyes, all Midgardians are simply equal. Midgardians. Each man, woman and child are judged only by their hearts in the eyes of the King of New Asgard. So why WAS he here?

    Word is that the King had planned on making an announcement here, to declare New Asgard as a safe haven, a refuge, for mutants in the wake of this new Sentinel threat. One that he had a very real, and personal investment in seeing stopped. One that burned in his chest like the fires of Muspelheim themselves. And so, among the crowd, the tall, blonde Asgardian walks, though surprisingly unassuming in his countenance. Without his regalia on, replaced instead with a simple hoodie, t-shirt, and jeans, coupled with his legendary blonde locks shorn close to his scalp, he just seems like an imposing figure, but a mundane one.

Vision has posed:
There is a massive whine, like an approaching jetliner. An enormous shadow blankets the main protest area. People point as a Sentinel lands in the middle of the street west of the church. It is huge, taller than the two storey buildings that predominate in this area. No sooner do people realize it has arrived than another touches down to the east and a final one to the south.

The Sentinels each look over the crowd, rays of light lancing outward and scanning. The crowd is stunned into silence. Nobody moves.

"SURRENDER MUTANTS!" commands the western Sentinel.

The crowd erupts. With an almost animal roar the crowd turns and surges toward the western Sentinel. They swarm around its feet, yelling and shouting.

"SENTINEL NO! SENTINEL NO!" the crowd chants.

The second command from the western Sentinel is almost drowned out by the noise. The scanning lights from the Sentinels abruptly go out.

Yellow light lances out from the eyes of the western Sentinel and hits a mutant that looks like a walking gecko. The young man falls to the ground in pain and his body begins to revert to human. More yellow lights lance out from the other two Sentinels, hitting other mutants, some obvious and some not. All are in pain and the obvious ones seem to turn human again quickly.

Marvel Girl has posed:
"Reading you loud and clear, Nightcrawler," Rachel responds, hands in her pockets as she wades through the crowd. "People seem to be...normal. For a protest definition of normal." Meaning they're angry, as they've got every right to be, but it doesn't look like anything's going to break into a riot.

That is until a pair of Sentinels show up.

"Correction, these people have really confused senses of self-preservation." With a thought, the jeans and tank top shift into reinforced leather in all black, a shield of force going up around her to keep from getting buried in the stampede of the crowd. On the one hand, she admires their willingness to fight. On the other, she knows they're probably not equipped for it.

Step one: Manifest a fireball around the Sentinel hand firing those power dampening beams.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
"Comms check and right on time. Fuck."

Ellie is not in uniform, really because it makes you stand out and is kind of hard to observe when in New Mutant or X-Men gear. She does pivot "We should spread out Rache." then after as beat "I've got the one to the east...." already moving lower and along the edge of the crowd towards a News Van. She is relying on people and cars mostly to block her from the line of site with the sentinels.

World athletes take about 14 seconds to run a 100m Dash. Ellie is moving slower. Mostly because by god she is not in that good of shape.

There is an aura that is already starting to flicker and glow around her now, as the air starts to ignite. It continues to flare and pop and light on fire as she slows her roll and walks down the length of the news van.

She knows she can't get within the area of effect of their nullifier field .. and those beams.. for fucks sake...

Still it is going to be on like Donkey Kong once she does her thing so she takes a bit of time on this first salvo. Trusting Rachel and Kurt and maybe Thor to handle and distract things.

About the point the side of the news van is starting to melt from the build up she kips to the side and directs her hands up at the Sentinels midsection, not really expecting it to dodge .. but just in case it does she needs this to aim for it's center mass.

Kintetic Blast away.

Somewhere north of 38 tons of explosive force.

They will definitely hear this for some distance and there will be a lot of window damage.

Honestly this is why Ellie doesn't like Urban battles but Sentinels go where Sentinels go.

Hopefully she hits and these things explode like in the Danger Room when she does this trick they have trained for.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    **"Ellie, if I came to you and brought you up, could you get enough charge for a head shot?"** Kurt watches for now, hackles up. Tail lashing and wanting to move people out of the way, but he can't risk exhausting himself just yet.
    Pained expression on his face, he keeps his profile small, trying to keep out of visual range. He can't strike them with fists, and his swords are back at the mansion. His eyes turn to the wrought iron cross atop the church roof, brow knitting. "Vater, vergib, dass ich dein Friedenssymbol benutze, um Krieg zu führen." fingers working as if his rosary was out and in hand.
    **"I may have an alternate idea... if that won't work."**

Thor has posed:
    No sooner than Thor hears that sound, possibly even sooner than anyone else in this crowd with his divine senses, the hooded behemoth raises one open hand, extended out to his side, as if expectant of catching something. Overhead, the skies begin to darken, as stormy grey clouds originate at an epicenter just over the Thunder God's head, rolling outwards in all directions ominously. Almost inky black, those clouds strobe with flashes of promised lightning held within their layered depths, while a rumbling of thunder heralds their arrival.

    A strange whining hum resounds, growing louder, even over the crowd. A glint of light on brushed steel creates a streak as the great warhammer Mjolnir comes hurtling through the air like a meteor, in a crash course for the back of one of the Sentinel's head, for what should amount to a Mjolnir-powered Gibbs Smack. Regardless of whether or not the Sentinel might evade, that magical hammer will find its way home, to the open hand of the Odinson, who shall hoist it high overhead.


    A Brilliant and violent bolt of crackling blue lightning, branches of twisting and raw, unrestrained power wrapping and entangling itself, creates a nearly perfect pillar from the sky to the ground where the hooded Thunderer stands. Before the deluge of power has even finished raining down on the Asgardian, he erupts from within it, exiting the pillar of lightning in an incredible leap, easily rising up to a near fifty full feet. Hammer in hand. Lightning glistening off of polished armored scales. Power crackling in arcs from glowing blue eyes. Lightning branching off of him in every direction, reaching out for the nearest conductive source, like he is a living Tesla Coil. Red cape billowing out behind him dramatically. His bearded jaw set stern, his teeth gritting as frothy spittle of rage flies from the corners of his mouth.

    "HAVE AT THEE!!!" The King of New Asgard bellows, and with his shout comes another deafening crack of thunder, as the turbulent clouds overhead begin raining lightning down on the Sentinel to the south, while the God himself plummets towards it with Mjolnir raised high overhead to deliver a potentially metallic skull shattering blow, Odin willing.

Vision has posed:
Protestors are beating on the foot of the western Sentinel. Some have climbed on the foot. A few are even spray painting 'Mutant = Human" on it. The crowd really does not react to the initial depowering blasts, though there is a sort of ripple effect in the crowd a short distance from the western Sentinel where mutant protestors hesitate a step or two when the hit the nullifier field.

Flames leap up around the head of the western Sentinel. It immediately stops firing nullifier bolts. Blinded, it's relatively unsophisticated AI attempts to clear the sensors by taking a step backwards. Huge feet lift and move. People scream. The crowd turns and begins pushing away from the Sentinel. It is hard to see whether everyone got out of the way through all the bodies, except for Kurt. From his vantage point he can see the crowd is doing more trample damage than the Sentinel at this point. The western Sentinel raises a hand and looks for the source of the disruption.

Then there is an absolutely deafening boom. People nearest to Negasonic scream and clutch at their heads. Windows shatter in a wave that rushes down the street from Negasonic, over the heads of protestors, and slams into the chest of the eastern Sentinel. Its last nullifying beam before the strike blazes uselessly into the sky as the gigantic metal robot is knocked onto the back of its heels. There is a moment where the thing seems to hang impossibly in the air, then it falls over backwards. It lands on its back with a resounding boom, through up clouds of dust and sending a shudder through the street. People scream and try to run out of the way. Negasonic can see some people running toward her out of the dust as people stream away from the downed Sentinel.

The southern Sentinel was methodically nullifying mutants until Mjolnir went right through the back of its head. The thing freezes in place with a gaping hole in its face. It sparks and sizzles.

In the distance, two nearby airborne Sentinels change flight paths immediately and begin flying toward the protest.

The western Sentinel identifies both Thor and Negasonic as threats, points one hand at each and lets loose energy charges at them.

Marvel Girl has posed:
"Note to file: invest in a hammer for Storm," Rachel notes as Thor calls the lightning, briefly distracted from the fight by the noise and the spectacle of it all.

"Alternative plan, damage control," she says through the comms as the first couple of sentinels start to tumble under the powerful attacks from Thor and Negasonic. As Thor's sentinel starts to fall, Rachel reaches out with her telekinesis to catch it instead, levitating it upwards. It's heavy enough that her brows furrow with concentration, but she can lift it - as long as she can focus.

Rachel has sometimes been described as a blunt object when it comes to her powers. All force, no finesse. But the good news is, this isn't really a task for finesse. Hefting the fallen Sentinel, she lifts it with her mind...and flings it at one of the oncoming sentinels. Fastball special!

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Well okay that was a bit different than the simulator. Not the shockwave of the blast mind you... she hasn't ever tested her upper limit but well... she is forbidden to. Still it was more satisfing and a lot adrenaline than the danger room, despite hard light still hurting.

"Gah... Nightcrawler pick me up and get me to a new perch.. if I drop on one though it will cut my blast out .. if I am the warhead... vs. lobbing it... "

Which well she ducks back towards the news van, adding a blast aroudnd herself, fraction of a second for super speed on that dodge and also the benefit of her blast shield.:

Nightcrawler has posed:
    **"Copy, brace. You won't like the feeling"** Kurt responds on comms, appearing next to Ellie. **"We're going to have to keep them from trampling each other"** *BAMF! Negasonic learns first thing what it is like to travel nigh instantaneously through space, crossing dimensions and reappearing atop one of the appartment buildings overlooking the chaos.
    Kurt stands, hands on her shoulders to stabelize her as needed. "If you want, prep a charge I can put your right over one of them and get away before you launch."
    He cranes his body to look at the sentinals attacking, "I can start pulling people out, with a big enough corridor opened up with more of those things destroyed, ja?"

Thor has posed:
    Standing above the sparking, fallen husk of his felled Sentinel, the Mighty does not yet look appeased. His nostrils flare, his chest heaving as he takes in deep breaths. Still, lightning and power roil off of him in every direction. His fists clench so tight that his knuckles are the color of polished bone. Mjolnir is dropped, hanging only by the leather cord that Thor holds in his fist. He swings it, letting it circle about until it creates a sound not unlike the propeller of a helicopter.

    His arm thrusts upwards, and Thor takes to the air once again, turning his blazing electrical eyes on to the Sentinel to the we--

    Thor gets enveloped by a blast of energy. It scorches him, and the force of it sends the Golden Avenger soaring through the air ragdolling end over end until he crashes into the old brick of an apartment building, leaving a cracked crater, from which bits of broken clay fall about him. Smoke rises from the black, armored vestment of the King of New Asgard, and he shakes his head, clearing the cobwebs before he sets his focus one more on the Sentinel to the west, the source of that blast.

    Thor moves with a speed that leaves him little more than a blur of red and black, sweeping low to the ground, just over the heads of the fleeing protestors. Like a guided missile, the Norse Warrior God bullets towards his quarry, only to rise up at the very last moment. An underhanded swing, as Thor blasts heavenward, coupled with a perfectly time lightning bolt, promises a dramatic and thunderous uppercut to be delivered to the underside of the Death Machine's chin, while Thor's booming voice resounds, even over the panic and screams and klaxon calls of alarms. "SHO! RYU! KEN!!!"

Vision has posed:
People are pouring northward now, the crowd taking the only open direction to it. People are swept along and some fall. Absurdly, the punk band Rusticate starts playing something angry sounding from the stage at the church as people run by scream. The police are yelling at people to clear the area.

The blast aimed for Negasonic chews into the news van and loses much of its force. It hits her shield hard in a bright ruby flare, but is nothing she cannot handle. Then she is gone and on the roof with Kurt. She and Kurt have a great view. Two Sentinels are rocketing in from the east at full blast. Another takes off from between buildings somewhere to the south.

The Sentinel with the hole in its head rises up above the crowd, then the builds as if raised by an invisible hand. Then it flies east out at enormous speed. One of the two approaching Sentinels veers right but the other is not able to avoid the oncoming mass. It is just too heavy to move quickly. The dead Sentinel impacts the flying one. The dead one goes spinning off and down to the north towards Williamsburg and the flying one careens south toward Brooklyn proper.

The western Sentinel seemed to be readying itself for another volley of fire when Thor rockets out from the building. The thing's head is torn clear off, flies up, and starts coming down 200 meters away in a parabolic arc. The Sentinel's body creaks and groans and starts falling backwards. There are people who were knocked down or trampled in the initial rushes to and from this sentinel by the crowd, who are going to be landed on.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Limit collateral damage. That's all Rachel can think as giant robots go flying. The more people get hurt in this fight, the worse mutants are going to come out of this. The more Sentinels they'll send.

As the two damaged Sentinels go flying, Rachel reaches out with her mind to stop them. Because the way her luck works out, they're likely to land on an elementary school otherwise. Unfortunately, the weight of them, at this distance, is enough to strain even her powers.

The shield around her starts to flicker in and out, as people bump into them and the force jars her concentration. << Hey! >> Thor will hear the voice in his mind, though there's no telling how he'll feel about that. << Falling Sentinel head should not hit people! >> She doesn't have enough metaphorical hands to add that to her juggling act, and it's too big for Kurt and Ellie, but maybe a god can handle it.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
"Thanks Kurt.... actually I have an idea.... take me up about 1500 feet above the one that just popped up in the south.. drop me... when I let go of the blast grab me and bring us back here?"

Ellie knows if she makes herself the missile, well she will end up within the AOE of the Sentinel and her blast may just cut off... or maybe just explode early with all the energy built up to that point which could be bad for everyone near her when she hits the field.

She steps back into Kurt's hands so he can snag her .... and then ... free style skydiving.

The charge is beginning to be built up as soon as Kurt lets go... the air whistling and burning around her like a falling star as she builds it up for about 12 seconds before letting this one go on the southern Sentinel.

Somehow despite the time being less the blast is way more potent ... the friction of the falling is added in and multiplied somehow by her power.

It isn't quite as big as the first blast, only about 24 tons of explosive force straight down into it hopefully.

"Now geeeet me" she says over the comms to Kurt ... worst case she will pop up another blast if it looks like she is going to hit the ground to save herself but come on, Kurt is like a pro at this.

Thor has posed:
    Thor has been battling for thousands of years. He has been an Avenger from the start. Thor does not battle unmindful of collateral damage. Nay. Not unless he has given himself over to the Warrior's Madness, which, thankfully, he has not. Still in the air after his decapitating blow to the Sentinel, the Thunder God zips down to clutch at the rim of the sparking, open neck stump of the Sentinel's body, so that it might not fall down and crush the innocents who had so foolishly swarmed the giant, walking beast of steel and wire that yearned only for their destruction. Grasping it, Thor hoists Mjolnir upwards, to give him more lift and to carry him, and his towed Sentinel corpse, heavenward.

    That's when he hears Rachel's voice in his mind. That shattered head, still flipping through the air as it starts to descend, is given a cursory glance, before a brilliant blast of lightning and thunder crackles from the head of his hammer, and races at the head. The force of the blast alone should be enough to shatter the robotic skull into little more than glittery metallic sawdust and small, relatively harmless parts.


    His body jerks to the side, using all of his force to twist, spiraling in the air once, twice, and then one last third time to hurl the body of the beheaded Sentinel far away, into the empty lot of a burnt out husk of what was once a tenement building.


Vision has posed:
Rachel reaches out to control the two falling Sentinels. But the robots are simply too massive, moving too fast and too far away for her to do anything more than guide their descent as they continue to plummet to the ground.

The Sentinel coming from the south is hit by all 24 tons of force. The effect is almost comedic. The Sentinel just suddenly drops like something landed on it. The massive down thrust and its own weight mean it cannot correct its inertia and it flies head first into a resident building. It leaves a gaping who in the side, exposing the insides of apartments. Broken pipes pour out water and people scream.

The Mighty Thor does indeed blast the head and toss the western Sentinel into an abandoned building.

The remaining Sentinel flying in from the east turns upright abruptly and fires both hands at full blast at Thor.

On the street, the eastern Sentinel that Negasonic first hit rises to its feet. It has a massive dent in its chest but seems functional. It raises a hand and fires a nullifying beam at Negasonic and Kurt. With the other hand it fires a second nullifying beam at Rachel, one of the only people standing around and looking purposeful as the crowd flees northward.

Marvel Girl has posed:
<< Thank you. >> Hey, someone managed to get something about manners through to Rachel! Even if she only uses them to thank thunder gods for the utter destruction of mutant-killing robots.

As she loses the Sentinels in her mental grasp, she does her best to land them away from people to the best of her ability to judge - at least she can triangulate between her telepathy and telekinesis. But another hits a residential building, and the shock from the people inside slams through her mind like a hot metal spike, drawing a curse.

That and the sudden surge of her telekinetic powers when they're no longer taxed by the weight of two distant Sentinels staggers her for a moment. Her personal shields shatter, which would probably be a bad thing except that it suddenly allows the crowd to close in around her and push her forward and to the side, hopefully out of the path of the Sentinel's beam.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
"Son of a bitch" when the Sentinel hits the residential building. Okay can she generate enough charge to blow these things to absolute bits.


Is that safe to do in New York City.

No .. No it is not.

Stupid urban combat.

Ellie clings to Kurt as he snags her out of the air and then "Heads up!" as the original one she flattened fires a beam.

More clinging to Kurt as he bamphs them again now. "crap crap...." is Ellie's mantra now. "Hopefully Thor can finish that one.. two.. take us behind the one I dented... maybe if I hit it in the head...."

More bamphing.

"Rachel.. you okay??" okay there were two blasts, that has Ellie worried because well she cares about Rachel a lot.

Thor has posed:
    Thor hovers in the air, held aloft by the rotating whir of his mighty hammer, after his boastful display. His eyes burn, the blue light emanating from their sockets firing sparks of electrical rage in every direction, which also courses along his body, rippling along armored sleeves, and sizzling around the metal disks that adorn his midsection.

    The blast from the incoming Sentinel slams into the Thunder God, bathing him in light and force and heat. The cape burns from his shoulders, becoming little more than ribbons of ember and ash that dissipate in the light. The outer layer of black leather on his armor sears, bubbles, and peels back, revealing the sturdier under layer in random places. The Asgardian's flesh sizzles, the gossamer sheen of perspiration that had covered his brow evaporating in an instant. Thor is sent pushed back, carried on the wave of concussive force by the blast further, higher into the sky.

    Belting out a war cry, the storm clouds over head erupt with flashes of lightning, and cracks of thunder that rattle what windows remain unshattered by Ellie's own displays of power. Thor flings Mjolnir forward, pushing back into the blast with all of his might, using the hammer itself to blunt and lessen the pressure of the force levied upon his person, as he travels down that beam back to its source.

    Should he make it? His trajectory will carry his body like a human bullet through the hand of the Sentinel, splintering it into a thousand and more shards of rent steel.

Vision has posed:
The Sentinel flying toward Williamsburg is pushed north and west. It narrowly avoids the docks and crashes into the East River. The one heading toward Brooklyn proper flies between two skyscrapers, narrowly missing, then plummets headfirst into the grass in Potomac Park.

When Rachel's shields shatter, it is like a rock being moved in a river. People flow into the empty space. Then comes the nullifying beam. It is like being hit with an ice spike that drives into all her bones. A middle-aged man running past her gasps in shock and stumbles. A teenager of indeterminate sex dressed in black leather or latex freezes, eyes wide and uncomprehending, and crumples to their knees.

The beam fired at Negasonic and Kurt finds nothing but empty air.

The main body of the crowd has dispersed into the streets to the north of the church. Police cars, ambulances and fire trucks are racing to the scene, and to the damaged residential building.

The scene in the sky is spectacular. The ruby red beam from the massive Sentinel hits Thor and surges around him, enveloping him in its brutal heat. Then the massive peal of thunder. Then the beam widens and disperses in a disc at the head of a shockwave Mjolnir creates as it races toward the Sentinel. Thor goes right up the beam through the hand of the Sentinel and up its left arm. The Sentinel is rocked by the impact. It spins in the air, struggling to maintain its hover. The erratic flight path causes the right hand beam to sway wildly before the Sentinel can shut it down. It sears scorch lines across several buildings below.

Metal tentacles snake out of the hand of the eastern Sentinel and arc toward Rachel and the two mutants near her.


Marvel Girl has posed:
"Shit." Rachel curses as she feels her shields collapse, then feels...nothing. The sudden silence of no minds around her, no sense of the very molecules that make up the world, is like going blind and deaf in a moment. With the fall of her powers, so too falls the illusion that hides the marks on her face, leaving her bare to the world.

"I'm not hurt, but my powers are down," she replies to Ellie over the comms. "Might need an extraction here."

Then again, she's a Grey-Summers. They're not really known for giving up.

The first thing she does is tug at the others who've fallen around her, trying to get them up and running away again. The second thing she does is run //toward// the Sentinel. They're big, but they're not the brightest machines around, or the nimblest. Not this version, at least.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
"Kurt... get Rachel. I'll distract."

Negasonic slams her shoulder into another news truck and builds up a charge behind it, and then sends it and the charge itself up at the Sentinel flinging grabbing tentacles at Rachel with explosive force.

Really she is trying to buy Rachel enough ground to get out of the things AOE so Kurt can bamph in and snag Rachel and her depowered new friends and get back out.

Thor has posed:
    The Odinson flies past the Sentinel that he's engaged, only to whip himself back around on Mjolnir's flight, his scorched and soot covered form being drug along for the ride. As he nears his robotic foe, he releases the hammer, allowing it to soar past the machine head (it's better than the rest), while the God himself freefalls. Drawing back his fist, Thor just levels a flying Superman punch aimed at the Sentinel's jaw, before blowing past it to fall to the earth. Tucking and rolling, Thor is back on his feet in a split second.

    "Come now! Show me what you are really made of, Monster!" He cries out, pounding his chest with his fists and then spreading his arms out to invite the robot to take his best shot. "Call your friends! Let all face defeat at the hands of Thor!"

    He's not, it seems, unaware of the crisis that may be developing for the other heroes he finds his allies in this battle. Perhaps he can lure the Sentinels into focusing on the threat that's offering itself up, instead of chasing down Rachel and her depowered charges.

Vision has posed:
Rachel manages to get the two mutants near her moving again.

Metal tentacles fly toward Rachel. Suddenly a white van sails through the air from the left and slams into the Sentinel's outstretched hand. The impact sends the arm swinging, taking the tentacles with it. The Sentinel reacts by raising the other and firing a ruby red blast at Negasonic.

The Sentinel that Thor punched spins on its axis, further destabilized by the blow. The head is bent at an odd angle and the thing is having no success in getting itself back under control. As it rolls and flails for balance it falls towards the church.

Emergency crews are just getting on the ground. They rush in to help people evacuate. The singer of Rusticate, long since abandoned by his bandmates, sings inaudibly into a dead microphone to what looks like the scene of a natural disaster.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel ducks as Negasonic fires the van at the Sentinel, but she's not going to let it reciprocate unchecked. Not if there's anything she can do about it, at least. Ducking down, she picks up a handful of rubble from the ground and chucks it piece by piece at the Sentinel's face.

"Pick. On someone. Your own size!"

If nothing else, she should be distracting.

She doesn't stick around for long though, dropping off the arm and hitting the ground running at full speed to get out of its nullifying range and clear for extraction.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Well. Hell.

Maybe Rachel helps some.

It is a two story metal monster though.

Ellie blast dodges, it is a very kinetic form of super speed.

She still doesn't have a lot of time to build up a charge.

The blast clips her blast shield and shatters it and ends up throwing her explosively into a bodega.... sending her tumbling through the glass and into the store...

"Ow..." over the comms "I'm.. uh headed out the back..." she sounds pained.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    Makinga decision, Kurt nods to Ellie's call for him to give Rachel an extract. Aparating first to the top of the church, to take hold of the cross atop it, **"I'll get her, be careful Negasonic, I'll come for you next."** his voice bleeds gently over comms still, he's speaking German, quickly and there is a warble over the line as he concentraits - the only word for non-speakers that is clear is an almost whispered 'Amen' and then BAMF!
    Appearing from an alleyway, just ahead of Rachel, trying to keep out of range of the nullifying affect as he leaps, trying to catch the youngers Summers in what would look like a flying body tackle if not for how he twists himself before they disappear into indigo smoke to appear upon the church roof. "I think I will need to try and teleport something into it Rachel." breathing hard with the effort he's made thus far. He drops into a crouch, running like a cat towards the metal cross overlooking the street.

Thor has posed:
    Oh no you don't! Thor isn't going to cause a major news incident by being branded responsible for the destruction of a Christian church during his battle. That would spark all kinds of headlines about the Asgardians declaring war on Christianity and no end of grief for his people. That is definitively not going to happen.

    So, as the robot teeters towards the church, Thor simply holds up his hand, which brings Mjolnir circling back around to try to collide with the back of the metal monstrosity, sending it tipping forward instead. That way, at least, it would be falling towards him.

    Thor's arms rise overhead as the metallic beast comes toppling forward towards him. He catches it with his hands, his arms bulging and straining against the impact, just enough that a few scales of his charred armor pop off and hit the cracked pavement with a soft tinkling sound. Under his beard, his lips pull back from gritted teeth, and the Thunderer's eyes flare once again with divine lightning, which he calls down from the stormy skies overhead to rain down on the back of the machine that he holds aloft in the streets. The hope to be to make sure it is as "dead" as it can be, before he half tosses it to the side, where it might land on a car, but ultimately, do little damage to life or property.

    "My friends!" Thor bellows out, "Verily we shall overcome these foul automatons! The Lightning-Bringer shall end this thusly!"

Vision has posed:
Rachel runs up to the Sentinel. Climbing the 50 foot robot is simply not feasible and she gets no further than the top of its foot. Its arm is over two stories above her head. Throwing rocks 40 or more feet to its head is equally ineffective. The Sentinel takes no notices of Rachel, and focuses on the most immediate threat. Rachel manages to run just far enough that Kurt can show up and get her out.

Reappearing on the church roof gives Rachel and Kurt a perfect view of a Sentinel falling out of the sky towards them. Thankfully, Mjolnir hits the thing, alters its fall and it drops on top of Thor. He jolts it and there is an acrid smell when he tosses the inert chassis to the ground.

The remaining Sentinel, the one that tried to grab Rachel, fires a ruby blast at Thor.

"Madre de dios, are you okay?!" A middle aged hispanic man with a pock-marked face looks down at Negasonic. He reaches down, offering to help her get out of the display case she crashed into after going through the window. There is glass everywhere. A young girl peeks around a concrete pillar in the store and the man waves her back behind cover.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
"Let me know if you're clear... if so pick me up in the alley behind the bodega." sounding still in pain over comms as she accepts the hand up from the bodega owner.

She has a lot of little nicks and a nice scalp wound from the plate glass. She also is craddling her left in her right. The leather she wears did a very good job other than her head and nothing can help the sprain or break on her arm, even a nice coat.

Ellie makes her way into the back of the store and then out into the alley now. Moving a bit gingerly.

Marvel Girl has posed:
"Nightcrawler!" Rachel calls after the other mutant. "It hit me, my powers are out. I'm gonna need some help getting down from here. And then we should grab Negasonic and get out of here before we get blamed for it." Thor seems to have the Sentinels finished off, the civilians have fled, and the authorities are showing up. It's time to hit the road.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "Ja, best to get out of here..." Kurt says as he returns to Rachel, **"We're coming Negasonic, no worries..."** closing in on Rachel, "Stay loose." hands in her arm pits and tail around her waist before he leaps into a backflip, carrying her with appear in the alley with her where Negasonic called.
    **"In position Negasonic"** waiting for Ellie to arrive, keeping them out of sight if he can. "Ach I am getting such headaches." sighing as he fights through the exhaustion.

Thor has posed:
    Again, the red light of that scorching beam washes over the Asgardian, who only raises an arm to shield himself, for what little good that does. He steps forward. Once. Twice. A third time, and then his pace quickens, jogging, and then running the last few yards he needs to make it to that Sentinel that is the last to stand. As he does so, Mjolnir comes rushing in to his hand as Thor leaps from the pavement, bathed in light. He catches the hammer and swings with all of his mind, at the inside of one of the robotic beast's knees, intending to blow it out and make the thing buckle. A backswing has a similar intention to the other. And as Thor's jump descends, he brings the hammer straight down, crashing it to the pavement just underneath his foe, creating another large, blinding column of lightning that creates a bridge between the earth and the sky, and cuts a searing swath through anything in its path.

    Unless the Fates had more battle in store for him today, Thor's glaring countenance stares forward as he heaves in heavy gulps of air. His flesh is stained with soot and sweat. His hair matted. His armor is mostly tattered and in ruins. His mismatched eyes of blue and copper survey the scene before him, and he allows his shoulders to drop.

    "Hey," He calls out. "I do believe that we have won the day... We should celebrate this victory with mead and women! Come friends! I know just the place."