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Latest revision as of 02:05, 21 June 2019

Looking Like A Human Again
Date of Scene: 20 June 2019
Location: Teacher's Lounge - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Kitty meets with Colt to give him an image inducer and talk about the New Mutants
Cast of Characters: Shadowcat, Colt Cassidy

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty sent a message over to Colt. The guidance counselor said she had something for him and asked if he could stop by the teacher's lounge during a time frame that she would be there.

And now is that time frame. She's sitting there working on her laptop. There's a wristwatch sitting next to her on the table, and there's a bottle of Sunkist nearby which she takes a sip from, then goes back to work. "Didn't really think just the encryption was going to keep me out, did you?" she says, giving a little sad shake of her head, and worrying about the future of cybersecurity if this is all the better that public school systems can manage for it these days. "And... transcripts... there we go," she says.

Colt Cassidy has posed:
Extra chores around the mansion and afternoon detention is well worth the experience he got fighting a Sentinel. Even if he did get in a bit over his head, he learned a lot. He hopes he's not in any more trouble as he comes into the teacher's lounge, "Hello, Ms Pryde." He says upon entering, "I got the message to come on down, so I did."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde looks up and smiles at Colt. "Please, just Kitty," she tells him. "It wasn't that long ago I was a student here, too," she tells him. "Come on over and have a seat. I have something for you," she says, typing something else to finish up and then iconizing what she was working on.

She pulls up a different program on her computer instead, something with Image Inducer Configuration at the top, and a picture of Colt. She slides the laptop out of the way though as she picks up the wristwatch. "It would have been best if you'd done as Ororo said. But... not everyone, when faced with danger, moves to help their fellow man. Detention or no, I was impressed that you have that spark in you," she says, motioning to the seat.

Colt Cassidy has posed:
Colt moves over and takes the offered chair, and then smiles a bit, "Well..The other mutants were really nice to me, I had to do something to help them." He says, "Even back before I transformed I was kinda, I dunno, not really social? I liked to hang out in my room and play my guitar more than anything else. A long time ago I heard somebody say if you have the ability to help someone you have the responsibility to help someone."

Shadowcat has posed:
"That's kind of how I look at it too," Kitty tells Colt. "And there are others at the school who feel that way. I'm sure you noticed Rogue and Storm and I were kind of prepared. Some of the faculty, we work together as a superhero team. And there are students who are in training for it. We call them the New Mutants. Samuel Guthrie heads them up, and I think you'd be a good candidate for them. I'll make sure he talks to you about it if he hasn't already," Kitty says.

She holds up the wristwatch then. "So, I imagine you know that we keep secret that the student body are mutants. One of the ways we do that is the students who can't pass for mundane humans, we give one of these. It's called an Image Inducer. A holographic transmitter, designed by Tony Stark, but we've made a few of our own alterations to it. It'll create a fake image around you," Kitty explains. She turns it on and light flickers around Kitty and then she looks like an eighteen year old boy. "The exact appearance can be altered. I set this one up to look a lot like you did before your mutation emerged. But not /exactly/ like you," she says.

Kitty turns it off, returning to her normal appearance. The human boy she'd appeared as was clearly meant to be closer to Colt's size than to Kitty's. "This one is for you. We /could/ make it look exactly how you used to. But that also could mean someone might track the appearance back to you if you were ever on a camera somewhere. So I'd recommend you go with this appearance. But if you really want to look like yourself instead, we can?"

Colt Cassidy has posed:
"Oh well, that's awesome. I mean...I saw you all had those outfits that looked much easier to fight in than jeans and a t-shirt. I will try to get in touch with Sam soon."

As far as the watch goes, he hmms a bit, "I knew you had them, uh. Sibilance showed up with one the day they saved me." He replies, as he reaches out to take the watch, putting it on his left wrist and looking over it, "Oh hey it's actually a watch too."

He turns it on, and it projects that image over him, "Is there a way to change the image from on the watch itself? Or do I need like a phone app that ties in with Bluetooth?" He wonders, as he turns it off again, "And how does it manage to hide my tail?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty watches as Colt tries it out. "You'll have to keep your tail up against your body so it doesn't stick through the hologram. It will try to adapt, like if you bend your head or move your arm out, it will move the hologram accordingly. But something it just doesn't have a tail, it can't cover for if you move it away from your body too far," she says.

"It takes quite a bit to make a new image. These are a simple model with just one image usually. We don't usually let students change their images once they've settled on something that works for them. Early on there was more freedom, but then guests would show up where everyone needed to don theirs, and we had famous people suddenly appearing as students, or characters from movies. You know how people like to mess around. But these are for everyone's safety," Kitty explains. "So we don't want people messing with them without good reason. Most of the senior staff know how to program them," she says.

Colt Cassidy has posed:
"Oh you mean like that Wade guy from the other day who was running around as Chuck Norris." He replies to Kitty like it's honestly a normal thing that happens around here, "I might wanna go with a darker hair color but overall I think it looks pretty good."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty lets out a soft sigh. "Ah. You met Wade. He is... ah... eccentric," Kitty says, picking her words carefully. "I didn't realize he had one. Though it shouldn't surprise me. As I mentioned, Tony Stark came up with the technology first, so there are other ways of getting them, than the school," Kitty says.

She turns to her laptop and pulls up the image that was being used on the Image Inducer. She adjust the hair color a bit and shows it to Colt, working with him until he finds it satisfactory. "And, tiny change like that is easy to upload. A full new appearance can take awhile to build and transfer," she says as she clicks the send button and the new appearance uploads. "We'll shut down the wireless on it once configured, so no one can pick up on it or hack in," she says.

Kitty shows Colt the controls. It's pretty simple, with a cover over the button so it won't be hit accidentally. "Just, you know how it is, we're trying to remain secret for the safety of everyone. So it's here if you feel better being out in public with it. But you don't have to. There's nothing wrong with looking the way you do," Kitty says.

Colt Cassidy has posed:
"I know I haven't looked like this for a while." Colt says, as he turns it on again and then back off, "But I kinda like it. I mean yeah, if I try to go to a Friends of Humanity rally it might draw some un-wanted attention but for the most part I'm good...But since we need to keep the presence of mutants at the school hidden, I get it."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde smiles to Colt and nods as he expresses his understanding of the situation. "I don't know how tough it is to keep your tail up, but if you need we could get you a velcro strap to help hold it in place while you're using it," she says. Kitty pulls up her email and sends a message off. "And I mentioned to Sam about talking to you about the New Mutants. They learn to use their powers to help people, like you did at the rally. So, hopefully it is a good fit. Not all of the students are invited in. It takes a certain mindset," she says.

Kitty closes up her laptop, then sips the last of her Sunkist. "Ok, I need to get to it. Let me know if you have any issues with it. I'll email you the full documentation for it. Just plugs into a USB slot for recharging, or can recharge wirelessly," she says. She rises from her chair. "Thanks again for helping out at the rally," she says. And while Colt is on detention, later Kitty will come phasing up through the floor to slip him a pudding cup and a spoon.