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Galileo! Galileo! Galileo, figaro...
Date of Scene: 23 June 2019
Location: Assembly Room - Avengers Mansion
Synopsis: Wanda enlists Rogue's aid for a mission to deal with Galileo, a mystic sapping power from ley lines.
Cast of Characters: Scarlet Witch, Rogue

Scarlet Witch has posed:
The phone call had come from Wanda the day before. A matter that Wanda could use Rogue's help with, and would she be willing to come to Avenger's Mansion to discuss it. A time was picked, and Wanda met Rogue up on the roof by the swimming pool when she arrived.

Wanda leads the way down to the Assembly Room, wearing her Scarlet Witch costume after making initial greetings. "I'm so glad you were able to come," Wanda says as the pair walk down the familiar stairs into the subterranean, most heavily protected section of the Avenger's base.

They emerge into the room that is the heart of the Avenger's operations. Wanda has the holographic displays set up to show South and Central America. "Can I get you some coffee or water or something?" she asks. "I'm afraid I'm not as skilled at these briefings. I should have booked Steve for it. He's just marvelous. Makes you all want to jump out of your seat and go do it when he's done!" she says with a warm laugh.

Rogue has posed:
When Rogue flies over Manhattan she doesn't do it lightly. She's had people shoot guns at her while flying over cities before... not that it'd hurt her, but what it causes is a series of cascading events that just... lead to frustrations. The young mutant powerhouse has learned this.

So when she flies in today, she's coming down almost straight above from the clouds. She'd broken through them and descended down to land beside Wanda, wearing her leather jacket (it gets cold up there the higher you go) a green tank top and a pair of slim fighting jeans that trail down her legs into a set of leather boots.

A big smile was given to the older woman, and she gets a nice quippy greeting too. But ultimately Rogue just follows Wanda through the Avengers place, a home she used to occupy a year ago.

They pass by her old room in fact and it gets a glance, but little more.

Once they're in the basement, Rogue walks about and lets her eyes scan over things before she just stuffs her hands into the front pockets of her jeans and cocks her right foot out a bit, while her left hip flares to that side. She just grins at Wanda.

"Cap is the best at that stuff. Cept maybe behind the president from Independence Day... He may have Cap edged out a bit." She's still grinning there-after. Its almost the 4th, that movie is on every weekend till then.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda breaks out in a soft laugh. "It always sounded a little different to those of us not from the United States," she says as she goes over to get two waters from a fridge and bring them back over, offering one to Rogue. "Though we get it, it doesn't stir quite as much as if pulled from, well for me, a Transian historical moment," Wanda says.

She takes a sip of her water and then goes over to half-sit on the control console's edge next to the holographic display. "I do look forward to the fireworks each year though," she says before turning to the holographic display. Wanda sighs. "Fireworks," she says, as if a lead in to this other topic.

The map zooms in on Bolivia, moving away from the cities to what looks like a wild, unsettled area. "There is a particular man, best known as Galileo. I gather he is a fan of the ancient scientist," she says. "He is up to some rather dangerous acts involving ley lines. Paths of mystic energy that circle the Earth, whose energy he is trying to use to empower himself to dangerous levels. And he is not a benevolent person. I was hoping for your help in stopping him. As it turns out, Rogue, you may be uniquely suited to help against him."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue accepts the water into a black gloved hand and uses the other to open it. She then just leans back against a table's edge and puts her free hand into her jacket pocket while her other raises her water up for a sip while she takes in all of what Wanda is saying to her.

"I am?" She asks at the end there, her dark eyebrows lower down just a little. "He's susceptible t'sweet charm and my angelic face?" She starts to flash a growing grin. "Or he's just really weak t'good hard punches? Cause ya know, Wanda... I can dish out both'a those things like few others." She gently shakes her head from side to side then before she places her water bottle back to her lips for another sip.

She's only twenty years old, but is as self confident as someone who maybe has lived three times as long, either its her arrogant youthfulness, or she's really all she says she is!

"Well you know I can help ya, so just lemme know what ya need me t'do, Red." She gives her that nickname because of Wanda's tendancy to always wear SOME kind of red clothing, not to mention the 'Scarlet' part of her name that Rogue knows about.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda zooms in further to show something that looks like an expensive luxury villa was mixed with a military base. Though beautiful, the buildings and walls are all functional for defense. A picture of a man appears in the holographic display. Moderately handsome, but for a scar that runs from an eyebrow down to a cheek. Dark hair, somewhat gaunt, and the name Archibald "Galileo" Pulisic beneath.

Wanda looks back to Rogue and she flashes a smile over to the high-spirited woman. "He actually does have a taste for beautiful woman, so I understand. Though I thought we might do a more direct approach and sneak into his base. Actually, the problem is that if he get near to him, he has the ability to steal my power and use it for himself. It would not work on you, it is tied to magic, more specifically," Wanda says.

She walks over to Rogue and motions towards her hands. "However, if you can take his power from him? That would give me the time I need to place a block within him that would prevent him from accomplishing what he means with the ley lines. It should end the threat without needing to beat on him," Wanda adds.

A beat. "Too badly."

Rogue has posed:
Another water drink is had as Rogue's eyes follow the display, she stares into the dead eyes of the man's face and memorizes as much of his features as she can before she flicks her gaze over to Wanda's much more lively stare.

A slight grin plays across Rogue's lips and she starts to nod to the woman's request. "I've gotten a lot better about managing the memories'n such when I touch someone, way more-so than when I first showed up at Xavier's. So I can do these kinds of things now. I don't necessarily -like- learnin' about people's dirty secrets, but it might give us reason to hurt this guy a lil' be more if we dig around inside'a his noggin' and find some more ghosts in the closet, so t'speak."

She starts to lift the bottle back up to her lips then. "Count me in, Witchay Woman. I'll get this guy t'coma-land for ya." She glances back to the map that was displayed. "This feels all very Tom Clancy-like. I miss this Avenger stuff sometimes..."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda has a sympathetic look for Rogue as she speaks of managing the memories in situations like this. "I do not know that he is a truly wicked person. Just craves power," Wanda says. "While I wasn't planning to try to... well, get into his head like that. I suppose if it is a consequence, perhaps it would be good to know if there is anything else untoward, yes," Wanda says thoughtfully.

Wanda opens her bottle of water and takes a sip. "Thank you. I only need a few minutes with him out to block his plans, and also eliminate my vulnerability to him. Help reduce the chances he might try to take revenge some day," she says. "Or, well, make it more difficult on him, if he does, right?" She takes another sip of her water.

Wanda pans the holographic display. "He has radar and watchers looking for aerial approaches. And I cannot teleport us too close without risking detection. To be safest, I thought we might teleport to here," she says, indicating a spot on the map, "And then make the trek on foot to his camp. There are hunters and such who travel these lands, so even if we have a campfire at night I don't imagine it will cause them to notice us. Though flying in would."

Rogue has posed:
Another drink is had and then the water bottle is capped and set down beside where she's leaning, Rogue's hands then go to that table behind her and just grip the edges on either sides of her hips making her leather jacket hang loose and open over her torso as she does this.

She listens closely and then averts her stare back onto Wanda. "A campin' trip in... South America?" She asks then with a grin growing across her lips. "Never thought I'd be doin' that in my life. Sounds like a good time." She admits before she glances back to the map and nods her head.

"I definitely don't wanna fly over a buncha bandito guerrillas, they'll doubtlessly start unloadin' all their guns that the American Government has given them." Rogue listens to podcasts, they talk about South America from time to time! She's learned stuff!

"When do you wanna leave?" She asks then before she looks back to Wanda. "We'll probably need campign gear, food such if'n you can't use your powers to get us there. I assume we'll use'em t'get out though?"

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda touches a control and an equipment is pulled up as Rogue asks about the camping equipment. "Oh yes. Snakes and all manner of jungle creatures. It should be... exciting," Wanda says with a soft chuckle. "I'm used to camping and being outdoors. But more forests and mountains, than jungles," she says. "I should be able to use small amounts of magic. To keep mosquitos off - if they even are a nuisance for you? - and the like. I figure with your strength though we can take a few extra luxuries without it being a burden? Not that I won't carry my fair portion," she says with a smile.

Wanda nods as she takes a sip of water. "I can teleport us out when we leave. I'm having the equipment put together. We can leave as soon as is convenient for you. The sooner the better, obviously, but if you need to delay a few days, I imagine we should still have time before he would be ready for what he plans," Wanda says.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue just holds her grin, she's generally always smiling or grinning about something when she's in a good mood like this, ever the mischievous personality does this one have...

"Last summe'ah I was out at the lake at Xavier's an' was walkin' around in the grass in flipflops, I felt something squeeze my ankle and I looked down and it was a big ol' snake. He was latched onta my foot and just goin' t'town on it. Sadly for the little fella his teefers couldn't penetrate my skin. So I just reached down, picked him up and then flew him off t'the field beyond the property."

She stands up off of the table and picks up the bottle of water to hold it in her right hand. "Mosquitos are ticklish little buggers, but they can't get inside either, so they'll annoy me, simply cause they're little buzzin' bastards... but, shouldn't be a big issue."

Rogue bites down on her bottom lip for a moment while she ponders how to set this all up. Her lip pops back out and she exhales. "I'll text Scott, let'im know where I'll be for a few days, you get the biggest backpack around and I can strap it on, fully loaded with whatever ya want inside it. Won't make any impact on me, less you're jammin' a bus inside've it."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda looks over the equipment list, and smiles back to Rogue. "Most people if I suggested a couple of day trek through a jungle they would be moping and moaning about it. I can't think of anyone with a better attitude to share the adventure with than you," the Transian woman says, accent softening the harder consonants slightly.

She grins and says slowly, "But... I think we can leave the bus at home, yes." Wanda zooms the display in on the provisions. "Anything special you would like in the way of food? Coffee, tea? Favorite snack or food for cooking over a campfire? Though we could bring a camp stove as well, though I tend to like the more rustic feel when I camp," she says.

She moves over to sit next to where Rogue is. "How are things going out at Xavier's? I am progressing things for the spell, but I will start asking for help once we're back. Gathering some of the items and helping with preparations," she says.

Rogue has posed:
"Xavier's is doin' fine. Most'a the students are freaked about Sentinels, but those dumb things ain't gonna go pester a school. They're too busy fightin' in the protests and the cities t'go bother huntin' a little nest'a mutants in Westchester." Anna-Maire states as she glances about the room...

Rogue's left hand then goes to rest on her hip and she just grins at that first bit. "And are you kiddin' me?" She asks. "I grew up outside, jumpin' around in the tall grass, runnin' down to the creek t'splash around in the mud, gunk'n'water. I used t'try'n dig out crawdad's t'bring'em home t'my folks. I can remember my dad laughin' and my mom freakin' out about it." She grins nice and big then. "The jungles? Thats probably a hundred times what my childhood memories were like, and now I'm invincible t'all the critters down there, so there's legit like nothin' but excitement for me in the prospect."

She goes on to shake her head then at the food stuff. "Hotdogs, water, chips, beer." She tosses her water bottle up into the air and catches it again with the half-filled liquid sloshing around. "Thats all I'd ask for on somethin' like this. I'm actually excited, really. though I want a machete t'slash at the thick brush, not that I couldn't push it and tear it all down, but I wanna slice at it like in the movies."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda's smile slowly grows as she hears about Rogue's life growing up in Mississippi. Each of her words is slowly delivered in a thoughtful-sounding way. "It sounds like you came home covered in mud a lot. Am I going to have to worry about you wrestling alligators while we are down there?" she asks, putting her hands on her hips in mock motherly fashion. "Worry for the alligators, I mean," she clarifies with a gentle laugh.

Wanda looks back to the controls and adds 'machete' to the list. After a moment she types in something else. "Indian Jones hat'. "We'll make sure you're properly equipped," the Scarlet Witch agrees. She finishes up the list, a few things added to the food list. Beer wasn't on there before, but a bottle of whiskey was, apparently.

"Jarvis, would you set the staff to assembling this for us, please?" Wanda asks. The mansion's disembodied voice replies, "At once, Wanda." The Transian woman turns back to Rogue and smiles. "I guess we are all set then?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue just saunters a bit as she walks across the room and has to get a bit of that sassy sway to her hips and how she speaks. "That depends entirely on how the alligators behave, sugah." She says with a big grin before she just looks around the room after the 'order' for the gear is placed.

"Hi, Jarvis. I still love ya more than anyone else does." She tells the disembodied A.I. "I hope ya remember that when ya inevitably vie for control'a the Earth. I'm one'a the good ones, worth keepin' alive n'around." She's either being serious, or entirely joking. Maybe both?

"Let me send a text and we'll be ready t'get this party goin'." She says that as she pulls her phone out of her jacket pocket and steps off to the side to bap away at it with her thumbs.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Jarvis replies to Rogue, "Of course Miss D'Ancanto Carlyle. I already have you on my list of humans who will be allowed to serve your new Robotic Overlords." Wanda lets out a gasp and laughs. "Jarvis!" Jarvis replies, "Forgive me Wanda. I meant the both of you."

Wanda shakes her head and tells Rogue in a warm tone, "I blame Jessica for his lighthearted side of late. I think she teaches him things," she says knowingly. "Alright, I will go and see to the preparations," she says. Wanda strides off to work with the staff gathering the gear for the jungle trek. Thankfully with teleporting, the trip down there will be quick enough, if the walk to the compound will be a slow, hot affair.