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Latest revision as of 20:00, 26 June 2019

That Cheesecake Had It Coming...
Date of Scene: 14 June 2019
Location: Barbara Gordon's Apartment - Gotham
Synopsis: Stephanie and Barbara enjoy a snack and talk about Stephanie's situation
Cast of Characters: Oracle, Spoiler

Oracle has posed:
Batgirl and Spoiler had been out together throughout the past week, Barbara was working close with Stephanie to try to help refine her and bring her tactical styles in-line with that of how the Bat-family tends to do their operations, though she's even more-so giving her a little more of her own style... the Gordon style, really. Being that Babs is the daughter of Commissioner Gordon she's got the GCPD's best interests at heart as well. So where Batman may do things more to his own stylings, Babs is likely to adjust to help the GCPD out, and work with them, rather than against them in any way possible.

Now, that they've returned back to the Clocktower, Barbara has gotten out of her own protective gear and she's in a black jumpsuit with a dark violet tshirt on beneath it, her red hair is down and she's walking through her rather uniquely located Gotham home, toward the fridge.

Outside the clocktower window (the giant faces of the clock) the visible lightning of a distant storm is visible on the horizon. "You're doing very good, Staphanie." Babs praises her partner on these recent outings.

Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie peeled off her Spoiler costume, setting it aside and then pulling on a Gotham U t-shirt, and a pair of sweats that hang low enough on her hips to give flashes of navel from time to time. She slips on some sandals and then takes her hair out of its ponytail and runs her fingers through it. "Going with a not-full-facemask was so not a good idea," she says with a sigh as she's finally out of the confining, and warm, hood and mask.

Stephanie walks over, the sandals flopping softly with each step. The blonde glances around the impressive home. "I don't suppose you know of any other spots like this? Preferably rent controlled?" Stephanie asks as she turns back to move the rest of the way to join Barbara.

The college student's blue eyes light up a bit. "Thanks! That means a lot coming from you," Stephanie says as she leans against a counter while Babs focuses on the fridge. "So starting out, were you on your own? I mean did you make your own Batgirl costumes before Bruce accepted you? Or did he recruit you and bring you in?" she asks curiously.

Oracle has posed:
Barbara gets them both a bit of the cheesecake that she'd had delivered last night. She listens to Steph as she talks and she smiles lightly before she turns and makes her way to the table not but a few steps from the kitchen counters and she sets Steph's plate down for her, and then slides onto one of the table chairs with her own.

"I started out similar to you." She replies, fork in hand she slides it through the tip of her triangle of sugary cake. "In fact... the first time I ever dressed up as a bat, I did it to go to a Halloween party. But after the party was over, or after I left it, I ran into some guys robbing a convenient store." She forks a bite of the cheesecake into her mouth and then slides the fork back out from between her lips, glancing down at her treat on the plate she shakes her head.

"I used the self defense teachings from my time in GCPD training courses to disable the robbers, and then." She glances back up and shows a slight grin. "Caught a flare for the adrenaline of it. How it made me feel to stop them, to... keep them from harming the clerk and the other customers. I wanted more."

A glance is given around at the large open apartment. "This building belongs to Bruce." She says then. "He set me up here, to give me a good jumping point, literally. But also, he has this place on watch with his own security systems. I think he feels like he's keeping me safer that way." She glances back to Steph then and grins again. "He doesn't know I can disable his systems any time I want."

Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie can't suppress her grin at the mention of the adrenaline from Barbara's first caped crusading. "I know, right!?" she exclaims. "I mean, my first time was more nerve-wracking than not, but once it was dealing with some bad guys out on the street? It's such a rush. It was hard to put the costume away after feeling that,' Stephanie says, shaking her head.

She takes a seat and uses a fork to get a small bite of the cheesecake. "Mmmm. Mmm mmm mmm. So good," the poor college student says of the sweet treat. She listens as Barbara talks about her benefactor that supplied the building. She glances around and then looks back to Barbara. "Think not? I bet he does. I mean, even if he doesn't know you can, I bet he figures you can. I've heard the respect he has for your skills in that stuff," Stephanie says.

She gets another bite. A tiny one as if she's really trying to make the slice last, let her savor it as long as possible. "How did you get so good with computers, anyway? It takes so long just to learn the other skills needed to be a crime fighter, I don't see how you managed to get as good as you did," she says.

Oracle has posed:
"One of the benefits of this building's location is that its directly in the heart of all the best uber eats locations." Barbara quips after Stephanie showcases her love of the cheesecake. She gets a sympathetic smile before Babs focuses on her own treat and just sits straight up on her chair and forks another bite up into her mouth.

She has her eyes down as she shakes her head to the question later then. "Computer have always just 'come to me'. Since I was a kid and I got stuck in front've my dad's computer in his office, or the one he brought home for us to play on. His phone, mom's phone. I always wanted to tap everything, figure out every program and they all just spoke to me. Like... I don't know, someone sitting at a piano and just knowing how to make them play a beautiful song."

Babs stands up then and moves back over to the fridge to get a couple bottles of water. "Admittedly." She says, leaning over to retrieve them from inside. "I might prefer to play the piano, to what gift I was given." She says as she comes back to set the bottles down one for her and one for Steph. "Not many people find Computer skills to be as enthralling as a good pianist." She flashes another smile and pops the cap on her bottle.

"I'm not near the combatant that Bruce is either, most of my skills come from the grappling training for the PD. My father wanted me on the PD... but, I couldn't handle all the red tape and the in fighting."

Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie continues the very slow assault on the cheesecake. Chipping away it little bits at a time, like an inmate tunneling her way out and not wanting that growing chink in the wall to be too overtly noticeable. Yet.

She gets a brief frown as Stephanie realizes where her thoughts ran to the prison metaphor. "Simile, stupid, not metaphor," she mumbles to herself under her breath before taking another bite and looking back up to Babs.

"It's nice to have something that calls to you like that," she says, nodding. "For me it was gymnastics. Even as a little girl, I loved tumbling, doing handstands and somersaults. I didn't really get a chance to get any training until I hit my freshman year and they had the team. I was SO far behind the other girls it wasn't funny. Though I took to it and caught most of them," Stephanie says, allowing herself a small smile of pride. It fades after a moment though.

"But I'm nowhere near the talent that someone like Dick is. I mean he's just naturally like... WOW," Stephanie says, opening her bottle of water with a grateful look to Babs before taking a sip. "Thanks for coming on patrol with me. Really appreciate the advice you're giving me. And... ah... sorry if I'm sometimes a little too impulsive to listen the first time," she says.

"Or, the second... sometimes third..." Stephanie gives a self-effacing grin.

Oracle has posed:
Babs has to grin at these words, especially about Dick. "You both have that over me." She replies in a quiet voice, her eyes glancing to Steph before back down to whats left of her cheesecake wedge. "I'm more of a blunt instrument than I am acrobat. Though I'm trying. I have basics down, but they're well rehearsed routines in combat scenarios. When I see a moment where one will work--or I hope will work--I enact it. But if you ask me to be as... parkour'y as you or Dick? I'll stumble." She huffs a light laugh. "Don't make me chase Catwoman. She'll embarrass me almost every time."

Her water bottle is lifted up then and Babs takes a big swig from it, feeling like the water was more delicious than the cake really... it gets hot in that suit afterall.

"You're doing great though, and I still want to get you that body armor. I know you're probably attached to your personal 'look' but we can figure out how to incorporate it. I just don't want you to get bested by someone, and regret it... maybe forever."

Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie's cheesecake is slowly but steadily being devoured. Though she's taking small bites and savoring them, the fork is moving back to the slice as soon as the smooth, sweet food has melted in her mouth. "Well," she says, pausing to take a drink before continuing, "Sometimes I feel like a giant... ah... you know a bit... lavender... I don't know. Something that does not inspire fear into the hearts of the criminal elite. Or their lackeys," she says.

She takes another bite, then adds, "Or the lackey's wannabe lackeys. I probably should have gone with more black. Maybe black and just some purple trim? Or, well, who am I kidding. Their view of me is about right," she says, shrugging. Though it could sound defeatist if said another tone, Stephanie is just matter of fact about it. "But I'm working on changing that," she says.

Stephanie gives a quick nod then and says, "I won't turn down some body armor. I mean... jeez," she says, looking at her arm which is bandaged from the knife cut she took. "It's hard hiding this stuff from mom sometimes, even now I've got my own apartment," she says.