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Black Sun Rising: Das Ahnenerbe
Date of Scene: 27 June 2019
Location: Allied Forward Base, in the Ruhr area
Synopsis: Forces assemble to stop the Nazi scheme in its tracks. Diana, Cap, and Bucky meet Howard Stark at the Forward Operating Base, and a Shadowy new recruit joins them.
Thanks to: Colette, for setting up this blast in the past.
Cast of Characters: Stardust, Winter Soldier, Iron Man, Captain America, Wonder Woman, Shadow
Tinyplot: Black Sun Rising

Stardust has posed:
    There has been a fear that putting it into words will jinx it, but the long, bloody, horrendous war in Europe is surely drawing to a close. The German's Ardennes counter-offensive, commonly called the 'Battle of the Bulge' floundered. The allies pushed forwards, and German forces on the Western front began to crumble. For a week now, Allied forces have been crossing the Rhine at will and building their forces for the final push. Nothing shows quite how far the Allies have come better than this forward operating base.

    The Ruhr pocket contains the largest concentration of German industry, and Army Group G, the largest concentration of German soldiers left in the west. To the north of this pocket, Field Marshall Montgomery leads the British-lead 21st army group, while south of it General Bradley leads the US 12th. After weeks of heavy build up, the advance is on, and it's astonishingly rapid. The encirclement will be complete within days. A little south and east of the line of the British advance, about 40 from the target of Wewelsburg castle, and the same distance beyond the Rhine, the base is technically very deep in enemy territory. It hardly feels it.

    It would be more accurate to call it two bases. The first, smaller, is to the north. This was the first base built here, four days ago, by an advanced group of British commandos and engineers when the intelligence that gave rise to this operation first came to light. When the US forces got wind of the operation and insisted on taking part, they flooded resources in, and built the southern half with incredible rapidity. Now the base has well over two hundred people, fifty or so tents, three watchtowers, machine-gun posts, a couple of artillery positions, a small force of three tanks, several anti-aircraft guns and dozens of support vehicles. Between the two halves a field and road adapted as a makeshift runway support a miniature airbase, currently host to two black-painted Spitfires on an experimental model with strange-looking engines, bearing the roundel of the Royal Australian Air Force and an unlikely-looking animal painted on the tail, and a USAAF Douglas Skytrain transport plane, which can't have been easy to land.

    The The base is nestled into a small woodland, and a village is visible across the fields to the south. The mayor of the village has already shown up to politely explain that he cannot officially surrender the town, but he welcomes his new allied overlords.

    The mood in the camp is one of barely suppressed excitement, but little worry. Even this deep into enemy territory, there's little feeling of being in imminent danger. The tension present is more political; it's known that the Brits had originally intended on keeping this mission to themselves, and the now very multi-national force present seems to be sticking tightly to their own cliques for now.

    The exception to this is the big open-sided tent just south of the runway, which has become the command center of the operation, and is buzzing with activity and filled with uniforms of every description. In the center of it all two generals surrounded by a gaggle of aides argue. Slightly to their side, three men stand over a table strewn with maps and photographs, discussing things more calmly: Colonel Chester Phillips of the SSR and a tall, thin British man with a thin mustache, presumably some opposite number.

    The call has gone out far and wide, and forces are gathered. Soldiers, scientists, specialists. Some, like Captain America and Diana, more special than others. All they have been told at this point is that it is vital to destroy, or ideally recover, some artifacts from enemy territory before the allies have enough forces in place to take them conventionally. If they do not succeed, the Nazis may have a weapon capable of turning the tide of the war.

Winter Soldier has posed:
So, it's a very clearly stolen - no, 'liberated' truck that comes grinding up, Dumdum at the wheel, clearly enjoying himself enormously. The drab canvas cover over the back cargo area has a enormous shield design painted on it, both sides (and on the top, for that matter), and on the hood. Beneath the design on the sides there's also printed in big, white letters, "CAPTAIN AMERICA'S TRAVELLING CIRCUS," while on the front grill, there's a sign reading 'Berlin Or Bust'.

When it comes to a halt, the Commandos start tumbling out of the back with all the sharp discipline of a bunch of puppies scrambling out of a washbasket. Buck is certainly no exception to the lack of spit and polish - he's in his blue jacket, stolen paratrooper pants, and battered boots, favored machine gun slung over his shoulder. He's blinking like an owl. Someone managed to nap his way here, it seems.

Iron Man has posed:
This is an organization nightmare for equipment, and Stark isn't having a good day. "If you stack those under anything else, we're going to have words. After the explosions, because they would, unfortunately, drown us both out," points out the annoyed inventor to several people managing trunks and containers of the mishmash of gear.

"Not those. /Those/," Howard Stark replies to a quiet question from a worker nearby that gets nervous (for good reason) after the comment about explosions. Stark comes up next to one of his assistants, giving them his clipboard with a frustrated sigh, and drawing out his colored kerchief from a pocket to pat at his brow a few times. "Just move anything with a brown tag into my allocated space, and try not to touch too much of the rest of it."

Captain America has posed:
Towards the end of the outpouring of soldiers from the back of the 'liberated' truck, there shows a strapping blond in a spangled suit, shield and all hooked into place upon his back. He steps down with a bit less haste than the rest and pauses before the rear of the truck. By the look of attentiveness on his face, he's wondering whether or not to offer his spare hand out to Diana within; the other is occupied by the straps of his helmet.

"Nice driving, DumDum," Steve calls out towards the man in the bowler hat. "Appreciate you missing most of the boulders." He grins in his friendly razzing. Glancing back towards the truck again, he finally does offer out a hand for Diana in aid to step down to the earth churned up by tire and boot.

Wonder Woman has posed:
It had certainly been an interesting ride in the back of the truck with all of those Commandos. She'd spent the whole time fielding questions from them and she'd been nothing but truthful and honest with them all. So throughout the trip they'd learned a lot about her. That she comes from a far away island of nothing but warrior women, that she was a Princess and that she was crafted from clay by her mother and brought to life by the Greek God Zeus.

Needless to say it had been a fun experience, lots of jokes from the Commandos as well as just general fun back and forth commentary.

But now they are arriving, the ride is over and they are piling out. Steve's kindly offered hand is accepted with a quiet "Thank you." and Diana steps down out of the vehicle's back. Wearing an outfit that looks very equestrian in design with a red jacket over what appear to be black horse riding pants and boots, Diana seems a bit out of place amongst all the 'Army Men' but she's actually quite comfortable in such a setting.

She turns to reach for her belongings, her things stored inside of a army green duffle, but before she can grab it one of the men takes hold of it and offers to carry it for her. She smiles to him and thanks him before she looks to Steve and offers him a big bright smile as well. "Quite the place." Diana comments after a quick look around before she starts to step around the truck to find Bucky as well before they're to head to the meeting. "Good driving." She makes sure to compliment the Buck when she sees him.

Stardust has posed:
    It just gets worse and worse for Howard. The soldiers unloading his gear are certainly not sufficiently respectful either of his equipment or the great man himself. Perhaps they have spent too long moving explosives around in a rather casual fashion to be impressed by his warnings. His assisstants (of which, amazingly and unreasonably he has only been allowed to bring two) discover that there is in fact /no allocated space/ for him, and one of them has to rush off to arrange one.

    Then, just to make Howard's day even more fun, he spots a group of engineers over by one of the black Spitfires. Amongst them is a small ginger haired man that Howard has run into before. Archie Runwick of the Royal Aircraft Establishment, an inventor who has sometimes been called by the gutter press 'The British Howard Stark'. The claim is poppycock. Outrageous! The man is barely competent.

    Sameer climbs down from the back of the truck just after Diana, making an ostentatious show of brushing dirt from his clothes before looking up to her with a warm grin. "Ah, but we could not have expected the Astoria, Diana. All things considered this does appear most civilized compared to what we might have expected. Do you remember the trenches?" The little Moroccan gives a quick nod of his head in the direction of the quartermaster's tent. "I'll talk to the front desk about our rooms and arrange for a bell hop to come take our bags, don't you worry." He takes Diana's duffle bag from the man who'd brought it out of the truck along with his own, and strides off jauntily, pockets jingling from the proceeds of the card game in the back of the truck on the way to the camp. Several of the Howling Commandos are poorer than they were before he met them.

    Normally the arrival of the Captain and the Commandos would gain more attention than today, but the camp is a busy place. One man does rush over with a snappy salute though. "Welcome to the camp, Captain. Colonel Phillips awaits you in the command tent. He says to join him there as soon as you are settled. Normally he likes people to get settled very quickly, if you know what I mean sir." Message delivered, he strolls over to the truck to admire the paintwork, and offer cigarettes or coffee to Bucky and the others.

Winter Soldier has posed:
Buck will take both coffee and cigarette - he doesn't trust his duffle to the greedy hands of those who've come to greet them. Nor does he intend to smarten up before he attends on Phillips. It's like he takes a perverse delight in not being in a real uniform, now. So he's schlepping his way over, sipping from his tin cup, occasionally pausing to drag off the cigarette. Yes, he's jealously hoarded his own, but that doesn't mean he's not delighted to have them given to him.

Steve's gallantry gets a wry look cast over his shoulder. The perfect knight, for a perfect princess.

Iron Man has posed:
    Insult upon INSULT, leading into travesty. Runwick better not have a personally allocated space. At least, not one larger than Stark's. After all, Howard Stark isn't 'the American Archie Runwick', now is he! Imitation is a form of flattery, though, and Howard will often take flattery. Then again....

    "On second thought, I'll store THOSE in the side of Runwick's area," Howards says, with a private little grin to the poor assistant, and a nod to two very, very heavy crates. He'll just go ahead and take over some of Runwick's zone, or at least learn the other man doesn't have one. Both cases are a win, and increase the zone he'll control at the facility, or at least cause pain for Runwick over moving the heavy things later.

    Besides. It's fun.

    At least until he has something else to set his sharp mind to.

    The lovely distraction in the form of the arriving Diana pulls Howard out of a check of his pocket watch, to observing her and those with her with a wry little smile. He winds the watch, flipping it closed with one hand, thumb roving over the engraved surface in a familiar, relaxed way.

Captain America has posed:
"You're welcome, miss." Not "m'am" to Diana, though the inclination was barely aborted by the Captain -- old habits die hard. His own gear is hauled up over his shoulder before he turns to walk. "It has its charms. It's not all rough and tumble," he tries to assure the woman as the clumping of Commandos move into the camp proper. He walks easily with the grouping until he's brought up short by the camp aide.

"I'll be there shortly," he informs the man before watching him walk off to hob-nob with the rest of the Commandos. He takes a moment to scan the camp around him, noting the expanse of it and the number of personnel present. It's uplifting, to find a sense of normalcy in the midst of previously enemy territory. It's almost...hopeful. He does spot Howard, however, and smiling a little to himself, he begins making his way over to the genius-inventor for a quick tete-a-tete.

"So they dragged you out here too, huh? Didn't think they'd find the space," the soldier comments when he pauses beside Howard.

Wonder Woman has posed:
"All too vividly." Diana says in response to her friend Sameer with regard to the trenches from nearly two decades ago. At Sameer's humor toward this camp being like a high class hotel, she just affords the man a playful grin as he goes.

Diana is quick to look to Steve and he steps off to go speak with others and it gives her a moment to just walk and let her blue eyes trail over the activity of the camp, the soldiers moving about within it and the general ambiance of the place as a whole. There is an upbeat feeling here, it is hopeful, and she feels that too. She's been to far worse military encampments before, with much less hope within them.

Diana notes Howard Stark when Steve goes to speak with him, she offers the man a pleasant smile but is unable to get to them to introduce herself as she's intercepted by a few soldiers who start to each individually introduce themselves to the woman who's over six feet tall in her heeled knee-high black leather boots, taller than most of them!

The Princess is introducing herself in-turn to each of them, shaking their hands and smiling to their hurried words to her.

Stardust has posed:
"Yes SIR!" the soldier in charge of unloading Howard's gear says with a sharp salute and a broad grin. As it happens the army engineers on site are more than happy to move things into Runswick's space. He's a demanding man and they got tired of him hours ago. Stark, at least, is a new face.

    That may not last, but for now at least he has the grunts on his side. After all, it IS fun.

    As Bucky approaches the command tent, he starts to recognize faces. Or costumes. The arguing generals are largely being ignored, but clusters of other people have their own issues to settle, if more quietly. One group is at least as eye-catching as the Howling Commandos, and three of them are immediately identifiable. One stands tall in a full-body leather outfit, just his eyes showing, the Union Flag of the United Kingdom sewn into the outfit. He's deep in conversation with another costumed soldier, his uniform adorned with a bright red maple leaf. Union Jack and Major Maple, those two allies' answer to the good captain. With them is a rather shorter man in an outrageously colorful red and white costume. Dressed as a yeoman guard of the Tower, and holding a golden staff as tall as himself, this is 'Beefeater', a British agent of mixed reputation. Supposedly that staff is a fearsome weapon, but there have been rumors the man himself is a bit of a coward. They are talking with a much more conventionally dressed man Bucky does not recognize - though from the flight suit and insignia, he would appear to be an officer of the Royal Australian Air Force.

    Diana is not the only woman in the camp. There are several others visible amongst the crowds, some clearly of sufficient rank to be giving orders. The number is unusual for an army camp during this war, but this is certainly a special camp, and in the last couple of years, at least the more flexible elements in Allied forces have been increasingly aware that 'boys only' is a great way of cutting your talent pool. One woman in particular, though in civilian clothes, is giving a dressing down to a man with enough pips on his epaulettes to mark him down as a one star general, which is intriguing.

    However, none of them are as tall, as unusually accented, or as frankly mysterious, as Diana. Along with the greetings comes a host of questions. Who are you? What are you doing here? Are you a spy? Is is true that you come from legendary Themyscira? The rumor mill, no doubt, has been doing its work.

Winter Soldier has posed:
Well, this is clearly an assemblage of irregular forces. Buck hastily finishes both cigarette and coffee, watching those not occupied by other duties gather around Diana like bees swarming around their queen, before he insinuates himself into the gathering in the command tent.

The flagsuits, however, have him suppressing a grin. Nice to know Steve won't be the only spangly, flashy self-propelled target in this affair.

Iron Man has posed:
There's a flicker of a grin towards the grunt moving the cargo: they're on the same page. Stark will be the 'fun', flashy inventor. As always.

"They didn't, more's the shame: and I'll be leaving soon if there's nowhere for me to work -- or my work'll be done from a cockpit," Howard replies with a sleek half-grin that pulls his trimmed mustache smoothly to the side. He's roguishly handsome most of the time, and moreso when he smiles, and he's doing this smile for Diana's benefit, since she looked directly over and smiled at him. He'll return it with some considerable easygoing appreciation.

"Who's the dame?" he asks Steve, hardly daunted by the amazon's height. Little about a lovely woman could set Howard back. "Introductions are in order," Howard 'suggests' to Steve.

Captain America has posed:
Steve follows Howard's gaze towards the Amazon princess and then looks back at the genius-inventor in mild reproach.

"She's no dame. She's Princess Diana of Themyscira. Never been there myself, but she's...like me?" The uptilt of his tone puts doubt on his own sentiment. The Captain shifts in place and the buckles of his duffel knock against he shield on his back in quiet resonance. "Fast, strong...'m glad she's on our side. I think I saw her block a bullet with the bracer on her wrist a few days back. You'll be seeing a lot of her, I think. Here, I'll introduce you." The subtle deadpan signifies that Steve's well aware he's fulfilling the earlier 'suggestion'.

On the approach to Diana again, the blond lifts his hand to direct attention to himself. "Miss. Wanted to introduce you to someone you might find helpful. This's Howard Stark, inventor extraordinaire." He steps to one side to let focus fall upon Howard himself. A glance over at the open-sided command tent makes him pull his mouth to one side. "Brass's getting impatient."

On that comment to himself, he walks over towards the tent. Bucky gets a nod of his head as Steve shucks the shield and duffel bag to one -- no time, it seems, to find his own tent after all. He joins the be-spangled and be-leafed and be-flagged group and feels...a little odd.

"Fellas," he says by way to greeting to all of the flagsuits, just a touch awkward in his usual way.

Iron Man has posed:
"'No dame?'" Howard echoes of Steve's statement, as if he couldn't believe it. "A fine woman with gams like hers couldn't possibly be anything but a dame. You need to spend some more time around women, if you're having trouble identifying them," Howard teases, tucking his pocket watch away, as he's led over towards Diana, smile easy and comfortable. "I can arrange that, when we're done here: fix your definition a bit," Howard asides conversationally as they approach.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana is more than happy to answer questions about herself and where she comes from, the island questions is a surprising one. Though ever since World War I the word of Themyscira had spread and she'd heard that there'd even been some children's books written about it in the United States already, she was eager to find some of those but as of yet she hadn't come across one. The Princess goes from face to face to answer each question.

Little does Howard Stark realize that Diana is a little more than Steve Rogers. She can hear everything that the two men are saying to each other.

When Cap gets the attention of the soldiers that were talking to her, they split off and head on about their business and Diana looks up to Steve to walk toward him. She joins him with Howard and she affords them both a smile, she seems to smile quite a lot, as though she's a happy person or something!

A hand is extended to Howard, Diana's hair is loose about her shoulders and its gently blowing in the cool breezes around the campsite. "Diana of Themyscira. Its a pleasure to meet you Mister Stark. I admire your gams as well. Though if I were to choose between you and Captain Rogers, I would give the win to the good Captain." She teases the elder Stark, just for a little bit of fun.

Stardust has posed:
    The 'flagsuits' and their even more flamboyantly dressed comrade pay no heed to bucky, but the RAAF man glances his way, narrows his eyes and gives a little nod of recognition. He steps away from the others and offers Bucky his hand. "You'll be one o' the Howling Commando yanks, right mate? Bumped into you boys drinkin' up a storm in La Muy last year during dragoon. Flight Seargant Roberts, of the Black Bunyips. Special aerial reconnaissance. The shiny drongos are arguing. I see you brought your shiny drongo too. My boss is in the air, so they ain't listening to me. Seargant yourself, you know how it is." He grins wider and takes a conspiratorial look around before leaning forwards to speak more quietly. "Back o' the munitions tent, got a little bar going. Nobody over lieutenant. You guys brought any?"

    Howard's assistant turns up with the camp quartermaster in a hurry. "Mister Stark! A thousand apologies. Things have been chaotic. I've assigned four men to get you a sleeping tent and a work tent set up straight away." Without even awaiting a reply, he rushes off to oversee the work. At least someone here is showing him proper respect.

    Stark's new workspace is being set up right next to Runswick's. That may turn out to be rather annoying after all, though there is some logic to having the scientific section all in one place. On the other hand, that does mean the large cases already occupying part of Runswick's space will be rather handy. Perhaps Howard can stage a little invasion of his own, and claim some of his would-be rival's territory.

    The Flagsuits may be ignoring Bucky, but they pay more attention to the Cap. Major Maple greets him with a simple and somewhat cold "Captain America," and a hand shake. There's a certain jealousy there, perhaps. Technically the major outranks him, but Steve has certainly outshone him in the field. Beefeater greets him with a simple "'Alright, mate?". Union Jack has a bit more to say. Despite the rough and tumble appearance, the British flagsuit is very well spoken. "Ah, our esteemed American friend. Good day to you, Captain. Lord Falsworth, at your service. No need to stand on ceremony though, old chap. 'Union Jack' to the lads, you know. Believe a cousin of mine is fighting with your boys. Brave little chap. Do look after him, my aunt will be most grateful."

    Roger's arrival attracts the attention of Colonel Phillips, who moves over to join him. At the same time his companion, the tall, thinly mustached man, walks over to intercept Diana. "Ah! Miss Prince. Welcome, welcome! Colonel Thornley, Special Operations Executive. An honor. Heard great things about you during the last one. And even more since, from that little Moroccan friend of yours. Please do come to the command tent, I'll introduce you. Mister Stark, you too if you please. Let's get this show on the road, what?"

Winter Soldier has posed:
Buck's briefly biting his lip against laughter at that rejoinder, but the pale eyes are very bright indeed. In Diana's field of vision, he gives her a quick thumb's up. At least one Commando approves.

Then the Aussie's buttonholing him, and he takes the offered hand, shakes it. Expression cagey, despite the gleam in his eyes. "Yeah, I'm a Commando. James Barnes," A beat, and he adds, " We're not all Yanks, though. Got a Brit and a Frenchman in there, too. Might be that I could rustle up something, given a little time," he says, noncommital. He doesn't ask how this guy knows he's a sergeant, when the only insignia on his current gear is a little wingshaped patch - the image of the wings on Steve's helmet.

Iron Man has posed:
An easygoing laugh bursts out of Howard as she calls him on his commentary. "Call me Howard, please, Diana," Howard replies, with a broad smile. He looks down as she references his legs, and then just his eyes move back up, a smile in them. "In that case, I'll happily take full credit of a win, as I am in no small part responsible for the state of the Captain's legs," Howard says, smooth as warm chocolate. Howard can handle himself just fine.

Though the intrusion by the assistant is met with some dismay: he was talking to the lady, and interruption isn't well liked when he's doing such things. Still, he's being properly treated, so he's generous about it, and graciously nods to the news about his tents.

"Hello," Howard greets, as introductions fly, his handshake confident but relaxed. "Well then. Let us go to the command tent, post haste," concurs Howard Stark, automatically offering an arm to Diana, in an entirely proper gentlemanly manner; nothing untoward.

Captain America has posed:
Steve returns any and all handshakes from his fellow flagsuits with professional strength and courtesy. "Major Maple," he nods to the man. "Can't complain," he replies to Beefeater with a bit more of a smile. Union Jack's the one to bring out a gleam of his good-natured personality from behind his stoic mask. "I wondered if there was a relation. You have my word, Jack, I'll keep half an eye on him, make sure he wears his paracute if he's jumping off anything high." Steve makes no mention of his own bad habits regarding parachutes.

Phillips interjects himself and the Captain comes to something nearing attention. "Colonel Phillips, sir. Commandos're accounted for, Princess Diana's on-site. Looking forwards to hearing the next stage of advancement." He moves with Phillips if directed and towards the planning tables, spread with maps and reports.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana happily shakes the hand of Howard and then releases it to just hold a small smile to the man until his attention is pulled away from her by his assistant. Its then that Diana exchanges a look with James and she just lets her small smile turn into a little grin at his thumbs up before she looks down to recompose herself before Howard looks back to her and speaks again.

"Yes, of course." Diana's smoky voice says in her Greek accented English before she turns and means to follow along with the others to this Command location where they can be briefed on the situation.

As they walk, Diana's eyes go to the two Inventor Tents, one marked with Howard's name and the other marked with the other Inventor's name. Upon seeing him, Archie Runwick, Diana comments softly--but just loud enough for Howard beside her to hear of course. "Oh, he's a handsome man. I am eager to see his creations up close."

Its a simple comment, about Stark's 'rival' and its done entirely and completely for pointed reasons, whether she believes it to be true or not. Its just a fun way to ruffle some feathers.

Stardust has posed:
    As the introductions fly, the attention is all on Diana. It may be an unusual feeling for the rest, but she has been the talk of the camp. There are a lot of faces who are newspaper-friendly, but she is the unknown factor. It soon becomes clear just why, when Colonel Thornley explains, "She's a bit of a legend back in Whitehall, what. Just wait until you see her in action. Rather have her here than a couple of divisions. Absolutely smashed Jerry in the last war, don'tcha know. " In the last war? Yes, he said that.

    Colonel Phillips looks a little run down. He puts a fatherly hand on Captain America's shoulder, winks at Bucky, and greets Howard with a weary nod. "Stark. Glad you could make it. Sorry about short notice and lack of info. Big rush." He glares in the direction of the pair of generals, who are the only ones not to join in the introductions. "Political, too. I hate it when things get political. I'll be honest, we may not need you. But we have to cover our bases. These Nazi scientists are up to something, I wanted my best brain on the site. Could be you figure something out everyone else misses. Not expected to go on the infiltration though. We'll keep you well defended just out of sight, don't you worry."

    With introductions out of the way, Thornley comes by Phillips' side. It seems with the generals too busy arguing the politics of it all, the two colonels are very much in the lead. "Is this everyone?" he asks. "I'd say it's about time we get on with the briefing. When that Australian chap gets back with the latest aerial report, what? Should be back any time now."

    "One or two more," Phillips says. "Not sure they're going to show, though. Miss Carter recommended a contact of hers. All a bit mysterious for my liking, but she assures me he'll be a major asset if he gets here in time. Which we're running out of. "

Iron Man has posed:
"Runwick's? Happy to lend a magnifying glass, should you want to actually see half of what he has to offer," answers Howard without seeming overly concerned. "Happy to make introductions, though, to anyone you'd like to meet, Diana." Stark is, of course, smooth and friendly, personable and comfortable: and just fine with counting on Runwick to fumble any in-person meeting, compared to what he himself is like. Stark is used to winning the female favor competitions.... just about always!

"Oh, watch your step there," he cautions of a pothole to Diana before the enter the tent, still doing his full job as gentlemanly escort. There are probably worse fates than Howard's attention, and it should keep others off her, at least. They file into a canvas tent with chair and table, and Stark's gallant display continues, though it's subtle: he will also attempt to get Diana's chair for her. Manners are manners. He makes sure she is fine before moving to his chair, and sitting with one leg comfortably up to rest ankle on his other knee.

"I DO understand political; every day more-so, it feels like. But I'm always on board to support our boys in any effort you need," Stark vows firmly, his voice strong and dynamic. The compliments get a chuckle from Howard, but he doesn't refute being the best brain. To deny it would be a lie.

Shadow has posed:
    "Then by all means, begin your briefing," comes a voice from what seems to be empty space until Diana realizes that there is one more shadow there than there are people who could be casting them. Several MPs react with startled yells and drawn weapons, but thankfully trigger discipline holds and nobody opens fire as the shadow... twists -- like the feeling in your brain when you look at a Picasso and try to take in both perspectives at once -- and when the moment passes a tall figure in a black greatcoat and cloak steps away from the wall to join the group.

    "I don't normally take house calls, but Agent Carter felt this was important enough to call in a favour."

    Blazing blue eyes almost too bright to be human sweep over the group, weighing, judging. "Captain Rogers. Mister Stark. Your reputation precedes you. Princess Diana..." The Shadow pauses a moment longer as he looks at the Themiscyran, then continues in passable, if accented Greek "... The legends do not do you justice."

Winter Soldier has posed:
There's this sound from the fringes of the group in the tent - this kind of dwindling wheeze like air leaking out of a balloon. It's the sound of all Buck's breath leaving him, far beyond what he really should be capable of. For there's at least one person here who realizes who the new arrival is...

And at this point, Bucky would've been more likely to believe that Peggy could get the Devil himself to show up and intervene than have this particular dark avenger make an appearance. It's like finding out your friend has the Boogeyman's phone number.

"Steve. STEVE," he says, in a stage whisper, once he's gulped enough air to breath. "It's *him*."

Captain America has posed:
Steve takes up a place between Colonel Phillips and the collection of flagsuits, his arms loosely crossed and stance still somewhat at attention. He can be seen to look away from the table and its grouping around it at the mention of Miss Carter; he scans the camp carefully, as if he personally had to be absolutely certain she wasn't present. He lets out a slow sigh.

Very quickly, however, the sigh is sucked up back into his chest at the complete and utter impossibility of the newcomer's arrival. Hands clenched into fists relax to an extent at his sides even as Steve shoots Bucky a blatantly wide-eyed look for a second -- holy spit on a shovel, it really is!

The Captain composes himself enough with a clearing of his throat. "Glad you could make it, sir. Agent Carter doesn't call in favors lightly."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana moves along with Howard into the tent, she doesn't bear him any ill-will toward his comment, she knows how men are in this world, how they're trained to be by the societies that they've been raised in. In the 30 years she's been away from Themyscira she's only met one man who ever bucked that societal handicap in a way that truly resonated with her core spirit, and that was another man named Steve, and he was long since gone from this world.

She's met plenty of great men since him too, many of the men in this room qualify in that category too, if not most all of them. So she moves along with Howard, sits beside him and even smiles softly to him before she regards the conversation beginning.

"Thank you, Colonel." Diana replies to the kind words spoken to her, but she doesn't go any further into that, into who she is and what she's here to do. She's not here to make a show of herself, she's not here to broadcast her abilties and make a name for herself in this world. She's not here to feed that supposed 'legend' she's here just to help, save lives and then go back to her life she's carved out for herself.

The Shadow's arrival certainly changes the atmosphere in the room though and Diana's blue eyed gaze goes to where his voice comes from, she studies him closely with all of her heightened senses. At least for a few moments...

Then she looks back to the Commanders of this mission and their briefing.

Stardust has posed:
    Colonel Phillips is not amused. This of course is normal for him, but he's even more not amused than usual when the voice speaks out behind him. He turns slowly and regards the newcomer. Yes, The Shadow is a legend, of sorts. Back home he IS the boogeyman, at least to evil-doers. Outside of America, not so much - but the assorted Commonwealth people present take note of the reaction of their American allies. To hear of his deeds, back on the streets of New York, is one thing. To see him here... well, perhaps that does make sense. At Wewelsburg castle, the heart of the SS, surely better than anyone, The Shadow knows what evil lurks...

    "Your papers, sir." Phillips puts his hands out. Yes, the appearance is impressive, but the Colonel isn't happy to have someone walk straight past security like that, and he wants to make sure. "Agent Carter provided you with a pass, I believe. Then we can think about the briefing. With respect, we do need to make sure..."

    The Colonel's words are interrupted by the sudden blaring of a siren. . Within seconds, another sound can be heard in the distance, the distinctive whining roar of the rocket-engined Messerschmitt Komet. Some people rush to the anti-aircraft guns. The two colonels come quickly out from under the canvas roof to scan the skies, but nothing is visible as yet. Almost everyone follows them, with the notable exception of the two generals, still arguing in a corner

    For a few wordless moments nothing happens. Then a black silhouette bursts into view, eerily silent, barely above tree-top height, smoke pouring out of one engine. It turns sharply, revealing the signature elliptical wing silhouette of a Spitfire. Only as it turns away from the camp does the sound of those strange engines the Spitfires have been equipped with become audible, a strange thrumming whine that sets everyone's teeth on edge. It hurtles away across the fields, grass whipped up in its path. Moments later, a trio of bat-winged Komets roar past in a wide arc, dragged straight into the 'flak alley' of the camp's anti-aircraft emplacements, at virtually point blank range. The guns roar deafeningly.

Iron Man has posed:
"That's my cue, excuse me," Howard Stark says, with a quick smile to Diana that is actually very apologetic, but also confident. "Got two of you with some decent aim?" His finger finds its way across Steve, and then lands on Bucky, clearly aware of the Commando's sniper being present. "Come with me." The inventor doesn't wait around for anyone to decide to follow, he strides rapidly out of the control tent with a flip of hand to toss the tent flap aside. His tent was set up right nearby, and he's glad to see his items with the brown tags were put where he wanted, as priority.

"I was hoping for a test firing," Howard comments loudly over the sirens and guns, pulling down the back off of the rear crate. "Only one of my launchers is over here, but I've got seeker ammo for the Anti Air," yells Stark. Others may or may not hear him, but the bulge of silver back of his missile launcher from the crate has a very, very clear purpose as he grunts to add the long sight and cannon on the front of it.

It just needs a gunner.

Captain America has posed:
Quick as a cat, Steve's in motion, all grace despite his build -- the Army must have drilled him into the ground (as best they could) to be certain he knew his body after its bulking via serum. He's at Howard's side, nearly electric with the need to resolve the current situation. Komets were the bane of any platoon's existence. Spotting the seeker ammo tucked carefully away into the crate, Steve makes a cautious if fast grab for it once Howard gestures to identify it.

"Hey! HEY!" Like a lunatic, no covering on his ears, the Captain runs over to one of the AA guns. "Use this ammo! Switch it out, NOW! Keep firing," he commands of the other guns even as he crouches down, scanning the skies above.

Winter Soldier has posed:
Buck's proven a very fair hand with nearly every kind of armament they've handed him in this war. Ironic, for someone who did not grow up a shooter. So he follows after Stark in a hurry. "What is this, an anti-air bazooka?"

By his tone, the idea delights him. Like 'pony by the Christmas tree' levels of incredulous delight. "You gotta man-portable rocket system that can take down a plane?" Surely Howard's invented the RPG a few decades early.

Shadow has posed:
    The Shadow turns to regard Colonel Philips. Between the hat and the scarf, there's not much visible of his face, but somehow the crinkling around the eyes convey an expression of respect for the man's determination not to be overawed. "Your dedication to security is commendable, Colonel" he replies, reaching into his coat with the exaggerated care of someone surrounded by any number of heavily armed and somewhat nervous guards to retrieve a slip of parchment.

    When the siren starts howling, the Shadow looks up, scanning the skies for threats even as a pair of heavy-looking pistols all but materialize in his hands. He never raises them, however, nor does he move as the Komets come in for a strafing run... Until suddenly one of them twitches and swerves, veering away sharply - and straight into the path of his wingman.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana can hear the planes coming before the sirens go off, but she's not that keen on discerning enemy engine noises from friendly engine noises. When the sirens do go off, she stands like most everyone else who was seated. She looks to Howard as he rushes past to go... do whatever it is that he has planned then she looks to the other two she came with in here, Steve and Bucky.

Like many others, Diana eventually makes her way outside where she's met by Sameer who holds one specific set of items for her rolled up inside of a dark blue blanket. When he hands it to her she can feel the sword inside the blanket and a glance down shows the end of the golden lasso there.

But, Diana's responsibility here is to help protect, not lead the charge. She watches the other's actions and she merely tries to stand back and out of the way for the time being.

Stardust has posed:
    With the aid of Captain America's strength, the new ammo is loaded into one of the guns in record time. He has worked with soldiers of every stripe since he arrived in Europe, but these guys are good. It's a well-oiled machine already, and he's providing the nitro boost. The first two guns have barely started firing their conventional rounds when his gunners open up. The two leading Komets reacts quickly, peeling off as hard as they can to either side, but the last Komet is caught perfectly by Howard's seeker rounds. The engines burst into a plume of fire and it fishtails through the air.

    If you want to test a new weapon system, there are few people better equipped to get it right first time than Bucky. If it fires, he's probably fired it, and when it comes to long range shots, he's one of the best. He tracks the lead plane, and pulls the trigger. It's almost an anticlimax as the slim missile bursts out of the tubes with a snake-like hiss. Against a slower plane, it would be all over in an instant, but the Komets are faster than anything else in the sky. The pilots pulls back hard, and climbs. To his undoubted shock, the new Stark missile follows. The chase takes them up high before it ends in a burst of fire.

    The last of the Komets seems to have escaped unscathed... until the pilot sees something nobody else does, another Spitfire, bearing down on him from the side, canons blazing. Such is the power that clouds men's minds. The pilot yanks his stick HARD to the side, and drives it straight into the fishtailing first plane, bringing them both down in a tangle of metal that burst into a fireball as it hits the ground.

    The Spitfire limps back, its engine now fully on fire. It skims along the ground, undercarriage jammed in half open position, and bounces three times before eventually coming to a halt, nose buried in the dirt, about a hundred feet from the runway. Before the emergency vehicles can even start moving, the canopy pops open and a man hops out, jumps to the ground and strolls over to the tent, looking quite unconcerned.

    "My engines! My engines!" The whiny voice is nails on chalkboard, at least to Howard. It's Runwick, running over to complain to the generals. "I want that man demoted! That was reckless. Those things are..."

    "Oh shut up ya bludger," the pilot says. Another Australian. "Your fault anyway. The engine caught fire. 'sides, it's war. Things get shot. Why, I've been shot out of the sky dozens of times, it's never hurt me. Build strongerer stuff." He walks over to Phillips and whispers something to him. Phillips looks grave, nods his head, and turns to the assembled group. "Gentlemen... and ladies," he adds quickly, nodding to Diana. I believe it's time for a briefing. Please do take your seats."

Iron Man has posed:
"Right, just don't hit OUR things: you know, the usual, although it'd be particularly bad here," Howard shouts. "There's a celebratory cigar with your name on it, if we get a successful test here on an enemy aircraft," Howard tempts Bucky, while bent waist-deep over one of his bins. He hurls some ear protection at Bucky from the bin, in a manner that suggests he will NEED them, while putting on a headset himself. If the Runwick doesn't realize he might need ear protection, well, that's just too bad.

Howard then disappears around to a different set of equipment, preparing to make the most of the situation. The excitement and stress seems to make Howard calm and eager, a predator geared up for a good fight. Powerful weapons are his thing, after all.

Howard also misinterprets Diana stepping back. "It'll be all right," he mouths across to her, perhaps remembering her hearing is good enough to hear him (he's a sharp guy, and pays attention when it comes to beautiful women), before the weaponry again takes (nearly) all of his attention.

Once the test is complete, Howard pulls his ear protection off, and flashes a big thumbs up to Bucky, with a fierce energy in his eyes that suggests that there might be more Christmas Ponys in Bucky's future if he keeps handling Stark's weapons that way. But, well, he'll finish recording what he needed, and will return to the briefing, only a little late. Progress on weapons is a priority.

Winter Soldier has posed:
Steve, at least, knows that unholy light in Buck's eyes all too well. Usually when he's about to get them both into epic trouble. Oh, he's wise enough to obey Howard when it comes to protection, but then he's run out to take proper aim, sending that missile after the plane. It works intuitively enough for someone who's used bazookas since North Africa.

When it works like a dream, he rounds on Stark with a big grin. "Wow, Mr. Stark, this is amazing. How quick can you get these things into full production?"

His first real encounter with Howard. Not, alas, their last.

Captain America has posed:
Steve gives the AA gunner who fielded his own delivery of seeker ammunition a firm clap on the shoulder, hard enough to be congratulatory without breaking a bone in the process. "Atta boy," he says with a curt nod. Departing from the guns even as the final two planes are careening to earth in their wreckage of melted metal and black smoke, he sees the incoming Spitfire. Bucky and Howard, and then Diana, all get a concerned look as he watches the pilot bring the plane in somehow...in one piece.

He still jogs a few steps closer, just in case his strength might need to be brought to bear on a jammed door, but there's the pilot, also looking chipper despite the crash. Steve blows a hard sigh and then glances back at Bucky and Howard yet again. He grins to himself -- oh man, kid in a candy shop there.

Regardless, after checking in politely with Diana, a quick "Thank you, miss" for her guardianship, Steve makes his way back to the table...

...though not before shooting at the Australian pilot, in a droll stage whisper loud enough for others to hear, "I don't like my parachute either."

Shadow has posed:
    The Shadow remains impassive even while shrapnel from the destroyed planes rains down around the camp, then turns to look at Howard. "Self-guiding ammunitions? Very impressive work," he comments as everyone heads back to the briefing table.

Stardust has posed:
    Chairs are dragged into place for everyone, and a podium is pulled up. An aerial photograph of the Wewelsburg - showing a strange, spiral construction being built close to it, is unrolled and pinned up behind it. As people gather for the briefing, the Australian pilot replies to Cap in an equally loud stage-whisper. "Parachutes? Nah, I'd trust 'em as much as I'd trust an eight pence piece, cob." In a quieter whisper and with a nod in Diana's direction, he adds "Who's the Sheila?"

     Colonel Thornley takes the podium. "Your respective governments have cleared you for this briefing, but I must establish that nothing you hear today must ever be repeated, even after the war. Assume it under your government's most secret classification." He stops, stroking his thin mustache, giving this a few moments to sink in.

    "In 1937, Himmler's scientific research group, the Ahnenerbe, mounted an expedition to Tibet. Naturally we at uh... the Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare... spied on it. We learned that amongst other things, they sought to discover if there was any military advantage to be gained from the occult knowledge of the region. The team returned to Germany with a number of texts and artefacts which were secreted away by the SS. Since then, those items have been a subject of study of the occultists in that organization, a group we have come to learn calls itself the Order of the Black Sun."

    "Amongst those artefacts were a matched pair of particular note. The first is Vajra, or lightning-weapon, of the Mara. Despite the name, this is in fact a small metal implement used to strike prayer bells, the lightning symbolism intended to indicate achieving enlightenment. According to legend, this one is fated to be used by the Maitreya, the future buddha. The second is the Phurba Kalahia. This is a spirit dagger, also less martial than it may sound. Spirit daggers are traditionally used to stab not people, but 'tulpa'. In Buddhist terminology these are thought-forms, a kind of demon of the subconscious that stands between an adept and enlightenment. This was one of the 'terma', or hidden treasures, left in Tibet by Guru Rimpoche in the 8th century. Apart from the fact that the Phurba is decorated with the Sanskrit sauwastika symbol, we didn't know what their interest was."

    "Last year, our agents in Tibet reported the arrival of a new Nazi force, lead by their 'Agent Axis'. He vanished under mysterious circumstances in a high valley, reappearing some weeks later and hurrying back to Germany to be debriefed in Wewelsburg. Shortly afterwards, a team of SS scientists moved to a new underground industrial facility, Die Reise in lower Silesia. In February of this year, the facility was suddenly largely abandoned. A fleet of trucks moved equipment back to Wewelsburg."

    "Here's where it gets interesting. A spy at the castle finally got the big picture for us just ten days ago. Agent Axis had returned from Tibet with the missing part of a puzzle, the information they believed necessary to construct something they call Die Glocke, which interestingly means The Bell. To give you some idea of the nature of this object, we initially believed this to be an atomic weapon project. It is being housed in a large spiral structure a mile from the castle, which is almost complete. The Black Sun cult believe that the by striking the bell with the Vajra, they will summon a Deva, or god, to fight on their side. As mad as this may sound, I am sure all of you have come to realize during this war that there are mad thing in the world these days. They must be stopped."

Stardust has posed:
    The briefing is taken over by Colonel Phillips. He stands to attention, face grave. "Politics!" he snorts. "It has been decided that we must ensure that nobody gets to gain exclusive access to this... technology, magic, or whatever combination it turns out to be precisely. So we're going in with mixed groups. One will be lead by Union Jack, and will consist of British, French and Canadian resources. The other will be lead by Captain America, and will consist of American, Anzac and Themysciran resources. The larger British team will assault the Spiral and attempt to recover or destroy Die Glocke. The American team will infiltrate the castle and attempt to recover or destroy the Vajra. We expect heavy defenses at both sites."

    He glances over the the Australian pilot, then turns back, resting his hands on the podium. "There is a further complication. Wing Command Ash has reported that an armored column is moving towards Wewelsburg from the south. Several vehicles of unusual shape. From what he has described, I think we can conclude that Hydra plans to beat us to the punch. We leave tomorrow. Any questions?"

Wonder Woman has posed:
The guns of war grow ever more deadly.

There really are no words for Diana to voice here. She'd seen the weapons of mankind up close and personal more than most. But what Stark produces, and Cap and Bucky put to use? Its telling of a future she's not sure how to truly welcome with fully open arms. Where others cheer and seem quite happy, Diana has conflicted emotions about it all. Sure she's happy that they've stopped the immediate threat, but, still. She's not one to cheer lightly after a fight.

She come from a very different breed of warriors than those who fight on theese battlefields.

When its said and done, Diana holds the sword and lasso wrapped in the blanket before her by its covered blade. She turns with the others and does smile back to those who regard her, to Cap and Howard, to Bucky and to Sameer. The Shadow gets another momentary glance though as she turns and moves back to the Command tent, to seat herself again and lay the rolled-up blanket across her lap.

Business was to be had yet still after all.

When the briefing start, Diana gives a glance to the Aussie, that is a nation she's not spent any time within yet, but there are many she's not visited yet. America being the most notorious.

Shadow has posed:
    "Traditionally, Phurba are intended to be used against supernatural entities in general - especially ones that do not necessarily have a physical form to damage. The Phurba can be used to 'pin' them, force them to remain corporeal so they can be ministered to or affected in more conventional ways -- or perhaps compelled." The Shadow comments, then turns to regard Diana and continues in Greek. "Your nature may be close enough to the Divine to count. Exercise caution."

Captain America has posed:
Before Colonel Thornley takes his place, Steve has time to shoot back sotto-voce at Wing Command Ash, "She's not a shiela -- she's also not a dame. She's Princess Diana of Themyscira and a force to be reckoned with."

His two cents having been calmly if firmly shared, the Captain listens to the reports and information presented, aerial reconnaisance and all. He glances back at Ash again at the note regarding the column and then at the others around the table.

"An exfil of a supernatural object? What can we bring to the table in defense against anything supernatural the ratzis might throw at us?" Rat-Nazis: the worst. He does, however, allow himself a curious look towards Diana in particular, wondering if she is their ace up their sleeve.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana's eyes remain on the briefing officer as its all expertly laid out before them. Her gaze momentarily drops down to her lap until she hears the voice in her native language speaking to her and she's once more looking over onto this Shadowy character. She dips her pointed chin calmly in a single nod of understanding of his warning and takes that to heart. Though she has a great deal of historical teachings in her life, none of these artifacts have ever crossed her studies before.

Steve's standing up for her makes her offer the Captain a small smile. She hadn't planned on touching on that comment, but she admires him doing so in her name, it was sweet and duly noted.

"I have a question." Diana says then, her smoky voice quite the contrast to all the masculine and tough-guy voices within this tent and the camp itself for that matter.

"Once we recover these artifacts..." She lets her blue eyes dart around quickly to the others. "Where are we to store them to keep them from causing harm in our possession? Just because we 'have' them, does not necessarily mean that they are removed from any potentialities of unjustly bringing suffering onto those who have not earned such a fate."

She just witnessed a mignty new weapon in use, but the ones being described here? They were far more of a concern for being used in heinous ways.

Stardust has posed:
    "Short answer," Phillips replies to Captain America, "We blow it up first. There's a small team who claims they can do the voodoo hoodoo, say they can supress from range. Don't buy into the magic stuff much myself. Science for me. Mister Stark here has shown us what he can do, and that I can trust. However Diana and The Shadow here on your team have some experience. Beefeater on Union Jack's team. The main thing here is to stop them before any serious 'magic'..." the disdain is obvious in his voice "... actually happens. The vajra and the bell are our main problems. Capture, or destroy them.Before they are brought together. We're not quite sure how the phurba knife is connected, but get that too."

    He turns to Diana with a nod. "Good question. Like I said, politics. The agreement is this. The bell... Die Glocke, will be dismantled. All scientific knowledge gained will be shared amongst the western Allies. The other two items will be melted down. Some of our experts say that's not possible. If not, it has been agreed that they will be split up and kept secure in different nations. Any further questions? No? Then take the evening off. We'll be leaving in the morning."

    As people start to leave, the Australian turns back to Steve. "Mate, she's a Sheila. Classy Sheila, no doubt, I'll give you that. But pegs like that, I'd say she's a Sheila and a half. You need ta spend more of your time around Sheilas yourself if you don't see that! Maybe I'll fix yer up with something after we clout the Kraut." He gives the Captain a wink and makes his way over to his squadmate, Flight Sergeant Roberts. "C'mon mate, let's go get shikkered." What language do they speak in Australia, anyway? As the pair depart, the Australian voice fades into the distance. "Mate? Is it just me, or was there an odd whiff back there? Kinda like... Jasmine?"