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Latest revision as of 04:07, 7 July 2019

Steph gets the talk from Damian
Date of Scene: 06 July 2019
Location: Library - Wayne Manor
Synopsis: Damian talks to Stephanie about the fight against Mr. Freeze
Cast of Characters: Robin (Wayne), Spoiler

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
It is mid-afternoon as Damian sits in the large chair infront of a fireplace with just ash in it. It was a bit warm for a fire, so he just pokes at it with the long iron poker as he thinks. The room is empty other then its normal decor, a large white board, and Damian sitting in the chair.

Steph would of got a message from Damian for her to come talk to her as soon as she arrived, and so he waited for her to show up to talk to him. He had time to think of what he wanted to say to her, and got past the urge to yell as a few thugs in the last few nights have ended up in hospitals. No he was calm, thinking, as he put the poker back not wanting to seem threating he just leaned back in the large chair, and steepled his fingers.

Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie's old motorcycle races down the manor's drive and is pulled into a parking spot near the door. She climbs off of it, peering at the engine suspiciously after hearing it make a few noises she isn't used to hearing. "One more thing," she says, shaking her head and trying to figure out when she'll find time, and money, to check it out. At least she can start to consider spending money on things like that, thanks to recent developments in employment.

Stephanie rings the bell, greeting Alfred with a warm smile and turning down any refreshments. "Need to go talk business I think," she explains to him before being conducted into the library. Stephanie departs from Alfred there, giving the older man a smile as she comes into the library. "Hey Damian," she tells him, moving over to join him by the fireplace. "Too warm for a fire?" she asks as she sees him handling the fire poker, but the fireplace being empty and cold but for those ashes. The blond crosses one leg over the other, wearing a pair of jeans and a light green t-shirt that has a Gotham U logo on it. "What's up?" she asks.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
When she enters, and Damian puts the firepoker away he is quiet looking at the ashes for insperation. He sighs a bit, and when he talks it is a calm very formal tone.. "I wanted to talk to you about the other night with Mr. Freeze" he holds up a hand, "Do not get defensive.. I think there is something I need to explain." standing up after saying that he pulls a marker out of his pocket. "For all of our sake I brought visual aids." he explains as he wheels it over to her.

He is then silent listening to any responses as he draws the street, the buildings, a small bus, and it is actually not bad.. It isn't artistically good, but very to scale. He then turns and puts a dot, "Me", and does it again, "You", and then continues till he has RR, and Nightwing. "I am going to leave off Barbara as she at this point was an unknown." He stops turning around, "Would you care to explain what happened next?"

Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie has one of her eyebrows go up in surprise as Damian tells her not to get defensive. That usually meaning there's something coming someone might react defensive to. The blond sits and watches him draw though, the blue eyes studying the street he's drawn.

"Well, from where you put us, we're down on the street so that's after you went down to the street, and I dropped the sign and followed," she says. "Dick had said he'd run interference and for us to rescue the men. I couldn't think of any way I could get them out very easily with what I had on me," she says. "And it was going kind of too easy. So I suggested if anyone on comms could check for anything else going on. You know, in case it was just a diversion. And I said I had a hunch I was checking out, and went down a manhole," she says. "Over here," she adds, getting up to tap about where it was on his diagram.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
Damian nods to her, drawing a line from where she was to where the manhole was, and he drew a line from him to the truck. "Yes, now you just jumped in head first down this hole.. Keep in mind you did this without telling us where you were going, or any backup to speak of despite me asking you to do otherwise." he stops, and takes a breath. "But, this is what you did.. Lets look what happened next." He then draws two more lines one for Damian moving towards the bus, one with Nightwing going into the manhole cover, and one with the bus moving forward with dots for drones now in some places near Tim, and around him as well as the twelve guys underground..

He stops, and looks at her "What is wrong here?" he looks expectantly at her, after a pause answer or not he continues, "This is the repercussions of your actions.. It isn't just your life out there, though it took me a while to accept that as well."

Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie pauses as Damian is pointing to the parts of the drawing. "Well, you said something about warning you about the drones. But I wasn't dealing with them, Dick was, I figured he'd warn you. And I figured, if they were robbing the trucks from beneath, I'd find out. But if they weren't? I was supposed to help free the guards. It was obvious from the sheer amount the hydrants that kept spraying them with more chemicals were getting fed it from beneath. So even if they weren't down there, that was the best way I could help with free the guards, by stopping more ice from forming on them," she says. "I did give warning I was going down there."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
Damian nods slowly, and doesn't say much as he just looks at the board for a long moment in silence wondering if he did not make it clear enough. Finally he speaks, "None of that answers the questions, but I will be clear. It isn't a bad thing that you saw that, and possibly it wasn't a bad thing that you jumped down there." he stops thinking about how to say this.

"Do you think I wanted to save those guys from the trucks?" he asks slowly looking at her. He sighs again, "I don't know where you got your experience from before, but here we work on percision. We strike in a specific spot with a specific level of action to solve the issues that are put infront of us by this City." he turns to look at the board.

"This doesn't seem very percise.. For example look." he points at where you and Nightwing are, "Because you didn't say enough Nightwing felt he needed to move out of position to cover you. That left two of us against the people that were turning." again he holds up a hand, "We didn't know that is fair." then continues, pointing at where you and Nightwing were, "For tweleve guys.." he shakes his head, "I am not saying that you should of just told us where, I am saying be patient.. I am saying that you acted like you were alone out there. I can cover many what if's for that night, and that just means we left ourselves vulnerable.. That is how people get hurt, and that is how people die."

He stops shaking his head, and went to get some water.. He was not used to talking this much, and hoped she could get kind of what he was trying to say. Alfred always nearby offers some nice tea for Damian, only to disapear again shortly after.

Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie Brown sits looking at the board. Her lips pursed a bit. Thoughts running through her mind. She noticed Dick coming down after her, though at that very moment? There wasn't much going through her head beyond the fact there were two men with guns trying to kill her, and letting her training kick in to try to leave them disappointed with the outcome of that.

Stephanie clears her throat. "It probably didn't end up being ideal placement. Though, when Dick followed, we all thought the situation was gunmen down below and no people above who weren't allies," she says. "I get the benefit of looking back at what happened to learn from it. But I'm not sure in that moment it was the wrong call," she says.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
Damian nods to her, and looks at the time then back to her, "I am not blaming you for his actions as he should not of gone in after you, but.. in this case I can see why he did. Still an error in judgement was his and I will talk to him about that also." he sighs a bit as that was going to go over well. He looks at the clock then at her, "There is a thin line between decisive, and reckless... my brother Tim walks it more everyday. We can do this together, and be better for it. I hope next time that you will keep this in mind.  If you can do that much then it is not time wasted."

He gives her a nod, "Thank you for your time." with that a calm cool look comes over him as he turns to look at buisness letting the anger win for it was time to go visit an old friend. He gives her a cold look his voice more monotone, "Excuse me." as he leaves to head to the cave, Robin was about to stab some people.

Spoiler has posed:
Stephanie crosses her arms as she looks at the diagram he'd drawn, then finally back to him. "Thank you for sharing your thoughts," she tells him with a nod. Stephanie is starting to learn Damian's quirks, and if she can silence her inner voice for any duration of time, learning how to get along with him perhaps.

Well. Better than before at least.

As he moves off, Stephanie looks towards the drawing again, back towards the manhole. After Damian is gone, Stephanie looks down, smiling a bit. Even if it might not have been the best decision tactically, Stephanie was ok with the emotion behind it. Though as she moves to leave, she considers that making sure no one comes to harm for it, is worth keeping in mind.