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NUH-UH-UH! That Stuff Ain't Right!
Date of Scene: 08 July 2019
Location: Flatlands, Brooklyn
Synopsis: Diana, Silver and Kate Kane seal a hell portal and kill off demons. Silver ends up with a fragment of a sacrificial knife embedded in her.
Cast of Characters: Copycat, Wonder Woman, Silver Sable, Batwoman

Copycat has posed:
A phone call came into the Symkarian embassy from one Rachel Granger, 85 years old and a Symkarian who recently moved to New York to be close to her son. Michael Granger is 60 and moved to the States in part to get away from his mother. Tough luck there Mike. But Rachel Granger still hasn't settled into life in New York, doesn't seem to trust anyone. She complained to the person who took the call about weird noise and smells in the house, and people that she was sure were up to no good. Please couldn't they send someone by to give her some piece of mind?

Meanwhile, across town...

A number of the Amazons around the Themysciran Embassy are listening to a phone call that came in and was recorded. Snickering and laughing, they've heard it a few times now, though it hasn't been forwarded yet to Diana Prince, who the woman had called trying to reach. Her voice raises from the speaker as the tape plays out. "I'M TELLING you, something is up and we need Wonder Woman over here!" the woman's voice on the other end of the phone says boisterously. The Themysciran who took the call says calmly, "I know you said it is unnaturally warm, but it is summer after all. Maybe-"

The woman on the other end cuts her off. "NUH-UH-UH. That stuff ain't right! It's hot like Hades and smells like it too. We got some kind of demon thing going on in this house and Wonder Woman needs to come over here and see to it. Because I seen what she did with those giant metal birds. If she can deal with them she can deal with this!"

The Themysciran ladies break out in soft laughter again.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana had been in her office, but she'd heard the snickering and some of the conversation just outside of her office at the receptionist area and it drew her out to check and see what was going on.

Once the information had been gathered she'd made sure to just simply get directions and tend to the request. If the person had managed to their their voice this far and this close to reaching Diana's ears, she would respect their wishes and go and see what was going on. Anything is possible in this world, Diana has learned, after all.

It only takes a matter of minutes before the directions are followed and Diana is settling in on the edge of a rooftop. Its a slanted roof so her right foot is extended down while her left leg is bent upward at the knee. In her armor, she shines brightly in the ambient light around her, her loose dark hair gently waving in the hot summer wind.

On her back is her round shield with a golden Eagle adorning its center. Between the shield and her back is her sword, sheathed inside her leather harness that is wrapped about her armor and body.

Diana's eyes are scanning the area, while her heightened hearing is listening closely to all the sounds...

Silver Sable has posed:
Silver Sablinova drives... pretty respectfully. Even with the diplomatic plates on her utility Jeep, she doesn't speed (often) or cause accidents. Diplomatic immunity only gets you so far.

Her hair is tossed by the wind passing through the open-topped vehicle. Lights flash on the dashboard, directing a call to her; Silver touches her smartwatch and connects the call to her earpiece.

"If this is about Ambassador Hurley, tell him we'll take the contract if he /crawls/ across the courtyard to apologize!" she snaps at her assistant.

"Aaah... no ma'am," the fellow says. "I've got kind of a peculiar one. There's a miss Rachel Granger who called up our Embassy to complain about some... strange activity in her house. Requested you, mum. Specifically."

"Granger. Who is she, and why should I care?"

"That's her married name; husband was a US Military servicemember. Former name is Brystylzkski," the assistant says.

Silver furrows her brows, then groans heavily and bangs her head off the seatback behind her. She curses in Symkarian. "Colonel Brystylzkski's sister," she says, heavily. "Yes, that's... that's a personal issue. I'll handle it. Send me the GPS route and I'll head that way presently."

The display beeps. A new location, new route. Silver glances down, then promptly guns her throttle and does a handbrake turn in the middle of the street. The Jeep's tires squeal and it launches westwards towards the site of the 'incident'.

"Batty old woman," Silver mutters.

Copycat has posed:
The address in question is a three story building. The first two floors are split into two-story townhouses, a total of four on this side of the building, and another four in back, each with their own door. The top floor has 8 apartments, four on each side, and is reached from a staircase along the side that goes up to the top floor, which shares a communal hallway.

The weather is hot as they arrive. Don't misunderstand, it's a warm day in New York, not so bad one doesn't want to be out, but enough that a cold drink, or a spell in the air conditioning, is helpful. But as they arrive in the neighborhood, the heat really starts to be more noticeable. It might be five hotter a few doors down, and ten degrees hotter, reaching the high 90s, whenever one of them gets within a building or so of the location.

Outside of the house two small kids are playing, while an overweight woman with a cane despite being only about 40, is sitting on a front stoop.

The windows of one of the upstair apartments are murky as if fogged over. Another has black curtains drawn. One of the townhouse has what look to be towels or blankets draped up as curtains.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana's eyes take in the sight of the building in-question. She can see the outside staircase leading up into the top floor but she elects to leave that be for now since she isn't truly sure 'something' is going on here at all.

Instead, the Princess' gaze falls upon the woman on the front stoop and the children playing with her or near to her. What this group comes to find in their life next? Is a 6 foot-something tall Amazonian woman in red/gold and blue armor suddenly gently touching down upon the pavement of the street in front of them... and starting to walk toward them.

A look is given to the children, then Diana's blue-eyed gaze falls upon that of the 40 year old woman. "Hello." The Greek descendant woman says to them all. "I am Diana of Themyscira. I have come after a call for help was sent to me specifically." Her heavily accented English is quite likely nothing these people have heard in person before.

Silver Sable has posed:
Silver cuts illegally across the street and bumps a tire on the sidewalk to park, facing the wrong way. Who's gonna tow her? She puts the vehicle in park and settles back to assess the situation. Eyes narrow at the sight of a black-haired woman floating towards the apartment, then they go wide.

"Boze moi," she hisses. "Wonder Woman? Here?"

Silver makes sure her things are secured and steps down out of the jeep. Her outfit's more suited for the office than a tactical operation; tan slacks and a button-up white blouse, with wedge-heeled boots in grey.

Silver adjusts her heavy silver overcoat, worn with sleeves rolled and despite the heat. She doesn't look terribly uncomfortable, and the garment does conceal some weapons on her person.

Long strides take her up to the apartment, but she slows as she gets closer to Diana. Silver fears nothing or no one, mortal or god, but it's hard not to feel a /little/ intimidated by the presence of a literal paragon of feminine virtue.

She shakes her head and looks at apartment numbers. Granger's apartment is one door down from the one that looks suspicious-- Silver makes a face. No desire to talk to the cranky old Symkarian grandmother. So she heads towards the source of the complaint.

Batwoman has posed:
Scanning 911 calls is something of a Bat-hobby, especially when things are slow. As it happens, Kate Kane is in New York for business. Her meetings concluded early, which left her with a free afternoon.


Too early for clubbing, when her scanner picks up the call Kate automatically runs some cross-checks. No, as Sable discovered this isn't a typically crazy old lady calling because the heat won't shut off.

Sigh. Costume. Motorcycle. Unlike Sable, however, Batwoman really could care less about traffic or traffic laws. Why own a RACING bike if you don't, at least occasionally, RACE with it?

The engine on the black and red crotch-rocket whines down as Batwoman rolls up to the house. In costume and past the neighbors, no less. No pretense here; the capes have arrived! Civilians are given a quick once-over, then ignored for the moment.

Actually the capes are already here, at least one of them. Kate knows Wonder Woman on sight, of course. The silver-haired woman's image is still being cross-referenced as the red-haired vigilante dismounts the bike and approaches the apartment. The voice-activate mic clicks as she speaks, whether anyone else is listening or not. "Batwoman, arriving at the scene of the disturbance."

Copycat has posed:
The quite rotund woman sees Wonder Woman land and she pushes to her feet with the help of the cane. "OH SWEET Lord oh mighty! Lord Baby Jesus!" she exclaims, and those are all of the words that need to be said before Diana will know this was the woman who called. "Wonder Woman, bless you lady. I told 'em! I told 'em all something going on up there," she says, waggling a finger up towards the third floor apartments, reachable from the stairs on the side of the building. "All manner o' strange noises. Smells. And can't tell me this heat is natural! It's the work of the devil I tell you! I pound my broom stick on the ceiling and they just keep making their skittering noises up there, they do!"

A few other passersby are stopping as they spot Wonder Woman, and soon Batwoman arriving on the scene. Silver is mostly overlooked for having more normal attire. Though a curtain is pulled back, and Rachel Granger spots her and starts waving and pointing upstairs.

Wonder Woman has posed:
The arrival of the Jeep and the motorcycle both draw Diana's gaze individually. Diana doesn't know either of those who arrive, though Batwoman's attire makes her an obvious standout for whom she must represent... and it doesn't precisely look like a Cosplayer, though she's seen some pretty good cosplays in her days, of even herself no less!

Either way, its the sudden exclamations from the woman on the steps that draws the Princess' eyes back onto said woman who's approaching her, then quickly pointing up the staircase and to the top floor level in-general.

"Those are peculiar things, I am sure, Miss Granger. I will check them out, but why did you not just call the police?" She has to ask then. "Situations like this are best handled by your local law enforcement..." These words are said as the Amazon Warrior starts to make her move to walk toward this staircase that will take her up to that indicated level...

She gives another glance over to Silver and to Batwoman as well though as she goes.

Silver Sable has posed:
"<Is this a bedamned vigilante club meeting?>" Silver says. The words are likely lost on Kate-- she speaks Symkarian, a language little expressed outside of Eastern Europe.

"Princess!" she barks, sharply, to get Wonder Woman's attention. "This is a Symkarian matter. Leave me to handle it," she says, putting even-handed authority into her voice.

Silver glances over at Kate, looks her up and down. "You as well, Batwoman. Your assistance is not needed here," she says with a dismissive sniff.

"Find something more worthy of your time," Silver advises them both, and beelines for the apartment door.

Batwoman has posed:
"I'm sure that I'm not." Batwoman replies, striding up to the building anyway. Red lips pull back into a tight smile, then. "But since I'm in the neighborhood, I'll have a look anyway."

"Best case is that I'm not needed and I chat up the neighbors. At worst, three sets of eyes are better than one and I can watch the street." Batwoman doesn't ascend the stairs, however. Instead, she unclips a grapple gun from her utility belt while she eyes the upper floors.

No sense in -everyone- stampeding in.

Copycat has posed:
The large woman tells Diana, and quite loudly, "Oh they don't even hardly take my calls anymore! You'd think they'd be happy, a citizen taking such an interest in the wellfare of others. But OH NO. They don't even..." she says, and will keep going on for awhile, not even realizing the three heroes are already enroute to the upstairs apartments via stairs and bat grapples.

Arriving at the upstairs, there is a small that is very definitely off. Like a mixture of sulfur and rotting vegetation. The paint on the one apartment door has a few bubbles in it like the paint heated up enough to melt before cooling again. It's even warmer here than it was downstairs. Probably over 100 degrees now. And there are occasional noises from inside, like furniture being pushed about, or little feet moving quickly.

A more people have gathered in the streets to watch, nearly two dozen people, just casual gawkers. Cell phones are out, recording it, and the more vain people are standing to try to get selfies with the famous heroines visible in the background going up the stairs, or just zipping up on a line as Batwoman does.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana doesn't know who Silver is, but she's not going to let the woman command her around. She gives a glance to Batwoman to watch her grapple up to the roof, definitely confirming that thats not cosplay... but then her eyes fall to Silver again. "And what is your name, Miss?" Diana asks of the Symkarian.

Her left hand reaches out to the railing of the external staircase and as she starts to go up she looks back over her right bare shoulder to Miss Granger. "Please, take the children and go to the opposite side of the street." She advises them as she will then follow Sable up the steps.

As they draw nearer to the upper floor the signs start to all flood in, the smells, sounds and sights. A grim expression falls across Diana's sculpted features and she draws in a breath.

"She may have been right." Diana says then, as her right half-leather-wrapped-hand raises up over her shoulder and she draws her sword from her back with the soft and satisfying sound of polished metal gliding across well oiled leather is quietly heard.

"I can hear them inside." Diana warns, now clutching her sword pointed down at her right side.

Silver Sable has posed:
"I smell them," Silver mutters back at Diana. They're inside; she glances around once, then reaches to the small of her back and produces a compact firearm. It's sleekly modern, so cutting edge that it probably hasn't been formally adopted by a military due to availability or cost. She ensures it's ready and starts creeping down the hall as silently as she can. The woman's a stealthy sort and pads towards the upper level, nudging open a partially closed door with a boot toe and using the wall as cover while 'clearing' the area beyond it, visually.

Batwoman has posed:
Oh hell, might as well give the neighbors a show at least. Batwoman aims and the fires the grapple, waiting for it to catch before pushing the speed-reel to ascend to the floor in question. Definitely no cosplay here! Unlatching the hook, she stows it out of reflex.

Gathering just outside the door with the others, as Diana draws steel and Silver draws a firearm, Kate slips out a batarang. "The lady wasn't exaggerating about the smell." she agrees. The woman in black and red doesn't move to enter with the others, however. Instead, she moves back a couple steps where she keeps a good vantage of windows and the stairs.

"I'll cover you. Talk me through what you're seeing."

Copycat has posed:
The three heroes prepares themselves near the door, Silver making sure nothing is hiding up there in the open area between the apartments. When Diana goes over to the door and swings it open, the smell that wafts out is the first thing that will be noticed. The smell of rotting flesh is definitely one of the components, the reek of it rolling out before the door is even all the way open.

Once they can see inside, they see a portal of some sort, the edges of it wreatched in red smoke and flame. The middle is like a heat distortion making it difficult to see what is on the other side. Through the door is an entryway, a kitchen on the left and a doorway to a room on the right, while straight on from the entrance is the living room with the portal on the far side.

Within the room, two bodies can be seen, bloated and black, one lying on the ground, another fallen over the arm of a sofa to hang with a blackened head near to the ground. There's a box on the living room floor and a number of vases, figurines, and other minor artworks lying about.

Then there are the demons. Lots of demons. Most of them are of middling size, about as big as a 6-year old, but with clawed fingers, pointy teeth, spikes sticking out of their elbows tusks, and other means of inflicting violence. Two are notably larger, as big as humans, while a few are tiny, like squirrel sized. The demons take one look at the door and then begin a mass charge towards it!

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana can hear the response from Batwoman, and she watches where Silver goes, but once inside and once that smells hits her she realizes this shouldn't be happening, why would such a thing happen here? The smell doesn't really effect her like it would most, she acknowledges its terrible scent but she doesn't react to it.

She's raising her free hand up to the side of her face to speak into her ear comm once she sees the Portal and the blooated bodies upon the floor. "Wonder Woman to the Justice League. We will need magical assistance at my location... we have a portal to what appears to be a demonic dimension in a residential area near to Manhattan."

Her blue eyes raise up and she spies the demons now as she steps into view of them in-turn.

Diana's hand lowers from the side of her face and it instead now goes to her lasso at her hip. The lasso FLASHES golden bright with the divine powers of which it is blessed by! She stalks forward toward the largest of the demonic forms. "Return to your portal." Diana commands them, giving them a chance...

Silver Sable has posed:
Silver's response is much more practical. She drops to one knee, under Diana's arm's reach. The last thing the silver-haired woman wants to do is start an international incident by putting a projectile through Wonder Woman.

She lines up her shots with a calm and unhurried patience, holding the gun with a good two-handed grip, and starts cracking off hypersonic rounds. No explosive report or smel of gunfire; an airgun? Gauss pistol?

Whatever she's shooting hits like a freight train and she perforates two of the charging demons rather promptly. They explode backwards in a shower of off-color gore.

"Or do not! I have plenty of ammo!" Silver shouts.

"Batwoman! Hostiles, nonhuman! Ten of them!" She cracks off a round. "Nine! Some kind of ... demonic summoning ritual!"

Batwoman has posed:
Demons. Nope, the old lady wasn't exaggerating.

Batarang in one hand, Kate draws an automatic with her other. (Yes, unlike Batman the Batwoman isn't reluctant to use guns as necessary!) "Apparently it was successful. Or not, judging by the condition of the bodies." Pause. "I'll make sure none get past you." she declares, forming the back corner of the defensive triangle formation.

The Safety, as it were.

A portal in an apartment is one thing. A portal spilling demons out into the whole neighborhood is something else entirely.

Copycat has posed:
Spilling demons out into the neighborhood is exactly what is happening. The magic lasso flashes through the doorway, snaring one of the larger demons. That it immediately begins smoking and writhing from the mere touch of that hallowed golden rope gives a clear indication what sort of beings the three female heroes are facing.

A demon with an extra wide face and huge floppy ears takes a round from Silver, its head disintegrating into a spray of gore. The other demons rushing through behind it only exclaim in glee as they run through the brains of their comrade!

Two of the smaller ones make the doorway, one leaping with clawed hands towards Wonder Woman's throat, the other rolling itself in a ball out the door and heading right towards Batwoman. Even as it rolls, its hands reach out with fingernails like razor blades as it heads for her feet. There's also the sound of glass shattering from somewhere deep in the apartment, as if something just went out a window.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Upon seeing the Lasso of Truth literally burn a demon upon touching it she twirls the rope around which sends the sizzling demonic body through the air in a C-shaped direction where it unleashes the creature at the button of the twirl and sends it flying back toward-and-into the portal from which it came!

The demonic form lunging at her is then suddenly cut in half by her silvery shining sword sweeping up in front of her body just before the creature can dare to lay a hand upon her flesh! The two halves of the beast spilit apart and go sailing past the Princess on either side of her body, only to thud agains the floor and roll to separate corners.

Diana spins on her armored feet, her sword is kept ready and the lasso wraps around her own body in a state that is primed to be whirled-back-out. "There must be a way to close this portal." She says, loud enough for the others to hear. She is not an expert on portals though, having only dealt with them of this variety a few times, and never directly without help.

"A focusing object it is tied to, or a symbol." She's visually scanning the floors and areas around the red smoking gateway to 'hell'! When another creature comes down upon her she ducks beneath it and spins low to swipe all of its legs out from under it before her sword is JAMMED forward into the creature's gnarly-and-exposed ribcage! It ROARS at her, impaled on the sword, using its gross and disgusting hands to pull itself up her blade toward her hand and toward her face as she drives the weapon in deeper.

Just before it can reach her, she rips the weapon upward and splits the creature into two halves from chest to cap!

Silver Sable has posed:
Silver spins on her knees as the uupper half of the bisected demon spins around and slavers in screeching agony. It digs claws into the hardwood and starts scrabbling fast towards Batwoman with a gibbering lunacy.

Silver lunges foweard, jams her pistol barrel into that maw, and pulls the trigger. The gun *cracks* and obliterates the demon's skull.

The mercenary gets to her feet, ejects a thermal clip and locks a new one into place. She gives Kate's hardware a once-over. "Nice piece," she tells the redhead, and turns to face Diana.

"Don't know about closing portals. I can come up with some explosives if you give me minute to improvise," Silver offers. "Either that, or we need an exorcist...."

Batwoman has posed:
Two .40 caliber hollowpoints splatter the rolling-ball demon along the concete hall. "Window!" Batwoman calls out, hearing the glass shatter. Stepping along the outdoor hallway, she hops lightly up onto the railing to try and get a better look at escaping demons.

"And I agree. Find the ritual object... symbols... signs... or whatever. Scatter anything that looks to be deliberately placed."

Crime scene etiquette be damned.

Batwoman cranes her neck... ah! There goes the escapee. She hurls the batarang... it arcs out... and clocks the demon from its blind side.

Copycat has posed:
The crowd on the street start to scream, yell, gibber, or otherwise act in fear according to their personal style. A woman's loud voice can be heard shouting, "Oh Hell No! You ain't goin' near them children!" But before a cane can be put to use, another Kane puts a batarang on the job. The demon takes it in the side of the head, knocking him forward to face plant into the sidewalk. It doesn't stop the overweight woman from beating on his body with the cane though.

More demons are trying to fight their through to the heroes. Teeth gnashing and claws scratching the flooring as they rush forward. Across the living room a number of items are scattered but it's haphazard, not like there is any kind of organization to it. More like things were being taken out of the box, and perhaps even the box upended at one point.

One of the large, human-sized demons goes for Silver. As it does, it kicks one of the items on the floor. A knife with a chipped obsidian blade and a lapis lazuli handle. There's a little smear of black on the edge of the knife like it cut something. As it skitters across the floor and under the couch, the portal momentarily flickers before regaining fully solidness. Another human sized demon steps through, roaring and charging ahead!

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana is near to the windows, she's able to hear outside and she's relieved to hear the people shouting but not in a way that would suggest they're being attacked. She'd placed the call out to the Justice League... others would be coming, but they'd be a little ways off yet still.

A quick look is given to the other women with her. She wonders precisely how Silver is involved in this... she'd said it was her concern after all.

But there's time for that later, in the now the demons are rushing across the room and Diana's shield is pulled off of her back. She spots the knife trickling across the floor, she hears Kate shout those words out and she moves toward it, with sword slashing and shield bashing, Diana makes her way through the crowd of creatures before she stomps on the blade's edge, causing it to flip up into the air...

And with it she brings her sword down to try to slice it into two whilst it spins in mid air in front of her nose!

Silver Sable has posed:
Silver leaps into the air with a phenomenal acrobatic motion. She kicks the demon square in the throat and snakes her legs around a grasping, rubbery arm. It's stronger than she is, but the mercenary is relying on leverage and physics to do the work. The demon's flipped ass over teakettle in a rustling of a silverovercoat and pinned facefirst into the floor with a screech of pain. Silver whips a boot knife out of her belt and impales a grasping hand to the wood floor with a single fluid motion.

The demon's held up for just long enough for the woman to lean back and put two slugs into the skull of a demon lunging near-silently for Diana's back.

"Batwoman! Are the children unharmed?" Silver hollers at Kate. Not like she had a choice-- nothing to do but trust Batwoman to live up to her reputation. Silver looks up at the black-cowled redhead. "Drinks on me, I think," she tells her gratefully.

Silver turns her gun around and blows the skullplate off the demon trapped in her leglock.

Batwoman has posed:
Balanced on the railing, red cape fluttering in the breeze, Batwoman draws a second automatic. Watching and ready. Covering both the broken window and the doorway, she remains watchful. Guarding.

"Kids are just fine. I knocked it out and the old lady is beating it with her cane. I like my scotch from the top shelf. Straight up."

Just to make sure, Kate spares a look down at the demon in question that's currently oozing onto the lawn. Or what's left of it.

Copycat has posed:
The demons let out a wailing as the demi-goddess handles the ceremonial, sacrificial dagger. They stop trying to attack and instead trying to flee, and there will be tense moments trying to keep them from getting away.

Diana's sword swings down, glittering in the light as it slices through the obsidian blade, shattering it into dozens of fragments. It comes apart and there's a horrific orangish-red light in that first moment when the pieces are close to each other, as if trying to keep them together. But the shards of obsidian fly apart like shrapnel and the light flashes bright and goes out. The portal collapses in on itself, and two demons that are still near to it are pulled half in before it closes on them, leaving their upper bodies to fall to the floor with a disgusting thump, oozing out their guts onto the floor.

Someone is probably NOT going to get back all of their security deposit.

Wonder Woman has posed:
And not but a second or so after those halves of demon bodies thud wetly onto the floor of the apartment does Diana turn around then to face the other two women she'd come on this little extermination mission with. Flecks of demonic blood dot her armor and her bare skin across her arms shoulders and legs, she stares right onto that of Silver with her lasso still wrapped around her body and her sword and shield held at her sides now.

"You were saying, something about being involved in all of this?" Diana then asks of Silver directly. Clearly wanting more information on who this woman is--which she'd asked for earlier and not gotten---and now what all of 'this' was.

Diana's sword is raised up and put back behind her back, while her friend hand is then moving to draw that golden rope off of her body, it quietly running across her as it unravels from around her fit form.

Silver Sable has posed:
Silver screams in pain. She squelches it, fast, and grits her teeth. To her credit she doesn't drop her gun, teeth bared in a rictus grin. Blood flows heavily down her left forearm. It looks like her overcoat shedded several fragments of spall but her bare arms took a hit.

"Schiesse!" she curses, and starts ripping apart a pillowcase to make a field dressing. She starts spitting curses in Symkarian, mostly questioning the parentage and spiritual purity of Mrs. Granger.

She rips apart a pack of medical supplies concealed in her jacket and straps a tourniquet in place to stop the bleeding.

She glares up at Diana's question. "Family friend called it in," she admits, finally. It's hard to resist the compelling nature of those intense Themysciran eyes. "Had to handle it, personally."

She starts slapping a field dressing into place on the wound.

Batwoman has posed:
Perched on the balcony rail, Batwoman -senses- that something is happening in the apartment. How could she miss it? Between the flashing lights, all the shrieking, and the squelching wet sounds, it's a fair bet that things are going down.

"I think my ears just popped. Tell me that it's closed." she offers.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana watches Silver dealing with the wound, she listens to the response and though her initial reaction to the information that Silver provides isn't exactly satisfying, she glances down at her lasso for a moment before her shield is stowed on her back.

"I see." Diana quietly responds.

A second or so passes for Silver, the time she spends tending to her wound.

But then, suddenly, Diana is crouched beside the woman and she's staring directly into her face. What comes next is Silver's hand is stopped from the field dressing and the golden lasso is suddenly wrapped around the woman's wrist.

She had asked twice now, and both times she'd not gotten a name.

"What is your name?" Diana asks her, the lasso compelling Sable to tell her the truth as it tightens and begins to warm up, growing ever hotter.

Silver Sable has posed:
Steel presses against the underside of Diana's jaw and Silver's finger rests on the trigger of the gun. It's fast, reflex done so smoothly that Silver's face doesn't even process her instincts. She claps and traps Diana's hand in place, trying to fight against truly godlike strength to keep from being easily disarmed.

She stares at Diana, then blinks rapidly. A snarl flutters across her upper lip as the lasso starts to burn at her soul, *compelling* the truth from her.

"S-Silver Sablinova," she gets out, finally. Her eyes go wide in shock at the compulsion of that enchanted braid.

"Svolach! Do not work your... sorcery on me, Wonder Woman!" she spits, struggling vainly with every ounce of defiance she can muster. "Take your hands from me, you've no right to take my words from my mouth!"

Wonder Woman has posed:
The gun doesn't interest Diana, only the answer to her question and when its given, the anger that comes with it is ignored. The lasso is unraveled and set down on the floor beside her. "It is my right when the lives of innocents are at risk." She responds to the silver haired woman before her.

"Now, away with your weapon." The Princess then says as she moves to take over the work of tending to Silver's wound. "You are doing an abysmal job with this. Sit back and keep your hands away." Its a calm order, a request...

But all the same, the Warrior Woman is trying to take over the ability to tend to the woman's wounds for her, if allowed.

Silver Sable has posed:
Silver glares at Diana as long as her nerve holds out. Just enough to show that she's not responding to Diana's orders anything less than of her own will.

A blast of frustration is exhaled through her nose and she sits back. The gun's tucked under her thigh for temporary safekeeping while Diana tends her wounds.

"Hard to apply a tourniquet one-handed," Silver mutters, a little defensively. "Think it was chunk of that knife. Not sure if I got it out or not," she informs Diana. The woman seethes in pain but holds it together well at the feeling of the impromptu field surgery. "What was it, do you think?"

Wonder Woman has posed:
You know when it comes to things like this, the worst part of having to do any sort of 'removal' procedure is the part that happens just before the removal. Knowing that its going to happen... Diana has learned that that is often the worst time for the person. She's dealt with it many times, especially back in the days of the world wars...

This is why she doesn't tell Silver that its coming.

Diana rips the small chunk of knife out of the woman's arm and its likely so very painful that Silver might pass out...

"It was the knife." Diana says. "I am sorry." The piece is set down on the floor and then Diana is clutching Silver's wound with her left hand while her right remains unused to help hold back any counter-attack that the fighty woman might send her way... just in case.

Silver Sable has posed:
Silver knows what's coming. The scars on her arm, on her neck-- they're not the delicate silver awards from a rough-and-tumble childhood. There's little doubt she's been through some shit.

But she still screams into the leather collar of her overcoat, the silver material clenched tight betwen her teeth. At least Diana gets it over with fast and Silver almost faints back against the wall at the dizzying overcompensation of endorphins with no pain to fight.

For a second, though, she /definitely/ thinks about punching Diana. But apparently reconsiders. "Not your fault," Silver mutters. She examines the field dressing, nods once. "Adequate. Suppose you Amazons have done this a few times." With an uneasy push off the wall Silver struggles to her feet.

Wonder Woman has posed:
"From time to time." Diana replies, showing the momentary presence of a brief and faint smirk. Not many can apply pressure to a wound quite like Diana can though, so it numbed up pretty good by the time she got the bandage on. "You still need to see a doctor about this though, swiftly-so."

And with that said she starts to rise to her feet, taking her lasso up and attaching it once more to the harness on her body. She then offers a leather wrapped hand to Silver to help her stand.

"Come now, Miss Sablinova. We have to tend to the witnesses below. There will be many questions." She can hear police sirens as well by now and her backup from the League will likely be close behind if not already arriving.

Silver Sable has posed:
Silver looks up, then slaps her palm into Diana's and accepts the handup. She grunts and stabilizes with the Amazons' aid, and turns the grip into a handshake.

"Sable," Silver tells Diana. "To my friends. Anyone who pulls steel out of me, I think I can call 'friend'."

She glances at the bandages on her arm. "Doctor, yes. First-- liquor. I think I'm going to limp down to the bar. Have some cheap vodka. Old herbal remedy," she smirks.

"You talk to cops. I'm not staying to chat." She turns to walk out, waving once over her shoulder. "Not here for the public good. Glad you're still so civic minded. Good night, Wonder Woman," she says, with one look over her shoulder-- then disappears around the stairwell and starts towards the front door, gathering stride and momentum as she goes.

Wonder Woman has posed:
After they part ways, Diana stands outside and holds her eyes on the back of Silver as she goes. She then looks down into her right leather-wrapped palm. She holds the piece of dagger she'd recovered and has a faint frown, it is definitely not steel, whatever it is.

A moment later, Mrs Granger is coming to Diana, arms out and a wild array of colorfully slung words and prhases being said to the tall Amazonian woman. A faint smile spreads over Diana's lips and she moves to interact with the woman and many others who are gathering outside in the hot and hazey summer evening.