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Latest revision as of 17:21, 23 July 2019

You Did What
Date of Scene: 07 May 2019
Location: Avengers Mansion, New York City
Synopsis: Thor is the WORST!
Cast of Characters: Thor, Black Widow (Romanoff), Wonder Woman
Tinyplot: The Bells Are Gonna Chime

Thor has posed:
    The day starts lazily for the Lord of Thunder. He has gotten into a routine in his time staying there at the Avengers mansion away from New Asgard for now. Sleep is when he wishes. Food is when he is hungry. Everything else is negotiable. He emerges from his room, or wherever he ended up dozing off.
    Rising to face the day at the crack of noon, Thor pauses long enough to check the window, pulling down the slats and revealing the world to him. At the lack of any Sentinels shooting up the skyline, or alien ships blasting the city, he grunts and lets the slat close back with a thwack then turns away.
    The next objective of the day is to check his cellular communications device. Thirty minutes later after he finds wherever it has been hidden he checks. No messages, then he throws it over his shoulder and heads downstairs. If on the course of that sojourn he finds his floral flip-flips, he slips them on without breaking stride, now pursued by the fnap-flap fnap-flap of the cheap plastic striking the soles of his feet.
    In the kitchen? No notes from anyone. No responsibilities for the moment. No obligations. He takes a deep breath and sniffs through his nose, then pulls open the refrigerator door and announces to himself. "It is beer'o'clock."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"Actually, it's lunch time. Though the saying goes 'it's five o'clock somewhere,' I think it would be best if you weren't drinking beer quite this early," comes the voice of Natasha from the kitchen doorway. She's dressed in her uniform. Perhaps she was already out on business or she was on Watch duty here at the mansion. Or maybe she just wanted to wear it because she was used to it.

"Try some water," she suggests as she walks over to the fridge and reaches past him for a bottle of water on the top shelf. There are several others there too. Then she takes the bottle and moves away, leaning against a counter top as she waits for him to move so she can figure out something for her lunch.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana had been on a special event scheduled for today. She was to ride with the mounted police officers through the park. She'd brought her horse from her Metropolis stables at the Consulate to Manhattan for the very purpose of this event today. It had gone well, a nice public showing and there'd been no hiccups, in alien attacks or sentinel fights... she couldn't be more happy about that either.

And now? The Princess of Themyscira has separated herself from the event, but she was still on horseback and she comes riding down the New York city street at a casual pace, her blue and gold cloak around her shoulders, her hair loose and flowing in the cool Spring time breeze, and her horse's feet quietly clopping on the pavement as she goes.

There's no small amount of pedestrians and civilians taking pictures of the famous New York city resident in this state either, its quite a moment for the tourists brave enough to visit this notoriously tumultuous city.

To the Avengers Mansion, Diana Prince rides, coming to a stop outside the gates she hses a metal tipped toe to reach out and touch the call box to signal her arrival... she'll likely be displayed on the internal screens now, atop horse and in armor and cloak.

Thor has posed:
    "Water?" He says the word as if it were vulgar, shaking his head as he casually extends his shoulders a bit to the side to make it more awkward for Nat to sneak by and get at the fridge, righteous punishment for her transgression as he adds, "Never touch it." Which is a lie, but he acts as if he means it.
    He secures himself his bottle of Tropicalia IPA and cracks it open with the typical snap/hiss of the thing. He turns away and takes a long sip before the mansion's computers announce...
    // Call box activated. //
    And Diana's image is displayed upon the monitor. It flickers on that wall panel displaying her image clearly, drawing Thor's attention. He blinks for a moment, peers at it closer, "Is that outside?"
    Which, of course it is, there's the fountain and the statues.
    "Bother," He says, but then quickly tilts the beer back and drains as much as he can. He then sets it aside on the /wooden/ end table, Jarvis will be furious. He then steps into the hallway leading towards the foyer. "What could she want?" He calls over his shoulder. For a moment he sniffs at his pits and crinkles his nose, but as he passes by a coat rack he grabs his black sweatshirt from there and throws it on over his Avengers Academy t-shirt. It leaves him still garbed in grey gym shorts and hoodie and flip flops... but at least it's better.
    The button to trigger the gate is hit and then he opens the front door.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Before Natasha can even answer, Thor has opted it must be outside as he is trying to down that beer as rapidly as possible. She watches his departure then moves the beer to a kitchen counter top before following the god of thunder to the entrance.

"She's all dressed up with no one to beat up, it looks like," she murmurs to her teammate as she waits for their guest to ride up onto the lawn. If the horse does something there, she wonders if Tony has a robot for that.

Wonder Woman has posed:
When the gates start to open, it is revealed that Diana is posing for a picture with two women who appear to be in their middle ages, done up like classic tourists. The staynd beside Diana's horse and she remains atop it as a third person is taking a photo of them all. Once its taken some light pleasantries are exchanged and the Princess starts to indeed ride her mount up the driveway toward the home and toward where those who've come to greet her are.

As she reaches the front of the home, Diana starts to dismount the horse, easily slipping herself off of it, her armored boots touching down onto the property now as she drops the reigns of the majestic animal's over the front of a stone railing on the side of the driveway's curb.

She turns now to start to walk toward the home, her robe and dark hair gently swaying about her body as she moves, her blue eyes looking up toward the front doors to those who wait just beyond them. "Unexpected visits, they are... ill-advised. I know. " My apologies," she says to both Thor and Natasha. She first looks to Thor and offers him a bit of a playful grin, mostly because of how he's dressed, it amuses her.

Her eyes then move to Natasha and she assumes that this is the woman he is marrying. "I do believe Congratulations are in order. To you both." She says then.

Thor has posed:
    "Greetings!" Thor had started with and held up a hand in a wave, stepping back with a sweep of one arm to indicate for Diana to advance closer and then to enter should she so wish. "Do, please come inside." He starts to step back a little as the princess advances.
    Then she offers her congratulations and he lifts his head in that small smile, the one he uses for official occasions, but it breaks into a wry laugh and a touch embarrassed as his laugh shifts and he looks over at Black Widow.
    "Haha, what? Oh no, no. No no no." He objects a little /too/ much then looks over to catch Natasha's eye, "No this is, my _teammate_." He says that with some formality as he overexplains, "We are merely..." He looks back at her, eyebrow cocked as if asking her and not sure of the answer himself as he fields just a steady... look from Natasha. "I mean, I think we are..." He laughs again a little, weaker, "We are friends. But this is not my wife to be."
    He says. Then he remembers his manners.
    "This is Natasha!" He hurries forth, one hand gesturing like a knife chopping as if that decided the matter. "Diana, Princess of Themyscira. May I present to you Natasha Romanova, the famed Black Widow."
    He looks at Natasha with a quirked eyebrow as he continues to dig his own grave, but tries to extricate himself. "Who is... so deadly. Very deadly. And yes." He looks back to Diana.
    There's a pause... then he finally says when it becomes awkward.
    "Come in!"

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Things just went into a very weird place. Yet, Natasha takes it in stride. Moreso than Thor does. When he starts to object, she arches a brow at him and just waits. Then he bumbles through things and she is fighting a smirk.

By the time he finally says her name, she is just staring at him with her arms crossed. Not because she's annoyed but because she wants him to think she is.

"Princess Diana. It's a honor to meet you. Please, do come inside. Even if Thor seems to be having some technical difficulties at the moment."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Once inside, Diana stands just a few steps within the home that she's been in a few times before. With her armored boots on she stands at around 6 foot 2 inches in height, which is just about 2 below where Thor and his flip flops are and a bit above where the deadly redhead stands.

Diana's blue eyes go from Thor, to whom gets a slight grin upon the Themysciran's lips at his fumbling reaction to her misunderstanding and then she looks over to Natasha who helps correct it with a much more refined level of grace.

"My second apology then..." Diana says most specifically to Natasha, she extends her right hand out from beneath that dark blue robe, that has a golden lining when its open enough to peer inside, the style and make of the robe is meant to resemble that of large feathers, it looks very ceremonial in nature.

"I was... out today, and I heard the news and I just... thought I would stop by and check in. To offer my congratulations to..." She looks back to Thor specifically. "You and yours, I am sure that a wedding of the King of New Asgard will help fill the hearts of its people with new and great positivity."

She looks Thor over again then, now that they're closer and she's indoors with the two of them. "Hopefully... she will have a positive influence on you as well." Is that a shot at his attire?

Thor has posed:
    The tall Asgardian clears his throat and smiles as he steps back so that Diana and Nat can be equally before him. "Yes, well." He offers to start, the refined equivalent of 'ummmm.' Yet he continues as he looks between them, "Thank you for your wishes, I will convey them to Princess Ellisandra, she will likely be pleased to hear of them."
    No she won't.
    He then takes up the nibs of the hoodie string that tightens the hood and casually twists them in hand, then uncurls his hands to gesture, "I fear you do not catch me at my best." He looks towards Natasha and then says, "I have decided to remain in the Avengers mansion during this Sentinel crisis. I fear I have allowed the easy-living to get to me."
    There, he answers her veiled critique with gentle admonishment. Yet that is all that's needed so he steps back, "Can I get you anything? Coffee? Tea?" A beat, "Ice cream?"

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"A beer. I think there are five left," Natasha adds with that smirk back again. She does give Thor a long look for a moment. She has to wonder if he is staying here because of the Sentinel threat or is it more because of New Asgard being overrun with the press trying to get a picture of his bride-to-be?

He might be using the crisis to hide. Not that she blames him. She'd hide too if she was being forced into a marriage. She was manpulated into one in her early life and that turned out horribly so she is particularly against arranged marriages. Not that she'll be sharing that information with them.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Both of the Avengers get an exchanged look from Diana and she can only respond by shaking her head and smiling to them each. "Oh... no... I should not stay." She responds in her thick Greek accented voice. "It was a surprise visit, which in and of itself is rude of me to have done, but it is also... well, imposing, so to speak. You are busy, I am sure." She glances at Thor and his attire again, before she looks back the way she'd come.

"Truly I had just wished to offer my congratulations and to remind Thor..." She looks back to him. "That I was very saddened to have learned of this news from a taxi driver who was wearing more of the hot dog he was eating on his shirt, than he had actually ingested." She gives a slight 'look' toward the Asgardian King with a little lower of her pointed chin, and then smiles again.

"I look forward to my wedding invitation though." She says then before she motions toward the front yard of the mansion once again. "But yes... ice cream sounds lovely and the offer is, quite tempting, but, I should leave you to what it is you are surely tasked with today and not let my four legged friend linger out there long, less he leave unwanted presents upon your driveway."

Thor has posed:
    "Well, thank you. Princess." Thor says as he follows after, but stops just outside the doorway as if the sunlight might burn him horribly. He rests a hand on one of the pillars on the front porch area. He lifts his voice to offer, "Are you entirely certain? You are more than welcome to stay. I promise, Natasha is nicer than she looks." A small attempt at levity tossed there.
    But then he looks down at Natasha, and seems a little hurt for whatever reason, or perhaps just accepting the guilt given him by Diana's gentle admonishment. "Forgive me, however. Matters have been... no I tell a lie. They have not been busy. More I have been introspective."
    Then he perks up again slightly, "Though indeed, you are most welcome to come." He nods once sharply.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"If I was nicer than I looked, I'd be eligible for sainthood," Natasha quips before she can stop herself. She shakes her head a bit at the commentary. "I'm positive that is not in the cards for me."

She glances out at the horse as she too moves onto the porch. "I would love to see Tony's reaction if he did. I was wondering if he has a robot for that situation, already built and waiting for its once in a lifetime opportunity to do its job."

She does look at Thor when he admits he has been introspective, giving him a small nod and a quick, tight smile of approval.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana steps out toward the staircase of the front porch then and she just grins back to the both of them. She looks from the Asgardian King to the shorter Black Widow and she nods once toward her response to the man's commentary. "I like her." She says. "You should be an Amazon, I do believe."

Her stare goes back up to the eye-patched wonder himself. "Thank you for the invite, and I am sure that I will come by again, but planned... perhaps dinner some time. I would love to dine with you both and the rest of your team."

At Natasha again, the Princess shows her a wide smile she even laughs in a short and sweet little way. "I would not want Mister Stark to have anything to hold against me for my time spent here."

With that said, Diana starts again down the steps. "Thank you both. Should you need anything, simply let me know." The Themyscira Embassy is just a couple of streets south of this very Mansion after all.

Thor has posed:
    Holding his hand up and waving to her as she departs, Thor's smiling as he looks after her, his one good eye wide and warm. But as he's waving he says sidelong towards Nat out of the corner of his mouth, "There, are you happy? You chased her off."
    "Farewell Diana!" He calls and waves some more, then he shakes his head as she's finally off and on her way. Thor turns back to her and tsks sadly at Natasha as he walks towards he inside once again, "What have I told you about your rudeness, Natasha? In such refined company? I will have to speak to Tony about this."
    He even goes so far as to tut and say under his breath, 'shame.'

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
That earns a roll of the eyes from Natasha as she heads back inside. "I'm pretty sure it was a combination of those," she points at the flip flops. "And your beer breath. I could smell it three feet away." She couldn't. "And did I mention you might want to take a shower?"

She walks down the hall back toward the kitchen where she picks up his half empty beer bottle and then moves to open the fridge. She takes up a position much as he had been in as she looks around for lunch fixings--while drinking his beer.