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Latest revision as of 13:44, 24 July 2019

hammerhead shakedown
Date of Scene: 16 July 2019
Location: Mutant Tow, Bushwick
Synopsis: Hammerhead goes to personally collect protection money from a shop owner. Kid disagrees.
Cast of Characters: Hammerhead, Overlord, Kid

Hammerhead has posed:
Bushwick, or Mutant Town as it is called is infamous for it crime and misery. It is currently nigt-time and the streets are illuminated by street-lights, revealing graffitti, broken windows, and other signs of Bushwick's horrid reputation. Walking down the street towards a worn-down electronics store is a queer party of 10 men. They get glances from the bewildered mutants still out on the streets, but immiediatley turned away when the men look back at them. The reason for this is simple, the men are dressed like something out of a 1930s gangster movie. The man in the center of this group is even more bizzare. The first thing one would notice is that the top of his head was completley flat, making him look like a mutant himself. However, this man was no mutant. His name was Hammerhead, a up and coming boss in NYC and he was on his way to conduct business with one of the shopowners in the area. As he walked, he reached down and straightened up his red tie, which rested above a blue tuxedo. He then pulled out a cigar and started to puff at it as he continued to walk towards the store,

Overlord has posed:
Joseph Miller is out on his normal walk. He has gotten off work at the club, and is heading home. He seems rather relaxed for someone working late at night, seems he must either be pretty sure of himself, or maybe a not off, maybe both.

Kid has posed:
And some folks just don't give a shite. Kid was in his Teenage Mutant illusion - it hid the fact he was a gorilla, but took inspiration from the realm him. The result being, that he is more often than not assumed to be a mutant. And one that has been known to have a temper, but was not nessarilly maliciouse (long as you do not get on his bad side)
    As it stands he was in the electronic store, since the store he WAS going to visit, got into some...robotic troubles, to say the least. And so here he was, looking over old parts, computers, kits, you name it. He seemed almost lost in his own world as he searched. His head bobbing to the gorrila themed oversized headphones on his head. As it was night, his mind was more open than usual, allowing him to side-step other people, if there were other people, without disturbing his own browsing. He idly licks an oversized canine as he picks up a cheap drone in consideration, growling in thought.

Hammerhead has posed:
The door swang open to the electronics store, causing the bell that announced that customers have arrived to ring. The owner of the store, a three-eyed mutant named Mr.Gorzenski immediatley rushed out and said,
     "Welcome my friends to-"
     He then stopped himself abruptly and his mouth opened in shock at the sight before him. It was 10 of Hammerhead's men, and their boss was with him. He had been late for his protection payment that month and apprently Hammerhead was so pissed he decided to come and "collect" himself. Before Mr.Gorzenski could respond, he was interuppted by Hammerhead glaring at him and saying,
     "Mr. G where is this month's payment. I know yas have it. Now pay up before before i lose mah tempa!"
     Mr.Gorzenski started waving his arms and stammered out," Please give me a couple more days! I will get the money, i swear." However, all he was greeted with was Hammerhead suddenly grabbling his shirt collar and saying to him with a snarl," Ya lying bastard! Cruncher himself did da math, there is no way ya don't have my money!" He then head-butted Mr.Gorzenski, who fell to the ground with a grunt, his head busted open. Hammerhead then turned to his boys and said," Why don't we remind Mistah Gorzanski why he needs are protection!" His men grinned as one of them pulled out a tire iron and immediatley smashed a display case.

Kid has posed:
Kid felt the disturbance long before he head it. Most folks would try and hide, back off, stay safe. Kid...was never like that. He never could be like that. It was always kill or beat into submission. He wasn't much for killing, and so beating into someone was right up his alley.

That being said, Kid wasn't dumb either. It was 11 on...1 arguably. If he was going to help, he was going to need to do this right. And the first step was simple - get Mr. G out. Which meant getting the rest of these dudes attention.

And in typical Kid fashion, he went with the most obviouse solution. Throw something heavy. The teenage mutant picked up an old VCR (who even USED those these days?) and CHUCKED the thing at one of the goons heads. He may as well have been throwing a baseball. Perks of being a hidden rilla in plain sight.

Hammerhead has posed:
The VCR did as intended and hit one of Hammerhead's goons. The man let out a scream of pain and immeidatley collapsed on the ground, unconcious. Hammerhead turned around and noticed Kid for the first time. He then scowled at him as he said to his remaining men," Well,well,well. Someone is trying to be a hero eh? Snakes, show him what happens to heroes." Snakes grinned as he ulled out a pocket knife from his coat pocket and flipped it open. He then procedded to rush towards kid and try to stab him.

Kid has posed:
Kid sees the oncomming Snake, and snarls! It was time to put his illusions to the test! As Snake comes closer, Kid layers on additional illusions. At most, when not empowered, he can affect three senses to create his...images, to make them come to life. He concentrates on Sight, Smell...Touch (in a sense)
    It suddenly seems like Kid BURSTS into Flames when Snake gets too close! His body seeming to emminate extream heat, the kind to make folks sweat! Of course none of it was real - but it didn't matter if the goons thought it was. This was normally a good intimidation tactic, but these guys looked to be on another level.

Hammerhead has posed:
Snake immediatley skids to a stop and starts to back away fearfully while saying,
     Holy shit! The kid caught himself on fire!"
     Hammerhead snarled and immediatley pulled out his pistol and started to fire at Kid, the rest of men following, not caring about hitting Snakes, who immediatly falls on the floor to avoid being hit.

Kid has posed:
Well it was working, Snake backed up just as he thought he would. And of course the others...pull out their guns! Kid is hit several times, one grazies his shoulder, another his leg. Two get lodged in his arm as he put them up to defend himself. Not being his first rodeo in such a situation, the illusion holds...but it flickers. But with fire it might add more realism than anything, though a few of the smarter one may feel something is off.

Kid himselfdrops to the ground, seeming invisible, but his illusion remains standing. Adding yet another layer to the teens apparent powers. The illusion begins to grow, as fire spreads outwards, smoke filling the air, the heat increasing. Unfortnately there was no smoke smell, as there was only so much he can manipulate.

Hammerhead has posed:
The fire spreading did it for some of Hammerhead's men. Five of his goons, lead by Snakes ran out of the store. Hammerhead himself was getting ready to flee too when he suddenly realized something, if there really was a fire, wouldn't the smoke have a smell. He then turned to his men and grinned as he started to shoot at the ground.

Kid has posed:
Well, there goes a few bullets into his back. And indeed, some blood can be seen splatering. Kid rolls away from further gun shots, the illusion winking out! Even though he remains 'invisible' he can't memorize every blood drip and splatter, making him to a degree trackable!
    But it didn't mean Kid would only one. Objects seemed to lift into the air of their own accord...and fly towards the goons at the same high speed as before...well not quite, as Kid had to keep moving to avoid more injury! And it can be quickly deduded it is not telekinises, as the blood trails followed Kid, and the items being picked up.

Hammerhead has posed:
Two of Hammerhead's goon were hit by the objects flung at them. One immediatley fell unconcious and the other was grazed on the arm by a lamp, making him drop his gun. Hammerhead meanwhile, kept track on the drops of blood and, after a bit of observation, he makes a guess where the invisible mutant is and charges at him bending over, the top of his head aimed at where he thought his torso was.

Kid has posed:
With Hammerhead keeping such a close observation, Kid is headbutted! In truth - Kid wasn't expecting THAT much strength comming from what seemed like (for him) an ordinary human! Kid is sent sprawling back into a wall, denting it, and knocking over several large objects!
    And with it, his concentration finally broke...somewhat. He flickered through several illusions, and finally into his real self - a massive gorilla! Of course, who in their right mind expects to see a gorilla in the middle of mutant town? And a somewhat green-skinned one at that?
    Still, Kid wasn't going to take this lieing down. He let out a massive (and WAY to realistic) roar and charges back. His massive fists come up...and than down to try and bat into Hammerhead proper!

Hammerhead has posed:
Hammerhead mouth drops when he suddenly see a gorilla appear where he hit the invisible kid. The gorilla charges him and bat's him, sending him sprawling onto the ground. However, he gets up from this rather quickly annd glares at the gorilla before charging at him with his head again. Meanwhile, his 4 remaining goons, realizing that they couldn't shoot anymore without risking the boss' life, pull out their pocket knives and join in the melee.

Kid has posed:
Charge him once, shame on Kid! Charge him Twice? Get a fist full of Rilla! Or maybe a headfull? Forget all that! Kid would go mono el mono with Hammerhead if he had too! If it wasn't for the other goons joining in!
    But as the melee begins, Kid gets a brilliant idea! As hammerhead charges him, Kid attempts to side step him! But not to Hammerhead ram himself into the wall! But instead to hopefully grab Hammerhead...and swing him around like a mace at his own men! But alot of things can go wrong, such as Hammerhead avoiding him or the men getting to him first among other things!

Hammerhead has posed:
Due to looking at the floor, Hammerhead fails to notice the fact that the gorilla side-stepped him. However,before he can be grabbed, one of his goons, a tall man wearing shades with a pencil-thin mustache, rushes up to Kid with the tire iron the first koed henchamn dropped and attempted to whack him with it. Meanwhile, Hammerhead slams his head into the brick wall, breaking it completely.

Hammerhead has posed:
The wall crumbles down as Hammerhead lies down on the floor as Hammerhead finally manages to slow down. He tehn turns around to observe the scene, glaring at the gorilla.

Hammerhead has posed:
The wall crumbles down as Hammerhead finally manages to slow down. He then turns around to observe the scene,

Kid has posed:
Kid is stabbed DEEPLY with the tire Iron, he let out another beastly roar in pain! But unfortnate for the goons...they unleashed the beast! No more nice Kid. The same goon is grabbed by kidd and THROWN at the other goons! But even before the goons would be hit...Kid is jumping to them, intent on breaking bones, and leaving deep bite marks! There was no planning, no forethought, just pure animal instinct that goes into raging overdrive.

Hammerhead has posed:
The goons let out grunts of pain as they collided with each other. Meanwhile, Hammerhead see Kid leaping over to his men blinded by rage, Not wanting his men to get killed by a rabid gorilla. He charged at the gorilla again with his head, hoping that the gorilla would be to distracted to see him.

Kid has posed:
Hammerhead quick thinking likely ensured his men wouldn't be peremently maimed by Kid! The kick charge sent the gorilla sprawling! He slides across the floor, knocking over several items and almost the entire stand. It was definintly going to bruise him, maybe even broke something. But it didn't stop Kid from getting back up...and looking even ANGRIER! Somehow...as if one can litterly feel the rage rolling off him. He let loose one final roar, one final chance for hammerhead to potentially Run away perhaps.

Hammerhead has posed:
Hammerhead took one look at the gorrilla and said," Let's scram boys!" The henchmen who weren't knocked out immeidaltey scrambled off the floor and ran out of the store. Hammerhead was the last one out, but he shot one more glare at the gorilla before he did.

Kid has posed:
Kid lets out one powerful chest pound. He was bleeding, hurting, and enraged...but the goons where gone. And...yea, the store now needs a new wall. It mighta been better if he stayed out of it. But how could he? That might Hurt Mr.G! Speaking of which...he actually went to check on the store clerk...after getting his illusion back on. This...was about to be a long...long night.