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School's out for magic
Date of Scene: 24 July 2019
Location: The X-mansion, Xavier's School for the Gifted
Synopsis: Illyana and Negasonic chase a hell creature through the mansion... and then talk about killing humans. Par for the course.
Cast of Characters: Magik, Negasonic Teenage Warhead

Magik has posed:
Schools' been out for a month now so there are naturally fewer students milling about the halls. Those kids who can go home, who have parents that accept them for who they are, have and those who lack that are up in bed at this late hour. So it's relatively quiet in the foyer save for a spattering of older kids who think they'll sneak off to the lake for some late night hijinx!

Illyana is not one of them. Actually, she's not a student at all. She hasn't been for a year or more and certainly hasn't got a room in the mansion, but she's as much a random, and strange, occurance as to warrent a message on the schools intranet twitter feed:

@gotanyfourtoes did you see the weird witch?
    @notanotherteenmutant replies to @gotanyfours: She was chasing some mobile plant! #weirdaf #justanotherday

Illyana appears in a flash of bright white light just a few steps behind a plant... in so far as it is in a planter... running on vine legs. The thing is horrible, leaves made of spiders, mouths, fingers, and all kinds of other unnecessarily disturbing appendages... and it's fast for a creature that's suppose to be stationary.

"You coming back here this INSTANT!" She says in her broken english, stressing words in lue of shouting. She hardly wants to attract attention, hardly wants ANOTHER meeting about inadvertantly releasing Hell creatures into the mansion.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Honestly it is sort of like the reverse of Hogwarts Christmas, it being summer and all. Also usually a lot less magic and strange zanny adventures.

Still Ellie has zero parents to go home to over summer break. Actually if you count foster parents she has negative four parents at this point thanks to a very dark story before arriving at the institute. By any regard she lives here year round.

One thing Ellie does have though is a phone constantly in her hand as she rules the school intranet with an iron fist of a snarky tyrant.

@SullenSilence Maybe she was helping Storm in the garden like you two are supposed to be doing. #FreshmanLabor

Still this beats everything else going on so Ellie prowls down the steps to the foyer carefully looking around as she does, hmming 'School's out for summer... School's out forever... School's been blown to pieces...' her earbuds in.

When she spots that .. monstrosity and Illyana chasing it and stressing out she offers down the steps "Want me to blow it up for you?"

Magik has posed:
Like good intranet plebs befallen by the merciless assault of a full fledged warrior in Lori, the responses are all suddenly agreeable. That's who the intranet works: Bandwagon.

Illy may have a phone, certainly she has to, she's only ninteen or twenty (17 actually, but it's a very long story and involves strange time-travel scenarios that everyone is probably better off just ignoring). She does not ever get on the twitter feed, point of fact, she's only just got instagram and it was for a singular purpose.

The plant, Petrovich, turns sharply and makes a rustling leaves sound that could very well be a childlike giggle if not for the fact it came from its roots rather than one of the dozen or so mouths down one of its finger-throne appendages, "This is nolonger being funny! If you are waking up Rogue and she is seeing you running around like this, it is going to set back Petrovich-Rogue relations decades!" She stresses, sliding along the floor in her white socks.

It is very unbecoming of a Queen of Limbo.

In fairness, she thought she was alone.

Knowing now, what with the voice from the stairs, that she's not? Illyana stands stark straight and glares over her shoulder. "Nyet! Just.. corner hiem!" Pointing, rapidly poking her finger in the direction of one of the walls. "Like pencer.." Interlocking her fingers. "But do not let him bite you!"

"Kak eto proiskhodit! GET BACK HERE!"

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Ellie looks actively disappointed at being told not to blow up the monster plant and instead corner it. "Right Pincer Movement... got it." she like many students have studied military tactics and history. This school is pretty odd, especially for the kids taking electives like New Mutant duty.

She tugs the earbuds out of her ears and tucks them into a pocket before heading down the steps now. "So.. theoretically while we are doing this, what happens if the little monster does bite me. Is it venomous... mutagenic... deadly?" if any of those things then gosh Ellie has a lot of questions about the whole situation and demon plants running loose in the school.

It doesn't stop her from hurrying down the steps now to try to help corral the monster plant though, looking to cut it off before it can take the corner.

Magik has posed:
Petrovich is not to be so easily deceived it would appear. It has no formal training in military strategy, but it knows when it's being cornered and shant allow itself to be captured without a hearty chase. Besides, it genuinely appears as though it's enjoying itself. In so far as it is possible to know when a plant is enjoying itself, anyways! Skittering a bit upon vine legs, it changes directions and heads directly for the stairs from hence Lori arrived. Certainly intent upon galevanting in the rooms where it might cause the greatest of fright.

As is appropriate for a demon plant creature.

Illyana has nearly had enough. Not just of the escaping planter bound pest, but of the atmosphere in general, and turns to stare at Lori with the blankest of stares... "I am not knowing, never had anyone getting bit, but I can imagine it is unpleasant... very sharp teeth." By way of explanation, she points her two first fingers down from the top of her upper lip.

"Now we need to... PETROVICH!"

She vanishes from one position and reappears directly infront of the plant, who rushes directly into her like a bull and knocks her back onto her pajama clad butt. "Got you! Stop... you stop squirming now.. is game nolonger fun."

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
"Fuck sake" exclaims Negasonic when the thing turns nimbly on a dime and turns back for the stairs she just came from. She seems about to turn to give chase when Illyana explains the biting and teeth and all of that.

At that point Ellie's stoic demeanor is tilted towards widened eyes when Illyana explains that Petrovich has very sharp vampire like teeth. I mean she doesn't freak out and run away but the eyes, they do be widening now. "Okay what the hell are you doing with it in the mansion if it is a man eater?" she snarks.

When Illyana gates to cheat and catch the thing Ellie starts to run up after the plant and the other mutant "Do you got it... do you need help?" she tries to get a grip on the planter in any case.

Magik has posed:
Illyana has both arms wrapped intently and tightly about the planter, but Petrovich struggles determinedly in her grasp. It clearly wants to be free. Free to explore and cause endless mayham, "I think this is unfair question.. he was not doing this when he was brought here." She nods her blonde head at Lori grabbing the planter, "Da, grab him.. let me..." One palm pushes the things snapping, or is it giggling?, mouth to the carpetted floor and POOF! It's gone.

Presumably back to whatever nightmarish hell from wence it came.

The Queen of Limbo drops backwards then. Head propped up upon the stairs with her arms draped backwards, breath coming quickly, but at least quietly, while she stares up at the ceiling with her steely pale blue eyes. "He does not eating man..." Unspoken but? Eyes rolling down her angled nose to gaze at Lori, "Who are you?" Which is maybe, possibly, the way Illyana says thank you.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Ellie struggles with the planter now and helps hold him steady, though she goes with the push when push comes to shove and then her hands are empty. She peers down at her fingerless gloved hands for a moment and then the spot on the carpet where the nightmarish hell vanished to. "Okay that was pretty damn metal."

When Illyana asks her who she is she looks up at the sprawled Queen of Limbo and absolutely checks the other girl out while she is looking at the ceiling. "Good question I guess if you have been living on the moon..." a slow shrug and then a smile, if a touch crooked. "Negasonic Teenage Warhead or Negasonic. Some people can call me Ellie without getting blown up.. which is what I do.. blow stuff up better than anyone." vague gesture. "And you?"

Magik has posed:
Illyana lifts a hand in a little manner of agreeing or dismissal or just general acknowledgement of a nightmarish plant running around the mansion on vine legs being a little bit Metal. Whether she's even aware of what that MEANS. Which she very well might not be by the blank expression directed back down at Ellie across her nose. "Nyet, was biological... mostly biological. Some is..." her pale eyes squint. "Nevermind."

She grunts quietly and pulls herself up, adjusting her shirt down over herself, and popping up onto her butt upon the bottom step of the stairs. "That is a lot of name. Is Christian?" That's as good as her jokes get. Furthermore, she delivers it with such a deadpan joke that she MIGHT even be seriously wondering. "I am Illyana Nikolievna Rasputin." Another raised hand, this time with a stationary wave that immediately drops back to her knees. "I am never having been to Moon-" Too soon. "-But I am Queen of Limbo." Glancing around to make certain nobody has seen the little chase as if she gives the first bit of a concern what people think of her. "Why are you not with other students?"

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Ellie will smirk "Metal as in awesome if kind of disturbing and wild.. intense.. not made out of metal or anything. I could see it was some sort of plant demon or abomination." yeah she really doesn't seem phased. As she says often around here, our lives are weird.

She does reach down to offer you a hand up when you aim to pull yourself up and then well sit again. "Do I look Christian... nah I leave that to Rahne." which is about her speed of a joke back at you. "Illyana.. ooh I know I have heard that name buzzing around the school... also Queen of Limbo.. that sounds like a blast" or an adventure really, from boredom.

"Why would I be with the other students?" she looks around when Illyana does. "If you meant home for the summer, double Orphan.. if you meant Gardening.. well Storm doesn't want me to blow it up in a fit of teenage pique or so she says."

Magik has posed:
The explanation does very little to enlighten her if her expressionless expression is any indication, but she nods as if it makes perfect sense, "If you are saying so." It isn't the first time she's been called metal. "My brother is Piotr... Collosus. He is usually one that is metal." So there's that explanation!

She does take the hand though and pulls herself up gracefully into a little bouncing hop. Clothes are adjusts because she was laying on the floor and palms are patted off on her legs because she was pushing on a demon plants plant-face. "What is it a christian is looking like?" She wonders, this time genuinely curious. Glancing up from between strands of her white-blonde hair at Negasonic..

"A blast. I guess. You saying this like is good thing, but then you saying you not allowed to garden because you blowing things up.. is two things related?" Ticking her finger back and forth curiously. "You are having blast gardening, so is not good for punishment?" She straightens her hair out of her face and pulls it back behind her small ears.

"Limbo is like blast. Seem like maybe is going to be fun, but is just hell. Literally... it is hell." And she's its Queen.

Very metal.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
There is a hmmm there, definitely very metal.

"Christians usually wear crosses" she is fiddling with her phone, and then turns it to show a picture of a girl wearing a cross and dressed a bit conservative.

"When they punish me they give me detention and take away my phone, they don't try to make me garden or anything mind numbing. I'm not to be trusted around delicate things." she snaps her fingers and lets loose a very split second blast for a small crackpop explosion above her hand.

During it all she watches Illyana making eye contact through those white blond bangs. "Well it can't all be hell or bad, I mean you're from there." a smirk, she has trouble smiling even when lightly flirting.

Magik has posed:
"seems like a lot of stock putting into objects of faith.. Kurt." Illyana snaps and points at Ellie, "He is being Christian, da? He is not always wearing cross. Sometimes he is evening swearing and drinking... but I guess Catholics are not really good examples." Her mouth twitches a little to one side, thoughtful for a moment. Whatever decision is made internally, she shrugs about it and turns on a heel towards the other mutant.

She listens with squinting eyes to the definition of punishment as it relates to Ellie and lifts her palms skyward, "I am not going to pretend knowing how phones are becoming so integrated into our lives." She's not checked hers once the entire time.. nor does she have pockets to keep one in the first place. She does seem marginally, which is a lot for her, impressed by the explosion. "I guessing this explains lots of names of yours." Nodding affirmative.

It's hard for her not to hear the flirt, even if she's not so certain as to whether it is one in the first place. She just stares at Ellie for a second, then furrows her brow, "Technically, I am being from Russia... you been to Russia? It is not better place as for being mother lands.. no more than is Limbo pleasant simply because I am going there." She does straighten her shoulders a little. "Someone is telling me that I should be more proud of myself, though.. I get very big sword as part of deal." One, brisk, sagenod.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
"Yeah Kurt is definitely Christian.. he is a bit of a choirboy and while he may swear it seems to pain him when others do it." she stage whispers "It is pretty common hypocrisy in that regard." though she doesn't seem to be too mean about it, just a bit mean.

"As for metal that explains where I heard your name, Collosus is like my hall monitor when he is around. Trying to get me to be a better student. A better new Mutant. Training me to not get stepped on by giant robots... you know."

Ellie continues to watch Illyana and for a moment there is a genuine smile at the sword part. "I imagine Limbo is more fun than Russia... but I will take your word for it and not make any wise cracks about Mordor." a slow roll of her shoulders. "How big of a sword?" curious now.

Magik has posed:
"That is how religion workings." Illyana cannot dispute that fact at all and nods with Negasonic in a slow fashion, standing almost too straight now that she's not chasing the strange plant creature as if she's not at all sure what to do with herself if nothing is happening to give her reason to move. She doesn't look uncomfortable, just... there.

And then only kind of.

Like half her mind is elsewhere at all times. Staring in some random direction seemingly out of nowhere, possibly for uncomfortable lengths of time, and switching back to staring straight Ellie like she's trying to see something on the otherside of the mutant. "He is doing same with me when I am younger." There's a story. "When I am three.. I am taken from family by demons and brought Limbo. I stay there for eight years, I fighting and killing many demons." The story is impromptu, but quiet. Not like a secret, so much as dangerous to say out loud. "I become Queen and learn to use my powers.. Teleportation. Crossing great distances in blinking eye times.. so I come home to Earth to find family."

Her expression doesn't sour, but her eyes look down at her sock covered feet. "It is only being three minutes. I am eight years older than when I am leaving, but... no time is passing at all.." The moment passes and she glances back up at Negasonic, "So Piotr think is his job to shelter me. Treating me like breakable doll, me and Katherine.. both of us very protecting."

Her hand jumps out to the side and the massive buster sized SoulSword errupts from nowhere in her grip. It's almost as big is she and comes with Eldrich armor that looks more natural on some computer game character than a tiny young woman. "But I am having big sword and I do not need protecting of metal brother." The sword vanishes just as quickly, as does the armor, returning to her pajama pants and Misftis t-shirt.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
"I got here when I was thirteen after my foster parents died in an explosion." yeah she doesn't really elaborate on the source of the explosion. "Piotr basically decided I needed sheltering and protecting the day I arrived here and hasn't let up... well except when he leaves the school to deal with stuff." a bit of a shrug. "So yeah I get you there, big mood."

She considers the rest of the story. "That had to be really hard growing up with and killing demons at such a young age." she can't quite imagine it really. I mean she has a good imagination but that is awfully young to be stuck in hell killing demons like that.

When the soulsword erupts from nowhere into Illyana's grip and armor Ellie's eyes get really big. "Holyshit" she squeaks, in a way that would make her punch out any freshman who witnessed her getting squeaky like that. Then it is gone again and she blinks. "hoooly shit." is whispered.

A quiet pause "That .. is .. amazing..." is whispered.

Magik has posed:
"I think is because he loses his baby sister." Illyana says in a quieter voice that probably holds a lot more humanity than her presence usually manages. Pale blue eyes again look to the ground beneath her feet, watching her toes wiggling in the socks protecting them. "I am feeling very poorly for what happened, even if is not my fault. It has been only two years for him.. I should be toddler." The time doesn't always line up, things are weird in Limbo. Everytime she leaves, she comes back just a little older.

Sometimes a little younger.

Limbo plays by nobodies rules, but Illyana's.

"I am sorry for family you lost too." She means it in her own distant sort of way, glancing up through the short bangs across her brow at Ellie. Thin arms lay across the top of the white skull on the front of her shirt, rocking back on her heels and then forward, a moment after disappearing the sword away to wherever it comes from. "Blagodaryu vas..." A pause, "Thank you."

"It is interesting the way you are blowing things up with your mind." Because saying nothings things is important. "I do that sometimes too... well, catch things on fire.. not really with my mind. Magic? Kind of the same, really."

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Ellie clicks her tongue lightly as she looks where the sword was still and then the family comment. She goes a little more still and silent for a moment eyes pinched up a touch in thought and then she shakes it off with a bit of a shrug, it is tense. "Two families really if you are specific about it, parents also died in an explosion."

Then she blazes on at the thank you. "Your welcome. The armor looks... really good on you." fronting, no pain here, no sir, none.

"Mmm I guess it is my mind... my body just generates unlimited explosive potential when I want it to... and thankfully a blast shield. I can throw them or just detonate all around me. Jean won't let me push it past a thirty second charge though."

Magik has posed:
"Two families." Illyana corrects herself. Everything with a grain of salt from the strange etherial woman who rules over hell. "You did it?" Also, zero filter. It isn't judgemental, but pure curiousity. No a strange, morbid curiosity, sure, but it's not from a bad place.

Then she must realize what she asked. "Nevermind, no reasoning to think about this. I am sure is troubling thoughts." She pins Ellie in a steel gaze, pale blue maybe, but darker somehow. Maybe it's the little wispy bits of shadow that don't quite cling to her enough to be natural or anything resembling normalacy. She bleeds creepy like an open wound.

"They are always trying to make me stay away from Limbo. They think, perhaps, my soul is becoming darker... they right." They are absolutely right, but she's wearing abysmally black pajama bottoms and a Misfits t-shirt, so how tainted can she be? "I only recently have reason. I do not think I fit in very well.. friends.." moving her finger where it pokes out from beneath the other elbow in a circular fashion, "Family.. I am having them, da? But..."

Thin shoulders rise in a little shrug. She seems either oblivious or immune to the flirting, but grins in a way that could almost be sinister. "I like armor. Also like swords... think is important to know what you are able to do if you are ever going to know how and why not to do these things.. like you and explosions? Maybe you should find out. See how far away is sun so you never fly too close... or knowing, really knowing, when you are nearing velocity."

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Ellie nods when Illyana says two families and then asks the question. Then backtracks and meets her eyes with a steel gaze. "Two families. Yes I killed both my parents and my foster family. I didn't have control of my powers and I am dangerous." it isn't said like a weepy teenage girl though, it... really it just is. That isn't to say she doesn't have screamingly bad nightmares though sometimes worried she will blow up everyone she cares about at the school. It also doesn't mean she doesn't blame herself. She just has buried it under goth punk anger and stoic silence.

"I'm pretty sure the life we live, here, or in limbo makes us darker really." she gestures around her. "Maybe just some of us though. Family and friends. Important. Doesn't mean they get you though all the time. I went to Genosha last fall and ... I came back because it just isn't the same."

Even if Illyana is immune to flirting, it doesn't mean the gothpunk is going to stop though. "I like leather and metal, armor I guess.. though it didn't stop that Sentinel from blasting me through a Bodega.. I should rethink it." then she adds "As to testing above thirty seconds... at that point it is a 15 ton bomb.. if I add the warhead charge to it it is a 30ton bomb according to the danger room computers... I can't test higher anywhere near people."

Magik has posed:
Illyana doesn't even bother babying Negasonic for what she did when she was unable to control her powers. Even if the younger mutant seemed inclined to NEED babying, it's unlikely she'd find it from the stoic, dark poster child for the Gothically inclined. She just told the other she spent eight years, from the age of 8 (which is what she meant on account of it mathematically makes sense) until two years ago killing demons.

Sympathy is in short supply here.

Suffice to say, the Darkchylde does incline her head understanding. "Everyone of us is a weapon in wrong hands. Important thing with any weapon is knowing what it can do, knowing how to handle it, and knowing when you do not knowing either of those first two things." She's no Jean Grey or Scott Summers, but Illyana Rasputin knows plenty about these things. "I am not saying you should blowing up city block or render the inhabitants of small town to zero, but maybe you should finding out if you CAN before you telling yourself you WILL NOT."

Such a bad influence.

That's probably why she's not allowed to teach.

"I would agree with Genosha if message was different. We -are- better than humans... I hate them. I hate their fear.. I wish they are knowing the mistakes of their fear and the problems they are picking with their giant metal machines of death." Sentinels. The NAME makes her visibly sneer. It makes the shadows around her darker appear more alive, writhing like unseen forces edging her on. "Because they keeping pick fight and I will give them one."

"And they will lose."


Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
She wasn't fishing for babying so all is well, gothpunk girl is dark in her own ways. Well it may be better put she is angry and sharp edged in her own ways so much of the time.

"Iam pretty sure I can, but like I said it is hard to test since the danger room has an upper limit. Hell both danger rooms I have access to now have upper limits on how much blast you can do inside them safely." there is a shrug. "If push comes to shove I will go over that limit if I need to in the field.. it just isn't easy to test the upper limit of it at school."

She listens to Illyana go on about humans and the Sentinels. "I agree." she says when the other teenager is done being dark, watching the shadows writh. She actually reaches out and swipes a fingertip through one there. "We are better and they will lose when they keep picking fights with us."

Magik has posed:
It all ends as abruptly. Realization maybe. Illyana sighs quietly when Ellie swips fingers through the darkness bleeding from her and glances at herself as if expecting so see a far different image than the one still standing there. After a tense handful of secionds, she sighs again and rubs at the back of her neck in a way that might be exhaustion. "Sorry." Murmured beneath her breath.

"Not always thinking when I am speak. They get me very angry.." That's kind of an understatement. She looks back down at her feet, holding to her back of her neck with her elbow tucked against her side, "Message of peace is better.. just shortsighted." She shakes her head in a quick clip back and forth, "Is not being my place to question it. Meaning that war is not avoidable, only. Meaning that, eventually, is going to be a fight."

It almost pains her to admit it, really. "Best you ready. Explosions helpful in war." A small smirk, eyes still cast down. "I should go." Sudden, uncertain, sheepish. "Have to find Betsy."

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Ellie looks up with a blink when the young woman apologizes there and sounds exhausted. "In general peace is the better message yes, but if they attack us we need to be ready to finish it. Especially the Sentinels because there is no reasoning with them Ilyanna."

Ellie frowns a touch. "No need to apologize to me about it. I get it." she really does seem to actually. "We will definitely have fights and I will keep preparing for it. We need to protect our family and friends." pause "Right."

At that point she closes her hand and bumps your shoulder with her fist, a sort of dap. "I like you. I'll see you around. Say hi to Betsy for me."

Magik has posed:
Illyana nods, hearing the words spoken to her, even if she appears visibly unable to form any real expression to them on her pale face. "I like you too." She tells the other mutant, looking around for a second after her shoulder is rocked back by Negasonics closed fist. She duplicates the gesture, bringing up her fist above her shoulder like she's about to throw a hail mary... then bumps her knuckles into Ellie's shoulder.

One step backwards and she vanishes. Not rush of air, though objects tremble a little across the room, and there's a brilliant white pop of light in the half second before she's gone.