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The Bird, the Bat, and the 'Bot
Date of Scene: 24 July 2019
Location: Titans Tower
Synopsis: This log needs a summary
Cast of Characters: Kian t'Kaeh, Robin (Wayne), Danger

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    It is of no surprise to anyone that has known Kian for anything more than five minutes that given a chance to be in the air, that is where he will be.  However, even Kian has to surrender to gravity eventually.  He can soar for ages, but he can't levitate.
    So ultimately he spirals down onto the roof of the Titans' Tower.  he grabs a towel from near -- but not *too* near -- the pool, and slumps into a deck chair, lazily toweling himself off.  He is oblivious to the presence of anyone else; this is a trait of his that's probably been noticed before.  When his brain is otherwise engaged, he nearly needs to be punched to get his attention.
    Relaxing into the early evening breeze, he drops the towel to the floor, and settles into the deck chair in the waning light.  That's one comfortable-looking birdman.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
It isn't long before Kian could hear it especially considering though if he does in his relaxed state, only time would tell, as the sound of two large wings cutting through the air as a large dragon bat comes flying in from the direction of Gotham. Crouched on his back balanced is Damian though he might look different as he has on the gear of a LoA member head to toe not sporting his normal colors. Covering his face is a white mask with a scowl on it as the Bat lands directly down on the rooftop near enough the comfortable birdman to throw strong waves of wind from the wings.

Damian does not seem destrubed by this he pats the Bat on the back of the head reaching in to a bag he has on seeming to pull something out that is kicking. A rat is pulled out, and he tosses it to the Bat making a simple click noise. It doesn't even have a chance as the large Bat creature eats it whole in a quick snap of its mouth. There is a light chuckle under the mask, as Damian looks around a bit to see who is around, the white mask sweeping one way then the other. From the inside he has an advanced hud that gives him several reading about the area though on the out-site it would just look like a normal white mask with no eyes looking around.

Danger has posed:
Walking her way up to the roof, Danger looks around once she arrives. She had planned to simply look up and stare into the sky as the night came. She knows a lot about the world and what others know but she is wondering what she can learn about the universe. She has amazing senses so she figures she can see what is new out there. However, as she is about to start, she notes the presence of three beings and looks their way. She's been told that people 'look' at each other when speaking. So, even though she can see everything 360 degrees around her, she still looks to them.

Walking over toward them, she seems to look particularly at the bat and states, "That is...an interesting species." She states simply, trying to put into words her thoughts without seeming rude. She then looks to Damian and states, "Why are you wearing that outfit, Damian?" She asks and tilts her head to the side slighlty, "Were you assassinating people?"

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    Kian is very sensitive to changes in wind, so when an unexpected breeze washes over him, it get his attention enough for him to open his eyes and look and "/c'Rhys'yw/!!"  What should have been hopping up from his sprawl on the deck chair turns into an awkward flail and a clumsy drop onto his side on the ground.. followed by an equally awkward scramble to his feet.
    Once he gets himself centered and stable on his feet -- "/c'Rhys'yw/!" again.
    He stumbles back a step or two, trips, and lands on his kilted backside, staring wildly at the huge bat the all-but-unnoticed stranger in a white mask brought in for a landing.  "Wh-what--?!"

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
Damian sitting on the bird calm collected as he is scanning he hears some yelling, but his scans told him it was only Kian. He doesn't seem that upset about his reaction though maybe disapointed if nothing else as a Titan shouldn't react that way. He is about to sigh then he hears it, someone call him by his name, and he pats the Bat hoping up and taking a step on his back to leap up, and over to land towards Danger as the bat behind gives what would be a Bat-Roar. To normal hearing, it is nothing Damian can not hear it for example, though for those with good hearing it would be like a wall of sound though only conceptually. It couldn't do any damage, or even push someone back it is just a loud noise for those with exceptional hearing trying to cut off something Damian did not want said.

He stomps up to Danger looking at her through the mask, "I was going to say no, but I might need to change my mind. If you call me by that name again, I will make sure you are deactivated." his voice is very serious, though a forced calm. He lets that sink in or hear any response before he continues, "You not only put me at risk, but you put my family at risk saying that. If you can not be trusted with such information, then perhaps we should have it removed." he suggests in a cliped, but still calm tone.

He looks like he is going to go on staring at her though the white mask hides his feelings, his internal readings go back to an internal calm as he takes a breath. "I almost pitty Stardust this is what she has to work with." He thought to himself this was not a good update to get after being gone for a while. Right now in the short amount of time he had seen them he really starting to wonder.

Now this whole time the large Bat, after he makes his noise of course, is just staring down at Kian even turning to face him. He doesn't move closer but he stares at him eyes moving when he does. He doesn't really have lips to lick, but he seems very interested in him for now since Damian had left him to his own devices.

Danger has posed:
A blink at that and Danger considers Damian carefully for but a moment. She then shakes her head, "That would be highly illogical. We are on the same team. However, be that as it may be. I am not some robot that is owned by you or anyone else here." She looks back at him with something that might flash as anger for a moment, "An attempt to harm me would be met with...force." She states simply and then she smiles, "All the same, I shall endeavor to keep things to a more professional or codename purpose. I have seen others here use both names interchangably. I shall consider your feelings in the future seeing as you are quite sensitive to such things."

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    Danger's presence finally registers, as does her use of the name 'Damian'.  This does not stop Kian from staring.  "Da... Robin," he says, remembering Colette's warning about names and codenames.  Whether or not multiple names make sense to him.  It's what Earth-people do, even if it /is/ silly.  "You are on a mission?" he asks, although he's still staring at the bat-mount, rather directly engaging with his ostensible teammates.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
Damian stops calm again he thinks before he responds to her defense coments in response. He thinks about how it is good that she has some self awareness though maybe he should talk to Cyborg about some kind of behavoral training as she did very much sound just like they had made her sound. He sighs a bit, "Alright let me pose to solutions, One.. I treat it as if it was a slip, I over look it, or I hold you accountable for your folly." he turns to walk towards the Bat in silence to let her think about it.

It was a test of course it was he seemed to always be seeing what would happen even seeing the Bat eyeing Kian, but it was one that made Damian curious. Before he gets to the Bat he turns stopping, "I know which one I would pick, but who is to say that is the right answer?" and nods turning again to look at Kian. "I see your english is getting better." it is Robins voice which you would reconize so Damian hopes he did not catch the full name. He pats the large bat, as it watches him closely, "I think he likes you... Why not come a little closer, he won't... actually thinking about it you shouldn't.." the tone serious so one might be unable to know if he was joking.

Danger has posed:
A look at Damian and then she states, "Let us treat this as a slip. On both our parts." She looks at him carefully before she starts over toward Kian and smiles, "Hello, Kian!" She says cheerfully enough, switching her emotions rather quickly but then again, she is a machine. She looks to the beast again and then back at Kian, "I do not know how dangerous such a creature would be. I would recommend caution." She nods her head, "It looks as if it could do a great degree of damage." She then looks to Kian more directly, "How have you been adapting? I know that Earth is a place that it is hard to adapt to."

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    Kian does not come closer.  Something about the bat-mount doesn't sit well with what he thinks a flying creature should be.  "/Kie/, Danger," he says, not taking his eyes off the dragon-bat.  And still without looking away, he comments to Damian, "I think I will leave it in peace."  Quite slowly, he backs away a little, until he feel comfortable with his ability to get airborne safely should it lunge at him.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
Damian doesn't say anything for a bit as she walks by he only watches her quietly, and notes aloud almost to himself, "No.. I don't think I will." he continues in a calm voice, "Instead a misunderstanding, so let me clearify that as long as you understand what is at risk with giving that information then that is good enough for me." he shrugs to himself, "I was mearly curious if you had what it took to face what consiquences may come with your actions in this case." lowering his arms he pats the Bat next to him. "Maybe some cleaning duty.. perhaps? Though it is still an answer so I guess it works out."

He glances over at Kian, "I would ask you, but that is all you do." shaking his head at this. "Do not worry I will not let him bite you despite how much he may want to, though I do find it curious in what would you do?" would he just let himself get hurt, or would he defend himself it would be interesting to see though he didn't want to hurt Kian which is what it would require. For now he would just remain curious as he stares at Kian thinking about it.

Danger has posed:
A smile is given to Kian and she nods her head to him before looking then to Damian, "Whatever you wish. I will find it not a difficult task." She states simply and nods her head, "All the same, I will endeavour to not let it happen again." She shakes her haed.

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    "I don't know," Kian says, quite honestly, "and I don't care to find out."  Dimly, as if he's trying not to let it out, he's limned in a faint blue glow.  He doesn't recall if Robin has ever seen his powers used; nor has Danger, but she has seen him glowing, under stress, when Colette tried to force a response out of the birdman.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
Damian shakes his head out of those thoughts, and looks at both of you and sighs again. "This world is doomed." and starts heading towards inside he makes a single click noise, and the large Bat flaps its wings before leaving into the air once again. He stops at the door, and adds "You can turn off the night light he is gone." before actually turning around to look at the pair. "I am just trying to figure out if it is going to be external or internal that gets us in the end." he adds looking at the two in turn to match.

He turns heading to the doors, "Who joins the Titans and is a pacifist." he says to himself just not able to comprehend Kian right now. At least for a short time they took his mind off his never ending goal. He wasn't thinking about who to betray, and how to kill the least amount, or the people who might not make it through on either side, though it came back to him as he headed down quietly towards his room to get some extra bandages as he had hid it from those two, though he was slightly injured. Definetly was not in the shape to turn of any robots, though he would need to talk to some people about that. There were a lot of AI popping up, and going very bad. In the end it justs gets a shrug as it was over his pay-scale... which wasn't low.. he would leave it for another day.

Danger has posed:
A look over at Kian and Danger tilts her head, "That is a point." She states, "We are keepers of the peace. Often, that means fighting." She smiles and shrugs, "However, I am sure there are ways you can be helpful. There is always a need to help get civilians out of the way." She then turns and walks to the edge of the roof, "Now, I shall be looking to space. I wish to catalog galaxies." She nods her head and seems to begin analyzing the sky.

Kian t'Kaeh has posed:
    The birdman nods once to Danger.  "Yes.  That is what I *can* do.  I may not harm, but I can and must help."
    And as the door closes behind Damian, Kian quietly comments, barely audible, "And if you haven't any peacemakers, maybe that's another reason I'm here, to show you there's a different way...."