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Latest revision as of 10:44, 25 July 2019

Truthseekers: Selina Kyle
Date of Scene: 24 July 2019
Location: April's podcast studio, Brooklyn
Synopsis: April o'Neill interviews Selena Kyle for her podcast
Cast of Characters: April O'Neil, Catwoman

April O'Neil has posed:
A Tuesday afternoon in the studio in Brooklyn leased by April for her podcast. It used to take place out of her apartment and she just had people on a skype call or what-have-you but she's now taking guests into her studio when they'll actually be willing to show up for a true face to face conversation, something more personal that yields better discussions, theoretically.

Such is the case today, with a notorious name in the Gotham City sphere. Selina Kyle.

Seated across from one another, April is dressed casually like its any other day and when the cameras go Live she's got a big smile on her face for the woman who she attended the party of a handful of months ago.

"We're live, with Selina Kyle. Ladies and gentlemen, this is a real treat. Nobody throws a better party than Miss Kyle here, I can attest to that personally!" She grins to the other woman. "Welcome, Selina. How are things with you? Whats going on in your world?"

Catwoman has posed:
It took some delayed responses and a little perseverence from April O'Neil to finally get a 'yes' from Selina Kyle, but the noted Gotham City socialite finally appears in the podcast studio that's been set up for the Truthseekers show.

'Truthseekers.' Just how apt a name that will be for her remains to be seen, but she has a reason for showing up, one that was covered before sitting down across from the woman. It won't be the first topic in the interview, but it will come up along the way.

She's arrived not in something meant for the ballroom, but rather something more comfortable and practical: all black, highlighted by a motorcycle jacket and jeans to go with her black hair, cut short. Pale skin, the only signs of color show in her green eyes and red lips, with minimal makeup in place. There's no heel to her footwear, meant more for the motorcycle she rode in on.

At the introduction, she wiggles a few fingers in a wave. "Hello..what do we call this? Podcastland or something? I put this off as long as I could, but everybody's talking about getting on your show, so...here I am." Hands spread out to either side of her, palms up.

April O'Neil has posed:
"Podcastland works." April says with a big grin as her elbows go to the table in front of her and her hands come together, one holding the other, and rest beneath her slim pointed chin. She grins over her hands to Selina. "We're glad to have you here, really. I mean there are a lot of names associated with Gotham that are more than a little famous, some infamous, but yours tends to hold the weight of someone I'd say is more than a little glamorous."

April grins for a brief second before she nods once and drops her hands down to rest them palm flat on her desk before her. "Did you catch the show I did in Arkham? With the... ever charming, Harley Quinn" April then asks. "It was quite a thing and as Arkham does, she was out of their custody within a day after ward? Something like that. And right here in Brooklyn, at my front door... We had quite a chat!"

This is public news, April's shared it on air before. Admittedly she tip toes around the subject of Harley, because she doesn't want the crazy girl to get mad at her and come to throw a bucket of acid on her... or worse.

Catwoman has posed:
Selina Kyle brings her hands back to her lap, then one shifts so the arm can rest against the side of the chair meant for just that. She puts on airs of looking pleased by the way April props up her name and status, but while she leans back in her chair comfortably there's a note of something more measured at the question of Arkham Asylum and Harley Quinn.

"Sadly I missed it. Oh, sure. I've seen her around Gotham City, but..she came to your place?" This brings a flash of surprise and some concern to her expression, shaking her head with a clucking of her tongue. "If you're seeking the truth like your show says, I can't really say anything one way or another about Harley Quinn. I like being able to sleep safely at night, if you know what I mean, and since it sounds like she's already made a house call with you...you understand, of course."

Her expression stays neutral, but it sure looks like a sense of apprehension forms in the socialite's face.

April O'Neil has posed:
A quick and soft smile appears on April's lips. "Yeah, I don't share my address publicly, but she found it. She's a very resourceful one, that Harley Quinn. She even brought a couple of coffee mugs over, with little cartoon pics of she and I on either one. It was adorable, in a way." She grins, knowing she can't really say the truth on air of how it was, but Selina probably 'gets it' entirely.

"So yeah, anyway." April sits up a little higher in her chair then. "Its been awhile since we've seen each other. How are you doing? How are things going?" She asks. "How is Mister Wayne doing? Haven't seen him in ages either?" She grins lightly then and there.

"Any more lavish parties to be gossiped about? I was quite fond of the one I got to attend. I still stare at that dress in my closet sometimes, realizing I'll probably never have a reason to wear it again." Her smile is genuine and she seems to be in a pretty great mood this afternoon.

Catwoman has posed:
"That sounds cute in a dangerous sort of way. I can't imagine her showing up at my place asking to borrow a cup of sugar," Selina remarks, shaking her head. Of all the people who might understand what it is about Harley, Selina is very high up on that particular list, unbeknownst to everyone.

Crossing one leg over the other, she folds her hands in her lap and takes on a relaxed posture. "Oh, that was a good time, wasn't it? I don't know if you've been following the updates, but the Big Cat Habitat has been hard at work with the money we raised, adding land, building longer elevated walkways, and making it more comfortable for their rescues. If you haven't been out there yet, you should take advantage of your lifetime pass as a donor."

Then she laughs. "Most of the parties I go to, you've probably seen the pictures and heard all the best gossip. I'm not sure I could tell you any more than what's already out there. But you can wear that dress any time you want. Nobody says you can't play dress-up on your own. I do it all the time."

April O'Neil has posed:
"Ah gosh, I forgot all about that life time pass thing." April replies to that. "You're right, I really should go and check it out. But... I would definitely keep my windows rolled up and stay inside the car." She grins pretty big then and there. "I've seen those videos online of the people getting cocky and arrogant, thinking they can just roll down their windows and take a picture of Simba outside. Then -bam- they're ripped right off their butts and pulled out into the grass, becomin' meal time for the big cat. That stuff is... horrifying."

April slow nods a pair of times. 'So yeah, I admire what you're doing for them. Because a lot of dumb folks in this country think they can get a little baby tiger and raise it, domesticate it then... then they realize that thats not gonna work and boom, try to ditch it. So we do need places like yours to take care of those poor cats who end up in such a situation."

A breath is taken in then and April sits a little higher. "Maybe i'll wear the dress when I go check it out. I'm sure that'd improve my safety." She holds a light grin for Selina. "So, for those listeners and watchers out there who aren't familiar with Selina Kyle... how would you describe yourself to them?"

Catwoman has posed:
Selina Kyle shakes her head quickly. "Ohhh no, it's not that kind of place. That's a safari. This is an enclosure, but it's a wide open one. The closest you might get is being up twenty or thirty feet on the walkways." Best to make sure the listeners know what they'd be dealing with if any of them looked it up or took a trip.

That covered, she adds, "But the people who think they can get away with that are idiots and probably get what's coming to them. You don't fuck with nature. Oh, can I say fuck? Is this for mature audiences only? Are we live or on a tape-delay? I'm so sorry, Podcastville!" One might get the impression she's playing up the apology. "The ones who think it's cool to raise a big cat like that in captivity are just as bad. It's like all those dalmations kids wanted, then when they found out they didn't make good pets you know what happened. Abandoned, taken to the pound, most of them killed because nobody took the time to do a little research first."

A light grin follows the idea of the dress at the sanctuary. "You'll turn a few eyes, I should think. If I wore mine, someone might think I escaped." She was the one looking distinctive in the tiger-striped dress and facemask. "Me? I'm just a humble person trying to get through things a day at a time in dangerous Gotham City. I happen to know where all the best parties are, that's all."

April O'Neil has posed:
April 'ahhhs' lightly at the clarification on what the reserve was like. Its true that doesn't know a lot about those things, she's a city girl from Brooklyn after all, furthest she's ever traveled was to San Diego to stay with her sister and her family for a week... hardly a wild preserve, even if they might have SOME similarities!

"The rich are capable of doing the strangest, and worst of things, right?" April the idly comments on the rest of what Selina says about the big cats. She grins at the casual summation of Selina's Gotham socialite life.

"Speaking of that, Gotham has quite a... notorious level of wealthy people who live the high life and act quite the fool for it. Do you come to odds with every many of them in your circle? You probably don't want to openly speak ill of your peers, of course, but still... I imagine you see a lot of wealthy people in your city, indulging in a lot of wild and stupid stuff?"

Catwoman has posed:
The faux pas with the swearing past, Selina steeples her fingers as if she's some kind of supervillain planning things. "Miss O'Neil, I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you," she quips. "But I think someone famous once said we make a lot of money, but we spend a lot of money too. That's one way of putting it, but not entirely wrong."

She admits, "If you're asking if I hang out with them outside of the galas and balls and all that..no, not really. We're all pretty private people, and for some it's just a way to look good and get a nice tax break. I really do want to help those in need. I don't just do charitable things for the big cats. What the others do behind closed doors and away from cameras..I don't kiss and tell." An almost feline smile graces her lips.

April O'Neil has posed:
"Of course not." April says with a big grin still plainly upon her lips, she crosses her forearms on the edge of her desk before her. "And this is an internet podcast, so there are no restrictions on cursing or what you can say, per-se. So feel free to drop the F-bombs to your heart's content. I have a number of comedians on regularly and they'll just sit right there where you are and cuss like sailors on the high seas. But... they're never a dull conversation, the night lives they live are probably quite a bit different from charity events though."

April's expression falls to a more casual stare across the space between them at the double desk setup. "So let me broaden my question for you then... Since I've had a number of notable Gothamites on my show this year... What -is- your overall take on that city that you call home? What would you say is its greatest strengths and its greatest weaknesses? Cause we on the outside? All we ever hear about are the negatives. Is that the right take on the City? Or should we try to look at it differently than how the media paints it out to be?"

Technically April is a member of the media, though her role at Channel Six in Manhattan has lessened a great deal in the past year.

Catwoman has posed:
"That's all right," Selina answers with a wave of a hand. "I'm not going to be contributing to any swear jars for the most part." That question is covered, leaving them to get back to more important topics. "Gotham City..hmm. I'd say when you live there, you're free to be whoever and whatever you are without people judging too much. It's a place for freaks to feel at home, and yes, sometimes that means the Joker might show up at the coffee shop you're in and try to give everyone a permanent smile, but it's one of the risks that come with living there. You might also see Batman kick someone's ass."

She adds, "There's a lot of beauty in Gotham if you can look past the grime and grit. I don't think it's any more dangerous than any other big city. The dangers are just a little different. If you grew up there, you'd understand it better."

April O'Neil has posed:
A slow nod is given to Selina's rundown of her own home city. "I can see that all to be true. Hell, the Joker's made an appearance or two in Manhattan for that matter. I heard about one at a coffee shop no less where he confronted a few notable heroes in this region too... but you're right."

April tilts her head then and furrows her dark eyebrows. "You know what Gotham City reminds me of?" She asks, then continues. "It reminds me of one of those theme parks that got made back in... I don't know, the 70s or 80s, that had a grand vision for what the park would be like. They poured a bunch of money into the place, and built a ton'a different rides. But back then, the guidelines on safety and building regulations were all just, the worst..."

"So there you are, with this beautiful, huge park, and all the rides are death traps. Like, still... totally fun and entirely adrenaline-based. But one second you got your park goers laughin' and havin' a great time, and then the next? Oop, that guy's dead. Oop, that lady is a goner. Like its a city built, with the worst safety regulations taken into consideration."

April just grins then and softly shakes her head. "Maybe I'm just seein' things though."

Catwoman has posed:
Selina Kyle listens to all this and genuinely looks like she's trying to see it the way April describes it. "Mmmmaybe. I think it's just a place where you learn to appreciate life, which brings a certain set of thrills to things. You aren't going to be bored there." She leaves it to April to make any potential connections to what that may mean.

She takes a sip of water, setting the glass back down before asking, "Was there anything else you wanted to know about the city itself? Some of what we do there? Any of the other celebrities?" she wonders, knowing they'd discussed a couple topics prior to going on air.

April O'Neil has posed:
"Oh, I think everyone who attended those Death Parks were having a good time, up until the death part happened." She smirks lightly then before she motions to the shelves beside where Selina is. "Feel free to make yourself a drink, anything you'd like should be available there, if you're interested."

April does have a tablet computer laying on the desk surface in front of her and it does have information about Selina (not that there is a whole lot of that!). She is glancing down at it here and there as well.

But at the question from the other woman, April shows another quick smile. "Well, lets lob you an easy one. Of all the wild personalities that have made a name for themselves in Gotham City. From the Bat, to that one who wears the butt hugging costume... Nightbird? Nightwing! That one... To obviously the Joker and Harley. Who is your personal favorite? Do you have one at all? The Gotham hero or villain that you'll rush to turn the volume on your television up to hear the latest news or information on or about?"

Catwoman has posed:
"Or dismemberment, or dislocation, or broken this and that," Selina says with a heavy note of sarcasm in her voice as she ticks other ailments off with a few fingers. "You know what? I think I'll try making something I saw online the other day." She slides to an upright position, turning around to the shelving where her fingers dance over a few bottles of this and that before coming up with a few ingredients: vodka, triple sec, orange juice, cranberry juice, and some lime. After mixing it together, she holds up the concoction for April to admire. "They called it 'The Alley Cat.'" After a sip, she deems it, "Exquisite. Want one?"

Whether that means returning with a second for April herself or just her own, by the time she gets back to her seat she swirls the drink around a few times in its glass and takes another swig. "Out of all of them? Batman is the easy choice, but he's rarely actually seen in the news. Neither is Catwoman. I hear they go at it here and there. Harley does seem fun, if you get on her good side. Do you have a favorite from what you've seen?"

April O'Neil has posed:
Since they're talking into mics having over the desk spaces, Selina finds herself unable to talk while she gets up to mix herself that detail drink, leaving April to describe to the audience what Selina is doing. "She's crafting a really exquisite looking drink, ladies and gents. I think its possible that Miss Kyle has some rather healthy experience with bartending skills."

When Selina returns with the drink April nods her head. "I would love one." She offers. "I can't say no to such a creative ensemble you've put together there."

And whilst her guest does her thing with the provided amenities, April quickly answers the question. "Harley, no question." Not like she has to say it or anything, consider Harley knows everything about her house, has even gone through her underwear drawer (and may have stolen a sock? April's not sure about that...)

"She's eccentric and charming, in her own way. Has an unhealthy obsession with putting hot sauce in her coffee, but I mean, we all like our different little things." April draws in a breath then. "Catwoman, I don't know much about, but I admire her ability to sneak around at night. I wish I had even half of that kind of... what would you call it... just general skill at not being seen. I tried to sneak into a gang fight a week or so ago and ended up instantly seen, and attacked. I'm, not very subtle. Try as I might!"

Catwoman has posed:
Back at her seat before she says more, Selina remarks, "I may or may not have poured a few drinks here and there. It's a handy skill among friends, for one thing." The second one is set down for April to sample at her leisure as the visitor from Gotham City speaks further of Harley Quinn. "Something tells me you're a little biased there out of an interest in personal safety, but that's just a shot in the dark."

When the topic shifts to a part of Catwoman's skills, there's a hint of interest in her eyes that flashes for just a moment. "I think they call it stealth. Ninjas aren't the only ones good at that kind of thing. You'd be surprised how good I can be at sneaking away from a boring conversation or someone who's only talking to me because he wants to get my clothes off later, but I guess that's a little different." She looks directly into the camera facing her, a message for those watching or listening. "To all the guys and girls out there, pay attention: asking someone 'Wanna fuck?' five seconds into a conversation is not going to work out for you most of the time."

Back to facing April, she wonders, "So, by the way, has Bruce Wayne himself sat in this very chair?" She pats the armrest.

April O'Neil has posed:
April is quick to accept the offered drink and sample it. She's not great with alcohol but its become a 'thing' for her guests to bring her bottles of it from wherever it is they originate from. So she's got shelves and shelves of booze, though most of it is off-camera so as to not make her studio look like the liquor store that its quickly becoming.

She samples Selina's drink with a sip and 'Mmmmms' at it. "Thats delicious." She comments on it. The Harley quip makes her grin but she doesn't comment on it, she /can't/ after all.

"Yes, Stealth... god. I don't even know the right word for it. I'm like a world war tank trying to cross a field of tea cups, and not break any of them." She holds her grin whilst Selina speaks of etiquette involving people asking for sexual gratification and April is quick to add onto the 'want to fock' part. "Unless you're Brad Pitt. Brad, I'm just sayin'... if you're listening." She then grins to Selina.

"No, I understand entirely what you mean. Trust me... I get it all too well. All too often. But hey, thats what pepper spray is for." Another sip of that drink is had then and April nods to the question.

"He sat in that very chair, yes ma'am. This is where he was when he invited me to your fund raiser. Thor... has sat in that chair too, by the way. He's anothe rone that I'd add to that list too." She flashes another grin.

Catwoman has posed:
"You had to go there," Selina rolls her eyes in mock-exasperation when a couple of the celebrities and heroes are brought up as exceptions to the rule. No, she's not going to take the bait and offer up a name of her own. "Pepper spray works. So does a knee to the balls," she smiles all too widely as she says it, then after another drink gets her glass about halfway emptied, she seizes on a particular topic.

"Speaking of fundraisers, I guess it's time I returned the favor when Bruce came on your podcast. Now he's got something in the works," she says, knowing April's ready to feed into the mention with questions she's prepared to field.

April O'Neil has posed:
April sets the glass down after another sip of the Alley Cat drink. She holds a sly grin and then folds her forearms together once more atop the edge of the desk. "I've tried the knee thing a few times in my nights of pokin' my nose where it supposedly doesn't belong. I've had pretty good results with it, but... sometimes they see it coming. A tried a folding chair recently, that was satisfying... and, completely ineffective, sadly."

She clears her throat then and focuses on the topic at hand! "Oh yeah?" She asks then. "Is its Bruce's turn to host a fundraiser?" She motions then across the space between them. "Have at it, Social Selina. Tell the folks whats coming up, and let us all just dream of living the high life even if for just a minute or two." She smiles warmly then to the other across from her.

Catwoman has posed:
Selina Kyle remarks, "That also requires having a folding chair handy, and I don't think you're fitting one in your purse." A clearing of her throat before she hides a smile behind another sip. "Or anywhere else for that matter."

With the lead fed to her, she goes into it. "As it happens, you don't have to be a millionaire to be able to afford what he's cooking up. He's holding a fundraiser for the Gotham City Police Department as a way of thanking them for the job they do to try to keep the people safe from all the gangs and dangerous criminals. We came up with the idea of a charity auction. Want to have dinner with Bruce Wayne in one of the fanciest five-star restaurants in town? You can do that. You could be my plus-one for a red carpet gathering at a movie premiere or a stage show."

The socialite continues, "I've got a call out to Janet Van Dyne to kick in a private fashion design session with a high bidder - you'll remember she designed my dress for the masquerade ball - but we're still looking for people to step up with offers people can bid on. It could be an on-field pass and a suite for a Gotham Knights game, a behind the scenes deal at WXYZ Radio where you can meet all the on-air people. Stuff the average person doesn't get to do, you know?"

April O'Neil has posed:
A quick smile is shown to Selina's first comment before April just settles in and listens to the explanation of this fund raiser information. She flashes small smiles or little nods to whats being said. "That... sounds really fun." She adds on after Selina finishes. "I could see that raising quite a pretty penny, all things considered. Especially if you can pack in the goodies like some time with a billionaire playboy like Wayne. Not to mention a bit of time with the ever lovely Selina Kyle." April holds a grin then before she tips her chin in a very Brooklyn sort've way.

"When is this thing going down?" She asks. "Do you have a website setup for it? You know people like to have these things live broadcasted these days, right? Thats something I meant to mention for your big cat fund raiser, but never got around to it. You could sell Virtual Reality tickets. Have you heard of these?" She asks, then explains. "They're cameras that you setup... say at one of the dinner tables. It lets people log into the camera, and actually get a full virtual reality experience at home, like they're actually sitting there at the party themselves. They use these things for... basketball games, hockey, whatever really. Music concerts even. Might be another way to let the public in who can't, you know, afford a big ticket."

Catwoman has posed:
Selina Kyle admits, "I don't think we're talking the millions the big cat sanctuary got, but I wasn't even expecting that much. This is more for fun and entertainment, maybe to get someone out to have a good time when they need it. I admit I'd be pretty disappointed if I only drew $500, but I'd still make sure the winner enjoyed it. A little warning: I might throw a bid in on Bruce myself, though."

As questions come of the logistics, she admits, "We're still working some of that out. No date yet. We do have a website in the works," which she gives here, "but we want anyone who's interested to get in touch with us about what they're up for offering. We have some well-known movie people around, too. Think about what it'd be like to be an extra in the next film shot in Gotham, or even have a speaking line. You'd be able to show all your friends and that's not something that's ever going away."

The information on the VR side of things leads to her scratching at the side of her neck in clear thought, a slow nod following. "That might work for some of this. We'll look into it. I was thinking we'll also have some memorabilia people can bid on, and the winners can get it straight from the donor."

April O'Neil has posed:
"Definitely." April says then with a soft grin. "Online bids could be a thing too, since the fulfillment of these contracts would be on different nights anyway. You might get yourself into a heated bidding war over Bruce, with someone from China wearing a VR Headset." She grins wider then.

"Well I would hope to be able to make this event. I really did love the last one and I had a great time. The whole atmosphere was just, electric. Or maybe that was just my nerves being at something like that as a guest, and not as a... field reporter, or what have you. Completely different feeling."

Another sip of the drink is had then and there and April pushes the glass across the table. "You're gonna have to make me another one of these, but that'll be it. Otherwise I'll end up on the floor before we're done here." She says with a soft laugh following.

Catwoman has posed:
"It might have a little of everything. We'll be partnering up with an online auction site so there won't be any shenanigans," Selina says, stopping with that train of thought before it delves into the boring with too much techno-babble. Nobody cares about the details, just the good stuff. "Maybe we'll have a studio setup, too. Bruce will figure all of that out. This is his baby. I'm just the public face of it, handsome as his may be."

She shakes her head, adding, "Who knows. Maybe a lucky winner can have a night behind bars in Arkham Asylum itself, but I don't know who'd be crazy enough to bid on that. Gotham City is full of freaks like I said, but you won't find me in there voluntarily. Once we've worked it all out and have a better idea of what'll be up for auction, I'd be happy to get you some more information."

The visitor to the podcast downs the last of her drink, gesturing with the empty glass toward April. "Done, but I'm just going to shut this all down if you topple out of your chair. Do you want your viewers to make a bunch of memes of you?" She doubts it, adding, "We'll save it until we're off the air."

This leaves them time to cover other topics before they start to wrap things up, touching on places of interest in Gotham City such as museums, opera houses, classic theaters, the history and architecture itself, but also some of Selina's favorite parties and get-togethers. Surprisingly, she plays it close to the jacket whenever the matter of Bruce Wayne himself as a friend is broached, keeping it to what sounds like a platonic relationship. It must be so.

April O'Neil has posed:
A good solid laugh is released from the show host as she hears the bit about Arkham. "I don't think I'd call that person a lucky winner, by any means. But I do believe people would bid on that experience. I mean there are people who literally start sending fan mail to serial killers in prison, wanting to 'hook up' with them and even marry them. Its insane. Truly insane. So I have no doubt that some people would jump at a chance to immerse themselves into the notorious world that is Arkham Asylum. After seeing it first hand though? Keep me outta that place." She cracks a big grin.

The bit about the meme makes her wave her right hand dismissively. "They already do. Heck, they deep fake memes of me now too or just edit me to be sitting here wearing cat ears, or be completely topless. These people do whatever they want in meme culture. I don't know... I can't do anything about it, so just live and let live I guess."

April glances down to her glass and then reaches up to adjust the mic hanging in front of her face. "Don't worry though, I won't fall over, I never have up to this point at least."

The show will go on then, April will cover some more random topics to get Selina's opinion on, like US Politics, World Politics and events going on on the global scale. She'll even go into a rant about cat videos on the internet, and the conspiracy theory about lizard people walking around in human skins that has gained some internet traction again in recent months.

Overall the show tops out at just over an hour and a half and yields a very positive listener response in the comments section! (Mostly. stay out of the comments sections if you know whats good for you!!)