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Coming Here Often Is Cheesy
Date of Scene: 03 August 2019
Location: Manhattan coffee shop
Synopsis: Haytham Nazari meets Rogue at a coffee shop. They mildly flirt and get to know each other, while Rogue picks at Haytham's dreams.
Cast of Characters: Haytham Nazari, Rogue

Haytham Nazari has posed:
Its a quiet day in Manhattan for once. No Sentinels blowing shit up and for now, no criminals robbing banks or small businesses like this fine establishment.

'This fine establishment' Being a small coffee shop in Manhattan. College students and other young adults like to chill out here in a sort of small get-together kind of gathering. Haytham Nazari, a medical student, is certainly among them.

He looked like he was slightly stressed out by stuff, so he's here with a coffee at a table...by himself. But what he's learned since his first arrival in the city is that anything can happen.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is stepping through the front door of the coffee shop with her aviator sunglasses on over her eyes, an unbuttoned black and green flannel shirt that is light in material, enough to keep her arms covered, and a bright yellow tank top on beneath it. Blue jeans and wedge heeled leather boots round out her attire. She reaches up with a mesh-gloved hand to uncover her green eyes by removing her aviator shades, and sets them up on her forehead. Its her white bangs that stand out so striking about this young woman most at first, though the rest of her is pretty striking by most standards as well.

She gives a quick look around the coffee shop and then steps forward in line. Once its her turn, she smiles to the clerk at the counter and places an order for a chilled ice coffee drink.

Once the order is placed, she steps off to the side and glances down to her phone in her left black mesh-glkove covered hand.

Haytham Nazari has posed:
Haytham is sipping on his coffee before he looks up to see Rogue.

Even he's gotta admit that he's pretty floored by her appearance. Though generally shy, he does manage to work up some courage enough to try and get her attention with a light wave. The place was pretty busy, so if she was intending to find a place to sit alone, she might be hard pressed.

Good thing this total stranger is totally offering Rogue a spot at his table.

Might as well meet someone new right? Unless Rogue isn't interested in that. Then poor Haytham.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue was a member of the Avengers and in the public eye for well over a year, so its entirely possible someone might know of her just by that alone. She had a number of public events with the Avengers that got heavily broadcast, from fighting ice demons with Thor in the upper east side of Manhattan, to catching a helicopter before it crashed and safely helping it land, down south in Brooklyn.

She accepts her drink and is glancing around when she does note the young man waving to her. She takes a sip of her drink and then glances around the packed coffee joint before she does walk over to his table and she stands there beside it. "Hey." She says to him, showing a quick and brief smile. "Place is busy, mind if I sit?" She's got a thick southern accent, the accent of a Mississippi Belle to be precise, quite rare around here and in this day and age.

Haytham Nazari has posed:
Haytham smiles as she notices him. Why would she notice him? Most ladies just ignore him. But she noticed! So, Haytham kinda takes a minute to compose himself before she arrives proper, and he smiles warmly. "Surprisingly busy, but by all means. Company would be nice." He doesn't mind the accent. To him, it just makes her even more unique than the everyday lady.

"So uh...a cheesy question to ask is 'come here often', so I won't ask it, but instead...whats your name? I'm Haytham." he extends his hand to her, of course unaware of the nature of her abilities.

He remembers seeing her (or a girl who looks a lot like her) hanging out with and working with the Avengers. So there's some minor fanboying going on on the inside at the moment

Rogue has posed:
Rogue settles down into the seat across from him and sets her drink down, then takes her sunglasses off of her forehead and runs her left hand over her forehead to draw her hair back, that uniquely colored style of pure snow-white bangs and dark brown locks around the rest of her head. She sees him extend a hand and she offers her right one then, the gloves she's wearing have leather palms and fingers, but the backs of her hands are black mesh so that the skin can breath as much as possible in the hot weather... its an odd fashion choice considering the time of year, but then again a lot of things about this girl are rather unique.

She shows him a half cocked smirk and gives him a nod as she shakes her head. "I like that name." She says, her voice has a duskiness about it too, sultry and husky. "I'm Marie, though most call me Rogue." She assumes he knows who she is, or was, with the Avengers.

"I don't come here often, neithe'ah, no. I'm just up here visitin' some friends that live near by. What about you?"

Haytham Nazari has posed:
Haytham gulps when she approves of his name through that sultry swagger she currently has going on. She didn't need to be told she was beautiful or hot, she was already there and then some. But he smiles at her. "Nice to meet you. Do you prefer Marie or Rogue?" He asks her curiously, and now he knows EXACTLY who she is.

He's not a dummy, after all. But he still doesn't know her powers, aside from that she can knock a giant robot over like its a plastic toy. Strong woman!

"Oh cool. I hope I'm not sidetracking you from that. I go to the nearby University..trying to learn as much as I can before I try to make a good living, ya know?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is taking a sip from her drink while he speaks and she glances at a couple of people as they walk past their table.

She looks back at him and flashes him a grin at his question. "Nah, not sidetrackin' me." She says, then tips her chin up in a upward nod as she leans back in her chair with her back up straight and one hand dropping down into her lap while the other remains on her drink on the table. "Already went t'see'em. Was stoppin' in here t'get somethin' cold t'drink for the ride home, but... didn't feel like headin' out quite yet."

"So you're in school?" She then asks after a second of staring across the table at him. "What are ya gonna try'n do for a livin'? If I might be so bold t'ask." She shows him a slight grin then.

Haytham Nazari has posed:
Haytham keeps his attention completely on Rogue, because there was honestly nothing he'd rather be doing at the moment (she was so cool!) than talk with her. "Oh, gotcha gotcha. Good, I just didn't want to stall you." He smiles, but then he's asked about his goal. Whats he in school for?

"Yeah. Suffering the last bit. I uh...well, I want to be a doctor." he clasps his hands together in front of him. "I'm not really special in any meaningful way. Not like you or others. I can't fly, I'm not super strong, I can't fire lasers from my eyes or anything like that. But I still want to help people."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is lifting her drink up to her lips for a sip from it and she grins at realizing that he does indeed know who she is now. She shakes her head after she hears his statements about himself then, causing the whites of her bangs to wave gently against the sides of her face. "Don't trash talk yourself just because you're not some damned super hero." She quietly comments back to him. "Sure, they're crawlin' outta the wood work in this world... but... I mean, you still can do plenty. As a Doctor or... tons'a other things. But, I mean, I wish ya luck on the Doctor stuff... I hear thats no easy feat. I never could accomplish that."

She shows him a quick grin then. "How old are ya?" She asks then as she sets her cup onto a coaster on the table and then moves to pull her gloves off of her hands and set them down on her lap, leaving her hands bare now, which means she'll be more protective of them to keep people from getting hurt.

Haytham Nazari has posed:
Haytham chuckles a little bit when she tells him not to talk about himself like that. "Maybe. and look who's talking. Stop trashing yourself." he teases her. "I believe that if someone puts their minds to it, and they don't quit, anyone can do anything." he smirks at her, but he watches her take off her gloves, not understanding the significance.

"Old enough for you." OH! there's the flirting. "I'm 20 years old. I think its rude to ask a woman her age, but..." he looks at her with a gentle smile.

Hopefully he wouldn't get smacked.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is no stranger to flirting. So when he sasses her lightly she just grins at him and dips her pointed chin a litlte. "Well. My age is on my profile online, though I do respect the classic approach toward a lady. Thats an admirable trait, Miste'ah." She says back in a flirt sort've way.

Another sip of her drink is had then and she sits up a little straighter on her chair but keeps her eyes on him across from her.

"I'm twenty, as well, about twenty and a half." She states then with a slight smirk at herself. "So what are you gonna do with all that money you earn once you become a big doctah? What is it? Golfin' and yacht'n? Thats what Doctahs do, ain't it?"

Haytham Nazari has posed:
Haytham blushes a little bit when Rogue kinda talks to him in a flirtish kind of way, and he gives a bow of his head. "Well...I was raised in chivalry. I don't think the modern trends have killed it yet." he smiles kindly at her.

"Twenty, huh?" She looked it. She looked like a supermodel too. When asked about the money, he shrugs. "I'm not doing it for money. I'll probably give it to homeless people as I can, maybe to a charity. I'm a simple person who is just for simple living. I'm not for the high life." he shrugs a little bit.

"I feel like if someone wants to be a doctor because the job pays well, they're doing it for the wrong reason, you know?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue can't help but release a light and short laugh at what he says there at the end. "Hell though, that sums up like all the damn doctahs in the world, sugah." She replies to him before showing a grin again.

Another sip of her drink is had and she shakes her head side to side once more. "I mean, don't get me wrong, I believe ya... sorta. Until ya end up married and your wife is like 'Hey Babe, I need a fancy new Mercedes or I'm gonna leave ya.'" She's still grinning. "So ya give in an' buy her one, cause she's... ya know, hot'n stuff. She's a doctah's wife, a'course she's gonna be hot. But then she demands that million dollah house, an' well... there goes your charitable ways.."

"Admirable, however short lived they may be destined t'be..." She's just teasing him of course.

Haytham Nazari has posed:
"Well, if I meet someone...I hope they like me for who I am, not what I can get them or bribe them with." Haytham kinda lowers his head a little bit, but then he's looking at Rogue with a smile. He kinda knows she's teasing him by the way her tone and talking is, but he doesn't chastize her or anything like that. In fact, she's being very kind to him right now, despite it all.

He's looking her right in the eyes then, and his smile says it all. He found her very attractive.

"Besides, I don't know if my future wife needs a fast or sleek car. But....uhm...I'll cross that bridge when I get there." he chuckles.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue just grins lightly at him and she glances to her left toward the front windows where the traffic of New York's endless amount of vehicles can be seen, and since cars are the topic at hand here she looks back at him and sips her drink again before announcing in a moment of playful smugness... "I have three cars." She pauses then, before adding. "And a Van."

Her drink cup is set down again and she reaches over with one of her bare hands to take a napkin out of the dispenser and then moves to wrap it around the base of her drink cup.

"I'm sure you'll do okay though." She assures him. "You seem t'have a good head on your shoulders. Aside for wavin' at strangers in coffee shops, ya seem perfectly normal t'me." She grins again then, and proves that she IS a bit of a teaser. Its all apart of that sassy southern charm.

Haytham Nazari has posed:
Haytham seems to widen his eyes a little bit. "Uhm...thats a bit much, don't you think?" Who needs THREE cars and a VAN.



But either way, he lets out a small sigh, looking at her. "Whats wrong with being social?" he asks her curiously. "In a big city like this, its always nice to meet new people and maybe have new friends...maybe even somehow manage to score a date or two along the way." a subtle offer in and of itself ith the question, and he smiles at Rogue. "and you say that like your not willing to sit with a stranger and enjoy coffee."

Rogue has posed:
The southern belle just shakes her head a little at the first bit about her cars and releases a light sigh. "They just sorta... fell inta my lap. Two of'em did anyway, and one of those I gave t'my father t'use. The other one I let people I like use it if they need it, and the Van?" She sips her drink again. "Well... the van is for personal stuff." She shows a grin and then laughs lightly for a second there after.

"And yeah, I'll sit'n talk t'strangers. I ain't afraid'a strangers. I ain't afraid'a much t'be entirely truthful with ya, Doctah." She draws in a breath and watches outside the window for a moment as a street vendor pushes his hotdog cart down the sidewalk and two stray dogs are chasing after him begging for hot dogs while he tries to shoo them away.

"I got me some gifts that make me not really worried about much, but... I try not t'let it go t'my head." She pauses again, flashes more grinning. "Too much, any how."