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Latest revision as of 01:50, 5 August 2019

Watchtower cuisine
Date of Scene: 30 July 2019
Location: Watchtower
Synopsis: Cronuts in the tower.
Cast of Characters: Stargirl, Martian Manhunter, Flash

Stargirl has posed:
    Quiet nights up in the watchtower are always a delight, if only due to their rarity. Which isn't to say that there haven't been a few bank robberies, a landslide in southwest China, nothing -serious- at least. The only real oddity then was the duty rotation tonight, because the JSA had promised everyone's favorite celestial themed heroine would be up. That was like two hours ago, but well the delay was understandable really.

    There had been a bank robbery by some nerd claiming to be the "King of Lansing", as in Michigan. Nevermind that he'd robbed a bank like three blocks away from the JSA headquarters, but the collateral had been pretty legit. Even with the problem handled, clean up had taken longer than anticipated due to a busted gas line and downed power lines. A nightmare to clean up, but nothing Star-Girl herself couldn't handle. Still, two hours is no small matter.
    Star zips back to HQ to snag a pale green box from the fridge, before keying up her comlink. <<Watchtower, JSA-5 Star-Girl ready for transport. Sorry for the delay guys, had a messy one next door. Ready for the beam up, whenever you guys are I guess?>>Theres a blink as she clicks off the comlink, peering after it suspiciously before tucking it back in her utility belt.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn is sitting in the monitor room of the watchtower, with a trusty package of oreos on his left and the monitor in front of him, waiting for Stargirl to signal her being ready to be beamed up. Tonight he's shapeshifted into a tall human in his thirties, whose ebony skin wraps an athletic body, wearing a pair of jeans and a black shirt in a quite unassuming look, if one were to consider only the clothes and not the metre and ninetyfive centimeters of man wearing them. In front of him, the controls wait patiently to be used, and indeed as soon as Stargirl's voice resonates through the room, he almost lazily extends his right hand to tap a button and speak "understood, ready for the beam up!" it takes the pushing of other buttons, the turning of a couple dials and then finally a satisfied nod when the equipment activates itself, the computer announcing the imminent beamup with a feminine and almost human voice. "good, that should work, hopefully." he mumbles, grabbing an oreo via telekinesis and making it float into his waiting mouth "Flafh, waf you ft..." he swallows, then tries again "flash was it you making sure my oreos managed to vanish from the cupboard this morning?"

Flash has posed:
A superhero's duty was never over. The Flash was one of the Justice Leaguers on duty tonight, and it was very much tonight for him. He might have had a wealth of energy when he was using his energy as the Flash, drawing upon the speed force, but in the Watchtower, just relaxing, well, it was late for him. He yawned, and sipped some more of his coffee. Though at this point it was questionable if one could actually call it such. The Flash had a curious way about consuming coffee. He would drink some, add a lot of sugar, drink some more, add even more sugar, drink another gulp, and yes, add sugar. Whenever he ran low on liquid, he'd add that, but he always seemed to add far more sugar to the mixture than liquid. "Sorry J'onn, wasn't me." And he yawned again, very pronounced, just as Stargirl was re-materialising, "been a long night. I was going to catch some winks before my shift, but had to deal with Harley Quinn in Gotham. Always something."

Stargirl has posed:
    "Hey fellas, sorry I'm late."Star gives a roll of the shoulders, that crooked staff swinging up to rest lazily against her shoulder as she steps down off the pad and meanders near. Brick dust still clinging to that neat blue and white uniform as she takes a moment to finally get a good look at the joint.
    "Hey J'onn, nice to see you again. Flash, Jay sends his regards of course."And well that cardboard box is offered over, to J'onn if only because he's closer mind you. "I hope you boys accept bribes?"

    See the files all talk about about the cosmic belt, the Star-rod, serving alongside the old timers on the JSA. The files however fail to note Star's true super-power, the very glue that's kept the JSA together for all these years perhaps. That box is stuffed full with a dozen, baked goods of truly uncommon quality. See Star doesn't just -bake-, no those cronuts held within are the stuff of legend. Say hello to a nine time bake-sale record holder. A dozen powdered cronuts are fine testimony to this almost reality bending pastries, goodness knows how she does it but yeah. Star girl has an A-list bribery game, no doubt.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn raises an eyebrow slightly, sometimes still surprised about some of the human expressions even after several years "catching winks?" he asks to the Flash, and then shakes his head "mah, I remember you stealing all the oreos in the wole watchtower no longer than two months ago, you're still my first suspect! But," and as another oreo makes its way into his mouth he adds "In any case I forgive you..."
Then he turns, looking at where Stargirl just appeared, aiming a smile her way "oh, am I so recognizable even when I'm not tall and green?" he asks, with a slightly amused tone. "it depends from the bribe, but we could!" and as the box is revealed he corrects himself "we accept the bribe... yes..."

Flash has posed:
The Flash rattles off a long list, which includes, but is not limited to, "I accept smiles, good will, hugs, all terms and conditions on those little internet popups, cookies, friend requests, and any remuneration can come in the form of a donation to the Flash Foundation. We have a museum to fund."

And then, in a blink of an eye, Flash is hovering over the box of goodies, inhaling the sweet aroma, "cronuts, where have you been all my life? J'onn, you must completely renounce Oreos in favour of these incredible concoctions." Flash has by this point already eaten three of them, but that's only because he was trying to share.

"To catch a wink, take a siesta, catnap, catch some Zees, sleep, slumber, down time, doze, drowse, snooze, to not be awake, that weird state between when your conscious mind gives way to your unconscious mind?" He explains in way more detail than J'onn had required. "And thanks for forgiving me for a crime I did not commit." That was his story, and he was sticking to it. It might even be true.

Stargirl has posed:
    Theres a sage, knowing nod as her bribery is accepted. "Well still sorry for being late, I had to go beat the snot out of some jerk ripping off a bank. Usual stuff, you know the deal."Theres a little shrug there as she sweeps that cosmic rod around behind and, well she just sort've takes a seat side-saddle. Letting the thing hover in mid air with her atop, as steady as can be.

    "Of course, you weren't green when you came down to the HQ last time either. The cookies are sort've a give away either way ya'know?"And another little shrug as she pauses to peel off a glove and dump a few chunks of stray gravel out onto the deck with a wince. "I miss anything up here, nothing fun I should hope?"

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn hmms thoughtfully at Flash, nodding then in understanding "sleeping..." he summarizes.
Turning to Stargirl, it is with telekinesis that he grabs one of the pastries, making it float to his mouth to taste it "hmm, that is quite good! I mean, ok, oreos are still oreos but..." he shrugs, leaning back on his chair, casting a glance at the monitors and shaking his head "well to be honest it has been ages since I last dealt with a bank robbery, but I see your point." and still with his telekinesis, he picks up the gravel that just fell on the floor, sweeping it away into a nearby trashcan. "anyways, good observation skills, stargirl. As for fun stuff, I don't know, don't think you've been missing on anything lately," he turns then to the flash, "but my shift sort of just started, so..."

Flash has posed:
"There's always something. If Harley Quinn isn't rigging a restaurant's seats with pressure sensitive explosives, then Mirror Master is teaming up with Mysterio, or Sabretooth is working with Metallo, or a cat is in a tree, the queue at the DMV is too long, or a bridge collapses, or... do you ever start to wonder what life was like before you had powers? This sounds like my Tuesday, which, I guess it is now. These overnight shifts are a killer." Then eyeing J'onn, "they're exhausting on the human body, which, despite everything, I still am, sort of." J'onn better quicken his pace. Flash has now eaten 6 of the cronuts.

Stargirl has posed:
    "Been in the game since I was twelve, so don't ask me man I just work here you know?"Theres another little casual shrug at that. "It does feel like there are a lot more, I dunno I hate the term "Super villian" but yaknow "Themed-badguys" maybe?"Theres a pause there, as Star considers her wording. "Anyway like it feels like it used to be more straight foreward, you know? Dudes with guns, but now it's crazy nutjobs with magical snake powers or whatever."

    "Like no lies, variety is nice but some times it's so silly It's just a huge pain. Like goo-people, snot monsters, dudes made out of centipedes and whatever?"And a visible shiver. "Like what is even step-two? Turn yourself into a huge centipede monster, rob banks and then what? I mean like these guys never seem to have an end-game worked out, you think you're gonna go to the local walmart when you're a giant bug or whatever?"

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn takes another pastry, he had only two compared to flash's six but he's still satisfied! "i have honestly been not very active lately, my fault... Had a couple of things to deal with down on Earth in a less, direct way, I suppose." he admits, smiling slightly. "but well, I see your point, stargirl. People change, we grow stronger, but the bad guys grow stronger too. The universe balances itself, I suppose?"

Flash has posed:
"I don't believe there is such a thing as a Super Villain. Everyone thinks that they are the hero of their own life. And sure, there are the Rogues, they even have business cards - it's nice, embossed, firm, thick paper, they really went all out - but even if you're carrying a card for a pseudo evil organisation, that doesn't make you evil. It just means that you're sick and need help."

"Wait, Stargirl, you fought the dues made out of centipedes? How were they? Did you see Albert? Guy still owes me a twenty from last year's Super Bowl. I don't think any of them ever set out to be whatever they become. It's usually that they fell into a vat of chemicals, were experimented upon, changed, tweaked, modified in some accident. Except Larry the Terrible. LTT started out bad, is still bad, and probably always will be bad."

Stargirl has posed:
    "I've fought a dude made out of centipedes, who got away and went missing. So then his wife swore revenge, and made herself into one -giant- centipede. Then I beat her up, and they let the husband centipedes visit her in lockup. Well she ate him, and then exploded or something and turned into an ever -bigger- centipede that just barfed acid over everything. This was all before I got the cosmic rod mind you, Star-man was still fighting. So I was hands on for all of that, it was terrible."theres a little blech there as the memories come back.
    "I also fought a dude made up of cockroaches earlier this year, and a dude who was like a giant sentient snot monster who was trying to contaminate a mayonase factory to turn all of America into snot monsters."and another little blech "I dunno man, I feel like sometimes the crazy is just like hard coded into their genes. Like I'm old school, soft touch and all that right? Just the same I think some folks are just, wrong."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn hmms softly "I will not speak about the disgusting aliens for your stomac's sake" he says, getting what is the last pastry for him and smiling at the quite good taste "but I see your point, yes. People are just odd sometimes! Or, giant centipedes, they're odd too..." it is by casting another glance at the monitors that he makes sure noone is trying to destroy or subjugate the world, or at least the monitors tell so, and he nods in satisfaction in realizing that