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Pizza And A Look At Vanessa's Driver's License
Date of Scene: 09 August 2019
Location: April's Apartment - Brooklyn
Synopsis: Vanessa and April get pizza. April makes plans for Vanessa's birthday
Cast of Characters: Copycat, April O'Neil

Copycat has posed:
Vanessa called, asking if April wanted to go in halfsies on a pizza with her. She showed up not long after. A purse over her shoulder, no doubt with a weapon in it, and wearing a dark tank top and a pair of blue shorts with a pair of sandals. "Oh, so glad you were here. Ever just need some human conversation? And I mean, real humans. Like you. Not the people who live in the rest of New Lots," she says, shaking her head.

She pulls out her phone. "What do you want? Veggie? Pepperoni? Meat lovers?" she asks as she pulls up the number of a local pizza place.

April O'Neil has posed:
April is stepping out of her office when Vanessa arrives, now that Van has a key she can come and go as she wishes and when she sees her friend breeze on in, she just grins at her. Carrying her laptop in her hands, April strides into the living room and then settles the lapto down on the edge of the coffee table. "Ahhh... veggie sounds great, really honestly." She admits. She doesn't indulge in the pizza quite as much as her sub-terrainian friends do, but when she does she usually goes veggie or hawaiian.

After setting her laptop down, she places her hands on her hips and grins at Vanessa. "You look a little frantic." She comments. "The whole of New Lots on your bad side?"

Copycat has posed:
Vanessa lets the phone dial, telling April while it does, "Oh, just been kind of crazy, yeah. I think the heat is getting people. Everyone's snapping at each other. Maybe that mood slime from Ghostbusters 2 is down in the sewers or- hey, yes. I'd like to order a large veggie. Yep. Um, sure, breadsticks. And extra marinara. Yep. You know where Sunny Rose Antiques is? Yep, right there. Ok, thanks," she says.

Vanessa hangs up, the order placed. "What was I? Oh yeah. Ghostbusters. Great movie. Second one, not so much," she says, remembering part of the topic if not all of it. "So how are things going for you? And for Leonardo and friends? I keep looking around thinking maybe I'll spot them on the street, but no luck."

April O'Neil has posed:
April is just grinning at the words from Vanessa. "You're such a geek." She says. "I love it." She settles down onto the corner of coffee table then and places her hands together between her legs, palms pressing flat against each other. "I liked Ghostbusters 2." She says then, an expression on her face suggesting she expects flak for that. "My dad used to watch it and tell me that its just a better family film than the first one, which was apparently made a lot more to please the guys it was based on."

A breath is drawn in then and she shakes her head. "Anyway, I know its way worse now that I'm older, though I haven't watched either in ages."

A breath is drawn in then and April grins softly at the question about the turtles. "I hung out with Raphael a few nights ago. We went on a patrol together. As long as I can be around him without bothering him because of being, ya know, a clutz." She grins. "Leo I haven't seen in a bit, but I'm told he's keeping busy. They got some new friends living down in the lair with them. I still need to take you down there to introduce you though... god you'll love Mikey especially, I think."

Copycat has posed:
Vanessa laughs. "Oh come on, Staypuff was an all-time great monsters. But the second one? I'm just not seeing it," she complains to April. She's grinning though, going over to get them both some ice water. She brings the glass over to April and then takes a sip of her own.

"You and your crazy friends," she says, smiling but shaking her head. "You know I had something happen the other day. Lady in my building, really sweet, she got hurt, and this guy who has medical experience came to help out. Called 911... twice. No paramedics," she says, frowning.

"Well, anyway, so he helps her out," Vanessa says. "And he just... heals her. Touches her and heals her. Like laying hands on kind of stuff. It was amazing," she says, shaking her head. "Though, you can't put that in your show ok? He was so nice to help her out. I mean she might have died without him."

Vanessa goes to her purse and gets out a billfold. She sets it on the counter, pulling out some cards and sets it down. 'He was cute too. And nice. I asked him out. But he turned me down. Was nice about it though, gave me his number," she says, shrugging. "Hey, here's my card when the pizza comes, going to use the lady's room."

She heads off to the bathroom. She leaves her credit card out. Also her driver's license is lying there by it. It mentions her birthday.

April O'Neil has posed:
April points back over her shoulder to her bedroom, the lights are off inside it but the lamps in the living room are still casting some dim lighting in to it. "I have a Stay Puft in there right now, its on the shelf beside my closet." She says with a big grin. "But... there was a blowjob scene in the first movie where the fat one got a BJ from a ghost and it made me super uncomfortable as a little girl." She shows a grin as she's talking and saying that because she's well aware of it being ridiculous.

"Yeah, sure." She says to the restroom part as she stands up to go get the card. "Really, a healer? I'd love to talk to him, I'd love to have him on my show actually... Especially if he's cute."

April leans over to get the credit card and she spies the driver's license. "Oh my god, your DL picture is so adorable." But then she spies the birthday date. "Interesting..." She quietly states in a classic mumbled sort of investigative reporter way.

Copycat has posed:
Vanessa pauses on her way to the bathroom. "Ok, I think that sounds like maybe it was a porn parody and not Ghostbusters. Are you sure it wasn't called like... Ghost-thrusters?" Vanessa asks with a wink before she disappears into the bathroom.

The doorbell rings and the pizza guy is there. He might or might not be able to perform faith healing. But even if so, definitely not cute.

Vanessa emerges a short time later. "What was that about my picture?" she asks. She walks over, seeing the pizza box there. "Um, I could ask him. But really I was trying to get people in the building who saw it to not talk about it. I mean... can you imagine what it must be like for him? Soon as people know what he can do, he'd be beset by every person with cancer or diseases or... well, I don't know if he can heal those things actually. But I doubt if would stop people from trying to get him to try."

April O'Neil has posed:
Since April's apartment is inside the building, when the doorbell rings, its actually the Antique shop's door downstairs. So April has to head downstairs and chill out in the store for a little while before the bell rings and she meets the guy outside. She has a small back and forth with him, when he asks her for her phone number (as is often for the redheaded reporter and internet personality) she just gives him a little quip and a tease back before going inside again.

When Vanessa re-emerges, April has the box there and the plates for them both. "Drinks on the end table." She points two a bottle of water for Vanessa, she has her own held between her thighs where she's seated. "Ya know, honestly, if I had that power I'd make it my life's burden -to- be baset with people in need of healing. I'd feel its why I was put on this planet, with such a gift. Rather than the motor mouth power I was given." She glances up to Van then and grins at her.

"Ghost thrusters... god." She then idly says quietly as she looks down to the pizza on her plate.

Copycat has posed:
At the name of the possible porn parody, Vanessa holds up her hands to either side of herself. "What can I say? It's a gift?" she tells April, laughing as she moves to take a seat. "I'm in the wrong line of work," she says, before pausing. "Well, actually, I'm in the right line of work just the wrong medium, aren't I?" she says. One of the times she's made so direct a reference to her 'career'.

Vanessa takes a bite and sighs. "Well, he heard there was someone hurt and came into a building in New Lots. So, I think he goes out of his way to help people. But, still, I have no idea if it costs him anything doing that. But Mrs. Garcia, feel through a stair and the wood... ah actually I won't describe it now," she says wincing as she remember they are eating. "Anyway, he was a big hero in my eyes. And, yeah, really cute. A little young but... I'd have made do," she says, grinning.

April O'Neil has posed:
"You're definitely in the wrong business." April says back to Vanessa's gift for naming pornographic movies, and she says it with a mouth half full of pizza pie so she's muttering it / fumbling her words a bit while she's trying not to dribble food out of her mouth. After chewing and swallowing that down though the young reporter is standing up and moving toward the entertainment center, her tv is mounted on the wall behind it.

"Well, I'd love to talk to him." April says as she opens one of the glass door cabinets and pulls out a blu-ray of Ghostbusters. She moves to take the disc and slide it into the Playstation 6 <?> on her cabinet's top beneath the tv. "That being said..."

She turns around then as the movie starts to fire up. "What are doing for your birthday?" She asks with a slight grin, moving back to the sofa to sit herself down again.

Copycat has posed:
Vanessa considers at the comment about wanting to talk to the healer. "Well, I've got his number. I'll pass yours on to him and leave it up to him if he wants to call," she offers. "But I swear if you end up dating him... I... I... would be really happy for you," she says, chuckling softly.

She smiles as the movie goes in. Vanessa takes a bite of her pizza and then nearly chokes when April asks about her birthday. "I don't have birthdays," she says when the bite is finally swallowed. "I have sit in my room alone and binge watch Firefly days in place of that," she says. "Always loved Inara and Mal. I really think they should have gotten together," Vanessa says with a dreamy sigh.

She peers at April. "How'd you know? Doing that journalist investigative voodoo on me?" she asks, voice showing mock suspicion.

April O'Neil has posed:
"No interest in dating him, I swear it and I completely understand if it'd be too weird for him if he truly is trying to avoid being proclaimed the next Jesus. Superman already gets enough of that, but Superman can fly away from it whenever he wants..." April takes a swig of her water and after finishing off her food she sets the plate onto the coffee table beside her laptop then curls her legs up onto the sofa and looks over at Vanessa.

"I never saw Firefly." She says as the library scene starts to unfold on the movie before them, apparently she's intent on making Van see the blowjob scene when it does eventually come up, pun intended. "I have a teeshirt from it though, with the cast on it and their space ship that looks like a dinosaur." She has a huuuuuuge teeshirt collection though. Boxes of them.

"I glanced at your driver's license. I saw your adorable picture on it and it drew me in, and then... I saw the date and well, here we are." April then says to the other with a growing return of her sly grin. "I'm prepared to give you a good birthday for once, if you're prepared to allow me."

Copycat has posed:
Vanessa munches slowly on her bite of pizza as she listens to April. The last part makes her look really pensive. She bites off a bit of the pizza crust from the edge, chewing it and swallowing before she finally replies. "I don't know. I have a pretty spectacular streak of lousy, forgettable birthdays going. It really seems like a shame to break a trend that's running so strong," she says with feigned seriousness.

Vanessa puts down the last bit of pizza bone and wipes her fingers on a napkin. "Ok... but only because it'll make you feel better," she says in exaggerated fashion. Though Vanessa doesn't hide the smile she gets. As if it means something to her that April even noticed, let alone was interested in doing something with her for it.