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Latest revision as of 18:38, 10 August 2019

Family Grail
Date of Scene: 08 August 2019
Location: Themysciran Embassy
Synopsis: Grail comes to the Themysciran Embassy in search of something.
Cast of Characters: Wonder Woman, Grail

Wonder Woman has posed:
It is a calm summer evening at the Themysciran Embassy in the upper east side of Manhattan. The weather outside is warm, but clear, there had been rain the previous night and the evidence was still present in the form of puddles here and there near the sides of the streets and in the corners beside buildings, but its otherwise drying up and the atmosphere is one of a mid to late summer afternoon.

The Embassy is quiet. Diana, as happenstance would have, had just touched down atop the roof of the Embassy inside of the alien-tech-powered Invisible Jet, a constructed jet large enough for several passengers and powered by a 'disk' given to her by aliens who were indebted to services Diana performed for their people.

She's currently stepping off the back of the jet, wearing her Eagle Armor she's a gleaming beacon of Amazonian Princess atop the roof of the multi-story Embassy amongst the city canyons of New York, her home.

Grail has posed:
Unlike many of the power houses of this planet, Grail doesn't fly. Instead, she simply moves fast when she feels the need or she teleports. As of now, she is just coming to a stop before the Embassy and grins at the architecture. She hmms softly before she rolls a shoulder and starts right up to the front of the building. She isn't even hesitant in her actions. Unless stopped, she will walk right inside without missing a single beat, her hood pulled up to hide her face safe for the faint glow of her red eyes and the base of her grey chin. A hint of gleaming white teeth are seen when light moves just right.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Once inside, Grail is met by two Amazonian women. They were both standing in the lobby of the Embassy and were speaking to one another, wearing clothing designed for the 'average' New Yorker, but they're still very well exercised and clearly warrior women. They both look over to Grail as she enters and they both turn toward her, one raises a hand. "Stop." The redhead says to Grail. "Announce yourself." She tells Grail, her voice laced with a clear Greek-like accent.

Meanwhile, Diana is stepping toward the French doors that lead into the interior of the Embassy from the roof, she's moving at a casual pace, not yet knowing of anything happening in the lobby.

Grail has posed:
"I have heard that the Amazons are some of the best warriors around." She states casually as she continues to walk, not halting at all, though her eyes hardly dance upon the women before her and are instead enjoying the architecture, "At least that's what I was told." She looks down at the one who spoke, "That still true?" She wonders, "Well, not important, really. Why don't you be helpful and run along find the woman in charge?" She asks and then looks to the other, "Tell her Grail is here." She looks slowly over the woman who had not spoken and then shifts slightly, "Your friend here can entertain me while I wait."

Wonder Woman has posed:
The two Amazons give glances to one another before one of them separates to go retrieve Diana, they knew she'd just arrived on the roof.

The one left with Grail keeps eye contact with her and just casually moves toward the seating area in the main foyer. Its clear that this Embassy was primarily a former well-to-do home in the Manhattan landscape before it was repurposed into the embassy for the Themyscirans.

It is only about a minute's wait before Diana appears in the hallway, slowly walking down it toward the foyer, donning her full armor with weapons and shield on her back. She stops as she steps into the foyer near the grand staircase that leads up to the second floor's front facing rooms.

"Grail." Diana says then, the woman's name.

Grail has posed:
A grin as she follows the other woman. She is quite close to just trying to straight punch the poor Amazon when she hears the coming Amazonian Princess and slowly turns to face her, "Ah..." She states softly, "You must be the one known as Wonder Woman." She states and looks from under her hood at the woman, "So interesting." She states and looks up a little, "I had heard so much about you." She then idly crosses her arms, "Especially how you were going to do what the Amazons could not. Bring all that peace and love to the world of Man." She laughs softly.

"Great job..." She trails off and looks toward the door, "So far, I have seen just how peaceful and loving they are."

Wonder Woman has posed:
The other Amazon returns just behind Diana, herself armed now as well, she remains at attention behind Diana's left shoulder.

The Princess, meanwhile, just keeps her blue eyed gaze upon Grail. She hears her seemingly taunting her and it just makes her show... nothing, an emotionless gaze. She knows this kind of taunting, its the kind of taunting that a member of the Pantheon of Gods would use again her and her people, if they had some reason to do so.

"And you?" Diana asks. "What services are you offering onto this world?" She asks then of Grail, bypassing the topics that Grail herself brought up for instead just a question in return.

Grail has posed:
"None, not as of yet anyway. They are of little concern to me and barely worth my attention." She states simply, "Though, I suppose, some of their food is rather interesting." She then raises a hand and points at Diana, "You however, I imagine you not only know a bit about who I seek but might even be able to help me in his stead." She grins softly, "Or would you deny a sister help?" She asks and chuckles a little.

Wonder Woman has posed:
"I would deny anyone help if their desires were of ill intention." Diana swiftly responds to Grail's last question, not even hesitating for a second to pass by to answer that question.

She doesn't make much physical motion though, and the embassy itself is quiet and still with the muffled ambiance of Manhattan quietly audible in the background outside.

"I assume that you are the one who arrived in Central Park and began inquiring for the where abouts of Kal-El." Diana then states. "Tell me then, what is it that you needed from him, that I might be able to provide you in his absence?" She then asks of Grail.

Grail has posed:
"Well, for one." She states with a smile, "I inquired of him because...he invited me." She nods her head and then shrugs slowly before looking around again slowly, "It's hardly my fault that I'm here. One of his friends or compatriots or perhaps lackeys told me that he was looking for me. That I needed to be found." She looks at Diana, "And now, here I am." She then shifts slightly, "However, what I want is to know where Darkseid is." She nods her head, "Simple as that. He was last here. Now he isn't. I've heard he's not even where he is supposed to be. So..."

She moves suddenly like the wind. Moving with speed that Diana herself would probably have to put effort into keeping up with. Standing right before Diana, "Where is Darkseid?"

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana just draws in a breath and softly releases it again. "It has been over two years since Darkseid was here, Miss Grail." Diana replies to the woman. "He was banished from this place and I was not there when it happened, so I can not tell you precisely the details of what went on. Suffice it to say that he is no longer here, and wherever he is now? Well... I pity that location."

Diana's hands lightly move outward at the end of what she says there before going back down beside her thighs again.

Grail has posed:
A blink slowly and then she tilts her head, "My name is Grail. That is all. No need to add your titles to it." She then grinds her teeth slightly, "That is not good enough. If you were not there, then I will need to speak to someone who was." She states and then glares at Diana, those red eyes, more visible due to a firely glow within them than the rest of her face, darkened by the hood, stare at Diana, "Darkseid attacks this world and the Amazonian Princess was not there?" She chuckles and then shakes her head before turning away, "What good is any of this?" She looks to the side, looking back over her shoulder at Diana, "Tell Kal-El, that his scion is here...and that if he doesn't make himself known soon...he will regret it."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana shows a very slight grin at that little jab at her not being there. "We live on a complicated world that is quite vast in the troubles that it faces. We not always able to be at every single situation that unfolds... after all. Sometimes there are multiple situations at the very same moment. I believe I was doing battle with a sea monster the size of this city back in that day for instance. Kal-El was there though, he met and fought with Darkseid."

Diana very casually adjusts the weight of her body from one armored boot to the other, the golden lasso at her right hip gently sways against it as she does so, as does the blue and gold skirt of her armor. "I will be sure to give him your message. Grail." She says then, giving but the woman's singular name.

Grail has posed:
A look at Diana briefly and Grail smirks, "I should hope so. If I grow too bored, I might have to entertain myself." Her eyes turn bright red for a moment, "You wouldn't like my entertainment, I don't believe." She chuckles and then walks back out the way she came in.

Wonder Woman has posed:
And as Grail is on her way out, Diana speaks over the woman's shoulder to her in response after seeing those red eyes flare at her. "You might be surprised." She says back before simply watching her go, while her sisters move to Diana's sides now to speak with the Princess, assuming that Grail has gone fully now.