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Latest revision as of 18:41, 10 August 2019

Date of Scene: 08 August 2019
Location: Greenwich Village, NYC
Synopsis: Kae and Mercy got to meet each other. turns out Mercy really likes Kae's artificed dragon, Fanhuil...
Cast of Characters: Kaelyn Silverleaf, Mercy Thompson

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
The village is enjoying a wonderful mid summoer noon, the breeze is blowing constantly but gently, folks are playing in the park. Cars driving by, and of course occasionally honking at each other. We're still in New York. The nearby Cafe is busy, there's folks going in and out of said cafe, there's even this odd, ripple in the air, that just faaaaintly glows to the visible eye. Nope nothing wrong with that... Except a redhead dressed in a leather jacket, jeans, and carrying a backpack simply stemps out of the ripple, shortly before it closes.

On her shoulder is a large, black raven, sitting on top of her backpack is what appears, at first glance, to be a antique-bronze-colored metallic, dragon? It's gotta be a toy right? At least till it can be heard chirping and its wings flare as it rests its forelimbs on the redhead's nogin while pointing at the cafe...

Kaelyn sighs and pokes at the little creature with a finger "Paws off the head..." The dragon tilts its head and obeys, meanwhile the Raven says in a prim and proper English accent "That's over 127 times you've had to tell Fahn that..." Kae then sighs and shrugs "And I imagine there will be hundreds more, Poe... I take it you want yer usual crackers, cheese, and proschuto, I'm sure Fahn wants, everything...." She says and rubs at the back of her neck as she walks up to the cafe and proceeds to look over the outside menu.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
There's also a Vanagon buzzing its way to a halt as Mercy Thompson, in a plain white t-shirt, 3/4 length jeans and work boots climbs out with her hair untied. She's out here because, well, the shop's closed. She has time to kill. She locks the Vanagon and steps over a few paces.

Mercy looks over, glancing at the cafe then the woman with the...is that a raven on her shoulder. Okay, not a lot shocks her in this city any more. Still, she looks like the girl next door. With a tilt of her head, she's waiting patiently. If the woman's talking to the bird, she won't bother her. Mercy will just wait for her to step away from the outside menu.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
With a Gah, Kae turns from the Menu, but well, she's also got a tiny dragon hanging from her pony tail! Seems the small cat-sized dragon is now hanging from her pony tail. "Fahn? That hurts!" She calls out, now trying to catch the little winged creature, getting nipped once by the seemingly playful beast...

Poe calmly states "That's number 15 that,that has happened."

After Kae extricates the critter from her hair, she looks at Poe. "Must you keep count?" She asks curiously, before Poe tilts his head and nods, before giving a bow, complete with a winged flourish, as a butler might. "But of course, Mistress.. It amuses me greatly to keep track of the crazy antics your creations are up to." He says, all prim and proper...

Kae squints... "Yup, crackers.." The raven then makes a shocked expression "You wouldn't.." Kae then grins 'evilly' "Yup I would, no crackers for you...." She says, now turning her nose up, it's kind of childish, but then again the pained 'expression' the raven makes and the begging, for of course crackers, means her little tactic is quite affective...

Kae now blinks as she notices Mercy. "Oh Hai..." She says to the person, "Uhh, I was distracted? Didn't notice you?" She says, having nearly stepped into the other... At about the third or fourth whiny tirade from Poe Kae sighs.... "Ok, you'll get yer crackers."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy's trying, trying not to giggle watching it all. She's just entertained by it all really.

Mercy lets her curiosity get the better of her. "Um....is that...you know....a bird on your shoulder?" she asks, reaching back to tuck her hair behind her ears. She's just sort of, well, trying to figure out how to...just, sort of, well, ask about it. Looking over again, Mercy waves to the menu. "Sorry, do you mind if I look at the menu?" she asks, stepping back to avoid getting clattered into. Mercy looks to the raven then Kae. "I...excuse me for interrupting, but did I hear you saying about crackers?" she asks, peering at the menu again, doing her best to spot crackers on it. She now wants saltine crackers, too.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
There's a brief nod, and Kae now has a tiny dragon hanging from her fingers... With both its forelimbs and teeth being used for purchase... She makes a rather pained expression and nods "Yes, Poe's.. ouch.." the dragon is shifting... "Is mad for.. Dammit Fahn!!" She then adds "Poe likes crackers..." The Raven puffs up his chest....

Kae finally gives up trying to pry the little playful dragon loose and shoves the critter at Mercy "Would you hold him for a little bit? I gotta get one of his toys out of my pocket or he's going to be bugging everyone here..."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy looks bemused at the dragon. "Um...sure. Just don't tear up my hands?" Mercy asks looking a little bit baffled by all this. She does though hold her hands out for the dragon. "Hi" she says.

Looking like she's not worried, Mercy carries on talking. "Crackers. Okay, so birds like crackers? I don't have any in my pockets. Didn't think I'd need them today" she adds then peers at the menu once more and smiles. She's just here, talking with a woman in a leather jacket, holding a dragon. It's a normal day for her really. Normal, for Mercy at least. Then again, this is tame for her.

Mercy is fervently hoping that dragon settles down, or can well be given back soonish. Mercy's much better with cars than animals or people...then again she's doing fine for now. She's watching the raven closely too, looking somewhere between curious and a little worried.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Poe is now staring at mercy, meanwhile, the tiny dragon, well he's light, warm, and squirmy... And perfectly happy to try and nip and play with the new person. Never actually really hurting hurting, maybe there's some pokes, nothing more really inconvenient than a very playful cat... sans the fur.

Kae is now looking through her pockets, pulling out things, ranging from keys, to what appears to be a very large hammer... Out of her jacket pocket...

Things go completely off kilter, when she pulls a broom out of another pocket, and finally,s he ahah's and holds up a feather on the end of a willowy stick... "Here, enteritain the beasty please?" She says and smiles.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy giggles watching the dragon. She's taking it like it's a cat, not a dragon. If anything, she's enjoying it since the playful dragon. Mercy's definitely playing with the dragon.

Mercy awatches the raven again, not blinking.....yet.

"A....a...broom? A feather?" Mercy asks, "So....uh....who are you, aside from somebody who can pull anything out of her pockets?" she asks, "I'd offer a hand, but...ya know, playful new friend here"

Mercy's left her serious side at the shop. Besides, being who and what she is, she's learned not to take everything super seriously. Plus she's quite liking the playful dragon, too. Watching the broom and feather, she nods. "You want to stay on my hands or go after the broom and feather?" Mercy asks. She's certainly not making herself look totally sane. Then again.....Mercy is a trouble magnet. Trouble's shown up in the form of dragon sitting. Or. Best sort of trouble ever

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae hands Mercy the little switch with a feather tied to a string. "Go crazy, he can get a little rough." case in point, the first thing the little creature does is breath a jet of flame that incinerates the feather... It smokes there for a bit, then there's a shimmer and the feather goes back to being a feather...

Kae stares a bit and shrugs "Enchanted phoenix feather, perfect for artificed fire breathing dragons." she says and adds "Specially perfect for miniature dragons." She adds and rubs at the back of her neck, then looks to Poe again and rubs the Raven under the neck and bill... "Anyhoo, this is Poe, he's my familiar, that dragon's name is Fanhuil... We just call em Fahn... He's a teeny bit mischievious and if we can keep em entertained till I get food ordered, all the better I think..."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy watches and nods, "Ah, phoenix feather so it comes back" she says, making sure she's not about to go on a historical tangent about phoenixes, feathers, or flames. "So, um, Fanh" Mercy says, "I need to get one hand free to move that switch with the feather on it around" she says and gets to a sort of half sitting position. With that she can slide an arm out to get to the feather and attached broom. She's soon doing her thing with it, going wild with it. If anything....Mercy's enjoying this way, way too much. She's got a new friend, a playful dragon. In the midst of it all though Mercy nods, keeping an eye on the little fiery friend.
Mercy doesn't pause in entertaining the dragon,Mercy smiles. "So....who are you?" she asks. "I can't really call you dragon lady can I?" she asks, though her brown eyes are sparkling with joy.

"Hey we can keep 'em entertained. You got that bird, I got the playful dragon, is that how we're going to divide this up?" Mercy asks, her tone light.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae shrugs slowly "I'm Kaelyn." she says simply. She then smiles and puts the order in for various foods, snacks for Fanh, snacks for Poe and a meal for her self...

Kae then tilts her head "Anyhoo, well glad you're enjoying Fanh, he's a handful...

The little dragon is now on the ground jumping, flapping and sometimes flying after the feather with happy little chirps and warbles mixed in.

Poe tilts his head left and right again. "So mistress." He says to Kae. "You've made a little scaly play machine there..." Kae then nods "Yup you've said that before, yer just upset cause he set yer tail feathers on fire."

Poe responds "Ever had your tail feathers on fire?" Kae then pauses thinks "You know that quite well, and yes, the one time a potion brewing experiment went wrong and I ended up a hippogryph for an hour, then caught my tail on fire... SO you well know I have..."

Poe pauses, and nod "Ah, yes, I'd forgotten about that."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy watches the dragon with a nod. "I'm Mercy. So, this guy....is he going to follow me home or something?" Mercy asks, fairly sure having a dragon follow her home would totally get her insurers to freak out. Ah the joys of owning her business.

Mercy looks over at Poe again then down to the dragon, she's getting fancy with the broom and feather now. "Potions. You're a witch of some sort?" Mercy asks gently, listening to everything going on. She's genuinely curious and trying not to come off as prying, though Mercy looks amused and pleased by the little dragon's antics. "o how am I doing with this?" she asks shaking the switch and feather to make her point. "Okay, so...uh....yeah....how do I order food without giving up on entertaining the most playful dragon I've run across?" she adds. That's sort of a question she's got in mind. She's hoping to find a way to order food without that fiery friend noticing.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae umms "Welll if you let go of the feather stick, it will kind of continue doing what you were doing with it last." She says with a slight smile "And umm, I guess Witch is an apt statement, Artificer, Sorceress, Mage, Witch, and enchantress are all very apt descrpitions of what I do." She says and grins... "And noo, Fahn will definately be going home with me... He's an artifice, one that somehow gained true life in the process of making him.... Wonderful little accident he is."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy listens then lets go of the stick to order food. That was easier than she expected. Looking over Mercy nods looking impressed at Kae then Poe and the dragon. "Okay so you guys stay entertained while I get food" Mercy says then mulls over the words. "So you made that little fire breathing guy and he came to life?" she asks sounding genuinely pleased. "Aww, he's adorable"

She's not about to go running off to get a dragon made, though it would probably help around the shop, but....she's just thinking, hey, adorably cute. Then again, calling a dragon 'cute' is a quick trip to both a flame grill...and her father gettting highly angry. "I'm not sure which I like best out of your familiars" she says. yes she's including the dragon in that. "Both are cute. Hey, hey, no torching me. My father will not be pleased. Oh to be the daughter of a Native American deity"

Well, that got let slip. Good job, Mercy. She's put one toe in it now. Then again, being the daughter of said deity....she's not what people would ever expect.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae raises an eyebrow and shrugs "Wellll, that's nice, there's others out there too.. I've managed to meet Heracles, and the goddess of Love... And a few others that call them selves gods too." She adds and rubs the back of her neck. "Sometimes dimensional hopping is interesting, specially working for Stephen... Or going to grab reagents for potions." She adds and then Kae is occupying a seat at the diner, an outdoor one of course... Meanwhile Poe occupies the back of a nearby chair... The dragon wand toy thing floats over and continues to keep the little creature happy, who is now playing tugawar...

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy settles into a seat one table over, turning it to carry on the conversation. She doesn't want to just intrude like that. "Dimensional hopping and reagents for potions?" she asks having ordered cocoa and sandwiches. She's got the chair turned to talk to them all. She's counting both animals as people for conversation, too. "So aside from that, what are you three up to? Well, two. I know full well what that excited dragon's doing" Mercy nods sagely, listening keenly while she stirs her cocoa.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae shrugs "Well I'm grabbing some lunch, while I wait for an order to arrive? One of my favorite cafes happense to be here..." She says and grins a bit... "When the books get back to the shop, I'll probably gate my self, Poe, and my eterneral energy machien there." She points at Fanh "Back to the shop, and let one of my apprentices handle the scaly bundle of hyper." She says againa nd smirks...

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy nods, "Ah you got this. I'm out for a drive since my work is closed. That brought me here because I figured why not" she says and perks up more at the idea of books. "Anything interesting?" she asks. "Or, historical. You ever need any history, just ask" she adds with a nod, biting into her sandwich as she falls quiet, chewing thoughtfully.

She sits back enjoying the taste of the sandwich and cocoa as she's just silent, watching everything.

"I like that scaly bundle of hyper. He's fun, and adorable. It's like somebody taught him how kittens are then took the restraints off" Mercy says once her mouth is empty.

"Books are good though" Mercy admits, keeping a watching eye on the scaly hyper kitten dragon....thing, her other is on Kae. "Then again" Mercy says. "Gating yourself away sounds important so I don't want to stop you from doing that mind" she says gently.

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae tilts her head and shrugs "Well I'm not going anywhere riiiight this second." She responds and grins a bit as she gets her snack tray, now munching idly on crackers and sausages of some kind.