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Latest revision as of 18:44, 10 August 2019

Undercurrents: Bringing in Help
Date of Scene: 09 August 2019
Location: LexCorp
Synopsis: Lex Luthor calls in a favor and has Morrigan assigned to the Atlantis team, covertly giving her both resources and a secure commlink directly to him to work on the Hook situation.
Cast of Characters: Lex Luthor, Morrigan MacIntyre

Lex Luthor has posed:
To say that Lex has been busy wuth the Hook situation is a massive understatement.

To the outside world though, Lex has been 'monitoring' the situation, keeping his active involvement on the downlow for a variety of reasons. This trend continues with Morrigan MacIntyre. Rather than go to Atlantis himself (Lex is a master bioengineer, after all), he's chosen to send an agent; or rather, have an agent sent.

Whoever was *supposed* to be sent no longer matters. What matters is that Doctor MacIntyre recently received a call from the CDC calling for her to head to Atlantis in order to help research the Hook situation... and minutes later recieved another call from Mercy Graves 'requesting' her presence at LexCorp Tower, all expenses paid.

If she chose to accept, she would be given a travel budget card via express mail allowing her onto the Hyperloop system. A private Limo would take her to LexCorp Tower, where a Team Luthor security escort would bring her up to the Man of Tomorrows office.

In that office, Lex himself stands right up against the smart-glass panes in the back, his hands behind his back as he overlooked Metropolis with Mercy and Hope flanking either side in his impeccable black business suit.

There's a distinct feeling of a King overlooking his domain as he stands there, waiting for his new guest.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan was definitely worried over the Hook situation. So when she got the call from the CDC and then a followup call the woman was already packing her bags. She had told Miss Graves that she would be happy to attend a meeting at LexCorp. Afterall, she didn't have any run ins with Lex, so she has nothing to worry on.

Or so she hopes. She even took her injection in case the sun was going to be a pain today.

When she arrives in the office she's dressed in one of her best meeting outfits. A well tailored work dress that hugs her frame, but is modest in where it is cut. A pair of black designer heels give her a few more inches of height. Her violet eyes almost match the color of the dress she's wearing. And that mane of red hair has been left down. She gives a look around the office and then to the 'King' himself, "Doctor Luther." she greets him with a smile.

Lex Luthor has posed:
"Mr. Luthor will be fine, Doctor." Lex informs Morrigan as he stands there. The Team Luthor escort move to the sides and then back to the entry; Mercy and Hope are both more than capable of guarding their charge, after all. "You have no idea how much I'd have to forget to merely be a doctor." Lex smirks in amusement as he turns around, the charisma of the man oozing off of him naturally as he starts to walk over to his desk. The massive technological construct automatically pulls out the chair so Lex can sit, and then automatically bring it back in. Mercy and Hope move to flank either side of the desk.

"I'm sure you're curious about why I've requested your time." Lex states as he leans forward, his hands steepling on the desk as his eyes move over her frame, the dress getting lingering glances as he appreciates what's there for a moment, before looking to her eyes, "The Hook situation has been... concerning, for me. Not only has this city been affected, but so have others." Lex looks to Mercy, who comes around in her own business dress and offers a tablet PC to Morrigan.

"An NDA for this meeting, and our offer." Lex gestures to the tablet casually with one hand.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan might have been offended about the doctor comment, but she doesn't seem to be. She gives a nod of her head to him, "Alright then, Mister Luthor." she states. She takes a look over the man and then there's a few mental notes of her own before she gives a smile, "I have been curious, yes." she tells him.

When Mercy comes around she takes the tablet with a nod to her in thanks and then looks over the screen to read the NDA, "So who all is allowed to be given information for this situation. Just you and the Atlanteans?" she asks him curiously.

Lex Luthor has posed:
"That NDA is only for our arrangement, which I will explain in detail once you've signed it. Suffice it to say the CDC and Atlanteans will also get all the information. I'm just... crossing my Ts and dotting my Is here, protecting myself and LexCorp legally for the information I will be giving you." Lex explains, before he smiles, "Nothing illegal, I assure you. There are simply people who would see the resources I'm going to put at your disposal as only favoritism... and not the expedited assets they would be."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan looks over the NDA as Lex speaks, those overly intelligent eyes taking in the writing and then looking to him when he finishes speaking. "Favoritism, that is always amusing." she admits. Then she signs the digital document carefully before handing it back to Mercy, or whoever comes to take it. "Alright. Now that the NDA is signed." she gives a nod.

Lex Luthor has posed:
"Favoritism is a touchy subject, but I don't want you to be accused of it in any way for this. The Atlanteans are already... very suspicious... of surfacers, and being overtly connected to me and LexCorp would only serve to flare those tensions, if you understand my reasoning." Lex explains, before he brings up a hand, "Harmony, display the Hook model," Lex points to a point just behind Morrigan, and a map of the United States pops into existence holographically. Small and big red dots and lines crisscross it.

"The red you are seeing are confirmed Hook sightings in this country." Lex continues, bringing up a remote and clicking it, zooming onto the tri-state area. There are a /lot/ of dots. "Hook is everywhere, and only getting worse. There's an esoteric component to it that my people are not qualified to examine, for obvious reasons. Suffice to say, the source material of this new source has eluded us at LexCorp... and I've long suspected Atlantean involvement."

Another click, and it zooms back out, "originally, someone else was going to head down to Atlantis, but with your specialty, and your relative distance in comparison to the others... I've requested that you were assigned to the research team, and I'm going to put the full covert backing of LexCorp at your disposal for your research."

Lex looks back to Morrigan with a smile, "you get the experience and resume highlight of being selected by the CDC. I get information and someone who will keep me informed of goings on with the research down below." He raises a questioning brow, "are you interested so far?"

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan stands when the Hook model is displayed and the violet eyed woman takes a moment to just soak it all in. So much red. "Looks like it's way above most peoples paygrade." she admits as she looks over the map. "You think it's Atlantean made?" she asks him. Then there's a nod, "I'm happy to go and see if we can find a way to combat this." she tells him.

"The experience is nice. I don't think Mount Sinai is going to let me go anywhere for a few more years, but should I need to fall back on resumes then it will be nice to show." she admits. "And yes, I'm interested. This is something that needs to be stopped. Or at least worked on." she states.

Lex Luthor has posed:
"When we first studied it, it became clear it was going to be a serious problem. The CDC was only just starting to come into contact when we realized this could potentially change the world." Lex leans forward. "The problem isn't that the drug is addictive. The problem is that the drug forcibly rewrites the nervous system of the user into the equivalent of a decades old heroin user, and it has an airborne allure."

Lex waits a beat for that to sink in, "As you can imagine, this stuff is terrible all around, and I want to do my part to develop countermeasures before society starts to become seriously shifted by this."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan's listening and her face falls a touch when Lex mentions what it does to the nervous system. "This sounds very much like a chemical weapon...not just a drug." she frowns to that deeply. "Airbourne is even worse." she murmurs as she looks over the map. "And yes, I can only imagine the more widespread it becomes the far deadlier that it will be." she admits.

"There are so many people already effected. Does the rewrite happen after one dose or multiple exposures to the drug?" she asks him.

Lex Luthor has posed:
"It's instant, once you use it. I can provide our analysis of the drug to you. Sourcing this to us will be covered under the NDA, but you're free to share the analysis with whatever cover story you wish." Lex informs her, "the Esotoric component is probably what causes the instant addiction. The baseline components of it provide the rest."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan looks over the screen again, then back to Lex, "Alright. Whatever we need to do to get on this." she tells him. "Because I have a feeling once this gets bigger it's going to be a nightmare to try to cover up or keep people calm." she adds. "Just need to know when we start and I can take time off for this." she nods to that.