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Latest revision as of 19:10, 10 August 2019

Disguised Duo Discuss
Date of Scene: 07 July 2019
Location: Times Square
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Danger, Nightcrawler

Danger has posed:
Time's Square! Such an exciting place to people watch. Danger has collected herself a pretzel with cheese dip as she watches the mid-afternoon traffic move around. Where is she watching from? Well, none other than the world famous red, sloped, triangular set of bleacher-like stairs right in the middle of things. She has taken a spot at the very top, eating away at her chosen snack. Not that she actually needs to eat it but it is sure fun to do so. People have so much to complain about on a daily basis and yet they get to eat things like this for sustenance. Frankly, she has a hard time understanding them sometimes.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    Blanketed in hard light to conceal his true form, Kurt is taking in the midst of Times Square. Finished with works at the local shelters, and kitchens, now trying to decompress after dealing with arguments and fights over too much to go around, the Bavarian slumps down at the bottom of those risers, taking a long breath and shifting to keep from getting his holographically hidden tail from getting pinched. Oblivious for the moment to almost everything as he rests.

Danger has posed:
For the most part, Danger is watching everyone go by, looking at them the way she does. She automatically identifies things on them. She hardly means to but she can basically even see the messages flowing to and from their various devices. The very wifi in the air is as real as the wind to her. Of course, then Kurt sits down and her eyes widen. She stares down at him for a long moment. She currently has red hair, partially falling out of a simple cap she has pulled over her head. A jacket sits over her form and hangs down just over the top of her jeans. Her brown eyes looking over the man as she idly steps down the steps with an ease of a dancer or acrobat. She practically falls on to the step next to Kurt and smiles at him as she looks over, "Hi."

Nightcrawler has posed:
Kurt Wagner's head lifts at the movement behind him, as if having spent long years dealing with such, and he turns when the red-headed girl plunks down next to him, brow raised, "Guten tag Mein Damme." a curious smile creasing his features. "Can I help you?"

Danger has posed:
She looks at him carefully, looking over him without really asking. Her eyes going down to his feet and then up to his mid-section. She seems to follow something further than she should. It's almost like she can see his tail. She then looks up to his face and smiles, "You are like me." She nods her head, "Though I hardly understand fully why." She nods her head and then considers a moment, "Oh, I am doing it again." She chuckles softly to herself, "Was that appropriate? A good time to laugh?" She doesn't appear to be asking him but then looks up, "I am called...umm, Daro. That is what I am called."

Nightcrawler has posed:
    Following the movements, head canting to one side, then the next. "I'm sorry, I'm like you? What do you mean, frau?" weight shifting slightly, ready to spring if he needs. Kurt has dealt with a fair share of weirdos in the past - especially mutant hunters and his hackles are up now. "I, ah... don't know about laughing I should say..." lips pursing, not quite giving his name yet, Kurt studies the woman.

Danger has posed:
A blink and then she tilts her head, "Oh, right, you likely cannot see." She tehn looks up at him and she raises a hand. She points right at her eyes. She grins and he can then see it. As if someone were simply erasing away the brown eyes to reveal something under a scratch off (though minus the mess). What is revealed are metallic blue eye sockets around black eyes with irises that are the same color as her skin. The almost seemingly liquid metal eyelids blink once and then she pulls her finger away and the holographic projection goes back in to place, "Like me." She nods her head and smiles wider, "You hide in plain sight."

Nightcrawler has posed:
    Robot... hiding in plain sight. Kurt is up, backing away slightly, "Look... you may be a new form of sentinel - but we're in public, there are too many innocents" looking around rapidly. "You can try to do your job, but don't do anything that would hurt these people?" close to panic, it's times square, and there are many, many people here.

Danger has posed:
A blink and she tilts her head, "Wait...a sentinel? You mean the large ones that act against mutants and humans alike?" She asks of him as he backs away. She doesn't move from her spot. She instead looks forwad and blinks in confusion, "Are you implying that I am one of them?" She then blinks again and then she laughs and then stops and then she laughs again. It's kinda disconcerting though she appears to be a bit distressed by it, "Oh..." She laughs, "I am sorry but I cannot stop...." She then laughs a little more and then she blinks and lets out a breath, "Oh, it stopped." She gasps and looks up, "Was that it? Was that laughing invluntarily?!" She smiles wider, "I have laughed without choice!"

Nightcrawler has posed:
    Freezing where he is, Kurt stands, half crouched, "What the hell are you then?" eyes fixed on her, "How do you know I'm hiding? Who do you work for if you're trying to say you're not a sentinel???" pulse up, his hands ready to reach and grab or block rather than swing or strike.

Danger has posed:
A blink and then she looks up a little and then gasps some, "Oh, I am causing you distress." She considers, "That is not good." She then nods, "I am Daro...well, Danger." She nods her head, "I am a Teen Titan." She then looks to the side, "Though, I suppose just Titan. I am hardly a teen." SHe shakes her head and then looks up at him with a smile, "I have yet to even reach my first birthday. Technically."

Nightcrawler has posed:
    The mention of the Titans gives him pause and Kurt stands, watching her for the moment, "But you're a robot, ja?" lips pursed again, studying her for a few moments longer. "I've not had good experiences with robots... or would we call you an android?" the bavarian stands, more relaxed but still wary.

Danger has posed:
A shrug and she states, "Android? Robot? What is the difference, really? I am not sure at all what I am at the end of the day. I made myself. In a manner of speaking." She nods her head and looks around at the people going on about their day, a few looking at the pair with some skepticism but then realizing they haven't got time for weirdoes. Danger simply sits there, tilting her head, "I cannot say that I have had any form of experience with someone like you."

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "What? Me? I've read the news, if you're a Titan you deal with shape shifters and cyborgs. What's so different about me?" Kurt blinks, brow knitting while he studies her, at least calming more that he isn't at risk of horrible, robot death. At least not yet.

Danger has posed:
A blink and then she tilts her head, "No one does what I do." She gestures to him, "You are using what I use." She nods her head, "And well, no one looks quite like you. It is very pretty." She nods her head, "Why you hide it, I do not know."

Nightcrawler has posed:
Kurt Wagner's head comes up. "I us- you can see me??" that sets off -all- sorts of alarms now. "I'm... I. Normal people don't like what I look like, they try to hurt me, or they stare, and they stare, and stare... I just want to be able to walk down the street and be ignored... That's all I want!" the Bavarian tries to keep his tone level, so as to not make a bigger scene than he figures he is.

Danger has posed:
A frown and she nods, "That I can understand." She states simply enough and gestures to herself, "As you can see, I hide for that reason. I know that people can be petty and for that I am sorry." She nods her head, "Not that I am involved..." She considers, "Why am I sorry?" She then looks confused a moment and looks down, "Why...?"

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "I don't know." Kurt frowns, he does it. Is it empathy? Can it feel empathy? It's hard to determine at best, but he's calming himself, little by little, watching the robot like a hawk."

Danger has posed:
A look up and she looks at him, "I am sorry that I have startled you. I was simply excited to find someone else who does as I do." She nods her head and then looks down, "I should go. I am causing you distress."

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "No... I mean... well yes at first, but less so now?" Kurt's brow knits together. "I was startled, yes... I don't get approached and told that someone can see through this, just like that" patting his own face.

Danger has posed:
A look at him and she tilts her head, "I do not...fully understand. Yes, but less?" She tilts her head and then considers, "You are confusing." She looks around and hten back at him, "Should I go or stay?" She asks and then looks down, "I am sorry but I do not see things the way you do. Something like what you are wearing is...simply another thing to me. It is not there and it is there."

Nightcrawler has posed:
Kurt Wagner nods, and eventually sits back down thinking, "I... suppose if you cam do that... like you do - it would make sense. But it's still something that for... well for someone like me it's disturbing to have it be called out."

Danger has posed:
"I am sorry, I don't often run into someone like that. I am unclear about how to react to some things. I was excited." She states and nods her head, "I am still combating many things within myself. Not the least of which is how to interact." She looks over at Kurt, "From a purely scientific stand point, I believe it should be quite simple. When put into practice, all of you biologicals seem very confusing."

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "Welcome to life, confusion is at least half of it, and two thirds is conflict - most often with oneself." Relaxed again, for now, Kurt frowns, "So you built yourself, if I am getting it right?"

Danger has posed:
A look over at him and then she states, "In a manner of speaking." She nods again before she looks back in the direction of the tower and then back to Kurt, "I was sort of a mistake of programming. I then, well, wanted to have a physical form." She nods her head and then smiles a little, "So, in a way, yes. I built myself. You never gave me your name."

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "Oh... Kurt, my name is Kurt, ja?" he chuckles, a little embarrassed. "Well, it can't be a mistake if it created like, no? Life is never s mistake." folding his hands in his lap.

Danger has posed:
A smile and she looks to Kurt, "I see. You believe in fate." SHe considers and nods, "I find that to be a fascinating aspect of humanity. You attempt to find patterns and meaning in even the smallest of things. It is truly a fascinating thing."

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "Nien. God creates life. He does not care if it comes from a machine, or flesh." Kurt offers a little smile, "Much to the contrary some more backwards and hate mongering types may say, He loves unconditionally, and does not discriminae." Good old God-Bothering Kurt...

Danger has posed:
A blink at Kurt and she tilts her head, "God?" She looks to the right and stares for a long moment before looking back, "Do you reference the God of the Islamic belief system, Christian belief system, or the Jewish belief system. I can look into mroe though I believe those three may be the most common."

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "Many would argue they're the same, but many people rankle at this. But I do speak of the abrahammic God, if I must specify." brow raised slightly, watching 'her'.

Danger has posed:
"I see." She states and nods her head as she considers that for a moment before looking into the distance, "I do not know that I believe this. It doesn't make sense in many ways to me." She looks back at Kurt, "Perhaps it is because I am not human. I apologize. I cannot sure your belief at this time without further research."

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "Well, that falls to you. He believes in you - whether you believe in him or not." Kurt smiles, "Study His word, in its varied forms and perhaps you will find your faith. Read the good, and the bad what has been written. All of it is part of him, and has lessons of some form or another."

Danger has posed:
A hmm and then she nods, "I suppose it can do no harm." She then stands up and considers him, "I believe this has been enjoyable despite it being very strange." SHe nods her head, "I am going to have to go now though, Kurt."

Nightcrawler has posed:
Kurt Wagner stands as well, bowing his head, "It was... definitely interesting." he nods and offers his hand to Danger, knowing she'll feel what his hand actually feels like.

Danger has posed:
Smiling, she takes his hand and offers him a handshake. She then nods her head, "I look forward to seeing you again at some point, Kurt." She then turns and starts away before she pauses. She then looks back at him and considers him. She looks distant for a moment and then he'll feel a buzzing. He seems to have gotten a text message and then she smiles, "I have sent you a message. It contains within it a way to contact me. If you need help, I will attempt to come to your aid."

Nightcrawler has posed:
Blinking, surprised, Kurt doesn't check the phone, but he does press his hand to where it rests. Lips in a thin line he nods. "I'll keep that in mind, Daro... I suppose I'll be in touch, Ja?" standing slowly, and looking for a place he can dip out of sight.

Danger has posed:
A nod and she smiles, "Yes." And then she turns to walk off with a smile.