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Latest revision as of 19:19, 10 August 2019

It's Not THAT Creepy
Date of Scene: 04 July 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Iceman, Rogue, Storm

Iceman has posed:
    "So that's when I just turned around and left. It was super awkward and I had no idea what was going on, so I just 'noped' out of there so fast." Bobby says with a kind smile as he steps in and claims a seat on Rogue's computer chair and gives it a spin after he sits on it.

    He's wearing a pair of basketball shorts, and a t-shirt with a huge shark on it with it's mouth open eating something.

    "So that was my Tuesday, what about yours?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue was already in her room, she was sitting on her bed with a laptop computer on her lap (gasp). She's clattering away on the keys as fast as she can type (which is around 25 words per minute!) and she's glancing over at the folders of papers beside her that she's trying to get all done up into e-mails to send out to people for the party coming up. People are being given 'tasks' for the party, jobs and such that they need to do around the event.

When Bobby comes in, Rogue pauses and looks up at him. She levels her gaze and just eyeballs him as he settles into her office chair. A smirk slowly forms on her lips and she closes her laptop, then sets it aside and just places her hands together in her lap and STARES at him, waiting for him to acknowledge her.

Iceman has posed:
    Bobby however keeps on talking, "Oh? I have to ask for permission, riiiiight." Bobby says standing back up and pushing the computer chair back under the desk and going so far as to step outside and shut the door before a quick knock rings through the wood. "Can I come in PLEASE!?" Bobby says, muffled and obscured, but he opens the door and steps in before he does a full swan style dive towards the bed to land opposite Rogue from her laptop, so as to not squish it. "Incomming!"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue's dark brows raise up above her green eyes as Bobby rises up to his full height again. As he starts to make for the doorway she cracks a momentary grin before he closes the door and speaks on the other sid eof it. "Nobody's hom---" But he throws the door open anyway and rushes in to do his bed lunging leap.

Rogue then just averts her gaze over to the 'man' on her bed and she eyes him. "You're gonna muss up my blankets. I've been makin' my bed every mornin' all summer, and here you come to muuuuuuuss it all up!" She reaches for that folder of papers she was supposed to email out to other people to keep it from getting mussed along with her bed by the Iceman himself.

"What are you up to? You haven't been outside getting all stinky sweaty have ya?" She has to ask, having not caugha whiff of the basketballer beside her yet at least.

Storm has posed:
There's a hesitant knock, then two more, and Ororo pushes open the half-ajar door. "Anna-Marie, I-- oh, hello Bobby," she says, greeting Iceman with a flashing smile. "I thought I was you ducking into here. Out of here." She waves off the amendment.

"I'm sorry. I can come back another time if I'm interrupting," she suggests. Her hair's worn straight and flowing over her shoulders, and she's dressed quite plainly in a simple grey maxi dress and a sleeveless aubergine tee with some intricate cross-folding across her decolletage.

Iceman has posed:
    "No no, no sweating for me, it's just so comfortable! Not really high fashion like everyone else around here, but I can promise I'm way more comfortable and relaxed." Bobby says with a grin as he rolls over onto his back, away from Rogue and likely on top of more papers.

    "Ororo! Nonsense, get the heck in here, I'm just mussing up Rogue's bed like no one has ever done before." The x-man teases as he joke rolls back and forth to muss things up even furhter and completely.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue looks over to Storm when she graces the doorway and she grins at her and that grin quickly blossoms into a smile. "Save me, Storm!" She exclaims to the teacher that she assists in her faculty responsibilities here-in at this whacka-doo school. He's gonna get inta my snack drawer and eat everything next, then I'll have nothin' for Lockheed late'ah."

At Bobby's response? Rogue shoots a look over at him and she shakes her head softly, her white bangs waving against the sides of her face and her shoulders over her tank top she's wearing. "You know nothing, Bobby Snow." She replies to him with a slight grin.

Rogue unfolds her feet from her bed then and lets them dangle off the edge down near to the ground. "So much for gettin' adult work done!"

Storm has posed:
"You have a snack drawer and you didn't tell me?" Ororo lifts her white brows at Rogue, then scowls theatrically. "I think perhaps, I will leave Bobby to his business, then. It would serve you well to learn a lesson about sharing!"

She laughs and settles into a free chair, crossing her legs at the knee and leaning forward to rest her forearm against her lower thigh. "It sounds like Rogue needs a break from work anyway. What are you doing?" she inquires of Rogue, giving the laptop a curious glance.

Iceman has posed:
    Bobby's mouth drops open as Rogue gives him a nickname and he gives the face to Ororo as well, "She's too young to have watched that! Ororo, who gave her their HBO account?" Bobby asks, with an faux accusatory finger aimed at Ororo, "Why do I feel like it wasn't you?" He squints deviously.

    "Adult work is boring, especially for the adults." Bobby notes as he rolls over onto his belly and lifts his legs up and sways them back and forth like a young girl might while reading a love letter. "Wait, there's food in here?" The blonde asks, turning his head to look at Rogue's back. "I knew there was something special about you!" He says, pushing off the bed and starting to snoop around the room, grabbing at draws and pulling them open.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue looks over to Storm as she settles in and then glances at her 'work'. "Oh, yeah, Jean asked me if I'd send out the Responsibilities Lists for everyone who volunteered--or was forced to volunteer--for the Independence Day paaartay. We all gotta be in our 'places' and such. Like a Disney Themepark. Some'a the students who aren't even stayin' here over the summe'ah are comin' back just for the party! Its cause they love it here, Ah say."

She sees Bobby start to rummage out of the corner of her eye and it makes her look back onto him. "Stop... Its there!" She points a non-gloved finger toward the lower right hand desk drawer. Its a big drawer and if yanked open it'd display all the cheesey poofs, granola bars, big bag of pretzels, dried fruit packages, and bottles of tea stored inside said drawer.

"There's lotsa special things about me, Bobby Drake. Like how I can steal memories outta people's 'brains' just by touchin'em. I got memories'a things inside'a my head that I ain't never watched myself. Movies, and... otherwise."

Storm has posed:
"No one was 'forced' to volunteer," Ororo sniffs. "But some people on detention were offered a bit of amnesty for working the celebration," she observes, diplomatically.

The weather mutant grins and gets to her feet. "I won't interrupt you two, though. I'll leave you to it." With a flickering wave she heads out of the room.

Iceman has posed:
    Bobby visibly shudders and then explains why with a single word. "Detention, ugh." Drake remembers his times in detention not so fondly, and now, he's passing out detentions. He gets down to a knee to open the desk drawer and a light washes out of the drawer, everything behind him fades to black. He's found a grail among grails. "Pretzels..." He mouths before pilfering the bag and as he does so, he lifts a hand in farewell to Ororo, "Be safe." He says idly while opening the salty snack.

    With a few in his mouth rapidly, "You fwanph somph?" Bobby extends the bag out towards Rogue as he plops back down on the bed.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue looks back over to Storm, she'd been joking about the forced volunteer thing so she just grins a little at the correction of it. "Right, that." She nods and even raises her right hand to briefly point at the other woman and nod two sweeping times along with it. "Awww." She says when Storm moves to exit. "I'll track ya down t'bother ya soon." She tells her friend on their way out.

Its about then that she hears the bag get popped open and she looks over to see Bobby munching on the pretzels. She just exhales sharply when he offers her some. She stands up abruptly and reaches into the bag to swipe about three of them out of its insides then places one in her mouth as she moves to get a drink out of that same drawer. They're sitting on a 'cooling' pad that is plugged in through a little hole in the back of the drawer, she found and bought it online!

"You gonna be there durin' the party?" She asks Bobby as she chews on pretzel. "T'make sure nobody is burned alive by reckless firework shenanigans. Its your time t'shine, Bubb'o." She says as she leans back against her desk and opens the tea bottle up with a cap twist.

Iceman has posed:
    "Miss a chance to hose some dumb kid or Logan with a bucket of ice? You bet your sweet bippy I'll be there." Bobby says with a wink before taking another pretzel out of the bag and chomping down on it.

    Bobby finally looks around the room and raises an eyebrow, "No Remy?" The ice-man asketh. He's not very subtle but then he's always had a sort of 'crush' on Rogue, but the chance was never there for him to get to act on it. Not that he's trying to right now, but he's not exactly subtle.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue just leans there on the front of her desk beside the office chair that is pushed into it. She smirks at the ice bucket thing. "If ya do that to me, they're gonna need a bucket t'clean up whats left've ya, Bobby Drake." She threatens him, affectionately of course. Another pretzel is eaten of the three she'd swiped and another sip of the drink is taken before she hears that 'Remy' bit and it just makes her smirk more.

She shakes her head. "Nope." She says on that subject, and nothing more. Beside her is the television remote for the big tv that is mounted over the fireplace. She reaches for it and picks it up, aims it and clicks it!

The tv pops on, and eventually comes up to a hunting program on. Its showing a group of lions chasing after prey in the African wildlands. Rogue sips her tea and watches! "Get'em!" She roots for the Lions, clearly.

Iceman has posed:
    Bobby is for once, at a lose of words. Now he can't say anything or flirt without being /that/ /a-hole/ but he also doesn't want to force himself into the friendzone. He sighs to himself as he has expertly worked himself into a hell of a pickle.

    "Heh. Go lions." Bobby says with a fist held up near his face and a weak little, wooo from his mouth. "I'll see you tomorrow, and I don't know if anyone warned you yet, but dress warm. It's supposed to get chillay." He says, falling back into his jokester nature as he sets the pretzels down on the desk and starts to leave.

    He's not a lion, is he the gazelle? Is she the Lion? Oh god I'm about to die...

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is staring at the television watching the hunt unfold and eating up that last pretzel before she sees Bobby stand up and enter her peripheral vision. She hears his words and just grins at him as he starts to go. "Heed my warning, Bobby Drake." she says to him as he passes in front of her and she just reaches out to point one finger at his ribs and 'poke' him a quick and sharp little jab. Not to hard, she could poke-jab a city bus over onto its side after all... but she hs pretty great control of her strength these days.

"I look forward t'winter in July though." She says as he makes for the doorway to her left. "I'll bring the pretzels. You bring the ice cubes." She turns then and snatches the pretzels up, then runs toward her own bed with two quick steps... she doesn't jump though she 'glides' up into the air and then slowly and softly settles down into laying on her stomach with her feet up behind her, facing the tv and with a bag of pretzels and her tea now to enjoy the show.

Moments later and Rogue is just laying there, shouting things at the television like 'Run faster!' 'Oh... you suck! Try harder!' and 'Thatta boy! Yeeeeh, dig into'em! Bones are tooth picks!' She likes animel hunting shows.