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City Fall: Finding Family
Date of Scene: 04 July 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Lorna and Scott investigate the unusual peace in Mutant Town. Lorna knocks a guy out and gets the intel.
Cast of Characters: Cyclops, Polaris

Cyclops has posed:
The subway is not very crowded in the early evening after rush hour, but it is not empty either. People still have places to go and things to do. Scott sits in his seat beside Lorna quietly, with his arms crossed. He is wearing a black Harley Davidson shirt, dark jeans and black boots. The ride is over none too soon for him and Scott gets up quickly when their stop approaches; the closest to St. Margaret's Church in Bushwick. When the doors open he steps out with Lorna and walks towards the stairs.

"Thanks for coming," he says finally. They had met up on the subway and Scott did not say a lot with others around. "People will talk to you more than to me."

Topside, the sun is still up but getting low. On the edge of Mutant Town, people look mostly human. On the sidewalk not far from the top of the stairs, three university age students are standing together. They are dressed in Friends of Humanity shirts and trying to hand out brochures to passersby. They really are two good looking young women and one handsome young man, which does not hurt their chances of getting people to talk with them.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna had taken the better part of caution in going to the city with Scott. Her usually brilliant green hair was tucked up under a black hat despite the Summer Heat. It was easier to move about around Mutant Town and large cities when she wasn't obviously //different//. Be that mutant different or eccentric Princess. Different got attention regardless of where you went. Though New York City definitely had its fair share of the strange and peculiar.

Her face was still //known// to the wider world, her ties to Genosha and Magneto were public knowledge for those that cared to know. So today, she had gone all in with the more punk-rocker look. All in an attempt to blend in with the population as just another disaffected youth. She wore a pair of ripped up jean cut offs and a strappy black tank-top and boots. A multitude of cheap jewelry made for a handy weapon should she need it, the nickle and steel were wonderfully magnetic, as well as added to her look.

A glance was shot at Scott as they climbed out of the subway and she scowled, "We could have driven and I wouldn't have had to deal with that guy's annoying music choices for three stops." She muttered, shoving her hands into her pockets as she walked. "And why exactly would anyone want to talk to me more than you? You've got that whole... responsible... vibe." She teased, with a faint twitch of her lips as her gaze swung around the block. She noticed the little gaggle of FoH not too far away, and her gaze narrowed faintly.

Cyclops has posed:
"That's exactly why they do not want to talk with me," Scott replies with a hint of a smile. "We took the subway, so we would find things like this."

Scott walks beside Lorna down the sidewalk toward the FoH group. The church is a couple of blocks beyond.

"Good evening! Look out for your brothers and sisters! Want to learn how to keep your families safe? Here," says one of the FoH women in one breath with a brilliant, perfect smile. She shoves a brochure to Scott.

"I love your glasses," she says to Scott. She looks at Lorna. "That bracelet is really. Nice."

"Thanks," Scott grunts and takes the brochure. He flips it open and scans the inside. The message is all about making a safe world for your family, building strong communities and honouring the way the US was meant to be. With convenient links to more information on the Net. "I think I've seen Friends of Humanity stuff before. Are you here a lot?" Scott asks.

"Not really here, but you should look us up. There are meetings all the time, and a list of really friendly churches, and so much information," she says brightly. She tucks an errant strand of blonde hair behind her ear.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna shot Scott a look as their pace slowed and the little gaggle of good little Friends of Humanity handed out pamphlets to each of them. She eyed the shiny little piece of paper in her grip, and her lips pursed into an unimpressed line. She handed the paper off to Scott, "I'm Jewish, but thanks." She drawled at the mention of church meetings, throwing that out rather than the any number of other reasons she wanted to. Scott wanted to investigate things.

So this was her attempt at being subtle, or at least, repressing the urge to throw the flier back in their perfectly made up faces that down right sang warnings in Lorna's head. The green haired woman arched a brow as the blonde tucked her hair back and cast a look at Scott. But otherwise, she didn't make trouble. Not yet anyways.

Cyclops has posed:
"Thanks, I will look at it," Scott says and closes the brochure.

He turns to leave with Lorna unless she wants to stay.

"It is like something right out of the evangelist playbook," Scott says dryly when they are out of earshot. He glances back over his shoulder and keeps walking. "Looks like they are not being pushed far from Bushwick."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna muttered something under her breath as she and Scott departed from the group and she shoved her hands straight into her pockets as they started on their way. She had zero interest in lingering, much less in keeping her anger in check around them. There was every chance one of the might say something and well... She didn't want to be responsible for that.

"Really? I was going to say the Hitler Youth. Blonde, attractive. They really know how to sell the whole, us verses them thing." She muttered and reached up to adjust the hat on her head with a grumble. Luckily she was used to the heat, having spent so much time in Genosha in the past few years.

"Think it's even worth it to do a follow up to scope out their operations?"

Cyclops has posed:
"Better comparison," Scott admits. "I do not get it. Happy, healthy, hating."

"That is pretty small stuff. If we go to the Sailor we can probably find out if they move into Bushwick," he says. The Sailor is a pub near the church, popular with a lot of mutant university students living in the area.

Nothing like those kids in Genosha is there," Scott says, oblivious to the fact those kids were probably his own age.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna exhaled a breath, and nodded once, "Well, as I've heard before.. personality predates ideology. Before they started to hate on mutants it was the kid in class that smelled funny. The homeless guy on the corner with a street sign begging for money." She pursed her lips as she continued down the sidewalk, glancing about the street as they continued on their way.

"Did you want to head to the Sailor then?" She glanced side way, her eyebrows shooting upward as she considered what Scott had had to say.

"No, there aren't any religious extremists, or major bigots in Genosha. I mean.. sure, you'll find mutants that hate humans there. But can you really blame them? A lot of them lost their homes, their businesses, families separated." She sighed heavily, shaking her head as she trailed off.

Cyclops has posed:
Scott is silent for a bit as they walk. "No, you can't," he agrees. "And around it goes. But it has to stop somewhere. Let's do the Sailor."

He walks with Lorna toward the pub. "What do you think? About humans?" he asks curiously.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna exhaled a breath as they made their way toward the bar in question, passing a few other people on the street and avoiding stepping in trash from an up turned can. She glanced back at Scott as he asked about her own thoughts on humans. "There are good and bad ones, same as anyone or anything so far." She shrugged once, "I don't hate humans, but I think Genosha is important for mutants. That we have a space to call our own and to grow from." She reached up and adjusted the hat on her head again, sweat prickling down her back in the Summer heat.

"You can't grow and become more if you're scared, or don't have the basics in life." She murmured as they walked.

Cyclops has posed:
"Maybe," he says. "I never really thought about it. But if it helps keep the peace, I am all for it."

Scott and Lorna arrive at the Sailor. He opens the door and steps inside, and quickly scans the room. The pub is done in a lot of light wood with hints of nautical themes thrown in. To justify the name. The sign outside is a man-fish in a Popeye outfit. The crowd looks to be anywhere from 21 to early 30's. A few guys and a couple of girls shoot Lorna appreciative looks when she comes inside. Scott leads the way to the bar.

"I have seen the big hairy guy and his buddies before. I am pretty sure he run the corner store up the street." Which is true. He also deals all kinds of recreational drugs out of his store. Like another kind of candy.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna shrugged as she entered the bar, she glanced around, having rarely spent time in the area, much less in this particular bar. Though she'd passed it a few times in her various trips to Mutant Town proper. She came up to the bar with an easy grace, settling in on a stool that creaked beneath her as the vinyl scraped against the back of her legs She tapped her finger nails against the polished wood of the bar top, and glanced toward Scott as he murmured softly about the big hairy guy down the way. She flashed the bar tender a smile as he finally came over and she ordered herself a beer.

Green eyes scanned the room once as she leaned against the bar, and crossed her legs. "Want a soda, Mr Responsible?" She teased Scott lightly.

Cyclops has posed:
"Yeah, a lager soda," Scott says dryly.

"Honestly, you would think I was Mr. Rogers. Am I really that bad, Lorna? Actually?" Scott asks, off-mission. "Sometimes I don't know if everyone is joking anymore. They used to be."

He nods his thanks to the bartender and takes a pull of his beer.

"The other reason we took the subway," he notes as he puts his beer down.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna arched a brow as she sipped at her drink, and she tilted her head to the side as she considered the older Summers brother before her. "Well, it started as joke and then it's just blossomed into reality. You //are// the guy in charge most of the time anyways. And with that comes responsibility... and well, to be honest, someone has to be in our group. Otherwise we're as bad as a herd of cats." She teased, and drummed her fingers against the glass of her drink. Her gaze went around the room again and back. She flashed him a grin.

"If you wanted to ask me out for a drink Scott, all you had to do was ask." She teased, laughter in her expression.

Cyclops has posed:
"If I... What?" Scott asks and then realizes exactly what he managed to contrive here. "Aww crap. I'm sorry Lorna, I did not mean to... I really was trying to look into this stuff. Geez. It must be getting bad. Here I am getting Lorna Dane into a bar and I don't even notice," he says and takes another pull from his drink.

"Truth is? I would not have even known how to ask you here if I planned it. Last time I was on a date..." he shakes his head. "I never even asked, are you seeing someone here or back in Genosha?"

Polaris has posed:
Lorna broke into laughter, soft and gentle, humor dancing in her eyes. "Oh Scott, don't get all worried. I'm teasing you! I know you're serious about looking into things on a serious mission. That's who you are. Calm down and don't have a heart attack." She shook her head and sipped at her drink again, still smiling. Even as she stretched her senses out along the bar, keeping tabs on everything she could feel through the magnetic fields.

"And no. I'm not dating anyone. Here or Genosha." She shook her head, glancing back to him. "Do you know how hard it is to find someone that would date me and could handle all the craziness in my life? Put up with my father and position?" She exhaled a breath, still smiling as she pressed her fingers against the damp coolness of the condensation on her glass.

"So, mission wise, what are we looking for?"

Cyclops has posed:
"Point," Scott says gesturing to Lorna with his beer mug. "Come home and meet my dad... Sure...."

Scott takes another pull of his beer and refocuses. "People like hairy over there that see things. Should be an easy room for you to work at least. Just see what people have heard about why things are so damn calm here. Attacks against mutants have /stopped/ except for the Sentinel thing. Call me pessimistic, but that is not normal."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna hitched an eyebrow upward, sobering immediately from her laughter as Scott finally got down to why they were in the bar in the first place. She set her drink down, using it more now as a prop than having any real intent on drinking the rest of it now. She hmmed under her breath, and reached up to pluck her hat off. Her green hair came tumbling down her shoulders in a rush of curls. She shook it out, exhaling a breath as she glanced back to Scott.

"Oh yeah? Quiet? Hmmm, that's really interesting."

Cyclops has posed:
"Quiet. Overnight," he says. "It happened a couple months ago. Attacks against us went from regular to zero. And stayed there. I don't know why, but suddenly Bushwick is safe instead of a buffet for every mutant basher on a Saturday night bender."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna nodded once, and with a smirk reached out her hand and used her powers to float a spoon from across the bar to her grip. She twirled it around and around the tip of her finger, showing off, trying to put Scott's words to the test in the immediate area. After all, if the area was suddenly mutant-friendly.. then surely it was worth it to test the bounds of that peace.

"Well, I guess it's worth it to test that, hmm?" She asked, tilting her head to the side as she stretched her powers outward and felt through the building in the magnetic fields, trying to take stock of who was where in the building at large.

Cyclops has posed:
Nobody seems to pay much mind, aside from the guys already keeping an eye on Lorna.

"That is one way to test a theory," Scott chuckles. He gets up, takes his beer with him and puts on an uncharacteristic smile as he approaches a table with a few people at it who look to be in their upper 20's. Scott says something and there is a chuckle from them. One of the guys pulls out a chair and Scott sits down. Someone who did not know him might think he was outgoing, enjoying meeting new people.

"You know, where I'm from, that would get you in shit," says a deep male voice nearly as soon as Scott is gone. A fairly handsome man with brown hair and eyes and a ready smile sits down. "Buy you a drink?" he asks Lorna.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna flashed Scott a grin, "What, if the theory is that it's suddenly safe, why not see how far that goes?" She murmured, her hat carefully tucked back on her head, but no longer hiding the long green locks that tumbled down around her shoulders. She nodded as Scott got up to go socialize with some of the locals and she sat back down at the stool once more, crossing her legs as she idly tapped her fingers against the beer in her grip.

Then came up the stranger that settled in at the seat Scott just vacated. She eyed him from beneath her eyelashes, arching an eyebrow upward at his words, even as she twisted her figure about to face him more fully. "Really? And where is that? Sounds like you should try living somewhere else." She teased, her voice dry and amused.

The offer of him buying her a drink had her sitting up and sliding her hand from the bottle in front of her, still mostly full. "I suppose I could go for another drink, any suggestions?"

Polaris has posed:
"...and he transformed, right on the bus. You should have /seen/ look on her face!" the young blond guy says. They all laugh. "What, into a frog guy? In public?" Scott asks incredulously to the brown haired man in a tank top sitting with them. "You're brave or crazy."

"Nah, pretty safe around!"

"Texas, but don't worry, gorgeous. Bushwick's safe enough. Especially with me to protect you," he grins. He holds up two fingers to the bartender. "Tequila!"

Polaris has posed:
Lorna sat back, watching the confident young man sitting beside her, even as she kept half an ear glued to the conversation going on behind her where Scott sat and entertained the little group at one of the tables in the bar. She hummed softly, propping up her chin with her hand as the other directed the spoon to settle back down on the bar top. She stifled the urge to laugh about needing someone to protect her, and she grinned instead in a barely restrained manner.

"Oh really? You'll protect me? From who? I heard Bushwick is plenty safe with or without a.." She paused, and eyed the guy sitting beside her. "Gentleman to watch my back." She finished, once more struggling with the urge to flat out insult the man. Her fingers twitched, and instead she tapped her manicured nails against the countertop as the tequila was ordered. Decidedly not one of her favored shots, but it was all in the name of information..

Polaris has posed:
"It's /so/ different now," one of the young women at Scott's table agrees. "Doesn't mean you're less embarrassing!" she teases her friend. The group laughs.

"You don't want a gentleman," Lorna's new friend says. "You want a real man. A Family man, with real connections. Not some wannabe tough," he says with a jerk of the head toward Scott. He raises his shot glass to Lorna and downs the drink. He slams the shot glass down and gestures for another.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna cast Scott's table a sideways glance and back, as she tucked her hair back behind an ear, and she outright laughed as the man, who had yet to introduce himself at all, continued to speak. She couldn't help it, and she shook her head, "Oh no, we're not together like that. He's more of an older brother." She shook her head as she eyed the man sitting beside her again as the bartender set the shots of tequila down before both of them.

Suffice to say she wasn't truly impressed by the 'real man' in front of her, and she raised an eyebrow as he spoke of connections. "But really, a family man? That's what I want?" She asked archly, as she grabbed the shot glass, sniffed it once and then promptly knocked it back.

Polaris has posed:
Scott follows along with the conversation at his table. It moves away from what he is looking for. The faint crease in his forehead betrays his annoyance. "What, you don't know the Family. I'm a..."

"A loud mouth and a fucking idiot, Mack. You're done," says the bartender. She is short, with brown hair in a bob cut, an earful of piercings and a mandala tattoo on the side of her neck.

"Don't be a bitch, Tina," Mack sneers. "She doesn't mind," he says with a tilt of the head toward Lorna. "Do ya, gorgeous?"

Polaris has posed:
Lorna was heavily distracted by the conversation in front of her, she hadn't picked up a sense that 'family' meant a capital 'F'. Though it had struck her as something odd for someone to brag about. Her eyebrows shot upward and she looked utterly shocked and confused by the sudden intrusion of the bartender into what she thought was otherwise harmless (and pointless) topics of flirtation.

She held up her hands, and she shrugged lightly as 'Mack' sneered and once more filled in words for her. "Look I was just assuming you were saying you had a houseful of kids back home, which like, that's cool and all. But if that's not the case... correct me?" She tilted her head back, as she spoke, keeping an eye on both the bartender and the man.

Polaris has posed:
Tina shoots a warning look at Mack but he smirks in victory when Lorna asks her question.

"Kids? You want him for that," he smirks, and nods toward Scott again. His eyes are more than a touch glassy when the light hits them. "

You need something done, someone giving you shit? I'm with the Family. We take care of things. You just looking for fun... I can do that, too."Mack moves closer to Lorna, the motion bringing with it a strong smell of Axe body spray.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna felt the internal need to destroy the man's car in a great gout of magnetic energy right in front of him, but given how the bartender had reacted, figured she was onto something that might give her and Scott a much needed lead. She swallowed back the urge to groan or roll her eyes as 'Mack', who had yet to even introduce himself, edged closer to her and she really wanted to wipe that smile off his face and put some distance back between them.

Instead, she forced herself to blink in his direction, and then back in Scott's before looking back at Mack. She leaned toward him, reaching out a manicured hand to drag her fingertips along Mack's arm. "You take care things? That sounds dangerous. What are you, some kind of... hero?" She drawled out between her teeth, her voice forced in lightness. Even while internally she wanted to gag. As if the Axe Body spray wasn't doing that already.

Polaris has posed:
Scott says something more to his group. He shakes hands with the guys and waves to the ladies, then gets up. He sees Lorna hard at work and nods, satisfied. He takes his barely half-finished beer to a table across the room and starts the routine again.

Tina purses her lips and moves off to the other side of the bar to serve someone else. Mack leans over a little to watch her go before turning his attention back to Lorna.

"You could say that," Mack agrees. He knocks back his other shot and eyes Betsy's still untouched one vaguely suspiciously. But the leering grin is back soon enough. "See, we take care of Mutant Town. Used to be a mess. Now? No problems. People get word to us for help, it's solved."

"What's your name, gorgeous?" he asks, and reaches up to touch Lorna's long green hair.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna's patience was slowly thinning with Mack as he continued to lean toward her and focus his entire attention on her. The thought of mangling the man's car, which, given how he behaved had to be parked somewhere nearby, was all that got her through the disgust that churned in her stomach. She plastered on the vapid smile, and gritted her teeth together.

"Oh, you take care of all of Mutant Town? Wow. That's //so// impressive." She barely stifled the urge to magnetize the man to the roof as he reached out and touched her hair without even asking. Her shoulders rolled back, and her hand curled back around the beer glass still in front of her.

"Me?" She laughed, and it was clear to anyone that knew her, it wasn't a friendly laugh in the least. She had reached her breaking point in dealing with the man beside her. "You can call me Polaris, and I think we're done here." She smiled and pushed back from the bar, and Mack's invasion of her personal space. With a wave of her hands the bar stool beneath Mack sudden found itself bereft of any screws, causing the legs to crumple beneath his weight. All meant to send him crashing to the floor rather unceremoniously.

Polaris has posed:
There is no catching himself. The stool just drops and so does Mack. He chin makes a horrible wet crack when it catches the edge of the bar on the way down. Mack is out cold by the time he hits the floor and bleeds from the mouth. Everyone within a couple of tables stops and looks over.

"Holy shit, Mack! What the fuck?" says a guy in his mid-twenties in tight jeans, a t-shirt, boots and a bald eagle belt-buckle. He and anothe guy get up and rush over to Mack.

"What happened?!" Buckle asks Lorna. He and his friend pull Mack up by the armpits and drag him off toward a booth. Tina shakes her head and meets them at the booth with a bar towel and some ice.

People watching shoot each other looks and turn back to their own business. A nervous looking grey skinned guy snaps his fingers and the blood on the floor turns into water. He looks back to his group. The only head still turned Lorna's way is Scott's. He just looks in her direction impassively, then goes back to trying to get something useful out of his new friends.

"You coulda just throat punched him," comes a voice from behind the bar. One of the cooks heard the commotion and came out. He is in his early 30's in a black and grey striped kitchen uniform. He wipes his hands on a towel then shakes his head. "But he had it coming."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna simply backs out of the way as various people rush in to help Mack as he collapses down on the floor, she sidles up to a bar stool further away from the chaos, not answering any questions as she pockets the screws in her hand with an easy motion. She makes all the appropriate sounds, and shrugs helplessly, and simply stays out of the way of others as they rush to take care of everything. She barely glanced at Scott, only meeting his gaze in passing as she glanced around the room. Satisfied that others had settled back in, she was more than a little surprised as a voice comes from behind the bar.

The green haired woman paused in reaching for her beer once more, until the cook comes out entirely and adds that Mack had it coming. She relaxed, and flashed him a grin as she sipped at the beer. "Mmm, punching someone with nails this long hurts more than it's worth." She offered softly, and arched a brow. "You heard it all, I assume?"

Polaris has posed:
"Probably would," the man agrees with a sigh. He has strong worry lines for a man his age, and a simple gold wedding band on his finger. "I didn't hear, but I can guess. It's always the same crap with him. Total BS. Sorry you had to deal with it."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna glanced over her shoulder in the direction of the booth where Mack had been taken away to be cared for and back to the cook. She shrugged once, easily, and she sipped at the beer again. "It's alright, and thank you. I thought about totaling his car, but figured that would be frowned upon." Her green eyed gaze remained on the cook and she smiled, and this time it was far warmer than the one she'd used on Mack that was as sharp as steel.

"So am I gonna get hunted down by this gang thing he's part of, should I worry?" She asked, her voice still hushed compared to before. Though there wasn't any real worry in her tone, it was more conversational than anything.

Polaris has posed:
Mack is coming to in the booth and Buckles seems to be making sure the man has all his teeth. Some ice in a towel is offered to Mack, and it quickly soaks through and starts dripping onto Mack's shirt, staining it pink with watery blood. Tina snickers quietly to herself.

"Gang," the cook asks.

"He was bragging he was Family," Tina explains. The cook shakes his head.

"Oh. You'll be fine. He might not be if he makes up crap like that," the cook says. He tosses the towel he was using onto the counter behind the bar. Tina glares at him but he does not seem to notice.

"You in some kind of trouble?" he asks Lorna, genuinely concerned. "Cause they take care of us. Really cleaned up around here."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna sat back, not having noticed that the bartender had returned to her position behind the bar or was in listening distance again. Though by the way she continued to sip at her beer, it wasn't obvious that Lorna was surprised at least. She set the beer down, and after a moment, dug into her pocket to pull out a number of bills. "This should cover the drinks, and the stool." She offered as she set them down on the bar top.

"But no, I'm not in some kind of trouble. Thank you." She paused, glancing to Tina and then back to the cook. "But if it's not a gang, not something like the Brotherhood, then what //is// this 'Family' thing?"

Polaris has posed:
The cook looks at Tina and jerks his head toward Lorna. She takes the bills and walks back down the bar.

"What are they?" the cook asks. He looks around and then comes closer to Lorna so he can talk quietly. He smells of fries, grease and burgers.

"I don't know much, nobody does. But a while back they moved into the neighbourhood and word got out they were protecting it. The mutie-bashing just, stopped. Friends of Humanity stopped.â??

Polaris has posed:
Lorna hmmmed softly under her breath as she leaned forward, her eyebrows pinched as she shifted her elbow against the bar top, her hand propping up her chin. "Huh, that's really weird. I take it then that Mack was just talking out of his ass then." She grimaced, glancing back at the booth and then nodded to the cook as she took one last sip of her beer.

"Thanks for the heads up though. I was wondering what happened. There was a little group of the Friends of Humanity hanging out not too far down the street handing out fliers."

Cyclops has posed:
"Just up the street?" the cook says and shakes his head. "They never learn."

He glances in Mack's direction and grimaces.

"I hope he's not one of them. All I know is, you need help, you go down to Rey's Smoke Shop."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna nodded once as she considered the booth where Mack was coming round about, then back to the Cook as he leaned toward her and gave her the the directions go to. She nodded once, and slipped off the bar stool. She murmured a thank you to the cook and glanced idly in Scott's direction as she headed for the exit. Just incase Mack woke up and started looking to cause more trouble with her.

Cyclops has posed:
Scott catches Lorna's look. He makes his excuses, and soon makes his way out after Lorna. Mack looks Scott's way, but is in condition to start anything.

"It was touching the hair that did it, wasn't it," Scott comments as he falls into step with Lorna. "Get anything from him?"

Polaris has posed:
Lorna stood outside of the bar, stepping off to the side and out of the way of the door as she waited for Scott to make his excuses and exit the bar behind her. Once he got out and the door swung shut behind him she started walking the way they'd come, curiously look about the area. "Yeah, it was. I don't appreciate guys trying to touch me without my permission. It's not okay." She exhaled a rough breath, shoving her hands into her pockets. She toyed with the screws there, and then shrugged as she held out her hand filled with them toward Scott.

"I got a little from him, but got more from the Cook."

Cyclops has posed:
"No, it's," Scott agrees with a frown. "It's 2027, you'd think people would have figured it out by now. Maybe he will think twice next time."

Scott glances curiously in Lorna's direction and then goes back to keeping an eye on their surroundings.

"What did the cook say?"

Polaris has posed:
Lorna's lips twitched, grateful at least that Scott backed her up on her choice to knock Mack out rather than putting up with him touching her without her permission. It was rather a relief, she partly expected to get a talking to about it being a scouting mission.. but her shoulders loosened somewhat and she nodded down the road. "A group, apparently called the Family, is involved in why things got so quiet around here. The cook said, if we go to Rey's Smoke Shop if we 'need help'." She arched a brow upward.

"Probably not a good idea to hit up the place today. Though we could definitely look into it."

Cyclops has posed:
"Rey's Smoke Shop?" Scott says. "That is a solid lead. All I got was fourth hand rumours. Good work, Lorna. I knew you were the right person for the job."