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Latest revision as of 19:35, 10 August 2019

The Public Eye
Date of Scene: 28 June 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Lex Luthor comes to Genosha to discuss more than just business matters.
Cast of Characters: Lex Luthor, Polaris

Lex Luthor has posed:
With the Sentinels starting to become a major PR crisis for Trask, the Peacekeepers have been pushed by Lex to the Pentagon as an alternative. Lex has managed to convince them to allow for extended tests to prove their viability over the Sentinels... but now there was nothing to do but wait on that front.

Now that time has passed on the Genosha situation and various construction sites are close to completion (buildings taking a lot less time to build with LexCorp technology and mutant help), Lex put in an official request to Lorna for time to discuss 'the future' as he called it.

The Lexwing One had come, along with a massive cargo plane from the LexTech fleet with materials and some sort of non-descript truck.

Tonight, The Lexwing just landed a minute ago, with the aircraft being slowly powered down and brought into the hangar... and the cargo transport going into it's private LexCorp hangar near the cargo terminal.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna's time had more or less been spent in Genosha since the Sentinels had first gone 'wild' as it were, and started attacking mutants in the open. The whole of the country was on high alert, and as a result, more flight checks and scans had to be cleared by Lexwing One before it could land. Armaments and other various defensive systems had to be alerted and cleared, but all had of course, been settled by the time the man landed. Magneto's words had been clear regarding his dislike and disapproval of the Peacekeepers and the concept of robotics being used as Lorna had spoken of them. More so, his desire to distant the royal family from any perceived connections there should things go badly had been equally as clear.

Still, Lex Corp had strong ties to Genosha, as did a few other companies now since Lorna had been over in the States drumming up support and trade deals prior to the Sentinels issues.

As the airplanes slowly started to power down, a single limo, flanked by a few more guard vehicles than usual, pulled up and stopped. The driver got out, and with a smooth movement, helped the occupant out. By this time, a few guards from the flanking vehicles stood to either side of Lorna as she finally got out. She stood, and smiled, thanking the driver personally before turning her attention to the aircraft in front of her. She wore nothing so formal as one might expect for a Princess, a loose fitting blue-green dress swirled around her ankles, belted at the waist with a chain of golden coins that matched a few spaced out in her hair. The fabric glittered with an impossible radiance, spun and created by some mutant with powers to change the very fabric that the dress was made of. There she stood and waited, looking up at Lexwing One with a glance of her green eyed gaze. At least now, with the sun set, the tropical island's heat was much more bearable.

Lex Luthor has posed:
The Lexwing One had a couple hidden weapons and defenses on the manifest, and the cargo transport coming in had a few exotic materials for a shipment to one of the construction sites. Otherwise, the convoy was clean.

It takes a few moments for both aircraft to park in their respective hangars. The cargo transport immediately gets swarmed by various workers as they start to offload the massive number of crates inside.

The passenger stairway pops and slides down to the ground from the Lexwing One, and down it walks Lex, Mercy and Hope. The infamous bodyguards going first as they make sure there's no serious security breaches. Once down on the ground, the two move to slot into the security perimeter Lorna has already setup.

Lex himself ignores all the security visibly, and makes a beeline right for Lorna with a charming smile. "Ms. Dane. I was happy to meet you at the palace. You didn't need to come all the way out here to meet with me... and in such a stunning dress no less." He smirks to her, "My compliments to your tailor. For both the skill to make it, and for knowing it would make such a lovely vision lovelier."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna merely waited in the tropical air as the breeze flitted around her and swept her hair this way and that. The guards remained silent, in a uniform that looked more military based than anything else. All reds with sharp lines and matching trim. As Luthor stepped down from the aircraft Lorna nodded politely toward the two infamous bodyguards, despite her having lived on the island for over a year now.. She still wasn't used to ignoring staff or guards. It wasn't an easy thing, and perhaps, it was also one of the many reasons why the locals loved the youngest Princess so very much.

"Please, it's nothing. Given that I'm currently free of other business, I felt it was easy enough to greet you here." His compliments earned a glance at her dress and she arched a brow. "This is one of the gowns that Miss Frost commissioned me. I'll have to pass on your compliments." She murmured and gestured to the limo, and slipped back inside it after a beat.

Lex Luthor has posed:
"She has very good taste, then. I should make it a point to talk to her one day about Genosha." Lex replies, before he nods to Mercy and Hope; a silent command to get into the front of the limo. It only takes a few moments more for Lex to climb into the back with Lorna.

"I see you're in the business of reassuring your staff you like them and they're doing a good job." Lex starts as the limo door closes, giving them privacy. "Did you hand pick them yourself?"

Polaris has posed:
Lorna settled into the rather plush, but quietly classy interior of the limo. It wasn't flashy by any means, but was made with soft leathers and polished metal accents throughout. The privacy window was up and Lorna crossed her ankles as she settled more comfortably and folded her hands on her lap, watching Lex Luthor with a polite expression on her features. His comments regarding the staff earned a hitching of her eyebrow. "I treat them like people. It's what I was raised to do. Regardless of who I am now, I wasn't born to all this." She murmured, tilting her head to the side briefly, the golden clips in her hair clicking together softly.

"And no.. I didn't choose them. My father did. Most have been following him for years before he had Genosha. One way or another. He takes my safety on the island very seriously." Some would say nearly to the point of paranoia. But that was sort of the territory that came with having been seen as a former terrorist turned King.

"I'm sorry that my father isn't available, with the threat of the Sentinels he has been extremely busy ensuring that Genosha's defenses are being seen to."

Lex Luthor has posed:
"It's a valid style, don't get me wrong." Lex continues. "Once you get to a point where you're managing an empire, it simply gets easier to delegate and trust in your employees to do their job. A constant need for reassurance can be helpful with those less confident." Lex glances to the front, then back to Lorna. "Mercy and Hope do not appreciate when I step on their toes in regards to security arrangements, and I try to allow my people to take their own initiative, within reason."

He gives a soft smile, "I have no need to see him, unless he has matters to discuss with me. You are my contact with the Genosha government, and I wouldn't want to bother him with building inspections and planning, or with Sentinel matters outside of his country."

Polaris has posed:
The limo cruised along at a rapid pace, without need to slow too much as it drove through the air fields to the destination. Most of the traffic remained more into the city proper, and when one traveled with the royal insignia emblazoned on the front and sides, traffic tended to get out of the way anyways. The limo ran on a system of advanced tech, of magnetics and repulsors rather than wheels and gas. Even if it still managed to look like a rather old-school classy car.

"An empire? I hope to not have to deal with anything like that. An island nation is still more than enough for me." Never mind if people still thought her father was out to conqueror the world..

"While your business ventures here in Genosha are still secure as are the contracts.. My father expressed his unease with the Peacekeepers. And how he doesn't want any ties with them publicly." Lorna fought to keep her tone measured and even, polite. Her father had called Lex Luthor's tinkering with humans and machine less than complimentary in any case.

"He wants to make sure the royal family has deniability regarding experimental technologies like that." It was as political a phrasing as she could get.

Lex Luthor has posed:
"It's understandable. It's new territory all around, and what I'm doing could backfire, if the interface isn't as reliable as it should be. Every test so far has found new bugs to iron out, which is why the US wants to run their own tests with their own people." Lex shrugs, "I welcome all the scrutiny, even if it'll probably be a few months before the prototypes can be rolled out for general use." Lex smirks, "the perils of new technology. The software usually takes years to debug... and with systems as complicated as the Peacekeeper chassis? I expect at least another year before I can put them into Team Luthor as elite units."

He leans forward then, looking to her eyes, "I didn't come here to discuss the Peacekeepers... but if you want to discuss them, I'm happy to answer questions within my ability."

Polaris has posed:
A small nod followed his words about the possibility of a backfire and she waved a hand expansively at the limo they rode in. "This was a new tweak to transportation that came out of Genosha. We still have bugs now and then, but with mutant powers it adds another lay of complications. Of markets to provide to here. Not every mutant can fit into a standard sized car, or doorway for instance. Tails, wings, extra arms, legs.. It makes otherwise seemingly 'standard' technology and products become very different here. I can appreciate why my father wants the plausible deniability, but at the same time.. I find it frustrating given how many leaps of faith that have had to happen for Genosha to be what it is today." She shrugged her shoulders and as Lex leaned forward, she hitched an eyebrow upward, looking mildly thrown off.

"What do you mean by that? You said you wished to discuss the future, I assumed you meant in regard to Lexcorp and its business ventures thus far?"

Lex Luthor has posed:
"I find it interesting that he doesn't give the same consideration to others that the world has given him with the Genosha situation myself, I agree." Lex states, musingly, "But at the same time, he's taking a 'leap of faith' himself, trusting that the humans of the world won't band together into a coalition and invade Genosha." He taps his fingers on his knee lightly, "a mutant haven where mutants can be themselves is what many mutants want, to my estimation. Perhaps he simply doesn't want to give, or get, anymore, and instead wishes to simply break even."

"I don't pretend to know his motives absolutely though." He chuckles. "And I confess, I came here both for checking the progress of LexCorps expenses, and for you."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna shifted in the soft leather seat of the limo, her head tilting to the side. "My father is always convinced that the world hates us and will attempt to conqueror and take over Genosha at some point. He always believes we're one step away from a mutant genocide. I can't find fault with his reasoning, to be prepared for all of that. Not when he's gone through everything he has. Perhaps it's simply that he doesn't trust Genosha's safety to anyone besides himself." She shrugged lightly, but her gaze dropped and her eyebrows furrowed lightly. It was clear that it bothered the green haired Princess. To not know for certain her father's plans or plots regarding Genosha's safety.

But her gaze swung back upward as Lex spoke again, and spoke more of having reason to visit her rather than just his corporation's expenses. She hitched an eyebrow upward, "Me? Regarding what?"

Lex Luthor has posed:
"Some of the world hates mutants, just like some of the world hates caucasians, or asians." Lex agrees, "Living in perpetual fear isn't much of a life... but I'm glad he's putting his paranoia to productive use. Most people are not happy at all about the Sentinels. I wouldn't be surprised if the senate starts to cancel the production contracts soon, if they don't want to be replaced next election rounds." Lex chuckles, before he brings up a hand and points to Lorna.

"Yes. You." The hand is replaced on his knee. "As you said, you're still getting used to all of this.. and I bet you're learning on the job, right?"

Polaris has posed:
Lorna exhaled a breath, turning her gaze to the view outside the window. Of the lush tropical island foliage, and beyond, the climbing sight of the metallic structures that made up the city. It had gone up amazingly fast, bigger and better than ever. The city gleamed like a polished gem. Covered in greenery and plants, artistic sculptures, fountains and plazas. Towering spires and towers that reached higher than she'd thought possible. All built by mutants and for mutants. It wasn't perfect, and much was still being worked on even now.. but it was the dream.

A place where mutants could be themselves.

The green haired woman shrugged easily as she leaned back in her seat and turned her gaze back to Lex Luthor. "I broke off my PhD studies in geophysics for all of this. I had plans to get my doctorate. For over the past year I've been studying politics, ethics, laws, and international trade and business. Never mind trying to come up to the expectations of what people think of when you use the term 'royal'. We're lucky to not have the traditions that Europe's royalty have... but at the same time.. it means we're setting tradition. Making it." She grimaced faintly.

"I didn't have the luxury of tutors and finishing school, there's definitely been a learning curve."

Lex Luthor has posed:
Lex followed her gaze, his eyes keeping a decidedly neutral expression for that moment, before he turned back and looked at Lorna. "I know the feeling all too well. When I was just starting, I faced resistance from my foster parents. It wasn't until I was truly on my own that I was able to blossom into the man you say today." Lex gestures out the window, even as he watched Lorna. "Crafting a better tomorrow for all the peoples of Earth has been the guiding principle of LexCorp since it's founding. A flourishing economy is the best gift that any civilization can give to it's citizens... and I make sure I give that to everyone who needs it."

He replaces his hand on his lap, "That being said, a nation needs leaders who actually know what they're doing for that economy to come to fruition, and you've impressed me greatly since we met." Lex smiles, "what would you say to being taught by myself? I would certainly love to see if you can blossom in the same way. I know you've been thrown into the deep end without any preparation... and I didn't have the luxury of a great mentor when I started. I learned everything through trial and error. Passing on those lessons is a win win for both of us."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna smiled faintly as she listened and she folded her hands on her lap as the limo continued its pace through the darkened streets of Hammer Bay in its path toward the palace. The green haired Princess had been at her position for over a year now. Without any major scandals to her name, no major international incidents, no wars, or deadly insults broached. But it wasn't as if she'd interacted with that many in political positions of power. Heroes, aplenty. Celebrities. Businessmen and women..

But there was no possibility that other world leaders would take her seriously at this point or agree to host or meet with her. Too many saw Magneto as a dictator. A tyrant. A terrorist that had somehow threatened his way to power. Too many countries still viewed Genosha as something to avoid at all costs.

Mutants had overthrown an established government once after all.

"I appreciate the offer, I really do. And I value your insight into the world at large. Miss Frost has also offered, and helped me with much the same. I'll gladly accept any advice you have to give me. It has been the deep end of the pool, but I chose to come here. I don't plan to give up with all the challenges I've had to face, and doubtlessly will have to deal with in the future either.."

Lex Luthor has posed:
"Despite your relations with others, I don't really see a third world nation here. From what I understand, this island was host to some serious atrocities before Genosha was established... and almost all of the established nations 'officially' recognized by the United Nations were built much the same way in ancient times." Lex smiles, amused. "To be offput by a reminder of the bloody history of humanity is an irony that few seem to appreciate these days."

He takes out a LexTech phone then, starting to browse through it, "I would honestly not be surprised if it takes a few years, or even a decade or two, for your neighbors to calm down. Let's be fair." Lex glances to Lorna, "Your fathers history is both a reminder of their own, and a clear indicator he's willing to throw around a lot of military might." There's a pause, before he continues, "Does he listen to you at all in affairs of state?"

Polaris has posed:
Lorna considered Lex's words, listening to him as she stretched out a manicured hand. A mini-bar popped out of the empty leather seats further down from her and Lex. The seat folding back under the directive of her powers and retracted back. Little glasses of various sizes jingled as they settled and were still, "Genosha has come further in technology than most will advance in ten years. When people aren't enslaved, they tend to create amazing feats. We have mutates and mutants that have powers involving technology, and many of things. We're almost entirely self sustainable now." She smiled as she opened a bottle of some kind of wine, the label a vague looking 'M' symbol on it.

"Would you like some?" She asked, and poured herself a small amount and would offer him the same if he wanted.

When he mentioned her father however, a grimace twisted her lips. "Yes and no. He listens to my arguments about things, and well, he's still Magneto..I never truly know whether or not he will promise to actually carry through with it or just do as he wants anyways. He might be my father, but I've only gotten to know him for as long as I have lived in Genosha. A little more than a year. Before that.. I didn't spend time with him. I didn't grow up knowing who he was to me.. nothing.. It's been an ongoing adjustment over the years since I found out."

Lex Luthor has posed:
"I can only imagine." Lex states earnestly, his hand coming up with a little shaking 'no thank you' gesture, before he puts it back on his lap. "it's amazing, really... the human capacity for willful ignorance. People don't like to be reminded they can be wrong, or that humans can do great -or- terrible things. In that respect, Genosha has been a fascinating study of human interactions."

He finally finishes browsing his phone, and brings it around... showing a picture of a holographic chair. "Does your father have one of these for your general use?"

Polaris has posed:
Lorna sat back, and sipped at her drink, a Genoshan made wine. Something that should've been impossible, given how grapes grow and the amounts needed and the time put into it all.. But powers opened up a whole new world. Nearly everything could be influenced one way or another by someone that happened to have powers related to it. Even if the vast majority weren't even combat oriented.

As Lex finished tapping away on his phone to show her a picture of a chair she frowned, leaning forward to look at it. "No, not for my general use, why? What does it really do?"

Lex Luthor has posed:
"This is a LexCorp holographic communications chair. Very high-tech stuff for most people. I have one in my office for doing 3D communications with those who have the capability." Lex puts the phone away, "you can use one for real time communication across the planet, if you have the bandwidth for the information load. Using one for when you're on Genosha would make mentoring you far easier for both of us, given how much time I need to put in to maintain LexCorp."

Polaris has posed:
An arch of her brow rose and Lorna crossed her legs again as she sipped at her wine, glanced out at the skyline beyond and back to Lex as he spoke more in depth about the capabilities of the chair. "My phone is capable of creating projections if absolutely necessary, and so is my tablet here. I'm not sure why a chair would be necessary? If we're simply speaking, I don't see much of a need for a 3D chair. Though it's a pleasant enough concept." She shrugged once, and waved a hand toward Lex himself again.

"I appreciate the thought of it though." She sighed and pulled out her own private phone, a glass thin item, made and manufactured just for her. Meant to deal with her magnetism and to //not// be fried in response to the natural fields that rose and fell around her constantly.

"And speaking of phones, I've already missed a handful of notifications for things that need my attention at the palace. So much for my free time, it would seem.'

Lex Luthor has posed:
"Then by all means, don't let me keep you. I can have Mercy take over driving and handle the inspections myself." Lex offers, pressing the button to intercom to the drivers cabin, "Mercy. The princess will be getting out shortly for royal business. Please take over and bring us to the first factory when the driver leaves."

The button is depressed. "I look forward to finishing this discussion at a later time, then."