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Latest revision as of 19:41, 10 August 2019

A Meeting With the Boss
Date of Scene: 27 June 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Rowan Saunders, Melinda May

Rowan Saunders has posed:
So, after fessing up that he's got powers, it's time for Rowan to face the music. He arrives without Sonny, because he's not going to try to manipulate the Director with sad puppy dog eyes. He's at least somewhat professional, damn it. So when it's time to meet with May, Rowan comes knocking. He's cleared his schedule for the afternoon, and he arrives on time, dressed in the inoffensive khakis and pullover that is business casual yet seems to put people at ease. "You wanted to see me, Director?"

Melinda May has posed:
It STILL irks May to be called Director, but she doesn't let it show. Instead, she simply bids Rowan enter and lets him settle by the desk in the room. "Yes. You disclosed something that was not in your file previously. May I ask why you chose now to do so?"

Is it perhaps telling that she doesn't ask about how he came by his powers, or why he chose to conceal them? Possibly. But then, her facial expression and tone of voice don't offer much so hopefully the question itself does.

Rowan Saunders has posed:
Rowan settles, and outwardly he's calm, though remaining outwardly calm is part of his job description, and he's good at it. No telling how much he's flipping out inside. He does look rather solemn, though, big-eyed behind his glasses. "I was talking to Sargeant Barnes, and it came up," he says, "and he persuaded me to disclose the information. He's of the opinion that, if I proved useful in the field, that I could be a greater asset to SHIELD, and after thinking about it, I agree."

Melinda May has posed:
Ah. That does explain a lot. "I would have to agree as well. Have you had any formal training with your abilities?" Perhaps to ease any tension that might be in the room, she turns from her desk to a sideboard where there's an electric kettle and a simple tea set, and begins to prepare some tea.

"Additionally, remind me how much field experience you have." She's suspecting a 'none' for one or both of those questions.

Rowan Saunders has posed:
Rowan shakes his head and says, "No, after they manifested in adolescence, I more or less ignored them. Lately, I've kept an eye out when I'm taking Sonny for walks at night, just to see if everything is all right in the neighborhood. I've stopped a few muggings, but I haven't had any training."

He purses his lips, then admits, "I haven't had any field training. I am in good physical shape, though." And young, though he doesn't say it. Still young enough to enlist, if he wanted to.

Melinda May has posed:
At that, May nods as if she'd expected those answers. "Would you care for some tea?"

Regardless of his answer on the tea, her own cup stays there by her elbow, likely being allowed to cool a bit. "Do I take this disclosure and interest in field work to mean you're wanting to become a full SHIELD agent and not just a consultant?" She's regarding the young man squarely, possibly waiting to see if he's going to start squirming under her scrutiny. She suspects not, but it's worth a try.

How much spine do you have, Mr. Saunders?

Rowan Saunders has posed:
"Please," Rowan says.

He accepts the scrutiny, polite enough not to stare, but he remains steady. "I would like that, Director. As Sargeant Barnes stated, I would do more good with SHIELD than stopping petty crime solo, and I would very much like to do good." That last is spoken with quiet, calm conviction.

Melinda May has posed:
May pours a cup of tea for Rowan, then lifts her own as if to make a toast.

"Welcome to SHIELD, Mr. Saunders."

There's apparently a LOT of paperwork involved, and May only scratches the surface. But, it's a start, and she has a veritable ream of paperwork that she insists Rowan read through before truly committing to becoming a SHIELD agent.

"Contact me if you have any questions, or get in contact with Agent Lewis. She's not HR, but she can help explain a lot of this for you."

Rowan Saunders has posed:
As with obese dogs and most people, Rowan shows an aptitude for patience with paperwork. He fills out what there is to fill out in the moment, as he sips his tea, and then he gathers up the rest to take to his desk. Good thing he cleared the afternoon. "Thank you, Director, I won't let you down," he says. He gets to his feet, and he offers her a genuine, pleased smile. No wonder people tend to like talking to him. He's got a nice face. Just wait until bad guys are shooting at it.