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Latest revision as of 19:42, 10 August 2019

An ally in the shadows
Date of Scene: 28 June 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Robin (Wayne), Raven

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
It was getting later in the day the mid afternood had not turned dark yet, as Damian left the Gym just talking to Colette. He looked at the clock as he walked down the halls nodding to himself as he did the math, "Only two days" he said to himself. Two days since he has last slept he had at least another two before he would have to make a decision on if it was time though so much needed done. He walked to the lift, and without thinking about it pushed the button to the Living Quarters. It took him a minute to realize where he was going, though he wasn't sure why as there had been a reason for pushing the button, something that needed to be done.

He sighed to himself, and rubbed the brim of his nose, though as the 'bing' from the doors struck he realized what it was. Frowning to himself he looked at his hand almost cursing it as he walked towards the door he knew was Raven's. He didn't fear her really he didn't see her that often, though she was like him and liked her space. She was one of the few people that didn't fit the profile, and Damian thought was smar enough to realize that this needed to be done.

As he stopped infront of the door he raised a hand with a determined look on his face. He hoped this went over better then his conversation with Col as he liked Raven she left him alone. He raps on the door with no musical pattern just the stern 'Knock Knock Knock' much like the police use. He found it worked best to get whoevers attention was inside.

Raven has posed:
    Raven leaves most people alone. That's more or less her MO. However, today, that isn't necessarily a thing she gets to do. Normally, the bird will opt out of social interaction. It isn't late enough for her to actually be properly awake yet- the dusk hours are when she arises, and as the sun is only setting, Raven has not been up for very long.

    The door itself does not open quickly. Raven doesn't ask who is on the other side; As if she knew already who was visiting and that it was as safe as usual to open the door and greet her visitor. Her voice is montonous- her hood is up, and she lacks the usual lethargy of someone who has freshly awoken. The air in her room is colder- much colder- than that of the rest of the tower. It's a sterile sort of cold.

    "What do you want?" she offers, somewhat bleakly. There is, following a silence. This is not hello- she knows there is a purpose to the visit. She doesn't seem to care for the pleasantries involved.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
Damian looks as the door is opening, and almost swears of course he woke her up she actually sleeps like a normal person during the day. Why that isn't exactly normal isn't lost on Damian, but people awaking when the sun went down was everyday. He looks her in the eyes when she speaks, or at least what he thinks are eyes under the hood finally being about the same height as someone. He lets her adjust though he doubts she would agree with his patience in this letting silence fall for a moment as he considers what he should say looking down he rubs his chin.

He isn't wearing the Robin outfit instead going for a more black suit with a blood red shirt, and while it may a little buisness like the out fit was quite relaxed. Damian liked it as it gave him freedom of movement, and he didn't look like a barbarian in the wild anymore. He looks a lot more tan then last time, like someone who had spent way too much time in the sun. Other then that he looked exactly how he looked before not even growing an inch.

After a moment he looks back up at her, "Someone is framing Tim, I wish to speak to you about it though not in the hall." he glances at the empty hall though turns and looks at her seriously. No he would not waste her time for a hello it was buisness though he didn't sound like he was accusing her, and nothing would say that he suspects her any more then the last time they talked if one can detect that. Though his guard is up, and the work face is on as it still had to do with buisness.

Raven has posed:
    Whether or not Raven notices the change in Damian's attire and, indeed, the change in his skin tone is not apparent. Raven's eyes do not focus anywhere other than Damian's. Their piercing gaze is, as normal, intense. Imperious, after a fashion. Regardless of that, the silence does nothing to improve her mood- not that more or less anything will- as she had expected that Damian would speak, and swiftly.

    "You are not welcome in my room."

    That statement is rather icy- and decidedly definite. There is not much else for her to say, at that stage- she clearly expects that Damian will continue with his statements now that his access to her dwelling has been denied. However, after a moment, she elaborates.

    "If you expect me to give you information, you will be disappointed. I have none to give, though if he is in danger, that is something concerning the Titans. Perhaps, indeed, -all- of the Titans."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
Damian nods, and kind of expected the answer as he recalls no-one goes in there often. He just keeps the stare with her not afraid of what she will see as he is sure of where he is, and accepted his faults long ago though how much one could get from just looking into his eyes he had no idea. He is quietly looking at her as she speaks waiting for her to fully finish before he continues, he breaks eye contact to turn and wave a hand down the hallway. "You are welcome in mine if you would prefer." he went with the Spartan room idea, very little things unless they were specificly needed so he had lots of room to have a talk inside of it.

He turns to look at her, "I need to check people who would know, and fits a specific profile... Some of those are Titans." he lets that sink in for a moment though soon after he follows up with, "You do not fit the profile, I know you did not do it." he looks down a bit, "You are also a very smart member of the team, and help me clear some other names without me angering them asking them directly."

He looks again to make sure the hall is empty, then back at her. "This isn't a testing people, if someone her set-up Tim I will find out, but if not then Tim will be happy to know that." he doesn't look happy about it, but Tim being upset about this seemed to upset Damian. He would never say that, but it did.

Raven has posed:
    Raven doesn't move. That she is not going to another person's room is beyond obvious. Raven's room policy is 'to each their own.' She is not going to let the Titans rumor mill spin. In addition, her expression also sours, somewhat heavily. Something Damian has said does not rub her the right way. She is, indeed, bothered to an extreme degree.

    "The Titans should be above your suspicions. Further, me telling you, as I am, that they should be above your suspicions should place them even further above." There is, then, a short pause. "I have known everyone in this tower. Some, longer than you have been Robin. I have watched all of them grow into heroes, in their own right. I will tell you now that nobody in this tower is capable of betraying the Titans, at the moment. Not in the way that you are talking. I do not care if they fit some 'profile.' That much you should know now- that much Tim likely already knows."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
Damian stands quietly looking at her, and listens intently though he doesn't interupt though when she says they should be above suspicion he does raise an eyebrow. He figured that she would be on their side, and even he didn't really think they could or would, but to not look that was a confusing concept to Damian. To him no-one was above suspision as they were all somewhere doing something, and it was that information just like everyone else him included, though he didn't do it so was able to remove himself from the list. He is quiet while thinking about this letting silence fall again as he thinks about it.

He looks to say something else, but then stops, and mearly nods. "Very well, I see I can not convince you otherwise. I do hope you are right for when they strike again they will not make the same mistakes." he turns taking a step away, "I don't think they did it either, but people do some strange things, and sometimes things just go too far."

He shrugs a bit, not walking away but not pushing the issue, he doesn't look at her though continues in a calm almost sad voice, "I don't know why it happened, if I did would know who did it. I just know if I do not look no-one will.. But!" he turns and gives her a deep nod, "I have kept you for long enough, and I am sorry to disturb you. I will take what you said as sound advice, though I will keep looking."