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Latest revision as of 19:42, 10 August 2019

Boom baby, Boom!
Date of Scene: 28 June 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Fi got bonked on the head. Had to go to the hospital. Calling Dr Bombay - heh, I said Bomb.
Cast of Characters: Blackout, Fiona Glenanne

Blackout has posed:
    "What the heck are you doing?"

    The voice is ethereal in nature. Sounding as if there are two voices at the same time. One resonate, the other natural. Yet combined, preternatural. It comes from the shadows over in the corner of the area. Like the voice, a shape also comes from the shadows. Hard to discern, as the male shape seems to be darker than the shadows behind him. Non descriptive, just completely black silhouette of a man of black on black. Not even eye, nose, or mouth holes.

Fiona Glenanne has posed:
Fiona Glenanne has a 'deer in the headlights' look. Fortunately, she's alslo got her cellphone out. Point for Fi. "Making a call" she says and looks over. "I was going to camp here overnight. But I found all these bombs. So" Fiona says, edging toward a window as she speaks. She's ready to jump out the window if needed. Yet....she's.....cautious as she shakes her head and still looks scared. She gott found out. Dilemma. Detonate or run away.....both good choices.

Blackout has posed:
    "Girl." He states with a standard identifying moniker. "I've been standing here long enough to know that you didn't just 'discover' the explosives. And your body language also tells me that you're about to rabbit out of here. So lemmie help you out. I don't care who or what you're going to blow up. I'm just here looking for a new place - and seeing that you're about to blow it up, this isn't the place for me."

    He remains outside of the shadowed area, but still in all black. Illumination she may cast upon him with cell phone or other could make out that the darkness around his form is a very black body armor like material. He doesn't advance, and his hands are descriptive as he speaks. Palms open, up often, and even with a slight shrug of his shoulders in a non confrontational demeanor.

Fiona Glenanne has posed:
Oh crap.....

Fiona's beeen found out.. That makes it easier as she climbs out the window and runs away, jabbing her phone on the way out and away. She's not far enough and gets knocked down though as the building's slowly collapsing in on itself.....as Fi gets caught on the elbow and....her back, thighs, ankles and head by bits of building. At leaast she waited five minutes to blow the building up. THat gies anyone else time to get out.

Blackout has posed:
    Blackout moved to the window to watch her try and escape. Just curious. Then he returned to the bomb and looked at the wires. His training is in physics. Not demolitions. Yes, he could have teleported the bomb to a safe location. But he really didn't expect her to detonate it because he discovered her. Boy was he wrong. And when the flashing or beeping happened, he knew he was wrong. He fell back through a portal and out into the nearby alleyway where he spotted her falling because of the explosion. Then, in the next three seconds, he moved to where she was.

    Crouched down in front of Fi, Blackout will be positioned 3 feet in front of her prone position. Left knee on the ground, right knee bent and right arm on his right knee. His body is better silouetted by the background illumination giving a better view of him.

    His tone is almost hyperbolic with a comedic tone of amusement, "Did you just try to blow me up?"

Fiona Glenanne has posed:
Fiona opens her eyes groggily. "I....need to remember safe distances" she says, "I think I gave myseelf a concussion and caught my ar," she says with gravel and dirt coating her arms. Curse her for wearing t-shirts and not full length shirts! She'll learn. Still, Fi's looking up at Blackout. "Oh, you got out. So no I wasn't trying to blow you up. I figured you'd....you know....get out"

She sounds like she's not all quite there. Maybe shock, maybe getting hit on the head will do that....

Blackout has posed:
    He appears to look back toward the building and assess the situation, then hears the sirens off in the distance. He then looks back down to Fi. "You've got a concussion. How about we get you to a hospital?" and he'll stand in a crouch to move closer to her - closing the 3 feet and moving to her left side.

Fiona Glenanne has posed:
Fi's got that silly little grin. Yep. Definitely a concussion. "Sure" she says lazily. ooc :cheers

Blackout has posed:
    He'll help her to stand. As they do, he will open a portal into the darkness in front of them. Stepping, he'll guide her through the portal and exit into an alleyway in broad daylight.

    The sunshine is warm, there's a nice ocean breeze and nearby there are palm trees visible. Noises of an ambulance and other vehicles are nearby. Walking, he'll guide her around from the alleyway to reveal an entrance to an ER that reads, "The Queens Medical Center, Honolulu, Hawaii".

Fiona Glenanne has posed:
Fiona makes her way into the ER and thinks up a cover story that.....well......Fiona's been hurt doing something that doesn't involve explosives or buildings. She's hoping her musterious savior will help her think up a story. Mostly since Fiona's giggling about faries and Irish beer and about how she can see her friends in the corner. Or, in other words. She's seriously out of it. Admittedly that giggling is kind of scary really. It's not the evil I will kill giggle. it's the happy little giggle. Just.....coming from Fiona.

Blackout has posed:
    As the both of them walk around the corner, Blackout is dressed in what appears to be bicycle riding gear. It's all black. Running shoes, bike shorts, and a tight bike top. He also holds a black bike helmet. He will walk her into the ER and say, "Can I get some help here?!" calling out for a nurse to attend them. He'll quickly explain, "You got to see to my girl here. She went down on the trail. Took a hard hit to the head. I got her here as quickly as I could."

    The nurse will take over and see to getting Fi to a curtain so she can be checked out.

Fiona Glenanne has posed:
Fi is shown to a curtained area and lays on the bed, explaining as she gets set to being examined. She's playing along. The nurse is, well, nice enough but Fiona's got an idea of how to play along, being....she's agoofy little thing really. Fi's goofy and strange and out of it. It's worse when they opt to medicate her for tests and surgeries. Fiona gives Blckout a little wave, though the nurse asks if he'd like to come with them to ensure Fiona's okay.

Blackout has posed:
    Blackout will follow. Wanting to help, or at least acting like it. Not that he knows anything medical. But if anything he'll say, "Sweetie, it's going to be okay. The nurses and doctors will take good care of you."

    An CMA walks up with paperwork and says, "Sir, I'm going to need you to fill out some paperwork while we take care of your girlfriend."

    Once the nurse gets Fi into a bed, she'll ask, "Can you tell me your name and what year it is?"

    Blackout says, "Oh,,, of course." to the CMA.

Fiona Glenanne has posed:
Fiona looks up blearily. "My name's Fiona and it's 2027" she says and groans, "My head hurts. I was going down the trail like he saidd" she nods gesturing to Blackout. "And I fell and hit my head and my arms and hurt my back" Fi admits with a look. Seeing the ring on Fiona's finger the nurse looks to it. "It's a wedding ring" Fiona bluffs. She's just dropped herself in it even more now. No need to reveal it's one of the Shadow's rings.....sure, a wedding ring would work fine, too.....

Blackout has posed:
    Being drawn away, Blackout says, "Fiona, I'll be right over here if you need anything. They'll take good care of you..." and he'll be pulled away to fill out paperwork for insurance and documentation.

    The nurse continues checking out Fi and a doctor will come over to continue the assessment. The general questions will continue; like does it hurt here, will you do this, can you do that, answer this, bla bla bla. General assessment and eventually things will be hooked up to her for fluids and monitoring.

Fiona Glenanne has posed:
Fi's getting tired of the pointless questions. She's getting snarkier as they go on and looks over at the curtain. "Fine, can I just rest now" she asks during a lull in questioning....and looks to the doctor. She's left alone for a moment and makes herrself comfortable. Shaking her head she's on something something painkillers something observation. Or, she's staying here. Amusingly, she's said she wants the hospital food. Concussions are a bitch to deal with. Fi's taking this way, way too well.

Blackout has posed:
    Minutes, maybe an hour or two later, Fi will wake to find herself in a really nice hospital room, single occupancy with a lovely view of the city and ocean beyond. The once and former heroish (powered person) is seen sitting in a chair across the room, in the sunlight, reading a cell phone. He's dressed in kakki slacks, brown shoes, matching belt, and blue polo pull over. He's holding the phone up somewhat, out of the sunlight and as not to bend his head too far forward. He scrolls with his thumb. There's a soft jazzy sort of music playing in the background with medical monitors are set on silent.

Fiona Glenanne has posed:
Fi waves gingerly and looks over, then to the view. "Oooh. Pretty view" she says. Still medicated. But...at least her head's quit pounding and she can at least sit up without everything sliding sideways. Which is good. She looks up as a nurse comes in to offer her food. Fiona picks the nicest sounding option, whic h includes chocolate cake, and a meal. Smiling to herself, Fiona wriggles into a more sitting up position. "Hawaii...that looks like those pictures of Hawaii you see on TV" she muses, staring out the window.

Blackout has posed:
    While the nurse did her thing, Blackout put away his phone into his pocket and stood. Letting Fi get acclimated to her surroundings and commenting, he will follow. "So my name is Marc. Yeah, you're in Honolulu. That /incident/ really hit you on the head. So, being how it went down, I figured we pick the fartherest location possible to get you treated. Hope that's okay with you."

Fiona Glenanne has posed:
"Well that's good. I like Hawaii though, it's so beautiful on TV" she says and nods. "Mark. I'm Fiona" she adds with a smile. "Hey I'll get better and get out of here, ya know" Fi shrugs and looks amused, then looks from Mark to the view out the window again with a happy little sigh. Fi's a fan of the view of Honolulu really.

Blackout has posed:
    "Cool. I told the nurse that we were married. Your ring and all. And it made it a lot easier to sort out. So your last name is Daniels if they ask. But they said they would discharge you in a few hours after observation. And you will need to take it easy for a while. Concussions arent' things to mess with." He tries to stay out of her line of sight of the view. It is a lovely view. Later afternoon of hawaii.

Fiona Glenanne has posed:
Fiona nods and looks out the window to the view again. It really is beautiful. Then her food arrives, a slice of chocolate cake, some coffee and toast. It's....an odd mix, sure, but Fi's definitely hungry. She nods to Mark and smiles. "Got it" she says as the nurse is doing more tests. "So how long's observation going to take?" she asks and nibbles on the toast while eyeing the chocolate cake. Chocolate and frosting. Stirring her coffee, Fiona nods.

Blackout has posed:
    The nurse explains what a concussion is and that Fi received a good hit on the head that caused subdural swelling. An MRI was run and bla bla bla. Fi will be required to stay in the hospital for another 2 hours before they will allow her husband, Marc, to take her back to the hotel and continue their honeymoon in lovely Hawaii.

    Marc asks, "Is it safe for her to fly tomorrow? Because we're doing one of those island helicopter tours - they're supposed to be beautiful."

    The nurse responds, "Of course. Just no more bumps on the head and pay close attention to her cognative state. Meaning, if she can't keep up with numbers or positional sense, or complicated subjects."

Fiona Glenanne has posed:
Fi is....while the nurse talks, devouring chocolate cake, licking the frosting off the fork and sipping her coffee with a wry smile. She's not saying a word. Mostly due to having a mouth full of cake though....as Fi nods at the helicopter and flight question. She's nodding as if agreeing with Mark, and she's listening to everyting going on, as the fork clinks on the plate. It's as if she's thinking on her feet.

"Let's see....if I can pass these tests and sleep and not leave my house, I'm good to head out of here?" she asks gently, just to make sure she's got it right. Hopefully, Fi can head home once all this is done. Still......Fi's got a huge home to look after, too. She could just sleep anywhere really.

Blackout has posed:
    The nurse says, "Of course, Mrs Daniels." and she'll leave.

    Marc says, "Yeah, so two hours in this guilded cage and I'll get you home. But you know... don't go trying to bonk your head again when you get back."

Fiona Glenanne has posed:
Fi grins, "See, I get to get out of here" she grins and looks impressed and eager to get out of this...as Mark put it, gilded cage. It's a pretty cage, with a pretty view, sure.......but she'd like to go home at some point. Like....whenever Mark decides they go home. Not that Mark's seen her home, mind.....as pretty ass it actually is....as strange as Fi's apartment is.

Blackout has posed:
    He will say, "I'll be back. Get some rest." He will turn, a black disk will open up behind him, and he'll step into it and out of sight. The disk will close behind him.

Blackout has posed:
    Two hours later, Marc comes in from the main door. He is accompanied by a nurse. There are papers to sign and clothing to dress in. Ultimately, the wheelchair is brought and Fi is allowed to exit. Marc points to a nearby alleyway. "Anything you want to do in Hawaii before we exit?"

Fiona Glenanne has posed:
Fi shakes her head, "Nah" she says and looks pleased at being out of hospital, dressed, in the wheelchair. "I slept for two hours though" she admits with a smile. "Anything you'd like to do before we head home?" she asks turning the question around on Blackout with a grin. "I mean, I can't think of anything else I'd like to do here" she nods sagely.

Blackout has posed:
    As he turns them toward the alleyway. "Acutally I have a place here. So nah. I'm good. Come on, I'll get you home."

    In the alleyway he opens a black disk and asks, "What borough?"

Fiona Glenanne has posed:
Fi laughs, "Well at least drop by Holland Township then, I live in the Conclave Apartments out there" she nods sagely. "Drop by whenever you like. I promise not to shoot you" she says with a nod. "Holland Township. New Jersey" she adds with a smile.

Blackout has posed:
    "Ahh, Jersey." He will walk her through the portal and out into somewhere within the township. Likely a popular park. "I really can't get straight to your apartment since I've never been there. Hope this is alright."

    It's nighttime again. Very early morning.

Fiona Glenanne has posed:
"It's good enough" Fi nods and looks amused looking around with a grin. "I was gonna tell you to come check the building out though" she shrugs and looks pleased as she sets off walking for her home. She turns and looks pleased. "HHey, thanks. If you want to meet up at some point" she says with a glint in her eyes.

Blackout has posed:
    He'll grin and then ask, "You promise not to try and blow me up again?" He shifts on his heel in the same direction of her departure. Keeping himself engaged.

Fiona Glenanne has posed:
Fi's laughter carries on the night air. "Of course. Why would I after you saved me huh? That'd just be mean" she points out, carrying on heading to her home. Fiona looks amused, then absolutely determined for a few moments. "Nah, no risk of blowing you up, just....don't play around in the basement parking garage" Fi adds and looks amused.

Blackout has posed:
    There's a light skip in his step as he moves to catch up with her. When he gets alongside, he produces his phone, unlocks it and says, "Well, since you put it that way. Give me your number. We'll talk."

Fiona Glenanne has posed:
Fi laughs. "Wait wait, were you actually....skipping?" she asks, raising an eyebrow....though she does in fact give him her number. He's got an entry in her phone. Skipping Mark. Because.....he so /was/ skipping! And.....it was funny to her really. Fi grins and shakes her head, "Ah just fun is all" she says with a smile.

Blackout has posed:
    In a defensive, hyperbolic and comical tone, Marc replies, "That wasn't a skip, that was a ... I caught my foot on a rock. I coulda fallen and broke something. And you'd be laughing. You've got a mean streak." He even has a laugh to his tone. Because yeah, there was a skip of 'woo hoo' in his stride.

Fiona Glenanne has posed:
"No no. It was a skip" Fiona says. "If you caught your foot on a rock....you'd trip. Not skip" she says wagging a finger at him before creasing up laughing. "Admit it. What, do you need a jump rope now or something to prove it's not a skip?" she teases with a grin in her eyes.