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Latest revision as of 16:56, 11 August 2019

Lady Shiva: Enforcer of the Light
Date of Scene: 11 August 2019
Location: Watering Hole bar, Metropolis
Synopsis: Lex Luthor as L1 contracts Lady Shiva for a long term job; cleaning Hook out of Metropolis.
Cast of Characters: Lex Luthor, Lady Shiva

Lex Luthor has posed:
The offer had come through Lady Shiva's usual contacts. Someone of enormous resources was interested in contracting Shiva long term, and wanted to discuss terms with her.

The meeting place was in Metropolis, just far enough away from MD12 and Magic Triad turf that it was considered neutral territory... but close enough that it would be obvious it was on purpose.

The Watering Hole was a fairly seedy bar, even before the gang wars started. For those in the know, it was a regular criminal and merc bar.

A man wearing sunglasses and a business suit sat in the back, under cover of shadow. He clearly did not belong, but he held a tablet PC underneath his hands on the table... and Shiva knew the black haired man was her contact.

Lady Shiva has posed:
She was a woman who made her living doing the dirty work of others. For the right price you could have her services and always got your money's worth. There had also been many times in which the losing side of a bidding war found themselves her target. She did not pick sides. She did not care. Everyone knew this; money lured her in and favors were few and far between.

The Watering Hole. She had been there a few times and it had never ended well. A drunken hand trying to go to far and the man ending up incapacitated, however this is where the contact has chosen to meet and thus she had arrived. She was casually dressed, a white tank top, jeans and a pair of black Nike running shoes. She was not out to impress anyone, this much was clear.

A purposeful stride takes her to where the man is sitting, the chair before him pulled out and turned around backwards, sitting and leaning over the back. "You must be who I am here to speak with. Either that our you are terribly lost and I may need to assist in getting you out of here safely." Her words are well-spoken English but there certainly is Chinese accent to her delivery.

Lex Luthor has posed:
"I won't need assistance, I assure you." Comes the gravelly bass of the man opposite. "Attacking me invites retribution. I can appreciate the offer, though."

Then, the tablet is slid across the table, and turned to Shiva. "L1 would like a word with you about retaining you for some work. Just press the button when you're ready."

Lady Shiva has posed:
A brow is raised at his reply and she quickly dismisses Mr. Fun Machine and any further attmept at conversing with him. The tablet is taken and peered down at, her finger raised and the button pushed. "L1 you say? Very well. Let us see what he has to say. Shall we?"

Lex Luthor has posed:
A few moments later, and a white static fills the background. Then, a pure white L1 appears. "As the man said, you can call me L1." Comes a synthetic voice over the tablet. "I represent a coalition of interests with vast resources. We call ourselves the Light, and I am very interested in hiring you on a long term basis."

The background and L1 symbol disappear, and an overview of Metropolis comes up instead. "No doubt you've heard of the 'Hook War' as it is being called. We'd like to give you some trial contracts to see if you'd fit the bill for long term retaining. How are you with explosives?"

Lady Shiva has posed:
This was somewhat new to her. Communicating and closing a deal usually did not occurr for her over a tablet screen. However, what was being said was certainly intriguing and she leaned forward more on the back of the chair. "I have heard of this Hook War. Yes. Quite frankly I am disappointed nobody has sought me sooner. You find yourself in a good position."

A hand is raised to tighten her long black ponytail. "Trial contracts? Trial Contracts? You do know who I am...right?" The question is more rhetorical and she moves on. "Explosives? How simple and elementary. " It is clear she sees such a thing as unskilled. "I am skilled enough. What the explosion does not kill, I can finish off before the smoke settles."

Lex Luthor has posed:
"I'm aware of who you are. This is an entirely different sort of contract. You usually hop from job to job, do you not?" The voice continues, "while your services are no doubt exceptional... I'm interested in long term retainment. If you get easily bored and cancel after the first few jobs... we can safely say this won't work for you."

There's a moment of pause, "If you're not interested in long term work with us, I do have some short term jobs for you to take care of... but that would be a disappointment on my end."

Lady Shiva has posed:
There is a soft exhale and a nod given, more so for herself and not the tablet before her. "I don't get bored if the jobs are challenging and risky. Keep them that way and I assure you that long term employment is an option for both of us. However, I am no fool and your secrecy although warranted, does not allot me any sense of trust of payment. You are but a name on a screen."

She leans back and stretched her arms before continuing. "I will hear your first assignment, tho I must ask, what assurance do I have that I will be compensated?"

Lex Luthor has posed:
"Half up front, half on completion of your first contract." There's a pause as the man in front of Shiva reaches to his side, and pulls up a briefcase, putting it on the table, turning it around, and sliding it over.

"Your down payment."

Lady Shiva has posed:
When the man reaches to the side of him to grab the briefcase, Shiva tenses ever so slightly, always aware. As it is slide across to her, sheopens it and peers down at what is inside. "It's a deal." The briefcase is closed softly and placed beside her. "So what do you need done? And make sure you are quite clear on the expectations and rules as it were. I would hate to go overboard."

Lex Luthor has posed:
"I want you to find any stockpiles of Hook in Metropolis you can, and destroy them." L1 states simply, "The more you can find, the bigger your bonus at the end of the contract. After this, we'll talk about expanding your work to other cities."

Lady Shiva has posed:
"All the Hook I can find. Destroy it. Destroy it, there is so much room for interpretation there. How much of a scene do you want? You want it destroyed and those pushing it eliminated as well?" A glass of water is set before her and she reaches to take a small sip, speaking from behind the rim of the glass. "And what is the timeline to report of whay I have destroyed?"

Lex Luthor has posed:
"Go after the suppliers. I'm not looking to start a massacre, simply cutting off the sources. if you need to start a massacre to /get/ to the stockpiles... so be it." L1 continues. When Shiva takes the deal, the man across reaches into his suit jacket, and pulls out a USB Drive. "This will give you all the information you need to start." Them an offers, before L1 continues, "and if you find any major dealers along the way, feel free to break their legs so they're off the street for a while."

Lady Shiva has posed:
Music to her ears. The go ahead to hurt those who need hurting. Her head was already spinning in creative ways to dispose of any found dealer to send a message. The USB drive is taken and slipped into her jeans pocket, "Consider it done. You will see evidence by tomorrow evening and without a trail." She slowly rises from the chairm spinning it back around and peering at the man across the table. "Entry level huh? It's okay...don't forget his coffee." She peers once more down at the tablet and mock salutes it. "You will not be disappointed." And with that the Grandmaster exits the bar, that same stide that always seems to say: Get out of my way.