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Latest revision as of 23:53, 13 August 2019

The Techies talk ideas.
Date of Scene: 12 August 2019
Location: Tim's Home/Robin's Roost
Synopsis: Tim and Babs work up security systems
Cast of Characters: Red Robin, Oracle

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake has asked Bab's to meet him at what is a bit of known location to the Bat Family. The theater Bruce went to all those years ago has been bought and refurbished into a home. It seems someone is trying to bring some new blood and money into the area. The old theater has been remolded into what seems to be a large home. The building itself has large bay windows and a balcony overlooking the street on the second floor. It seems well kept from the bushes in planter boxes out front to the high tech security panel beside the door. It is the adress Tim gave Babs to meet him at.

Oracle has posed:
The whine of Babs' 2025 Ducati is unmistakable. The powerful motorcycle coming to a stop at the front of the building that is the catalyst that changed all of their lives with a glance up at the remodeling while removing her helmet. The helmet is left on the seat, satisfied that her security system will prevent most anyone from touching it with the high voltage electrical current.

Can't be too careful in Gotham.

Babs slides out of her riding leather jacket as she steps inside, pulling her hair out of the bun at the top of her head with a floofing hand waving through the red curls, "Ti- Oh there you are." Glancing up at the balcony with jade green eyes and a grin.

"Does Bruce know you bought this place?"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake nods, and says "Yea, I talked to him about the idea, before I went for it." He will pull a remote from his pocket, and pushes a button which will unlock the front door "Come on inside, will show you around." he will tell her. Inside she would find this is a very large home done in an open layout. The entryway has nooks set to each side where people can sit by the bay windows if they wish to look out There is stairs leading up to a second story near the area that is set up as the main ? sunken living room? A large comfortable couch along with other comfortable seating are in front of a large book case, with a mini bar area nearby and an upright player piano. One wall is half covered by a fish tank that has live coral in it along with a nice selection of fish. Beside the aquarium is a door leading to a small hallway with a spare bedroom, bath and coat closet off it. Near the back of the house if a full kitchen that seems to have been designed with a master chef in mind, all the bells and whistles for cooking most any type of meal. The walls are decorated with pictures of friends and works of art, a nice mixture of homey and classy. The upstairs is mostly done as a balcony around the main living are with rooms leading off it all around. These rooms range from the master bedroom, spare bedrooms, and the library. Tim is walking down the stairs to meet her, and once they are away from listening ears. "He thought it was a good idea to try to bring some good happening from the area.

Oracle has posed:
Babs widens her brows, glancing around the neighborhood which is indeed in desperate need for new money being brought in. "I can imagine, yeah..." Her coat is laid across folded arms, slipping inside once Tim unlocks the door with the remote from his balcony.

Once he's joined her, she's already starting to inspect the main lower area. No doubt determining the very best places to add security, since that's how /she/ makes her money these days. During the tour, it's obvious the gears are turning. "This is nice.." She agrees with a brisk nod, "So what kind of network are you looking for? I've already got most of this block covered in sensors, I'll add your system to the signatures so y'll know anyone coming for at least a block or two..." Motioning in... pretty much every direction with two fingers.

"You wanting something on or off the grid?"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake smiles and says "Well both, up here top of the line with any neat extras we can hide in it as well. Windows are bullet resistant, made sure to get the place as sturdy as possible, but the main thing I am wanting you to look over is this way. He walks towards the fish tank sliding his hand behind it and says "Open Sesame." And a panel that was expertly hidden slides open and le leads her down stairs.
     he Robin's Roost was originally built for the use of Red Robin, but has been enlarge to work as head quarters for the team of heroes known at the Outsiders It is a multi-level base of operations with a larger center shaft open in the center somewhat like an old underground missile silo.
     The top most level is set aside with rooms for people to crash if they need to. Some of the rooms are taken with name plates on them and some still free to be claimed. The is a section here set off as a rec room with TVs, games and a bank of PC type computers.
     The next level is set up with labs and scientific type of rooms, from the forensics computer lab, to the main computer room with it's vast view screens, and multiple computer systems. There is also a chemistry lab, as well as a couple rooms waiting to be set up as needed.
     The bottom level of the roost is the largest. From the vehicle bay that houses both the Redbird and his motorcycle, but also has room for two more cars and six or so more bikes before it starts to get crowded. It has all the equipment needed to for upkeep and maintenance on them. There is also a manufacturing area with 3d printers, machines to work metal, plastics, even wood and ceramics. The last of the bottom floor is taken up by a large gymnasium. It has everything one could want to work out in from standard work out equipment, to some set up specifically to deal with enhanced abilities. There is even room for practicing fighting and off to one side a target range that can be used for a vast array of ranged attacks.
     Through out the whole area there are plants set up to lessen the feel of an underground bunker, and give it a bit less sterile feeling. There are multiple exits from the base besides the one through the house above it. Tunnels leading out in different directions some big enough for vehicles some more normal sized hallways. These tunnels lead to hidden exits over a large area, most within a three block radius but a couple much farther out to hide the coming and going of the heroes.

Red Robin has posed:
Most of the computers and electronics are still a work in progress, as he called Bab's in for her help early on not at the end as the description is.

Oracle has posed:
Babs tugs at the knees of her jeans and kneels down beside one of the terminals. Tracing the wires with the tip of her finger after adjusting her glasses, "This is kind of a mess, Tim... but I can hook you up, shouldn't be a problem... If you just give me a general idea of what you're looking for. Probably be a week until my schedule clears up? I'm working on a special project right now."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake looks over, and says "Well, I have been doing most of the installing myself, and trying to make sure it worked on bases first. He will look at her, and says "I can use any help you have time with. Figured you had the most experience with a quick set up with the clock tower and such. The cave has evolved as Bruce needed it." He will offer her a tablet with his designs on it "This was original design, but am enlarging it to act as a head quarters for the Outsiders.

Oracle has posed:
"Yeah, anything I can do, Tim. You know I got you." Babs pushes up with a hand on her right knee, rubbing it for a second after the kneeling, but smiles his way all the same. "I figure standard stuff... cameras, pressure plate sensors on the roof, walls, and adjacent buildings.. internal safety measures like security walls? Drop down anti-intrusion measures, electric amp filiments on the internal walls and laced into the floor near entry ways?" The usual. The Clocktower is a fortress. Trying to break in would almost be comical.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake nods, and says "Yes sounds good, but will need something to give members to make sure they get in, have one member who might get a bit antsy if I use DNA locks and such has had a few bad experiences with mad scientists and such." He offers and says "The tower is a model idea, am thinking something similar but maybe a bit more modular for the team members coming or going.

Oracle has posed:
"Sure, yeah. I think I have an idea for it." Babs releases her knee and slips the tips of her fingers into her back pockets, "I'll have a working model by the end of the day, nothing I could install... just a prototype. I'll hook it up to one of the tenaments over in Skyhook and we can run it through the paces. Stress test it before instalation here." Up nodding at the walls with another glance around from behind her dorky red glasses. "How many members you looking at so far?"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake says, "Counting myself seven or eight, ten max to my thinking. Myself, Conner, Steph, Grarth, A guy not sure if you have met named Kidd, Thinking about offering a friend of mine and Kitty's named Doug into it. He would be another computer guy with you and me."

Oracle has posed:
Babs up nods and glances around at the interior of the birdsnest with a slow bob of her head, "Alright, I'll drum up six or seven fake IDs. Nothing elaborate, just enough for us to stress test the system before implimentation on the finished product." She offers up with a cocky half grin, "Haven't seen Kitty in a while. How's she doing, anyways?"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake says, "Last I talked to her she was doing pretty good. I missed getting to hang out with her on her birthday, but seems she have been busy, Bruce encountered her and some of her friends a few weeks back. I made sure to talk to her about still hanging out,but not sure if she feels weird about it after Jason and all... Oh got another odd request."

Oracle has posed:
"Yeah." Babs scratches at her jaw, mouth pulled tight at the mention of the split between Kitty and Jason, "Imagine that's got to be a little odd, but she's family no matter who she's with." Looking back up at Tim with an expectantly raised brow.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake nods and says "Yea I went by to talk to her to make sure she knew we thought of her as such. " He will offer her a grin and says "You have any tattered Batgirl capes, or battarangs I might be able to get one or two off of you? I am working on an excuse for while Tim Drake is saw around known heroes.

Oracle has posed:
Squints at Tim, "Yeah... but they're in my display case back at the Clocktower. I have a couple batarangs on me now, just in case." Her right hand comes out from her pocket and rolls one out of, presumably, nowhere inbetween her fingers, held out to Tim. "Why? What are you planning?"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake smiles ad will take one and says "Tim Drake collects superhero memorabilia and autographs. I have a place upstairs set up as a library and collection room. Hired Steph to talk to some heroes for me about doing an auction and buying pieces for me. Garth and Kori joined me one night at Big Belly burger while I was in civies. And Kori draws attention and all, so got me thinking. If I do the fan boy bit gives a reason if I am seen around any open identity heroes. Plus helps the whole rich boy picture ya know?

Oracle has posed:
"Sure, yeah." Babs tracks with a slow nod, returning her empty fingers to her back pocket with the other, "I have my original Batgirl costume, but it's kind of sentimental.. Think I'll hold onto it. I can get you a piece of the cape though?" She offers with a little shrug, "After the fight with Stockholm, it's tattered enough."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake nods, and says "I appreciate it, would not want to take a whole costume, wanting to make sure it looks like stuff someone with funds could get ahold of, and figure batarangs, scraps of costume work for us, and should have something from most of us Gotham bunch. So, how are you feeling getting better?"

Oracle has posed:
Most of Babs bruising is healed, a few lighter brown marks on her left jaw and eye, and the stitch have been removed from her lip. She's also no longer wearing the knee brace, "Only my pride." She jokes with a half smirk, shrugging. "I'll get you the scraps when we test the prototype security system?"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake nods his head a bit and says "Thanks, I actually have bought a few pieces off ebay so there is a bit of a record to make it look legit. I appreciate all the help.

Oracle has posed:
"You're a smart cookie." Babs says with a wink, reaching out to give Tim a light hug, "It's good seeing you're doing good, Tim. I'm gonna go get to work on that prototype. Give me a call if you have any ideas you want me to integrate?"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake nods and says "Will do, and if you think of anything you need I can help with let me know. I should have us some of the Waynetech prototype hard drives in a few weeks. Wanting them to get a bit more testing before I grab some.

Oracle has posed:
Babs bobs her head and pulls her hand out to begin retying her hair as she steps away and back towards the exit where she's left her Ducati. "Seeya later, lil bro."