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Latest revision as of 23:54, 13 August 2019

May I give the update
Date of Scene: 24 June 2019
Location: China Basin, Old Gotham
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Melinda May, Robin (Wayne)

Melinda May has posed:
Months. At least a year. It's been far too long in May's estimation since she's last been to Gotham, but with her current duties being what they are that's not entirely surprising. She's got at least a few days' downtime now after the whole deal in Austria, and while her own job is still nowhere near complete, she can claim this time away.

So, here she is on a humid June night, standing on a rooftop in Gotham, trying to stay upwind of the HVAC units and their discharge vents because as hot as the day was, those things are STILL cranking out heated air as they struggle to keep the interior of the building comfortable.

Apparently in deference to the season, she's NOT wearing her usual everpresent jacket, but for those with sharp eyes who know what to look for, she is most definitely still carrying weapons concealed on her person. Just not as many as usual.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
Damian had just returned from a walk-about so had been out of the swing of things for a while though he had spotted this meeting on the computer. He was investigating something else, checking for updates then saw a contact with Shield that would be going down today. With a quick mark of active he took the initative to gather the information in a disposable usb that seemed to have several different forms of update information, though he didn't change any of it just look to make sure it was something okay to give away, for the person they were meeting.

So this night as May stands on the roof-top looking around it would not be hard to see the large silhouette of a Bat form a shadow over the roof top as Robin glided down from above her to land into one of the shadows of the rooftop. He stood in the darkness it was though it was Obviously a robin suit he used it to hide his identity just two eyes seem to glow in the darkness looking at her narrowed in a all buisness fashion. The boy stands from his landing letting the cape drape over to keep what is him, and what is shadow around him questionable.. the figure in the shadows talks. "I did not expect to see you here." he says in a calm voice leaving the deep gnarled voice to the criminals. He takes a step out of the shadows, and it is Damian in the Robin outfit in his hand the information that he brought specificly for her. "Did not expect the Bat to be working so closely with Shield either though."

Melinda May has posed:
The shadow is definitely not missed, though unlike most Gothamites, May does not react with any visible sort of surprise or concern. She merely turns to follow the individual's arrival and watches as he steps out a bit. "This has been a longstanding agreement, though I will admit that it has regrettably been allowed to lapse recently. I hope that we can correct this. In her own hand is a simple USB drive with the intel she has gathered to pass on to the Gothamites.

It's possibly well known that SHIELD has rather meticulously stayed out of Gotham, leaving the policing of the city to the Bat Clan and the local law enforcement. Perhaps this is why.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
Damian nods, "Personally I would like to keep your lot out of Gotham these people have it hard enough they don't need your trouble as well." He adds flatly holding out the information for her to take, the boy is the same height as her though he does look a bit young maybe in his teens. The look on his face shows that the mind behind the face is far from a childs, but everything else would be. After offering, and taking the information she offered he would nod, "Do not get me wrong, I understand the agreement, and will hold us to the terms, just do not have to like it."

He takes a minute to look down at the street from the rooftop possibly hearing something though doesn't take off of course, he falls to silence watching the people he says to almost himself in a low voice, "We have enough escilation as is.." thinking about all the Villians, and crime entering Gotham everyday so much to the point where it keeps at least seven people to keep it calm at times. After a moment of silence he glances over.. "Nothin personal... Not your fault isn't like you run the organization."

Melinda May has posed:
"That is actually why I bring this intel to you instead of just having agents act on it directly." May has no problem with swapping USB sticks with the young man. "And the offer will always stand: if your feels you need the assistance, just let us know. SHIELD will mobilize agents and how much initiative they take will be entirely up to your group."

"And, right now I actually do run SHIELD." Mostly. Deputy Director, not full Director.

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
The boy glances at her, with narrowed eyes, "You know what would happen if your agents dropped in here. Let us not act like it is only out of the kindness of your heart." his tone is calm and passive like he is talking facts not out of anger. He looks down at the street, "It would be a mess for both sides" he adds falling to silence to think about it not afraid to admit it as he knew Shield could bring a scrutiny they could not afford. Though sneaking in to get agents was his specialty, maybe not of shield of course, just those who don't think they could be reached.

On her last line he actually looks at her for a long moment seeming to try to judge her by a gerneral apperance putting his detective skills to work. He is quiet as he does just looking at her for a long moment before turning again, "They could of picked worse.. From your hands it looks like this is not the only thing you will do yourself, athletic, and sharp." he adds as she didn't have to tell him that, but he would of figured it out. She was smart enough to realize that it was better to just be straightforward so at least got a jist about him as well, which ment she was dangerously sharp.

He smirks though lookin at her, "A bit on the old side though I guess it would take time to reach the height of such an organization." he sighs looking down for a moment then looks away, "It is smart though offering what you, makes you look like you are cooperating, but just enough to get your people in so obviously we would never take the offer." he says, sure it was a some what paranoid way of looking at it, like she was trying to play him. Though she was from Shield one of the Goverment facilities, and Damian did not trust the Goverment though local law enforcement he was fine with. He stops and turns to look at her, "Still.. I don't sense scheming nor deception. If you were not a pawn for the Goverment you might of been an interesting person to know."

Melinda May has posed:
May simply stands there and lets the kid make his observations and draw his conclusions correct or not. She's not here to get into a measuring contest with anyone. She's here to exchange intel, nothing more.

"Believe me, I do not want this job. Spending all day telling others what to do is not exactly what I enjoy. But, better I do it than someone who DOES enjoy telling others what to do even when they have no concept of what really goes on out in the field."

She very pointedly does not show a reaction to the 'old' comment. She knows it's true, in both his world and hers. She's old. And she's not going to get any younger. The pawn comment is a little less well received. "If any SHIELD agents are sent into Gotham to help, you have my word that they would leave again the instant the situation is back under control." She can see sending Skye and Barton here, they'd fit the snark this kid is displaying. Barnes might be a bit much, and Rogers is far too recognizable. She'll have to consider others, but that's honestly moot unless it turns out to be necessary. Which she hopes it never does.

"You seem awfully certain about that Government control. Have you bothered to really do your research?"

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
Damian listens quietly he looks away like he is not paying attention though he is carefully listening to every word. He lets her say her piece in silence not interupting at all as the more she speaks the more information she gives, so he listens carefully. He threw two bait statements in there he knew, but wanted to see what she was about though usually people on guard will hide that very close especially agents. He knew his weakness, and often tried to see what others were so poked the bear just slightly to get a response given he would never tell her that he didn't feel the need to continue as he might of already found a way to unbalance her

"I have seen bad things happen to good people because of goverments" he adds slowly, "It changes some, and overloads others until they just become a cog in the much larger machine." he sighs, and shrugs, "Normally who cares, sure they may do some shady things, but now you put Metas, Mutants, just powers in their hands and that irritance becomes a threat." he holds up a hand, "I am not saying Shield is a threat, we are working together obviously, though it could be." then falls back to silence thinking for a moment.

He turns and looks at her, "I think Gotham is the example that shows you are not needed. Sure it isn't perfect, as we do seem to be a magnet to all the crazies" he gives a shrug, "Maybe that is why you want us to work with you.. So people think we are using you to solve our issues, and not take it on themselves to fix their own city." he shrugs, "Or maybe not... as you implied I have not bothered to research." he adds though he knows a bit more then he is letting on he would not let her know that prefering to play ignorance, and let her think he doesn't know then to tell her what he does know.

Melinda May has posed:
May also listens to what Damian has to say without interruption, and can't help but wonder if this young man was raised and educated somewhere other than the US. His sharp intelligence and questioning of government sure seems to point that way.

"So have I. But, I think where our philosophies differ is that I have chosen to try and improve the world from within the strictures rather than from outside. And, if you ask me, both are necessary to do what needs to be done."

She shifts her weight over to one hip, resisting the urge to cross her arms as the young man might read something into it. "You're that SHIELD is getting involved in the situations surrounding people with powers, but that's where we differ from national and more local governing bodies. We're working to help all people on this planet coexist, not just the one or two demographics that comprise the majority of the general populace. No, it's not a popular standpoint, and I'm honestly waiting for the higherups at the UN to start realizing and making my job more difficult. But until then, I'm going to do things as /I/ feel they should be done. That includes our hands-off policy in Gotham."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
The boy sighs as he listens she doesn't sound like a bad person really though they never do until you are on the wrong side. She wasn't wrong though the road to hell and all of that so it is a long time before he answers just standing in silence practicing patience and thought about how to answer without giving more away, and yet getting more information. Normally it would be a lot easier, hang them upside down shout a few questions voila answers, but he doubted Shield, or his father would like if he tried to do that here so a more diplomatic approach was needed.

He talks slowly thinking over each word, "I actually remember a time when the Police use to chase us around Gotham. It is obvious why." he stops for a moment pause continuing shortly after, "Gordon took control, and we started to get more room until his boss told him to bring us in. After that the chase was on again until finally we had a talk with them, and a new boss stepped in." he waves a hand again, "We didn't kill him.. Only bring his secrets to light." before continuing again, "You speak of ideals, but I can only think of what will happen when you get your orders to take us down, as we both know it is only a matter of time. I wonder about all those you have already been asked to bring in for doing something the goverment dislikes, and all those coexisting people get sent to get us."

He shrugs, and looks at her, "You seem like a nice enough lady, but it is easy when your on the same side. Sooner or later that is going to change, it always does just look at the Mutants." he looks at her with a stern look. "As I said they could do worse, so I guess for now I will give you a chance I enjoy talking with someone who realizes this isn't a game. But as far as Shield goes, they can stay out of Gotham unless they are here for the theater." he assumed that is what normally people did of course as he ha never been instead spent most his nights out here on rooftops.

Melinda May has posed:
Having let the young man speak again without interruption, May takes just as much time as Damian did to think over his words. So much truth in them, but likewise she can still see both of their disparate points of view. It's a damn shame that he thinks of her as someone to face off against instead of stand alongside. But, she's not going to change his mind forcibly. It'd be foolish to even try.

"I remember a time when SHIELD was purely a spy agency, doing absolutely nothing openly or publicly." Back around the end of the Cold War. Our superiors were actually under orders to leave agents behind and disavow them if a mission did not go exactly as planned." She shakes her head at that. "Things have been steadily improving since our current Director took command. More openness, more transparency -- well, within reason for an intelligence agency -- no more disavowing agents simply because bringing them home was inconvenient."

She studies what little she can tell about Damian for a moment. "You seem to be an intelligent and articulate young man. Very different from the norm." She pauses again for a moment. "If I tell you something, may I trust that it will not leave this rooftop?"

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
Damian stands quietly, though he is glad to hear the organization is getting better, but still understands that even that is temporary. Though it could be a lot worse conisdering wheret hey were to where they are, so he doesn't say anything about her story just listening to her explination of where she thinks things are at. "The cold war was a bit before my time, but I have heard a lot about it not much good though with some crazy guy telling the time of some broken clock would drive anyone mad." of course he was talking about the countdown to the end so it wasn't ment to keep time just tell everyone how close to destruction they were. Time has changed since then for him all his life or at least the part of it here in America. "With technology one could say that change was forced, secrets became harder to keep, of course not to dismiss your new director I just wonder how much of that change was a necesity?"

As she complements him he raises an eyebrow, "Life has not been easy though it has driven me to be what I am, I will keep your secret though I can not make that promise. If it is something that will harm my family I will tell Batman though from our conversation to this point. I doubt that will be an issue." he shrugs a bit, "I am sure you understand, though it must be said if I were being honest."

Melinda May has posed:
May nods when Damian declares he'll reveal her words to Batman if they put his family at any risk. She would expect no less, and would do exactly the same if their roles were reversed. But, she knows that what she's about to reveal will have no negative impact on anyone in Gotham, so she proceeds.

"This should be fine, then. I've already had a handful of assignments -- before I was assigned to be interim Deputy Director -- that called for me to bring a person with powers into custody. After dealing with a situation involving said persons, well, they didn't end up in custody. I'm sure there are black marks in my records, but I can't really find it in myself to care."

Robin (Wayne) has posed:
Damian nods, and listens it was good to hear at least though thankfully he already knew he had no problem with May herself it was always a good thing to have those ideas reaffermed. "I warn you the people in charge will only take pushback for so long. Eventually they will get tired of your disobedience, and you will not be able to help anyone." he shrugs, "It is a fine line you walk though I am starting to see why you don't want the job." he sighs, and thinks about it. "Look you keep your people out, trade information, and seem like someone who gets most of what needs to be done so with you at the wheel.. I will leave your organization alone. Just know as soon as you are not in charge the deal is off at least as far as I am concerned." he was just a Robin after all though one who could put a spanner in the works if needed.

He steps to the edge of the building and looks out at Gotham, "This city is my home, and I will protect it even if it needs to be from Cap himself." it was one of the few people he did know though he wasn't sure if he was in Avengers now, or Shield, or something else as sometimes they changed groups. "I have the feeling while you are in charge I might not have to worry about the future as much." he actually grins at her for the first time, "For at least a few more years at least." and with that he gives her a nod. "If you need me just ask you I will help, as I am sure it is clear how to find me.. Until then" and with that he takes a step right off the ledge. Gravity does its thing, but there is a noise, and if one were to hurry they might see him swinging off, and away oher then falling to his doom. That is of course if they know where to look say with the skills of an agent of Shield.