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Latest revision as of 23:55, 13 August 2019

Dude, Wheres My X-Mansion
Date of Scene: 24 June 2019
Location: Recovery Room 02, The Triskelion
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Nightcrawler, Quake, Melinda May

Nightcrawler has posed:
    Beepy sounds, he's been asleep through beepy sounds, but now he's finally starting to rouse. Kurt has a bit of bandaging on his head, gause wrap with an analgesic pad held to the area on the back of his head that he struck when he fell in the church.
    "Wo bin ich? Kitty? Anna? Oh mein Kopf..." he mutters aloud, instinctively in his native tongue, the glow of his eyes appearing as his lids open. "Was ist das?"

Quake has posed:
Skye, meanwhile, has been unhooked from her pressure casts, and fixed with a set of soft casts that immobilize but aren't bed restrictive anymore. Still, she's not yet been discharged out of medical. Perhaps awaiting approval of Agent May. Or perhaps something Jemma still needs to fiddle with. Or even just a pointed reminder that if you don't behave, this is what happens - you get to stay in medical until folks can trust you'll behave yourself.

Unfortunately, she didn't get the memo that Bucky has already been moved, and in the wee hours of the morning, wanders over to what she was previously been told was his room, only to find it's not Bucky there, but someone else. And not just any someone else, but rather a little blue gargoyle of a man someone else, speaking with a thick accent, and in a language she only knows is German because of some Google clip about some President being a jelly donut.

"Huh, you're not Bucky." Which might be stating the obvious. "No clue who they are, but you're in medical with SHIELD. What happened?" Which is to say why doesn't he remember how he got here.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    When Skye enters he is immediately on guard, lifting up the blanket and almost rolling into a crouch until he sees the soft casts. Tail lashing beneath the blanket, the fuzzy blue elf stares at the woman for a long moment.
    "Mein Dame - who are you? Where am I?" Kurt looks about himself, "If you're going to try any sort of experiments I won't make it difficult, and I have friends who'll come to help me." lips pursed, "I don't want to hurt anyone, but I will defend myself to escape and survive."

Quake has posed:
There's a furrowed brow of a frown from Skye before she reminds herself that not everyone in the world is all that accepting of mutant-kind or those who are Powered, and to be fair, she'd encountered enough less than ethical sorts willing to experiment on them - a group she was now included in - herself.

"Woah," she says quietly, not wanting to upset him. Not jsut because it will send the nurses running in, but because she didn't want to frighten whoever this was. Holding her hands palms out towards him, "Not the enemy here. You're in the Triskelion. SHIELD. We're the good guys."

Wow, if you'd asked her a couple years ago if she'd be saying that, she'd have laughed at you, and yet, here she is.

"We don't want to experiment on you. I don't know what happened to you, but that machine there beside you is just checking your heartrate and shit like that. Making sure you're okay. I'm Skye. Skye Johnson."

Taking a small breath, she adds, "Quake. I'm like you. Only not blue." Okay, that last bit she kinda grins it, because it was rather obvious that she wasn't blue.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "I know what an EKG and all this other stuff is." Kurt replies, shortly, before he reaches for the back of his head "Das ist schlimmer als mit Logan zu biegen" grunting in a half whimper, then looking back to Skye.
    "There was a man with wings claiming to be fallen, and a man in a raincoat who..." tears actually well up, "He shined as such, I knew he... it was like a piece of the light of..." Kurt actually sniffs and looks around himself again.
    "Then this woman showed up... then the light, und now I am here." he looks back to Skye, "If this is shield, you haf credentials?"

Quake has posed:
"Ah. Sorry. I guess that was pretty stupid of me, huh. To be fair I've seen the inside of an evil scientist's laboratory and they look a lot alike. Only with a lot more how I'm going to take over the world speeches.. and this is not helping, Skye. Shut up."

His tale only half makes sense, the young Agent frowning. "Can't help you there much as to what happened to you, but if you're here, one of us brought you in. And I'm fresh out of credentials."

She holds up her arms to show the 'casts' she's wearing - a transition between the pressure casts and her regular gauntlets. "I'm technically supposed to be in the bed next door, but I came to check on a friend who it seems got checked out. But I am an agent here. I could try breaking into the computer system, but I'm hoping to be sprung for good behaviour and according to my boss typy-typy isn't good behaviour until she says it is." She makes a face and shrugs. "Anything else I can offer as proof?"

Nightcrawler has posed:
    Listening to the rambling, the explanation, and the sheer awkwardness, Kurt's brow comes up and after a moment he looks from the bed and back to her. "I can trust for now... But if I see syringes or the like, I'll be gone I promise." he takes another moment, "So you're name is Skye, ja?" hands folding in his lap as he lays back on the bed pillow, his tail snaking out, hunting for the reclining controls.
    "I hope your arms aren't hurting any more." jerking his chin at her casts.

Quake has posed:
Skye lowers her arms and nods at him. "If you're not injured or ill, no syringes. And even then you have a right to say no to them. Seriously, we're not like that here, but I understand why you're worried. Mind if I pull up a chair?"

She doesn't precisely wait for permission, finding a chair conveniently in position for sitting and having a visit without having to drag one over, and sitting in it, perched somewhat on the edge so that she can leave quickly if necessary.

"Nah, my arms are pretty good. Unless I try to use my powers it's just a dull ache. They'll be okay. I've done this before." Not so badly, but yes, she's done this before.

"Skye Johnson," she repeats. "But you can call me Skye. And I have no clue who you are." He's given a lopsided grin.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    Kurt frowns, worrying his lower lip with fang like teeth. "You can call me Nightcrawler." he shrugs, "If you'll accept tha for now, Meine Dame." finding the remote, the spade of his tail bends around it like a palm and the tip manipulates the controls easily enough, the head of the bed raising so that he's more or less in a chair.
    "Are you a mutant, Skye?" he pauses a moment, and peers at her. "Mutant..." getting an idea, "What is Sibilance's real name?" a method for proof!

Quake has posed:
"Nightcrawler, huh? Okay." She shrugs as if to say it's as good as any other name, while also recognizing he's both obfuscated who he /really/ is, as well as trusting her with an otherwise vital piece of information that could be used against him. "Like I said, I'm Quake."

Again she holds up her arms.

"Can't really show you what I can do, but if you caught that earthquake over in Austria, that was me. And no, not a mutant. Something else, but similar. Inhuman. Weird genetics, only we don't spontaneously come into our powers. We have to be transformed deliberately."

When she says that she makes a face that suggests her transformation hadn't been a mutually agreed upon matter.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "I heardon the news, ja. So that was you." head bowing slightly, "But - as I asked - as it will help guarantee you say who you are, you know Sibilane, no?" Kurt watches her, looking at her hands.

Quake has posed:
Skye is careful to keep her hands in plain view. Of course using her powers wouldn't be wise on a purely *ow* level, because, yeah, she'd done a number on them. In an emergency, sure, but this? This wasn't an emergency.

"Yeah. That was me." Hands up slightly and wriggled. "How I did this. Not really recommended by the way, but your mileage may vary."

She's still grinning at her own joke when he mentions Sibil. "Snakeish? Yeah. I know her. She's Agent Simmons trainee. Likes greenhouses and plants. Kinda broke a few of her plant pots and some window panes helping someone.. How do you know her?"

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "I've run into her a few times." Kurt's lips purse, "Do you know her first name?" Hanging on to his interrogation like a dog at a bone. He rests there, arms folded across his chest. He doesn't want nurses flooding in - so he's stuck keeping the EKG and such hooked to him.

Quake has posed:
Skye smirks. "Ainsley Garcia. Age 20. Birthdate 04 May 2007." She says the numbers Zero-Four Two-Zero-Zero-Seven. "Originally from Mexico. Comes from a large family on a border town, caught up in the drug trade. Family tried to hide her away as best they could, but she was found out, and they were driven out by a local group that's pretty much the same as the Friends of Humanity up here. Long story short, she went underground and found her way to us."

There's a shrug from the woman. "I read a lot files. Security clearances are one of my things. Plus, since my change, I see a lot of the folks who would qualify as Powereds. Help sort them into places they're best suited to be. Mostly, I'm a hacker, though."

Nightcrawler has posed:
"Well, either you're a spy organization beyond Shield's ken, or I'm certain you're who you say you are for certain." nodding to himself, "Good to see you're recovering... why'd you set off something that big?"

Quake has posed:
"heh. Well, glad we're who we say we are, or I've been collecting a paycheque from the wrong people." Skye's teasing is light, and it doesn't last very long, especially when he asks why she set that quake off.

"Had a bit of a personal message to send to someone." Her features set into a grim line. "They.. hurt a number of people I cared about, and wanted to hurt more. Innocent people who have no clue who or what they are.. And.." That grim line flattens into something even more severe, "He's who turned me into who and what I am. Kinda why I felt personally responsible for making sure he couldn't do it to anyone else."

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "I hope you didn't kill him, and that you can perhaps come to forgive him. You can't live with hate in your heart, you can only exist." Kurt frowns, "I know what it is to resent others, especialy parents." he frowns, brow knitting but he doesn't allow himself to elaborate further.

Quake has posed:
Skye doesn't even try to explain, but the set of her jaw, perhaps, or her body language, conveys that there is no forgiveness to be found.

"He was nothing but evil. He would have continued to hurt people. Our people."

Nightcrawler has posed:
Frowning deeper, Kurt tilts his head, "Is he gone now then? Have you killed him?" hands folding, fingers working as if he had a rosary in hand. "If he is gone, it could be the time to let go?"

Quake has posed:
"He better be gone," Skye says quietly. "That or I dropped a mountain on his base for nothing."

Which might be a slight exaggeration. She didn't quite drop a mountain on the base, though she did flatten it.

"Sorry. It's still pretty raw. Have a few things to work out still. And look at us talking about me. I still don't know how you know Sibil."

Which is where she attempts to grin again. "You know, you're not half bad at the spy game yourself. I'd watch it, or we might recruit you." Teasing, to lighten the mood.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "I'm good at being quiet, and it's hard to keep me out of places, plain and simple. I know Sibil because I met her near Tribeca, and we've hung out in Bushwick a few times." Kurt frowns, "We mutants tend to run into eachother sooner or later on the outskirts."

Quake has posed:
"Ah. Well, yeah." Skye is quiet for a few, thinking of how after thinking herself entirely alone in the world she's finding there are others like herself. And more. "I kinda like Powered as a word. I mean, you're mutants. I'm an Inhuman. But deep down we share a thing, and people are afraid of us. We can do things they can't and it scares them. This whole Sentinel thing is proof of that."

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "We don't always like mutants, either. We're human. Its giving us different names that gives the hatred traction. Powered does too. You're human, Skye." Kurt's frown becomes sad. "Gifted is a wrong word, and of course Eri-Magneto, calls us Homo Superior, which invokes hate and fear..." he shrugs, "I forgive them their faults. Everyone can be forgiven, even if they're 'evil' - thats how you do not become them."

Quake has posed:
"I guess? I don't know. I just know it shouldn't be different than being black or white or Asian." Because, well, you wouldn't know it to look at her, but she is. At least partially. "They're all human too. Just.. at any rate, folks here have been pretty cool about it. At least the folks I know."

There's that little smirk again, "A fan of Magneto's huh? He was prisoner here, once. Back with that whole assassination thing. And you're a bigger man than I am. Not sure everything should be forgiven. Anyway, he can't hurt any of us anymore."

Nightcrawler has posed:
Kurt Wagner shakes his head, "No. Not at all. He is wayward. He has others that dog him and look to help him see the light. But he is wrong, and should not be a mentor or rolemodel to any of our kind... mutants I mean."

Quake has posed:
"No," Skye agrees. "I don't think so either. I mean, we're not better, we're just different. We might be better at individual things, but that's people everywhere. I mean, not everyone is as good as I am with computers. Not sure what you do, but you're definitely better at forgiveness than I am."

Nightcrawler has posed:
    Head shaking, Kurt frowns, "Anyone can forgive, I'm not special. I understand anger, Skye." he offers a small smile now, "You may be surprised at how you feel of it."

Quake has posed:
Skye scoffs, "No. Not sure anyone can forigve..." Except she had to admit she'd not thought she could forgive her father, either, and she had. She'd gone from being the person who said he was not only an acceptable loss, but a necessary one, in the face of the danger he gave to others, to begging for mercy and latitude to be given him.

"Anger isn't something I do well anymore," She admits. "That's kinda how the whole mountain thing got away from me. Used it to fuel what I was doing, and then instead of controlling it, it controlled me. I don't precisely regret it, but it was probably pretty stupid of me."

Melinda May has posed:
"Probably is stating things a bit mildly." May's voice precedes her as she enters the room. And most likely in deference to the young man she brought here, she stops just inside the doorway far enough over that she's not blocking the door itself. She's wearing an outfit very similar to what she'd been wearing last time, though now she isn't dripping wet from the rain outside.

She nods a hello to Skye before turning her attention to Kurt again.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    BAMF! the sudden new voice startles Kurt who had been getting oh so serious. The EKG and other things spark some and alarms go off, as everything flatlines. The cloud of smoke of where he was is matched to an identical BAMF! and cloud appearing on the ceiling, hands and feet splayed, holding him in place with a sudden "AYEE!" before rapid German" Klopfen! Sie wissen nie, wie jemand in diesen ist ..." he paueses and feels around behind him, realizing his fuzzy buttocks is exposed due to the medical robe, glowing eyes going wide "Hey, ich bin in einem medizinischen Kleid!!" he also has tubes and other things attached to them, the other half of those now on his medical bed.

Quake has posed:
Skye, unlike Kurt, had heard May aproaching (yay superhearing!) so she doesn't startle. But him?

"Ah, so that's what you do." She nods slowly. It's not that his reaction doesn't surprise her, but she's also half-trained herself in these situations to settle into a zen mode. Like with Juan. Everything just slow and calm and collected like this was all normal and expected so as to not exascerbate things. "Nightcrawler? This is my boss, Agent May. She's good people.. even if she's grounded me." No small amount of amusement there.

Telling May, "Sorry. Was looking for Bucky and found him instead. We've been having a chat." She holds up her hands, "I've been good, promise!" As much to indicate no typing as she's not said anything to chase their guest away. Or so she hopes.

Melinda May has posed:
May somehow doesn't seem surprised either, though that's likely as much May being May as it could be her being accustomed to such unusual reactions.

"I apologize for starting you." She looks at Skye again, and seems to accept that the younger agent has indeed been following medical advice and not trying to use her hands.

"I thought it might be a good idea to stop in and see you you're doing. You... took a bit of a spill."

Nightcrawler has posed:
"Hey, I do more than" be makes a BMFFFFF sound before dropping to the floor in a crouch, moving to sit in a posture that is nothing short of feline. Hands splayed between his feet, tail flicking. A series of smaller BAMF!s happen, and a quintet of... miniature... chibi? Kurts appear, all speaking in a rapid growly language that he nods at, "Well find my clothes ja? This is embarassing!" turning to put his back to the bed, due to how the gown drifts with his crouch. The little guys salute and start moving around, digging in drawers and closets. "Who was the man, the... not man, that light. The things I could see in that light."

Melinda May has posed:
"That was Castiel. He is an angel inhabiting the body of a man who volunteered himself to the task. He consults with WAND, SHIELD's supernatural division. And, well, he apparently felt the need to show off a bit." While the mini-Kurts start ransacking the room, she walks over to a door next to the attached washroom and opens it to reveal a basic linen closet that happens to also contain clothing. Not Kurt's but some simple SHIELD shirts and sweatpants in varying sizes. "I'll have your clothes brought promptly, I had them cleaned for you. Hopefully these will suffice in the meantime."

Nightcrawler has posed:
    The Bamfs rush for the clothing, pulling it down and dragging it back to Kurt, except for one who is trying to wear a pair of boxer briefs and strut about, flexing for the ladies.
    Once a pair of sweatpants are chosen, he actually, carefully, draws the IV needle from his arm and uses it to poke a hole that one of his fingers make larger. "Danke Agent May." he nods and once sure of it his tail hooks through the hole and he walks his legs backwards into the sweats while his hands support him. Once they're over his waist he actually walks over himself feet on his shoulders and then the floor as he almost bends entirely in half. As his torso moves back, shedding the gown and slipping on a t-shirt as he stands back up and then drops back into a crouch. "Das ist besser"

Quake has posed:
Skye averts her eyes as Kurt bamfs about and dresses. Oh, she's smirking. But now she has an explanation: Castiel. He's the one who cured Clint's deafness. And, it seemed, liked to play glow in the dark by the sounds of it. Or, as May put it, show off some.

"I don't know," Skye says. "You were kinda cute in the hospital gown."

Melinda May has posed:
May also gives the man as much privacy as possible while he dresses. "You're welcome." Though she does eye the mini-Kurts suspiciously. They'd better not start getting into mischief. She's not very tolerant of little imp-like beings.

"So. Our first meeting was a bit of a mishap. Is there anything we can do to assist?"

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "Not sure how you could, Agent May..." he grins as they look away, his own acrobatic talents having maintained his dignity after all. He snaps something at the bamfs and they let out a communal moan, dumping a variety of medical technological goodies in a pile on the floor before they disappear in clouds of smoke. "I appreciate you making sure I wasn't concussed as well." he offers tight grin. "