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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2019/07/07 |Location=Barbara Gordon's Apartment, Clocktower |Synopsis=Summary needed |Cast of Characters=58,193 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{...")
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Latest revision as of 23:57, 13 August 2019

Date of Scene: 07 July 2019
Location: Barbara Gordon's Apartment, Clocktower
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Oracle, Batwoman

Oracle has posed:
Barbara is in the Tower tonight, she's at her station near the computers on that little raised platform that they sit on, accessed via a set of steps. She's dressed in a black long sleeve teeshirt with the sleeves pushed up to her elbows, a pair of black slacks and some simple black shoes. Her hair is tied back into a bun on the back of her head and she's clattering away on the keyboard to her monitors.

The security system to the Tower reports to her any time someone is approaching the building, from the ground or in the air as it so happens.

The lights in the tower are all off, save for up here in the spire where her apartment is located. Up in her apartment the lights are all mostly on, there's quiet music playing throughout the apartment as well, a little soft jazzy tune to set the relaxing tone she's enjoying here tonight.

Batwoman has posed:
Kate Kane has been away from Gotham for a little while, now. The society pages won't know that she's officially back until a not-so-private party tomorrow night. The city's criminal set, however, are already well informed that her alter ego Batwoman is active once more.

There is a brief interruption in the music as a familiar voice speaks through a headset. "Oracle, this is Batwoman. Am I too late for coffee, or is this a bad time?"

Kate hasn't entered the security perimeter yet, but she's on her way.

Oracle has posed:
The Oracle moniker is a moniker used by both Barbara and her A.I. system. When Babs isn't in the tower she still goes by Batgirl, but when she is in the tower, she takes over for the A.I. and retains that title for those who utilize the system and are in need of help from what it is she provides from this central Gotham base of operations.

"Batwoman." Babs says over the comms. "Happy to hear from you." She glances to the perimeter search but nothing has been pinged yet. "You coming in high or low?" She asks, ground level or spire balcony. "I'll flip off the locks for either."

A switch is pressed on her keyboard and it does just that, then she turns to a second keyboard and does another hotkey press, which starts a whole new pot of coffee in her nearby kitchen.

"Coffee's brewing. Come on in." She says over the comms.

Batwoman has posed:
"High." comes the reply. The audio system filters out background sounds, such as heavy breathing or wind from rooftop locomotion. In less than two minutes the perimeter sensors ping an incoming bogey. The sensors may have gone off, but the approach is otherwise extremely quiet.

And just a few moments later one of the tall windows tilts open to allow a shadowy figure to slip inside. Even her footsteps are quiet as Kate steps into the room, pausing to remove the cowl and the red wig. "Nice to see you again, Barbara."

Oracle has posed:
Barbara is on her way down from the computer terminal platform when Kate arrives. She smiles at her as she sees the cowl and wig removed and it makes her nod back to the other's greeting. "Its good to see you too, Kate. Its been a long time, we've all been worried. Hopeful to hear from you."

Babs motions to an equipment table just a few steps away from where Kate is. "Set your stuff down, whatever you need to be a bit more comfortable." She knows all about those suits, all too well, how very uncomfortable they can be in the wrong situations.

For now though, Barbara is on her way to the kitchen to get their drinks. "Have you been to see Bruce yet?" She asks on her way.

Batwoman has posed:
Tossing the headgear almost casually onto the table, Kate pulls off both gloves before tousling her short, crimson, bobbed locks. "Worried? About me? All the parties will kill me before my war on crime." she replies.

The cape follows, along with the utility belt. Kate's suit isn't armor plated like Batman's, but the black fabric shimmers like liquid when she moves. Special coating. "Haven't had the chance yet." she calls back. "Gang-bangers seemed a little quiet this evening, but they're still carrying guns. How're things with the Birds? Any new recruits lately?"

Oracle has posed:
Barbara wears an armored suit when she's out, similar to Batman's own. She doesn't have quite the extensive training that he does, she doesn't want to get harmed if she doesn't have to. Kate? Kate's a better fighter than her too really, doesn't even need it clearly.

Barbara's suit is kept in a level beneath this apartment, a short elevator ride down from here.

A soft smile is shown to the other woman's words as she hears them spoken. "Gangsters, raging clowns, penguins with rockets on their backs, or just... a reckless night life." Babs says whilst turning to Kate to offer her a cup of coffee and a light smile. "Whatever it is, we don't want it hurting you."

She moves to the tall table in her kitchen, with the kind of chairs you slide onto, rather than have to sit down upon. She settles up onto one and leans back in it to look to Kate, raising her cup up to sip.

"Yes, we've a few new faces, I don't believe you've met Spoiler yet, have you? Either way, she's ramping up her involvement with us. You should meet her offer her some guidance and tips. I have been, its helping her, I think."

Batwoman has posed:
It's habit, really, the way Kate places each footstep to walk quietly. Even now. "Tonight it was just a few misguided youth who had somehow gotten their hands on a few guns. Had to drop the guns off at GCPD on my way." she offers.

Kate eases up onto one of the tall seats, planting herself carefully so as not to scuff the fabric's liquid polymer coating. Crimson brows knit at the name, and she shakes her head briefly. "Perhaps in passing, but not any long conversations." she replies.

"And no, I'm not asking for ...'personal' reasons. Now that I'm back, I'm curious to see what sort of bench strength you have." In other words, how much free time she can expect. "But yeah, I'll stop by and meet Spoiler sometime. See how we mesh."

Oracle has posed:
The table is a nice tall dark wood affair with a light above it high enough that it doesn't threaten to bonk either of them on the head, but still bright enough to shine its warming glow down over them.

There's a slight smile from Babs at the question of the roster's strength. "Its a little light, admittedly. We have another trainee though, a girl named Carrie Kelley, goes by Kestral. She could use some additional help too, if perhaps you can find time to meet up with her as well it'd be appreciated."

A glance is given out to the center of the apartment and one of the clockfaces behind on the far opposite wall. "Nightwing and some of the other boys are still available and have been a big help in recent events." She states as she looks back to Kate and raises her cup up for another sip.

"We're making due. No real complaints, not from me at least." She shows a quick and sharp smile.

Batwoman has posed:
Kate leans forward on her elbows, chin in her hands while Babs gives the assessment. "Carrie Kelley? I'll see what she's got and see if I can offer a few pointers." Because if she didn't have at least SOME prospect, Barbara would have never taken her on in the first place. "After I get the story from HER side, I'll ask for your assessment."

She clucks her tongue softly at the mention of Nightwing. "Tell me you're not going to be bringing -testosterone- into the Birds. I like the nice, all-female dynamic that's been established."

The grin she flashes is 99.8% Kate, with very little Batwoman.

"I did catch something about Freeze getting loose recently, before you shut him down."

Oracle has posed:
"Help with all of them would be really appreciated." Babs said there-after about Carrie and she means it too, these younger heros are all looking to advice and direction and it can be challenging to offer it to them all and maintain everything else already going on. She gets why Bruce was so reluctant to ever do this... somewhat at least.

The comment about testosterone make her smirk nice and big. She shakes her head side to side. "No, not in that regard at least. The Birds are serving their purpose to help be a message to the young women of Gotham, that they don't have to feel as though they must be weak or unable to defend themselves. That message is just as important as the 'Bat' symbol itself."

Another sip of her fresh coffee is had then before she continues. "That being said, we have to work closely with our male allies too, we need all the help we can gt when it comes to the psychopaths out there trying to..." She just trails off, glances away and shakes her head before she looks back over and across to Kate again. "Do what it is that they do out there, you know... just as much as I do. I don't want any of us to get hurt, so I'm all for more help."

Batwoman has posed:
Kate raises coffee for a slow sip as well (she takes it black... military-style). She nods in agreement. "Oh, I definitely get the imagery, of course. But I can also imagine how taxing it can be to be mother-hen to a gaggle of vigilantes-in-training." The mug lowers and she adds. "You're protective of them, Barbara, and you certainly should be."

What follows might ordinarily be a rebuke, for putting the girls at risk. For sending them out without enough training. Or for trying to do too much at once. With Kate's military background, there are just so many opportunities.

She doesn't jump on any of them. Instead, Kate's voice lowers a touch before she replies. "It's important to more than these girls that we send them out -prepared-, and that everyone... everyone... gets home okay. Every. Time. No woman left behind."

Kate eases back in the chair a bit, taking another sip. "You have my full support."

Oracle has posed:
A big deep inhale is drawn in at the first part of what Kate says, Babs having to lean back in her chair to accept the beautiful oxygen into her system. She then smiles and just shakes her head side to side. "Protective is the best way to describe it, overall, yes." She says before she just softly exhales and sips from her drink again, having put a little bit of cream into her own cup to mix its flavors up a little.

"Spoiler was running around in clothing she'd put together herself." This gets a 'look' from Babs because she's sure Kate could understand her thoughts on this. "A nice enough outfit, but thats all it was, it was essentially... a cosplayer. I've set her up with some better equipment, but I'm not sure how she's feeling about it yet."

"Kestral... I haven't spoken too. I was told that she was being trained by Bruce, but I'm not sure that thats panned out. He's been a bit, MIA lately. Which I'm sure isn't too terribly shocking. Nightwing has done great though, to help out. Tim and even Damian, though... Damian is, Damian." She shows a soft grin then.

"Thank you for the support though, Kate. It really is good to see you back in the Tower. Its not the same without your dropping in."

Batwoman has posed:
Kate's red lips purse at the mention of home-made costumes and improvised gear. "I've heard rumors of someone -else- who got her start with improvised gear." she offers. "I'm sure it's only a rumor, though." Was that a smile as she glances across the table to the younger redhead?

"Sounds to me like you may have a couple of wildcards in your hand. I'll help you to bring them in line, and I'll see if I can catch up with Bruce about Kestral as well."

Kate takes another sip, a longer one this time. "I'll test the girls and give you my assessment, Barbara. I won't promise that I'll go easy on them, but I'll be fair. They've made it this far without going to the E.R., so that's a plus. But you know as well as I do that a girl can't be too well prepared."

She lifts the mug again, flashing a warm smile. "Thanks for the coffee. And for the company."

Oracle has posed:
That first bit hits home due to Barbara's own roots in all of this sort've mayube kind've come from a cosplay situation that turned into a 'career' of sorts. "This is why I understand how silly it is." She says back to Kate with a grin visible before she glances down to the coffee mug between her hands, a moment of reflection is taken as she sits there and stares downward whilst listening to the rest of Kate's words.

A breath is taken before she looks up again and raises her left hand up to stroke some loose red hair off of her forehead (entirely in vain of course as its back instantly there-after).

"Just knowing that you're here now and you're going to help out with this stuff? Its gonna make me fall asleep just that much easier knowing that kind of help has arrived." She takes naother sip from her own mug before she sets it down on the table in front of her.

"And likewise. I like having someone to talk to who's a living breathing person, and not an A.I. that I designed. Helps me feel... grounded in reality, and not like I'm Neo about to step into the Matrix." Another grin is shown then. "Come by any time, keep me from being more machine than woman."

Babs will move to stand up then. "Want another cup before you head out?" She asks, glancing back to the other.