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Brother, Where Art Thou
Date of Scene: 23 June 2019
Location: St. Peter's Church - Manhattan
Synopsis: Castiel hopes for some quiet contemplation at St. Peter's church, and instead finds himself dealing with a true believer (Matt), a truly Fallen (Hayal), and a true blue.. er, Kurt, who truly has no clue. May shows up to sort the the comedy of errors. It all turns out well-ish in the end. Welsh? Well-ish.
Cast of Characters: Castiel, Daredevil, Exile, Nightcrawler, Melinda May

Castiel has posed:
Castiel was having.. a difficult time.

It had started with that pressure in his chest that he couldn't explain. That vague feeling that he might be dying of what human's called a heart attack. What Bucky had, rightly, identified as caring about others. That, and hurt.

The angel didn't understand how you could feel both at once. It didn't make a lot of sense - you could care about someone /and/ be hurt by them at the same time?

Being an angel hadn't adequately prepared him for this.

Nor had any of this helped with the gruff, trench-coated angel's feelings of abandonment by his Father. This not so vague unrest that had been brewing in the pit of his stomach and threatening to spill everywhere that told him that what he was doing was right - even as he was being punished for it.

It was a confused Castiel that found himself dragging his feet into a church, out of an early summer rain, and sitting in a pew about the mid of the church. He'd have used the confessional, but it was empty. In fact, there was nobody else in the place but himself. A testament, perhaps, to dwindling and waning faith everywhere.

Daredevil has posed:
This was not Matt's usual church, but Holy Cross, the church attached to St. Agnes in Hell's Kitchen was undergoing some renovations, so Matt schlepped it down to St. Peter's.

Walking in, he crossed himself with the familiarity of a life time Catholic, then made his way inside, his senses telling him a familiar figure was here, he wandered over to sit in the same pew but further towards the end, making sure to make enough noise as he sat to be noticed.

That done, he lowered his head to offer a sincere prayer to the Almighty and unburden his soul.

Exile has posed:
It's not just rain drumming on the church's roof. There's the pitter patter of ....well, not little feet. Combat boots aren't raindrops, really. But there's something *on* the roof, and its attempts to be subtle really aren't doing the job. A gremlin, maybe?

To Castiel, that presence overhead is weirdly familiar. Not perfectly angelic, not demonic, just....there. Wavering along.

Castiel has posed:
Castiel hadn't observed so many of the nicities of the church as Matt had. And unlike the other, his gaze towards the altar isn't reverent or humble. Instead it's a mixture of deep thought, and worry, chased with small hurt, angry lines creasing his forehead.

Not that Matt can see, but his hands are balled into tight fists in his trench coat. His feet placed firmly, if defiantly, in the space that the kneeler would occupy if he'd put it down and bent his head - and his knees - in prayer.

There is no laud or glory lifted from his lips to the lord. If anything, there's defiance. Perhaps because of that familiar presense fluttering nearby.

"I do not understand," he mutters towards the sacristy, all lit with the presence of the Lord. "You punish me for my will - a thing you gave them freely - then mock me with another who walks between worlds. He Sings! And I struggle to hear the Choir. I do not understand what it is you wish of me."

Daredevil has posed:
Matt can hear... footfalls on the roof.

That's never good news.

His senses stretch out for a better idea of what he's dealing with, usually that means ninja, but maybe he's lucky and it's just Spider-Man.

Until he has those answers though, he plays his part.

"Hey, are you okay?" he calls gently to Cas. "I heard you talking."

Exile has posed:
Which is when it knocks on the roof. Distinct thumps, like it wants to be let in. That's not a perturbing image, right? Something up there that can't get in on its own, but wants in, anyhow.

Castiel has posed:
"Oh, for Peter's sakes," Castiel calls up to the roof - knowing full well whose Church he was in - "Just come in already." There's more mumbling. Unkind things likely best not shared with others. Thankfully the Church, while exquisitely accoustically appointed - it was also, like most places where that was true - constructed so that sounds from everywhere but the focal point were muted and stiffled, going nowhere.

"You may as well go outside and escort him in. He's not going to stop until someone does." Castiel not inclined to be that 'someone' and fully happy to let Matt be the patsy.

Daredevil has posed:
Matt's attention is still fixed on the roof. The things that popped to mind that couldn't come into a church weren't very friendly.

"What is it?" Matt asks Castiel. "Before I let it into a house of god."

That said, Matt stands willing to go that far before he got answers.

Exile has posed:
It taps out 'Shave and a Haircut', before giving up.

And should one of them peer out the front door, there's a guy with wings, looking forlorn and bedraggled, standing in the rain. Physical enough that raindrops soak him, like any ordinary creature, long hair straggling loose.

Castiel has posed:
There's a grumble of disgust from the gruff angel in the pews, taking the knocking pattern, musical as it is, to be both a poke at the Choir whose voice Castiel can barely hear and has been denied singing with, and.. okay, the commentary on the old movies Cas didn't actually have too much trouble with.

He doesn't even turn in his seat before growling out, "What is it? Do you honestly think I'd be inviting a force of evil into a House of the Lord?" However far from the beaten path of faith humans had taken the place, there was still Divine here.

"Just invite him in before he starts moulting."

Daredevil has posed:
Matt study's the angel, or whatever Castiel was, but he couldn't read him right. It was odd. In the end though, he walks to the door and opens them, only to balk at what his senses show him... where those wings?

Matt shook his head, rubbing his temple. Maybe Cas was psychic and putting it all in his head?

He needed to know more and so he calls out. "Hey anyone out there?" he asks. "If you are come on in, this is a place for everyone."

Exile has posed:
He's out there looking sad, wings drooping, rain runnelling off his primaries in little streams. Though he lifts his pinions hopefully, when Matt appears. Definitely wings.

Hayal's tone is apologetic, as he replies, "I can't come in there. That is consecrated ground. I can't approach the Host."

.....and what sort of creatures can't tread on holy ground?

Castiel has posed:
Castiel rolls his eyes heavenward. "Have you tried?"

Given Hayal's voice, still ringing in his ears with the purity of the Countless Hosts of the Choir, Castiel isn't convinced that Hayal is forbidden to enter, or trod upon sacred ground. If only to further torment himself.

"You were dancing on the roof. Do you think the sacred stops where the rain ends?"

It likely does. But then again, the other was perched upon the front stoop and stairs of the building and hadn't fried. Nor did he seem as distressed as someone condemned to the Pits of Hell should be.

"Did you try the foyer?" At this point, Cas was tempted to dabble his fingers in the holy water fonts at the entrance to the Church proper and flick them at the other.

It's with slow exasperation he stands, leaning over the backrest of the pew in front of him. "If this is how you intend to break me..." he mutters towards the altar, but does not finish the thought.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    In the rain the brimstone cloud of his arrival is wiped away quickly, but ears such as Murdock's would easily pick up the sound of air being displaced. Kurt crouches and scuttles along to the roof, adusting his jacket and leaping to land on the large cross and peer down to the street to see if it was safe to use the front exit, and then he saw the man with wings, head coming up, glowing yellow eyes wide.

Daredevil has posed:
Matt turns at the feel of displaced air and the whril of brimstone. "What in the hell is going on here?" he demands of well, everyone. We have angels on one side, and what to his senses seem like a demon on the other.

"Seriously, if this is some sort of sick joke, I am about done with all of this."

Exile has posed:
"I have tried before. Churches are painful," Hayal's voice is earnest. But he's dared sidle up to the porch. Only to peer up at the yellow-eyed being perched above. "What are you?" he asks Kurt, amiably. "You're not a demon or an angel."

Then he sniffs. "Well, you smell like an imp, but...." A glance back at the human. "No. I am no joke. Maybe the one who just showed up, he could be a joke. I just don't get him, yet."

Castiel has posed:
"I'll tell you what is painful," Castiel grumbles as he makes his way towards the back of the Church. "I understand how Stupid the elder feels. Though you're a lot more trouble than Stupid the younger."

When Hayal sniffs, Castiel stops in his tracks, his head tilted at a barely perceptible angle. "What's that? Imp?"

He, too, sniffs the air. It doesn't stink of demon. At least not much more than it already did with Hayal at the doorway. "Friend of yours?"

His steps are a considered shuffle towards the back of the Church, as much as if to say with as much body language as he can muster, that he finds this not only tedious, but something of an affront. Not Hayal, but the fact that even here, in the House of the Lord, he's not proof against the torment He has seen fit to rain down upon the fallen angel.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    Blinking when he is looked up at, Kurt shrinks back slightly, mouth turned into a tight frown, "I am no imp, nor any such creature..." there is a pained look when he is called a joke.
    "I'm just a man." Granted he is half-blood Neyaphem, but that's no fault of his, only his mothers'.
    "I was just coming to pray - it's easier in the night." still clinging to the cross, watching Hayal before he leaps out, disappearing and reappearing almost instantly with the BAMF sound once more. There's a man with wings... how wierd is he compared to that? It's like being around Warren.

Daredevil has posed:
Wow. This must be what Jessica must feel like when the rest of the Defenders start talking magic ninjas.

"Wow, all of you guys need to either get some lithium or form a D&D group, because seriously, this is a place of worship and if you want to do angel and demon cosplay, you can do it somewhere else. This stopped being funny."

He turns away from them to help get his temper in check.

Turning back, he's calmer. "Anyhow, sorry. I am sure all of you are going through some things, but how about we all just come inside and worship, and maybe think about some counselling, because while I believe there are angels and demons, they don't walk this earth, it's scary, but it's true, it's just us, and we all need to come to grips with that."

He moves to the doors of the church. "Now, let's all step inside and try to behave."

Exile has posed:
The fallen angel's eyes have widened, as he peers at Kurt. "No," he says. "I thought....he smells like brimstone, but he's not an angel or a demon. I don't know what he is. Not a friend of mine."

Kurt's disappearing and reappearing makes him laugh, softly. It's gentle, though, rather than mocking. "You're not just a man," he retorts. "The men of this world generally can't do things like that."

"I can not come inside," he insists, more quietly. "And I am not playing or masking. We have met before, Matthew. You have such faith....and yet you doubt. Do you doubt what Castiel is? What I am?"

Castiel has posed:
"Wonderful. It's him," Castiel mutters to himself of one Matthew Murdock. The angel being rather gruff and unkempt most days, but not usually quite this degree of off-putting. In his defence he's had a rough go of it recent weeks, including his partial banishment from the Triskelion. Partial only in that he was protesting using front door security while not being quite certain Agent May was serious about the warding in place.

He chooses to address Hayal, not Matt, "His faith is being tested. Not unlike my own. Though yours seems rather fully intact. I'm sure He appreciates that. If you're truly of neither place anymore, there shouldn't be more than discomfort. Likely in your own head."

Castiel dips his fingers in the holy water font at the door, and casually flicks them Hayal's way, as if proving a point: that he won't be engulfed in Holy Fire.

Now that he's here, though, he's a better grip upon Kurt, the not-quite-fallen angel's features taking on a resigned cast. "I see His sense of humour remains intact. Such as it is." Which is to say, not.

Matthew getting a grumbled, "We've met before, boy. Or do you want the sideshow again?"

Exile has posed:
Apparently it's not all in his head - for the droplets of holy water do land on bared skin, on his hand and arm. And they hiss there, sending up what looks like smoke, as if the font had held not blessed water, but very strong acid.

Hayal recoils, wailing a note of distress in a voice that's nothing at all like human, and curling around the injured hand. He even brings up his wings and curves them close, huddling within as if he feared further injury.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    Kurt's reaction is immediately when Hayal reacts as he does, tryin to help clean off the source of the winged man's torment. Once the wings are up he frowns, looking into the church, and then back to the injured figure.
    "If you seek communion, I would pray with you, so you needn't be alone outside?" he's wishing he had his induceron, but he is accepting of his current situation. Kurt's rosary is in hand, outsized due to the clumsiness of his fingers.

Daredevil has posed:
Matt was all set to walk into the church and let these others deal with...whatever it was... they had going on, but then Hayal uses his name and so he turns in the doorway.

"Damn right I doubt," Matt says. "If you were what you say you are then that means that angels aren't only real, but they're on Earth, if you're here, then what the hell are you doing? We /need/ you right now, but instead you're having water fights in the doorways of churches. So if you guys are angels, I am not sure I want to believe."

Cas's offer of the 'sideshow' is met with a pointed finger. "No, don't you dare."

He remembered the last time. It had been glorious but also, frightening, something that took a long time to bury, to be pushed aside by his cofortable, preconcieved notions of how the universe worked. How God worked.

Castiel has posed:
Castiel is immediately contrite as Hayal's flesh sizzles - he'd meant.. well, not quite a jest, but something of making a point. Just not that point. He's quick to move forward, uncaring of the falling rain, or the fact that the slight overhang of the door means water is slipping from the overhead peak and straight down the back of his trench coat collar, telling Kurt to hold!

"Are you trying to kill him with that crucifix? You saw what holy water did. May as well stuff a stake made of the One True Cross itself through his heart while you're at it." That being said, Cas is rather uncertain of how to help, other than touching his friend's arm and attempting to heal him of the minor burns the flick of holy water had caused.

"If you didn't want proof, boy," Castiel grumbles in his irritated gravel at Matt, "Then why are you refusing to believe what you know in your heart is true. Or are you one of those Sunday Catholics? Want into heaven, but don't burden me with the rest of Faith."

Exile has posed:
He flinches away from Kurt's attempt at help, retreating from the relative shelter of the porch to the rainy sidewalk beyond. But he doesn't hiss at him, at least.

"We are not here because we chose to be, Matthew," Hayal's voice has gone low...almost dangerous. "We are not playing games or taking a holiday here. I am an exile....and Castiel is here for helping humanity. We disobeyed orders that would have left humans in torment, and for the effrontery of daring to choose mortals over our fellows, we were banished." Uh oh. He's lumped Cas and himself together. But Cas's touch soothes him, and the defensive curl of his wings relents.

"I could remove more of your doubts," he tells the Devil. But there's something almost wary in his voice.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "I wasn't to touch him with it..." Kurt frowns at Castiel, looking between the winged and raincoated man. A bead has already clicked over, Kurt running The Lord's prayer through his head first and foremost.
    "I am sorry though, that the sight should cause such for you." tucking his rosary away as well. He stands silent as the others talk, turning his attention finally to Matt. "This is a strange night, no?"

Daredevil has posed:
Matt continues to point at Castiel. "You don't know me, so don't presume to judge my faith, what I've seen could all be replicated with mutant powers."

After all he used his own to answer people's prayers sometime so it followed others might see theirs as a gift from god too and take that a quite a bit further than he had. Though if he was being honest with himself, he wasn't too far off these guys, what with his nightly jaunts in a devil suit.

"Very," he agrees to Kurt.

Then to Hayal, "So you're saying you got cast out for trying to help?" that sounded more believable. Certainly squared with what he'd seen here on Earth. "Sure, Castiel's already done his own little show, so, might as well see what you've got."

Castiel has posed:
Now it's CAstiel's turn to look as though he'd been struck with something of unbearable torment, expecting Hayal to sing another note of the forbidden and longed for Choir. Still, he nods at his friend. Closing his eyes to shutter any other knowing from sight.

Exile has posed:
Poor Cas. He is the one who will be hurt worst, it's true. Apologetically, Hayal draws feathers over the other angel's shoulder, like patting him on the arm.

Then he steps away....and sing he does. But it's not that note of pure longing, mourning for the Fall. No, it's something angry, almost. Fierce and keen and utterly merciless, one thread of the tapestry that is the war song of the Host. And as he does, he lets slip some of the veil of physical matter he's assumed....and that sheer terrifying alienness shines through.

Melinda May has posed:
It's at this point that yet another person appears out of the rain. It's no teleportation or 'flight', it's just moving quickly and quietly -- Matt likely could hear the approach even past the rain. In response to a text sent a short bit ago, Agent May appears at the base of the steps apparently not caring that her hair is already almost completely soaked.

"No," she interrupts the winged man who starts singing and showing a bit of true otherworldliness. "Inside, all of you. Now." She says this brusquely but calmly, as if fully expecting her words to be followed without question or hesitation.

She'll find out who the winged man and the dark blue skinned man are after they're not standing in the street where just any prying eyes can catch them.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    BAMF! The song fof Hayal sends Kurt diving through the Brimstone dimension and deep into the church, hiding behind the imagery of Christ, crossing himself with his rosary out once more. Speaking rapidly the mutant stares, glowing eyes wide, "Gebet zum heiligen Erzengel Michael im Namen des Vaters, des Sohnes und des Heiligen Geistes. Amen."
    To the informed, and who can understand German, he is speaking exorcism rites, or the beginnings of them.

Daredevil has posed:
Even with May interupting those opening notes are enough to have an effect.

It wasn't fear as Matt knew it, the sort that made his heart beat quicker, that made his adreneline surge, it was the terror of seeing his place in the universe, in startling and sudden clarity.

Matt has seen similar, but opposite from Castiel, glory instead of fear, but the effect was the same. So when May demands they all enter the church, Matt shuffles along without protest.

Castiel has posed:
For Castiel, it's like a slicing shard of pain through his being. The torment of a Song he can no longer hear with any consistency - given only glimmers and notes to tease him - and that this fragile human vessel can not produce. That Hayal - fully Fallen, and once a rightful Denizen of Hell can still produce such pure and radiant sounds - could still Glorify the Lord should he wish - and he can not? If the Lord wanted to punish Castiel, there was no surer way than this. The trench coated man a tense huddle beneath that draped wing of Hayal's his entire body fighting the urge to Repent; to apologize; to reclaim his Grace and return to..

To what? Nothing had changed of his choice. Not just the choice to interfere in one mortal's soul, but the refusal to turn away from that choice.

May's arrival gets only a tired protest, Castiel opening his eyes to reveal the pained pale blue of them to her, "He cannot.." he says of Hayal. "It is anathema to him."

Turning that same tired upon Kurt, who he sees fully for the first time, "You can not exorcise him, fool. He's not of that ilk. Did you not hear his Song?"

Exile has posed:
.....and Hayal is demon enough that Kurt's attempts at exorcism work. He trails off, that note coming to a screeching discord, and launches himself up into the rainy night air with beating wings.

Away from that voice reciting prayers that lash at him like burning whips, and into the soothing coolness of the clouds above. He's gone in a couple of heartbeats.

Nightcrawler has posed:
Kurt Wagner ceases, but he does look to Castiel, and then to the open doorway where Hayal is no longer. He huddles on all fours, climbing backwatds up the wall and away from the others. He just wanted to pray, and now this was cast in his path. Irony? Providence? Kurt's life is wierd.

Melinda May has posed:
He can't. May looks at Castiel, and that's enough time for the winged man to flee upwards and into the rainclouds. She tracks him for only a moment before looking at the angel she's aware of again. "Inside, Cas. Now." She figures they won't stay long, but at least long enough to get an explanation. Then, she'll see what kind of damage control she has to handle here. Thankfully it doesn't seem to be of the physical, buildings being broken kind.

Maybe it's a good thing she was driving a SHIELD issue SUV when the text came in?

Daredevil has posed:
Hayal vanishes skyward and Matt barely notices. He doesn't even pretend he can't feel the presence of everyone and everything in the room and plunks down in a pew.

"What in the hell was that?" he asks of well, everyone at this point.

Castiel has posed:
CAstiel isn't about to obey May - not when his fellow is caught in that blast of exorcism. Only, when he turns to help - Hayal is already gone. His presence there, and then swept away in a sweeps of wing and flight.

It's a very bedraggled, damp, and cranky angel who wanders inside St. Peter's after the others, glowering at Kurt, his bushy unkempt brows drawn into a tight line, "Now look what you've done."

He looks to say something else, but stops himself, swiping an agitated hand through his hair, doing nothing more than mussing it further. Telling Matt, "That was one note of the Song. A Battle chord. Sung throughout the ages to declare the Majesty of the Lord and strike fear into the hearts of man and demon alike."

Softer, "I once sang it."

The angel slumping into a pew and looking defeated.

Nightcrawler has posed:
From his place, huddled on the wall before the effegy of Christ, Kurt glowers, "Well it cast fear into me, and the water burned him. I acted on instinct." Crouching horizontally, watching everyone before he looks to Matt, "Language, sir. You're in the house of Gott." lips pursing, looking like a gargoyle more than a fuzzy elf for the moment.

Melinda May has posed:
May watches Matt and the scolding, gargoyle-like person from where she's still standing by the door until Castiel returns sans the winged man. Once he's seated as well, she offers in the same calm and level voice, "Anyone care to tell me what just happened?"

Her jacket and hair are dripping on the floor... maybe that's why she's not moved to join the others in the pews.

Or maybe it's because she's Buddhist and doesn't really want to do or say anything in this place that would be considered inappropriate.

Daredevil has posed:
Matt doesn't lift his head. "No clue," he answers honestly before turning his head towards Kurt, lifting his hand. "Sorry," he says about the swearing.

He looks towards the altar and crosses himself, muttering a quick apology to the Almighty as well.

When he's done he lifts his head towards May. "Thanks for coming, but yeah, no idea what to tell you."

Castiel has posed:
"He cares less about that than you might think," Castiel says quietly. Though he's more than aware that most mores in religion were to please the participants and worshippers, not the Lord.

He turns his gaze upon May. "I came to.." his shoulders slump. What? To yell at God? Complain to him? Bare his heart and soul in hopes of some answers? It all seemed inadequate, and not something he knew how to explain let alone was sure he understood himself. "I am certain you will find me at blame."

It isn't a statement of guilt. Merely an acceptance that he is likely to be pegged the culprit, and by his bearing, he's too weary to fight even that.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    What do you do when someone tells you Big Guns Upstairs doesn't care so much about the swearing in Church? Kurt looks confused, but he's been seeing a lot of strange things in the last twenty minutes.
    "How do you know all of this? How can you know all of this?" brows knitting together again, rosary out once more as his lips periodically move in silent prayer.

Melinda May has posed:
If she were in the habit of it, May would sigh at Castiel's automatically presuming he'll be blamed. "Let me guess. Different schools of thought, misunderstandings, and unintentional offense." It's almost like she deals with this on the regular. "Welcome to another facet of humanity, Castiel. One that most people either can't or won't rise above."

She then hopefully proves that she's at least working on her ability to rise above by looking across to where Kurt is still perched warily. "I suspect this was all a case of misunderstandings. Agent Melinda May." She inclines her head to the fuzzy blue gargoyle in a respectful gesture.

But no, she's not letting on that she's more than just a normal field agent. Not yet.

Daredevil has posed:
Standing Matt answers Kurt's question. "They think they're angels, or they are angels, I don't know."

Seems to have gathered himself to remember his whte and red cane when he moves to the end of the pew. He pauses there, both hands on his cane as he collects his thoughts.

"Castiel, I am not sure what you are, but we need to have a talk soon," he says before he looks to May. "Can I go? I really need a few drinks before I even try to make sense of any of this."

Castiel has posed:
"There were no misunderstandings," Castiel says simply, but he doesn't go into further detail.

Matt's declaration is met with a long look, "We are not devoid of our senses. Neither of us. Nor is that one up near the altar - I know his kind, though he may not have recognized mine yet." His head tilts at an angle towards the 'blind' man. "You heard the Song. You've seen. Would you believe better were I to take your blindness from you?"

There's an almost disgusted noise from the angel, who stands, facing Kurt. "I do not think. I am. Castiel. Once of the Choir. Once of the Lord's Army. Once a trusted General. Told to depart over the folly of saving a human soul from damnation." He has no doubt that had much to do with Michael's whisperings in His ear.

"Behold," he says, and reveals his Glory. Where Hayal sang, all that remains Castiel is the pure essence of the Glory of the Lord, that halo'd about him just like you'd expect. And as suddenly as it was there, it is gone.

Nightcrawler has posed:
Continuing to stare for a moment, jaw dropping open, arms falling. He does what would come naturally to any religious believer that actually believes with every fiber of his being. Kurt sheds a single tear and promptly falls off the wall in a faint.

Melinda May has posed:
May looks at Matt for a long moment, then nods. She wasn't keeping him here in the first place. Though she does make a mental note to drop in on him again at some point soon. But then Cas busts out with his 'party trick', and while she's not seen him actually do that before, she's known the angel long enough that she's able to close her eyes and turn her head away to keep from having to deal with retinal fatigue.

And then Kurt faints and falls to the floor.

She might not be the fastest person in the room, but she reacts almost instantly, hurrying over to check on the now unconscious individual.

Daredevil has posed:
The nod would have been enough to have Matt fleeing for the door, but the sudden flaring of Castiel's grace adds an urgency that wouldn't be there otherwise. It's a rare sight indeed, Matt Murdock running from a church, but there it is. He's gone so quickly the dull thud of Kurt hitting the floor is missed entirely.

A little while later he finds himself taking a bottle home for a good deal of quiet drinking while he tries to sort things out.

Castiel has posed:
Just as quickly as the aura fades, and Kurt faints dead away, Castiel is suddenly *not there* and then *right there* where the prone body is, and momentarily, May as well. The angel kneeling down beside. "Is he well?"

Melinda May has posed:
"I don't see any serious injuries," she tells Cas, though she has no idea how she'd be able to tell if he picked up any bruising from that fall. "But I think perhaps we should get him back to SHIELD Medical to make sure." She leaves is unspoken, but she's less trusting of the general public of late when it comes to people who are visibly different. At least in the Triskelion they'll not judge him by his appearance first.

"Let me go bring around my car."

Castiel has posed:
Castiel doesn't need second urging, not even a half-second snark of was she sure, given the last time he'd ported someone into the Triskelion. And, it seems, he knows exactly where medical is, and has the foresight to pick and empty room to deposit the trio in - Kurt, May, and Castiel no longer in the church, but a recovery room in the Triskelion proper. Castiel having now assured himself by his own measures that Kurt is well, but overcome by what he experienced. Nothing that will do lasting harm.

Okay, so May was going to bring her car around. Ooops. But hey, that's what lower level agents are for, and they're paid to not ask questions. Right?

Melinda May has posed:
May blinks at the sudden change of venue, but once again doesn't sigh and then taps the comm in her ear, requesting Medical staff to their location and to send a junior agent out to bring back her vehicle.

For now, though, they have a new guest to tend to.