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Jimmy's Diner
Date of Scene: 19 June 2019
Location: Out of Character Suite Eight
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Winter Soldier, Rowan Saunders

Winter Soldier has posed:
Buck's a little early....and being who he is, he's snagged the corner booth that lets him see all the entrances and exits at once. Lili's stowed herself under the table and is peeking out cheerfully, pink tongue lolling. She has her foldable water dish between her forepaws, in case she gets thirsty. Buck's a responsible owner.

He looks....strangely out of place in a genuinely civilian environment. The way he moves, the watchfulness in his eyes, though this is a blue-collar diner like any other, right? He's in a long-sleeved t-shirt, jeans worn and faded from their original darkness, and battered boots, a back pack on the bench beside him. Full of benign things, like Lili treats, and then more deadly stuff, too.

Rowan Saunders has posed:
Rowan has left Sonny at home, alas. He is not cleared for diners, and for good reason. He would not sit nicely under the table. He would be greeting other customers and inquiring as to whether or not they really need all that bacon. Rowan looks a little more vulnerable without his dog, somehow. It's not like Sonny is a great protector, but he brings a smile to Rowan's lips, chasing away his normally somewhat pensive countenance.

That smile appears though when he sees Bucky, and he goes to sit across from him. "Hey," he says. "Good morning." He then glances to Lili and says, "Hello, sweet girl." She's working, so he doesn't scruffle her. Back to Bucky, he says, "How's it going?"

Winter Soldier has posed:
"Busy week," he says, with a rueful little grin. And indeed, if Rowan's been paying attention to where on the roster Buck's been, well, there were some oddities. Injured in a mission to Russia, off for a day or two because of that....but somehow, there was a HYDRA base in China cleared where SHIELD backup was summoned by someone using Barnes's codes. He couldn't've gotten there and back in an afternoon, even with the Quinjet, so surely that wasn't him.

But it's only the former he admits to. "Got hurt on a mission. Some of this Sentinel stuff," he says, quietly. "Better now, though. Got another expedition coming up." Now that they can trust him not to snap and be turned against them, SHIELD's got him on a fairly high op tempo. But then, he's an old hand...and one that has to earn his keep, lest the government start suggesting that he be handed over to whatever law enforcement agency wants him.

Rowan Saunders has posed:
Rowan has been paying attention, it turns out. He's not yet privy to all of SHIELD's secrets, but he hears things. He gives Bucky a once-over, just to see how he's doing in light of that injury. "They've got you going all over the place," he says. It's not a complaint, though there's an unspoken question in his eyes: is Bucky okay with all this?

"Sonny has lost two pounds," he says proudly. "And I've got Mom and Dad giving him carrots instead of bacon, so that's some progress. It hasn't been very exciting on my end, but that's all right."

Winter Soldier has posed:
Lili looks up hopefully at the mention of her buddy, and Buck leans down to ruffle her ears. "Yeah," he says, but he doesn't sound displeased about it. "Lotta stuff comin' to a head." He seems all right - no signs of pain, or discomfort. But then, he is what he is, even if he's still not Steve's equal.

Then he grins. "Good," he says. "And I dunno, I'll take quiet. Glad to know the butterball's slimming down a little."

Rowan Saunders has posed:
"So am I," Rowan says. "He looks better, and he's moving around more easily. He's too young to be a couch potato." Though if asked, Sonny would respectfully disagree. "We've made a lot of changes. We got him a puzzle bowl so he won't wolf down his food, and he's supposed to get a cup and a half a day. Mom thought he was supposed to get a cup and a half twice a day. So we stopped that." He shakes his head. His parents spoil that animal.

"I'm really glad to see you," Rowan admits. "I hope you know that, while you're out there, I'm thinking about you, and I'm wishing you well. I worry, but I know you're competent."

Winter Soldier has posed:
Well, bacon has its charms, doesn't it? "What's a puzzle bowl?" he wonders, as he starts pouring sugar into his coffee. That's four packets, down in moments. But then, he's got a metabolism like a reactor.

The second statement makes him pause, sugar packet on the verge of death, held between forefingers and thumbs; the metal hand is concealed by a black glove. "Thanks," he says, after a moment. "I'm lucky in the people I go into the field with. They're real good."

Rowan Saunders has posed:
Rowan pours a little cream into his coffee, no sugar. He has to burn it off like normal folks, alas. "It's a bowl with a textured bottom and some blunt pegs he has to eat around. It makes him eat slower. Otherwise, he just bolts it down."

He smiles, then drops his gaze to his coffee. "Yeah, we've got a good team. I like the people I work with, and you're all doing good work." He stirs his coffee, then sets the spoon aside and wraps his hands around the mug. "Just let me know when you're back in town, okay? If you want, I mean."

Winter Soldier has posed:
"Huh," Buck says, clearly filing that away. A glance down at Lili, who presumably eats like a dainty princess. "Never heard of those before." A faint hint of his old accent - nevah hoyd.

He nods at that, gently. It's ....strange to have someone of this time think that way about him. Someone who has a life that isn't SHIELD and the Island of Misfit Toys.

Rowan Saunders has posed:
Rowan grins a little at that trace of an accent. Rowan's a Brooklyn boy, himself, though he's tempered his accent to something very educated and neutral. Sometimes it slips, though. When he's not at work, anyway. "It's kind of a new thing," he says. "They make them for cats, too, because I guess sometimes cats eat too fast and get sick."

He takes a drink of his coffee. Just in time for the waitress to come around, so he has to hurry up so he can speak. He wants the two-egg breakfast, loaded up with hashbrowns and everything. One does not come to a diner to nibble daintily upon vegetation.

Winter Soldier has posed:
No, no, they don't. Buck orders sausage, biscuits and gravy, hashbrowns, and orange juice. Hey, he remembers when orange juice was a rare thing, kind of a big deal. "I guess so. Man, pet stores now...they're overwhelming," he says, with another glance at Lili. "I take her to one in Manhattan that's like a supermarket and it's full of more things than you can imagine."

Rowan Saunders has posed:
"I know, it's crazy. It used to just be a section at the supermarket," Rowan says. "It's nice, though. I bring Sonny along, and people like him. I have to keep him on a tight leash, though, because those treat aisles are in peril." He smiles crookedly as he says, "I let him pick out his own toys. Isn't that sad? He's so spoiled, but he's my buddy. What else can I do?"

Winter Soldier has posed:
There's that absurd grin from Bucky. "Nah. I let Lili do the same. Why not? She works hard, she lives in an apartment with me, she's helping me take care of a friend who's going through a hard time. Though....did you know that most of Central Park is off leash from six in the morning to nine, or from nine at night until one? I don't need a lot of sleep, so sometimes we go there and play. I even got her a ball that glows in the dark."

Rowan Saunders has posed:
Rowan points out with a gesture of his coffee cup, "The operative phrase there is 'works hard.' I didn't know that about Central Park. Maybe sometime when I'm out looking for crime to fight, I'll bring Sonny with me. Once he slims down some more. I want him to be able to run away if there's trouble, and right now he's at a brisk waddle. But hey, at least it's brisk."

Winter Soldier has posed:
"Yeah, it's nice. I mean, I take her to the actual for-dogs park, but....we just go and run around some. And ....might wanna give that up. You get qualified for field stuff, they'll keep you too busy to go doing vigilante stuff on your own."

Satisfied he's got the coffee sugared with in an inch of its life, he takes a judicious sip

Rowan Saunders has posed:
"If they put me out in the field," Rowan says, "I won't need to go out solo. I genuinely believe in what SHIELD does, and if they want me on missions, I'll be proud to go." He keeps his voice down when he's speaking about SHIELD, which necessitates leaning closer. "If Sonny drops another couple pounds, I'm going to see about getting him certified as a therapy animal. I'm going to see if I can get my mom or dad into the training, too. It might give them something to do, taking him around to hospitals and stuff."

Winter Soldier has posed:
"He'd be a good one," Buck agrees, after another mouthful of coffee. "And I'll talk to May, see if we can't get you out there a little faster." Better than having Rowan maybe run afoul of other heroes....or the cops.

Rowan Saunders has posed:
The waitress comes around and puts their heaping plates before them, then tops off their coffee. Rowan smiles at her and murmurs a thank you. Then he tucks in. There's a lot of breakfast to get through, and he didn't come here to be finicky. "I won't miss going solo," he says. "So much can go wrong. I've never had anything too terrible happen. A few close calls, but I can put a protective bubble around myself, so that keeps me out of danger. But still, if something goes wrong, you're out there by yourself."

Winter Soldier has posed:
"It makes a big difference, knowing you have a competent team at your back," he says, thoughtfully. "I've never been real fond of just...charging out there and getting into trouble. That's always been Steve's job." Buck....isn't being wholly accurate, is he?

Rowan Saunders has posed:
Rowan's brows lift, but then he smiles. "Steve's pretty great, though, you have to admit. You know, before I ended up working with you guys, I got in trouble because I was visiting there to drop off some files from my office, and I saw Steve in the infirmary. He'd been hurt. I went in to visit him. My heart was just broken seeing someone so kind in such rough shape. But a nurse kicked me out and I had to skedaddle."

He spreads some jam on his toast and adds, "I wouldn't be terribly surprised if you'd run in a few times alone. And I'm not saying you get in trouble, but trouble does know your address." He winks.

Winter Soldier has posed:
"Steve is absolutely great, when he's not being a fucking moron. I spent most of that war arguing with him out of one insane thing or another. For a smart guy, he can be a real idiot. But....he is who he is." Buck's tone is fond, despite his commentary.

Then he's finally devoting himself to his breakfast. Very careful about how he eats - paying attention to it. Not just inhaling it like some sort of tasteless rations. "A few times," he concedes. "When I had to."

Rowan Saunders has posed:
Rowan nods a bit, accepting 'a few times' for an answer. "My dad was a Sargeant in the Army," he says. "We were big Captain America fans in our family. My grandfather claimed he met him once. I almost served. I wanted to be a combat therapist, because studies have shown if you treat a soldier while he's still with his unit, he recovers faster. I wanted to nip PTSD in the bud." He sighs quietly. "But I was afraid my mutation would get found out, and I didn't want it to define me, so I just studied psychology in college instead."

Winter Soldier has posed:
"You still can," Buck points out, looking up from his hashbrowns. "I mean, god knows enough people in SHIELD get all kinds of combat fatigue. Most of us have trauma in there, one way or another. Even Steve."

A beat, and he adds, "Especially Steve. Good luck on getting him to admit it."

Rowan Saunders has posed:
Rowan says wryly, "Yeah, he doesn't seem like the type to open up about that kind of thing. Then again, neither do you, but you were able to talk about it." He studies Bucky across the table. "That's really important," he says. "And brave. Reliving it, sometimes multiple times, to unravel it? That's not for cowards. I've been really impressed with you, Bucky."

Winter Soldier has posed:
That clearly bewilders him, enough so that he puts his fork down for a moment. "What?" he says, blankly. "I mean, I gotta do something. Not to...to insult your skills, but....I gotta job to do. I can't....I can't pretend I don't have these problems."

Rowan Saunders has posed:
Rowan says, "Exactly." He's bright-eyed and engaged, excited even. "Do you know how many people think sucking it up and forging ahead is the answer? That it's a weakness to admit you have a problem in the first place? Even my Dad, who totally supports what I do, won't talk about his problems, because 'that's not what men do.' I told him, 'that's not what scared men do.' I mean it, you're brave."

Winter Soldier has posed:
"I mean, yeah, I get it, I grew up with that attitude. But...." Now he's uncomfortable, but he only looks away for a moment, "I can't pretend, y'know? The things that were done, you can't....there was no way to be okay with it. I..." A deep breath. Not getting rolled under by the memories, he won't permit it. "I do what....what I can. But....with those memories....I have to find a way to carry them, or die."

Rowan Saunders has posed:
"You've figured out what too many of our soldiers never do," Rowan says, "and we lose them because of it." He leaves it there, though, since Bucky seems uncomfortable. "If the Director is okay with it, I'll look into being a combat therapist. Being able to make a protective bubble around someone also doesn't hurt, you know? I'm kind of excited by the prospect of getting out there. I'm glad you talked me into fessing up."

Winter Soldier has posed:
There's that smile again, but it's wistful, yet. "Yeah," he says. "I feel so sorry ....and these kids were volunteers. They don't even do conscription like back in the day. But yeah, talk to her. There's a lot of ways you can be useful, and we need someone with the brain and the willingness to be out there....or to help the people that are."

Rowan Saunders has posed:
Rowan says, "I feel like I'm coasting on their backs, because I never signed up. I've lived a nice, cushy civilian life while these people are going out there, coming back sick, and tossed aside." He swallows, then admits, "I had a friend from high school who went to Afghanistan. When he came back, he seemed okay. He said he'd seen some shit, but he was his old, usual self. Then he vague-posted something on Facebook about the fires going out, and I got the call the next day. He hung himself." He exhales sharply and says, "I shouldn't put that on you. I'm just saying. I feel like I owe a debt."

Winter Soldier has posed:
"We all have a responsibility to each other," Buck says, softly. "Civilians to veterans, and vice versa. I feel like some things have improved since my day....but others have gotten worse. We seem to believe in each other less as a people."

Rowan Saunders has posed:
"We've been heading toward division on all fronts for awhile," Rowan says. "It's why I wanted to hide my powers. I don't know anyone else with powers like these, and I didn't want to lose the normality that I had. The family, the picket fence, the dog, the neighborhood. But then I met this amazing guy who convinced me it's better to stand up and be counted." He glances at Bucky, and then at his hashbrowns.

Winter Soldier has posed:
The idea of normality....Buck gets that faintly distant look again. As if he were trying to listen to music on the edge of hearing. "I don't blame you," he says, gently. "But....there're ways of forging a new normal, I guess."

Rowan Saunders has posed:
Rowan nods, and he seems to be contemplating something deeper than his hashbrowns. Which he stabs with a fork and starts eating. "The people who care about me won't stop just because my job title has changed. And my powers are protective. I could help keep people alive in the field. Maybe spare them that pain in the first place. That wouldn't be a bad new normal."

Winter Soldier has posed:
"Exactly," he says, returning to his destruction of sausage and hashbrowns. "It's like....how much can you hide, of yourself? What're the costs of doing so?"

Rowan Saunders has posed:
Rowan casually mentions, "I'm gay." He eats a bit of scrambled egg. Then he laughs and says, "I'm sorry. It's just, you're talking about how much can I hide myself, and the cost of it, and I know you're from a more traditional time, so, yeah. I'm trying to think if there's any more air I need to clear, but I think that's it." He doesn't look Bucky in the eye.

Winter Soldier has posed:
Buck nods. "I figured," he says, simply. "But yeah, that's an example. It's something that isn't bad or good in and of itself. It just is. But....it's what people pin on it, that've given it such a weight. I'm glad to see things changed while I was out, so to speak. I never got it." Then he looks wry. "Though people've gotten a lot stranger about certain things. Like.....when Steve and I were kids, men swam nude. Didn't matter if it was the beach or the pool. Filter systems couldn't handle the swim suit fabric of the time so...." He shrugs. "And about touching their friends. A lot of people now were absolutely convinced that Steve and I were lovers, because the stuff that was neutral back when is now explicitly sexual."

Rowan Saunders has posed:
"People are so hung up on not seeming too close," Rowan says. "It's kind of a shame, because intimacy is important, whether or not it's sexual. That kind of friendship is rare these days, and it shouldn't be." He pokes at his hashbrowns with his fork. "I'm going to level with you, Bucky. I do find you attractive, and I hope that doesn't make you uncomfortable."

Winter Soldier has posed:
"It was rare even then, but....people accepted it more when they saw it," He picks up a napkin, wipes idly at his lips. "No, doesn't make me uncomfortable." He seems simply matter of fact.

Rowan Saunders has posed:
Okay, that wasn't painful, so Rowan trudges ahead, "And if you ever wanted to go on a date, that would be great. If not, that's cool. We can just pretend this part of the conversation never happened."

Winter Soldier has posed:
Rowan can see the connection happen, like a switch being flipped. Where it goes from 'are gay people a problem for you in the abstract' to 'this may be personally relevant in terms of what you do or don't want to do.' But at least the refusal isn't personal. "Nah, thanks," he says, shaking his head. "I don't date. I don't do anything like that." There's no rancor or disgust - just as matter of fact about that.

Rowan Saunders has posed:
Rowan nods quickly and says, "Okay. I don't really date either, but that's what you're supposed to do when you like someone." He takes up his coffee in both hands. "I'm not really out, not to my parents, not at work. I know it's something weird to be hung up on, but..."

Winter Soldier has posed:
"I won't tell anyone. That...that's for you to tell who you want," he says. Buck's voice is gentle. "And....it's still....hard to be honest about something like that."

Rowan Saunders has posed:
"It's just that I'm a quiet person, you know? I like having my routine, with my dog and my job. I compartmentalize, and... and I'm really embarassed right now, so I'm going to stop talking."

Winter Soldier has posed:
"Nothing to be embarrassed about," He's laid down his fork, is looking at Rowan across the table, levelly. "You don't have to do anything you don't want. You don't owe anyone that. It's your private life."