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Latest revision as of 00:15, 14 August 2019

Shoe to Kill
Date of Scene: 16 June 2019
Location: Mall - Salem Center
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Mila Mitchell, Fiona Glenanne

Mila Mitchell has posed:
    "My name is Mila Mitchell, and I'm... well, I'm not sure what I am anymore." says a young girl's off-screen voice, broken by emotion but managing to retain enough composture as appropriate for social interaction. While she speaks, the visuals fade to an establishing shot of the Salem Centre, the upscale mall at Westchester.

    "All I know is what I was, and that what I was is no more," continues the voice, as the camera cuts between the crowd of shoppers taken from various angles. It eventually settles on a portion of the crowd wearing generally dark and desaturated colours, providing a sharp contrast for a dark-haired girl in her late teens, sporting a white jacket and light blue jeans. "That's me, two weeks ago," continues the voiceover. "Not a care in the world."

    The on-screen Mila looks down at her watch, and taps it once. "Perfect," she grins, smugly. "Three minutes past eleven. I have exactly twenty-three minues minutes to choose and buy shoes, six minutes to wait in line and pay, a three minutes buffer just in case of snags, and and three minutes to walk over to the pizza place to join the girls." As she juts her chin upwards with the most satisfied of smiles and takes a sharp turn to push the glass door into a shop named 'Shoe-In', the voiceover resumes, "Well, okay, maybe I did have one care in the world. I may have been a bit obsessed with punctuality. But, as said, that is now past me. Since the incident," and her voice cracks a bit more at the word, "that took place two weeks, seven hours, fifty-two minutes and thirty-three seconds ago, my life was so devastated I have not once again worried about such trifleties."

Fiona Glenanne has posed:
There's the clicking of heels as Fiona Glennan, resident bomb artist, shoe collector, gun runner....and...bounty hunter has come to the mall. She's got cash to burn from a job, and has come here to get shoes. Well, lots of things but shoes are top of her list. Because, let's face it...poking a drug lord's eye out with a stiletto heel ruined, just /ruined/ that pair of heeels. Now she needs new ones, and she's here. Today she's changed up her outfit to be easier to move in, t-shirt, jeans, ankle boots, and a zipped up coat. She's brought a gun along, because....if you tick off Ireland, and ex-IRA people, you never know when they'll strike. Still, Fi's smart, and she's absolutely in the mood for shoes and shopping. With her boots thudding on the floor of the mall, Fiona steps through it casualy. She could be anyone in her attire. Stepping in behind Mila, Fiona's eyes light up at the shoes. Shoes! Lots! Lots of shoes! She's happy, she does adore her shiny things...but.....shoes, she loves her shoes. And this is like heaven to her, really.....as she is definitely pleased. She shakes her head and looks amused, then impressed, then downright enraptured by the shoes. Giddily she goes up to a shelf and, much like a kid in acandy store....can't decide which to look at first. The stilettos....the formal shoes.....oooh, what about......^r
She's lost in shoe heaven, and looks an odd sight, really, Fiona's pretty much squealing over shoes. Alright, maybe not /squealing/ but she's certainly all excited and happy. Fi's quietly enjoying the shoes in her own unique way. Which is.....pretty much drooling over all the shoes. She wants them /all/. Sadly she can't buy them all, They won't fit in her closet....

Mila Mitchell has posed:
    "All I knew," continues the voiceover, "is that my sneakers were this close to falling apart. I was not really into shoes, and replaced them only when strictly needed to. Buying new shoes felt more like a chore than a pleasure, unlike what must have been going on with the lady behind me. Lady which, I admit, I did not really notice right then. I was a young and innocent, with only one care in the world."

    The on-screen Mila looks around, and heads towards the sports section. She approaches a woman wearing a staff uniform from behind, and with a raised finger, she starts, "Excuse me-" she says, and the woman turns, revealing that she has pitch black eyes, and a couple of very small antlers protruding from her forehead. "Yes, Ma'ma?", asks the clerk.

    The on-screen Mila grimaces, and instinctively pulls back. "...I was looking for the formal shoes section, but I think I've found them," she blurts out, without a thank you or a goodbye, and, holding her breath as if the plague was in the air, makes a beeline for where Mila is salivating.

    "Well, okay, I might have had two cares in the world," resumes the voiceover. "I... I mean, it's pretty common to be suspicious of mutants, right? Most people are. Who... who wouldn't? I mean.. It's..." her voice cracks more and more, and some strange, eerie sounds, warbling and pulsating, with a steady growth in intensity can be heard in the background.

    "...Sorry, sorry," eventually comes from off-screen, followed by a sniffle as the sounds quickly subside. "...bad Mila. No. No introspection. Focus on the facts. Just the hard, cold facts. I was... I was... Right. I decided to wait until the mutant clerk was busy with some other customer before checking out the area. And the formal shoes area was as good a place as any other..."f

Fiona Glenanne has posed:
Fi's looking over the formal shoes, though she's sat there and is just staring at them now looking hungry like she wants /all/ the shoes. She looks hopeful that she can get the shoes she wants as she's looking around with a groan, then shakes her head. She can't have all the shoes? She'll pick the ones she wants then.....Fiona gets up and looks over with a sigh, the sort of sigh that's all sorts of 'I want these shoes but I want all the nice shoes' type of sign. Fiona gets up to inspect more shoes. She's picked several out, and has quite a few shoes around her, and she's checking them out, holding them up and turning them in her hands, staring at the shoes then putting them back again as Fi pouts and looks over with a sigh. These so aren't the shoes she wants. Still though she's gone up a shelf. RThese are more like it. Formal....and functional. She grabs a pair of sleek stylish black, silver and gray ones and puts the box in her lap, all but cradling it. Shoes!

Mila Mitchell has posed:
    "I waited, and waited, but the mutant clerk was there to stay," continues the voiceover. "No way I was going to be served by a... well... freak."

    Shifting her weight from one foot to the other, she alternated between watching the clerk the way one watches a kettle of water expecting it to boil, and averting her gaze while scrunching her nose.

    The screen Shows Mila during one of her staring phases, as she subconsciously takes a couple of steps backwards. "I was young and innocent, with only two cares in the world..." resumes the voiceover, while Mila takes short steps backwards, away from the sneaker section, eventually bumping lightly into Fiona.

    "Oh, I'm sorry!", blurts out the on-screen Mila. "I was too busy not looking at people and ended up not seeing you."

    "Well, okay, maybe I did worry a bit about my utter failure at articulating sentences in a way that did not make me sound like a complete lunatic."

Fiona Glenanne has posed:
$r"Ah shit" Fiona yells as the shoes clatter out of her hands and she goes down on her ankle to retrieve them. There's a pop and her ankle twists in a way ankles really, really shouldn't. Fiona looks like she's in pain, but she gathers up her shoes and hobbles a few paces away, cradling those precious, precious shoes. "Oww" Fiona winces, "My precious shoes" she says and leans by a chair, hobbling her way back over to Mila. "Don't worry about it" she says and takes a deep breath, "I'm okay. I'm okay" Fiona says....not that she's too convincing, given her ankle's twisted, and in pain, but....she's okay...in her own head at least.

Mila Mitchell has posed:
Mila Mitchell says, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry! I did not mean to do that! Can I help you in some way?", she asks rushing over to Fiona and then stopping and walking backwards. "No, no, wait, I've done enough for today. Bad Mila. Don't be an idiot." After a moment of awkward silence, she says, "That's me, by the way." She hurries to add, "...Mila, I mean. Not 'an idiot'." With every step towards digging herself deeper, she also takes a step backwards, eventually stumbling against a stool, and falling backwards. "I'm okay, I'm okay!", she whimpers, wincing, while lying down with her legs sticking up, in a desperate attempt to scramble back to her feet, thwarted by her being currently stuck bottom-first into some sort of hole between a stool and a few display racks.

Fiona Glenanne has posed:
Fiona shakes her head. "Mila is it?" she asks and leans against the wall again, and hobbles to the counter. "I'm okay. I'm okay" Fiona says and looks worried. "I'm okay. I'm okay" Fi reassures Mila. Then....shoes win out. Fi sort of hops her way to the counter and pays for her shoes, sort of.....just leaning there and relaxing a little. "Are you okay?" Fi calls over to Mila.

Mila Mitchell has posed:
Mila Mitchell says, "It is Mila. And your name is... Okay? How is that spelled? O-K-A-Y-E? O-A-K-E-Y?" Having finally managed to get back on her feet, she stares and goes deadpan. "...it's not really your name and you were just saying you're good, weren't you? Oh goodness." She hides her face in her hands.

Fiona Glenanne has posed:
#-1 ARGUMENT OUT OF RANGEFiona shakes her head. "No no. I'm Fiona. F. I. O. N. A." she says spelling it out, literally. "I'm good though Mila, I'm good. Just gotta get my leg checked out. Took a fall on it when you bumped me. I'm fine though" Fi says with her new York accent intact. more than can be said for her leg, really.....as Fi shakes her leg and looks distinctly green around the gills. She won't hurl, here, in /this/ shoe store. At least....not in front of people Unfortunately.....she's not got that luxury as she looks like she's about to hurl, more due to pain than anything. At least she's not puking on the clerk, thankfully. She's hobbled over to find a trash can....or something similar, to puke into. Not that she's doing it quietly, mind. Fiona's letting the entire coast from Maine, to Florida, know /somebody/ is being violently sick. Fi's just....not subtle in anything. Way to go, Fiona....

Mila Mitchell has posed:
Mila Mitchell , torn between the instinct to help and the instinct to flee, teeters between dashing to Fiona's help and scarpering. When the Irish woman gives Mila her back, the later dashes back to the sneakers' area. Nope. Not taking any of that upchuck stuff. That's the grossest thing ev-

That is when Mila notices the mutant about to turn and look her way.

    She freezes in terror, for a moment, and then does a 180, darting back to where Fiona is. "...let me help you!", she says, and grabs what she believes to be a large, empty shoe box, discarded while someone tries them on, or possibly has already bought without the packaging, and hands the cardboard container to Fiona.

Fiona Glenanne has posed:
Fiona nods silently, being in mid puke stream when Mila offers to help. Fi turns her head and like a machine gun, sprays vomit across the store. This is what pain does....as Fiona's swearing every other word. She's sounding like a sailor that can't keep her puke or word choice down to reasonable, or family friendly levels. Impressively, or worryingly, the clerk's coming over and 'escorting' Fiona over to the door and calling for an EMT to check on Fi. Fi's gently sat by the door, and given a bucket full of sand. If anything, that just totally and utterly ruined the store's fire code status. Maybe the clerk's hoping throwing Fiona's puke on the fire will get the fire to cringe and die out? Once Fiona's quit hurling, she gets her breath back and nods a thanks to the clerk, then looks around for Mila. "Hey, Mila!" she calls. "You okay?"

Mila Mitchell has posed:
"I was shocked, confused, covered in some other woman's breakfast, fourteen minutes and thirty-five seconds behind schedule, and I /still/ hadn't gotten new shoes," narrates the voiceover. "But at least, I had managed to stay away from that... /mutant/. Heh. Imagine the irony." The image of Mila trying to remain stoical in the face of adversity can be seen, and she eventually breaks her stolid countenance to try and comfort Fiona with a hug. "There, there. Don't worry about it. It's things that happen." The astute observer will notice that, besides a honest attempt at comfort, Mila is also trying to rub some puke off onto the back part of Fiona's clothes, the only section that got no puke on it. "...it's okay. If you want, we can get cleaned together, maybe get new outfits, something like that?"

Fiona Glenanne has posed:
Fi shakes her head. "Sure, sure, why not?" she asks sarcastically....well aware of what Mila was up to. "You gonna help out and split the cost then?" she asks and is smart enough to rub the back of her clothes on a wall....as Fiona slumps back down and sort of....just....slumps against Mila, then smiles.

Mila Mitchell has posed:
Mila Mitchell says, "...nope. I'm about to start college. I'm gonna have enough cash sucked out of me already" She sighs, and slumps back.