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After Shower Scene
Date of Scene: 17 June 2019
Location: Suite A2 OPEN, The Triskelion
Synopsis: In which Thor takes a shower and Darcy sees him naked. Or All Myths are True, More or Less.
Cast of Characters: Darcy Lewis, Thor

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Thor is in Darcy's shower. Darcy is in her living room with his armored vest. Grabbing it with both arms, she grunts, lifitn giwth her legs to get it onto her coffee table. Thank ful she likes her sweat pants stupid large, Darcy finds one of the biggest she owns, and heads to the bathroom after she can hear the water running. She knocks loudly twice before calling out: "I'm coming in to drop off pants. I'll get the rest of yourself out so we can get it washed. The fabric's machine washable, right?"

All said as she's pushing into the steamy little room so she can set the sweats on the closed toliet seat and collect whatever of Thor's clothing was discarded on the floor.

Thor has posed:
    "Aye," Thor acknowledges when he hears Darcy warn of her impending entrance. "It's your bathroom, Darcy Lewis! Who be I to deny you entry!?"

    Inside, she might spy the faint, hazy silhouette of Thor in the shower, stooped over to allow the water to run down the back of his skull, and down his spine and dripping from his spikey blonde bangs. His hands work vigorously, smearing body wash over his chest and stomach. Judging by the amount of steam in the room already, the Thunderer likes to keep the water on all heat, no cold.

    "Nay, I'm afraid my battle garb is not suitable for machine washing. I will take care of it, you have done more than enough," He says, as he rears back, letting the stream from the showerhead rinse his torso clean of the soapy froth that runs down it.

    And then he turns the water off and steps out. No sort of compulsion to hide his nude form. No sense of shame or shyness. He simply grabs a towel from the rack and lifts it to his face to begin drying his beard. "If you can just put them in a garbage bag that will be rather fine, I think."

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Who is he to deny her entry? The one taking the shower. It's polite to let that poerson say not to come in. She has to pause a moment because the steams hits her glasses and fogs them up. Shoving them up the bridge of her nose with a finger, Darcy chuckles as she stoops down to start collecting things. By the time she's got it all piled up in her arms - and now she's going to need to change and wash her hands - Thor's done with the shower. And he just steps out with no shame.

Nor should he have any. He is built like a God, after all. He IS a god. And Darcy's a warm blooded woman with a healthy libido. Her head tips to the side to take a moment to appreciate the view he's giving.

"Still all muscly and everything," she quips, a smirk on her lips.

"I'll have to dobule bag this shit," she says, agreeing to what he wants her to do with his things. A moment later and her eyes come up to give him a pleased with herself little smile, before she turns away and takes all the things back to the living room. There, as Thor finishes up in the bathroom, Darcy gets the double trash bags and starts packing away his armor, ending up with a smudge of soot up the bridge of her nose, across her brow, and on one cheek.

"I was going to watch some TV if you wanted to stay and hang out. Or not, if you've got important god-things to do. Whatever's gravy with you."

Thor has posed:
    "Hm?" Thor asks, lifting his face from the towel when Darcy comments on being "all muscly". He looks down and rolls one shoulder with a shrug, which, of course, does send a ripple of languid movement throughout that chiseled physique. "Ah. I suppose it is so. One must remain in good form to battle giants and trolls, after all. Or giant robots and supervillains, as the case may be."

    His lips curve with a bright smile, as he begins toweling off the rest of his body, starting with his densely muscled arms. Her comment about double bagging makes him scowl in thought, as if confused. Head canting to one side, he remarks, "I do believe that Stark once told me that double bagging it made both more prone to breaking. If one should feel the need to double bag, one should simply look for another lady."

    After she does leave, just a few seconds later, the Asgardian comes walking out of the bathroom wearing her oversized sweats, which on him, still seem a bit snug. The ends of the pants legs only reach about the middle of his shin, and the fabric strains against the powerful muscles of his thighs. The towel is half draped across his broad shoulders, while he still uses it to scrub at his short, spiky hair, drying it. Peering up at the television, the Thunderer gives an upnod. "I can spare a bit of time. What shall we watch?"

Darcy Lewis has posed:
When Thor oh so innocently repeats what Stark told him, Darcy nearly drops everything to laugh.

"Oh, god. Thor, baby... no. I meant.. Oh Jesus. Put some clothes on, I'll explain in a bit." And with that she went off to double bag, laughing the whole time. When he walks in, she show him: two bags.

"Tony was talking about condoms. I was talking garbage bags, like you asked me to," she says, still giggling.

"I was going to just channel surf my recommends on Netflix but now that you're here... the urge to put on Say Yes to the Dress is so strong right now," Darcy says, moving to the kitchen to wash her hands of the soot from his clothes.

Thor has posed:
    "Of course that's what Stark meant..." Thor says, sounding not at all surprised by this revelation. Still, he dons a grin about it, and then strides over to fall onto Darcy's sofa rather unceremoniously, half tipping over onto his side, and then easing himself down to lay on his back with his legs bent over the arm of it. Folding one hand behind his head, he turns his copper and blue eyes towards her, as she mentions her idea about what to watch. Clearly, by the look on his face, he has no idea what on Midgard that show might be about. He seems to be trying to suss it out in his head.

    "Is that a wedding show, because if so, I can surely state that I am not particularly in the mood."

    Ruined engagements and all.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Then it waits until you're in a better mood. Maybe as a way to get you and your brother laughing together? Sorry. It's from a story of you guys, one of those myth things that just -sounds- like something one brother would do to another just to annoy him, and which I'm pretty sure didn't -actually- happen," Darcy says, with out even worrying baout it. She slips toward her bedroom to change into a different long shirt, and put on panties, because that's a thing, before she comes back and motions for Thor to life his head just enough so she can sit down. A pat to her thigh is an invitation to use her leg as a pillow.

"There's Nailed It. Its a stupid baking show were every day people try to recreate some really crazy awesome cakes made by professional bakers and chefs with way less time than the professionals had and sometimes it's not bad and other times it's just terrible. Or there's Great British Baking Show. I like that one better than Nailed It, because these are amateur home bakers, but they have loads of experience and they get to study their bakes and everyone's super friendly and helpful and so wonderfully British that my poor American heart is like 'oh! ya'll're darling!'." she rambles happily, grabbing her bowl of popcorn to set on Thor's stomach so he can have some and she has a 'table' for it in easy reach. Remote in hand, she starts through the queue for one of those two shows.

Thor has posed:
    "Oh! Really? I always find the tales Midgardians tell of the Asgardians, especially myself, entertaining to hear. I particularly enjoy the one where I drank the sea level down," Thor muses with a whimsical smile flitting across his lips, as he looks off with a distant look, as if imagining that scenario playing out in his mind's eye.

    Without need for words or further prompting, Thor lifts his head and shoulders off of the seat of the couch, as if doing a crunch, his chest and abdominal muscles tensing and being marked with deep, sharp grooves delineating each one.

    "British Baking it is!" He declares after her rambling, as he settles his head down on her thigh, and reaches down to fish a few kernels of popcorn out of the bowl, and drop them into his yawning maw. As he chews, his eyes focus on the screen, and he mentions casually, "Daryll and I used to watch a lot of Chopped when we were flatmates. I rather enjoyed that one, but it is on Hulu."

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Darcy chuckles at the Tales of Thor on Midgard. "Yes, really. Apparently, Mewmew got taken by some giants, so Loki convinced you it'd be a good idea to dress you up as a bride to sneak you in to his castle to get your hammer back. It was silly and stupid and I'm telling you? Complete practical joke material. Especially, since you went along with it, no matter how annoyed you were getting at this giant dude hitting on you. You waited until he brought Mewmew out as a gift, and then you grab-wham!"

With the show selected, Darcy settles in for TV time, Thor's head on her lap. One hand noms on popcorn, the other idly cards through his hair, her nails gently scrapping at his scalp. She's not a sit silently and watch person either. She had a CONVERSATION with the people on the TV, emphatically telling them when they've missed a step and giving them her opinion on the ingredients. She's cheering each of them on, and bemoans when someone's sent home.

Thor has posed:
    "Ooooh," Thor says with recognition after she mentions the whole bridal thing. His shoulders shrug and he simply says, "It wasn't Mjolnir, but that did, more or less, happen."

    As the show starts, Thor does go more or less silent, with the sole exception of the thunderous chuckle here and there, or an exclamation of "C'MON!" when someone he thought was clever gets the boot. But more or less, he's a passive participant, content to let Darcy take the lead in guiding the people on screen to whatever fates they might meet.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Two shows back to back. It's binge watching, afterall. Darcy had had a good laugh at the story being more or less truth, finding that - at least for that myth - she likes Thor's jerk of a little brother's sense of humor. She still wants to hit him on the head with a rolled up newspaper for the whole New Mexico thing, though. WIth the popcorn gone, Darcy pauses the show before the third episode can start.

"Just checking in, if you need to go or if you wanna stay longer and need more popcorn. Because while I'm really enjoying myself, I'm getting tired and I'd be completely okay falling asleep under you and then just snoring on the sofa when you had to leave," she says, looking down at the god on her lap.

Thor has posed:
    "If you tire, then I shall take my leave of you, Darcy," Thor says, as he pulls the now empty bowl from his stomach and sets it aside on the floor. Then, with a groan, the God of Thunder lifts himself up to a seated position and slides around to place his feet on the floor.

    "We should do this again, though. Perhaps next time, you can invite your friend," Thor mentions, his brow furrowing as he struggles to recall the name he was given. "... What was her name... Lady Nachos!"

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Lady... Nachos...? Darcy frowns in complete and utter confusion, head shaking until ... "OH! Ram!" because her lsat name sounds like Nachos. Didn't Darcy make that exabt same joke? She giggles, pushing up also and collecting the bowl from the floor.

"Totes. We'll make it movie night," she adds on a grin before turning to Thor and holding her arms out for a hug.

"Alright. Shoo. I had a great time. It's wonderful to hang with you. I'll pray for you to stop by for the next TV night unless you happen to be walking by. Take care of yourself, kay big man? Some of us like you and shit."