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WHen you meet a God
Date of Scene: 18 June 2019
Location: Clint and Skye's, Greenwich Village
Synopsis: In which Skye meets Thor, Darcy's true codename is revealed, and Skye doesn't realize her bestie ratted her out. Or This is why SHIELD HR Department cries during yearly Sexual Harassness renewal training.
Cast of Characters: Darcy Lewis, Quake, Thor, Melinda May

Darcy Lewis has posed:
The call went something like this: "Hey, Shitcode. You home?" Yes. But Darcy knew that because she was already walking up to the door. Why? "Oh. No reason." knock knock. WTF. "Cause... I wanna talk with you, hang out, you know.. things...."

None of that should seem odd, nor should the sudden rumble of thunder that rang out a minute before Skye's phone rang worry you. Nope. All is right with the world, and Darcy is standing on Skye's doorstep with her phone to her ear and a too wide grin on her face.

"...and introduce you to someone." Darcy pulls the phone away, the call still connected. Her arms shrug, palms out and open. "Surprise?"

Quake has posed:
Of course Skye was home. Skye was doing all the last minute code fiddles for the attack on Zola's base. She'd worked herself up into something of a frantic worry that they'd forgotten something, but so far every check and balance she'd run had come up all system's go. Skye knew it was last minute jitters given all that was riding on this mission, but that didn't make them any easier to bear.

When their front door opens, Darcy and her guest are treated to a most unusual sight: The inside of Chez Miscreant looks to have been temporarily converted to a science lab - computers and other high tech machines all over the place, humming and thrumming and spewing out data.

Skye hasn't quite made it off the couch yet, caught sitting with her laptop open, phone still in hand, blinking at Darcy. It was a measure of her distraction that she hadn't heard the other walking up to her own front door. Skye makes a mental note to not let that happen again.

"Okay. Uh.. geez, come in and shut the door. The naighbours don't need to see the mess." Skye tries to make it a joke, like their housekeeping is abymsal, but mostly the neighbours don't need to see the science lab.

Thor has posed:
    When the door opens, and Skye sees Darcy, the Thunder God is just outside of sight, standing next to the door. It's only when Darcy makes that gesture that the King of New Asgard leans over, peeking his head in with a bright eyed, open mouthed smile, with one waving hand.

    "Hello! It is I, Thor Odinson, God of Thunder, The Lightning-Bringer, Fear of the World Serpent, and King of New Asgard! I understand that you are Skye?"

    Thor steps out from around the doorframe, his hulking form dwarfing Darcy whom he strides behind. After all, he is not inclined to step into someone's home as a guest of a guest, without the initial guest first doing so.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Close the door. Okay, Boss! Darcy motions Thor inside, squeezes around him enough to close the door, then merrily picks her way through the oh so familiar surroundings of too many home made cracks out electronics going crazy things to numbers and spitting out screenfuls of brain melting symbols.

"Thor, Skye but I call her Shitcode, because reasons. You shouldn't call her Shitcode," Darcy's rambling, pausing to lean into one of the monitors. Yup. Still brain melty.

"Skye, Thor. God of Thunder, yadda yadda, what he said. I like to call him Sparky," she says as she straightens up and smiles at Skye.

"You need a break from the Matrix, my darling. Come, let Momma Darce pry the laptop from you without breaking it and let's go to your kitchen so i can raid your fridge and maybe get somethng more in you than... jesus, is this a day old Cup-o-Noodles? Fuck, Shitcode. Seriously? How are you even an adult!" All as she's trying to physically coax the laptop from Skye and yes, haul her to the kitchen.

Quake has posed:
Of course Skye invites Thor in! Even if it's just to get the front door closed.

Skye chuckles at Darcy. "Gee, thanks. Nice to know I get a normal name for point-zero-five seconds flat before everyone calls me Shitcode. Love you too, Glittertits. Dare I ask what I owe the pleasure to?"

Of course Darcy is telling her why, leaving Skye protesting, "Uh.. you know we're on the edge of things right? And I spent all of last night with one of the.. powereds we rescued." She almost slipped up and said Inhumans. And nearly mentioned the mission. Whether Skye agreed or not, she likely did need the break, and something other than that cup-o-ramen she'd made.. oh god sometime around breakfast.. and hadn't eaten.

"Totally not an adult, that's how." Skye is coaxed to the kitchen, but not without the laptop. Compromise!

Thor has posed:
    Thor ventures in after Darcy, letting his gaze drift from oddity to oddity, picking his way over things, and sweeping the ends of his cape up in his fist so that it doesn't catch or snag on something. Because yes. He's wearing a cape. And armor. Black leather across a chest that's as wide as a door, and glistening silver scales with a faint blue-pearl sheen down a pair of arms that are as thick as old tree trunks. As he peers at some electronic doohickey, he gives a curt nod to Darcy's eloquent introduction.

    "It's an honor, Not-Shitcode."

    He didn't call her shitcode. However! Skye's retort to Darcy has the Asgardian crack a single booming peel of laughter. He even clutches his gut with one hand and points at Darcy with the other. "GLITTERTITS! Because of the jewelry that Lady Nachos purchased for you! That is classic!"

    He follows to the kitchen, just listening to the banter, but for now remaining quiet. Let the ladies have their Sisterhood of the Traveling Geeks moment, while he just plays the imposing but gorgeous backdrop. Or something to that effect.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Oh! Skye thinks Darcy is here to give her a break and care for her? That makes Thor...what? Darcy's sous chef?

Thor! Making a fucking mushroom risotto, Big Boy! Ala Gordon Ramsey.Thor's reaction to Skye's nickname for her has Darcy laughing.

"No, actually, but that totes works too. It's cuz I had glitter on my ...no, yo know what.. I like your reason better. I am Glittertits cuz I've got a quarter karat of diamond fucking plantinum rings in this babies. Damn right they glitter," Darcy says, cupping her small hands under her not small chest very proudly. She will have to let Thor tell Ram about this name. Ram'd get a kick out of it.

As for the laptop, Darcy's willing to compromise, letting Skye keep the laptop as she herds the hacker into the foodspace and stirs her to sit on a stool.

"I'm here to annoy you. Really, it's Thor that wanted to talk at you," she tells her gal friend, unphased by the name Glittertits. Instead, she smiles at Thor, and like the worse wingman ever, gives him a too bright thumbs up.

"Go get 'em, tiger!"

And with that Darcy dives into the fridge to see what she can make for Skye to eat. Humming a song from Man o War.

How do you hum heavy metal? Carefully.

Quake has posed:
Darcy is just given a shake of head, as much to say she'll remember this, but the grin that accompanies that head-shake says no ill will is born. Thor is told, "Don't mind the electronics, but try not to set off anything." Thunder. Lightning. Touching a do-hickey. All of it would be bad at this juncture, all things considered.

"Beer is in the fridge. You might find food in there," Skye instructs. "Already ate the last of the postickers so you're out of luck there, and he does?"

Now Thor is regarded again, with some curiousity. "Not often people want to meet me specifically."

Thor has posed:
    "What? Oh. Right," Thor says, looking up a little surprised when Darcy finally gets around to giving the reason for them to have come here anyway. He was just about to touch something when an arc of lightning shot from it to his finger. Not that he'd mind. His eyes, one as blue as the clear summer skies, and the other a gleaming shade of copper, like a polished penny, turn on to Skye. He clears his throat.

    "Well, then..." He starts, clasping his hands in front of his waist, fingers steepled together somewhat awkwardly, before he spreads them out to his sides. "I suppose there is no way to convey this with any manner of tact. Or more aptly, such oratory skill is beyond my measure, and more the realm of my kin. However..."

    Thor's brow broods over his eyes as he scowls in thought. "Recently, we had a visitor from afar at the Avengers Mansion. Someone from... afar. It turns out that she was looking to meet someone. Someone with SHIELD. So, I asked my good friend Darcy here if anyone fit the measure of the person she sought."

    Thor holds his hands out towards Skye, palms open, flashing a bright smile. As if he was just presenting Skye with a surprise gift of a new car. "Turns out it is you!"

Darcy Lewis has posed:
In the fridge, Darcy 'hides'. There's not really much in there, but she finds a few things, and combined with stuff from the cupboard, Darcy thinks she can make something. Don't mind her! Just a fly on the wall making Skye some food.

Quake has posed:
"Someone looking for me?" Skye tilts her head at Thor, then at Darcy, then back at Thor again. "Okay, you found me, but who the hell is looking for me in such a roundabout way?" As far as most things go, anyone looking for Skye usually had a good grasp on how to get ahold of her. This was more than a little interesting to her.

"Dare I ask how you described me?" Because she was sure that there was a story there. Maybe a couple.

Thor has posed:
    "Well, it is a convoluted story, by any measure, and I am no teller of tales."

    That was a bold faced lie if ever there was one.

    Thor's mountainous shoulders rise and fall with a deep shrug, his scaled armor rustling with a metallic clinking sound as he does so. He finds a place to lean against a counter, folding his arms across his chest, as he speaks.

    "If the story is to be taken for true, these people are a nation not of Midgard. They monitor for certain activity. Power signatures, she spoke. They found one, something to do with someone who could create seismic activity. Tracking it, they were able to determine that someone was in the care of SHIELD. They approached the Avengers to plead aid in this matter. They wished to know if this... if you were alright. Or if you were captive."

    A momentary pause, and the Thunder God continues. No teller of tales, indeed.

    "With regards to the "roundabout" way, it was, as she presented it, an extra measure of precaution. They know that the Avengers have ties to SHIELD but are not OF SHIELD. They had hoped that we might be able to mediate the situation, so that there would be no misunderstandings or needless hostility. She claimed that they only wished to seek you out, so that they might offer you a place among them, and give you training and protection under their guidance."

    With that, Thor winces, and says, in a rather tiny voice, "So, surprise? It appears as though you are not human?"

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Darcy stays quiet. Maybe everyone will forget that she had any hand in this. She going to finish making this meal for Skye then slide it in front of her friend without a word and maybe non one will remember she was there.

Quake has posed:
Skye is torn between facepalming, and laughing her head off, because it's a beautifully convoluted tale, and more like one she, herself, would have embarked upon. But, if they were looking for someone who bore that signature, unless there were two of her, Thor had found the right person... Which also meant these were not of her mother.

The question was, where did they stand on matters. After Juan's story, Skye had more than enopugh reason to be cautious - even with other Inhumans.

"Well," Skye says, pondering what to tackle first. "I think you found me. And, much as it pains me to have to agree, no, I'm not completely human. Nor am I captive. Or in need of rescuing - but I would very much like to meet this person."

Thor has posed:
    "Aye. Then settled it is," Thor proclaims, giving a nod of finality to the matter. "The Avengers can offer to mediate, and provide protection, though we do think that this person means no ill will. It seems as though this people would like to introduce themselves to Midgard and its many peoples. Become a part of the community. Though, that might be a bias read by my own experience."

    Thor looks between Skye and Darcy, and does that awkward no-lip smile thing, before clapping his hands together. "Well, that is it, then. If you should like to meet this person, then I would suggest reaching out to one of the Avengers. Not I, for I am rather unreliable for such things, what with New Asgard and all that. I might suggest Janet, though. Rogers is always a good choice, as well."

Darcy Lewis has posed:
And Darcy slides the food in front of Skye, happy that Skye's isn't mad that it was in essence Darcy who ratted her out. Still there's a worry, and it's got the normally boisterous woman holding her tongue.

Quake has posed:
It might occur to Skye later that Darcy ratted her out, not that she was likely to scold her friend in front of someone who wasn't one of the team, but at this moment she's still caught up in the news of being sought out, and how specifically she was identified. It hadn't occurred to the young Agent that anyone would be looking for other Inhumans. Then again, until recently she'd thought herself rather alone in that category. This, and Juan's information, had opened up whole new vistas of thought to Skye, ones she hadn't quite had time to sort through, what with the upcoming mission and all. Which was maybe just as well.

"I don't know Janet," Skye says thoughtfully. She did know of her, however. "Cap would do if he's willing. Then again, I could just walk up to the mansion myself." It had been a long time since she'd last done that, but Clint had been a member at one time. She wasn't a complete stranger to the mansion. "Is there anything else I should know?"

Melinda May has posed:
As is normal for her, May just lets herself into Skye and Clint's home and ghosts through the living room on her way to the kitchen, bag of groceries in hand. If she's surprised to see any of the current occupants here, she doesn't let it show. By that same token, she also doesn't butt into the conversation at hand and instead simply starts quietly unloading and putting away the items she brought in. (Yes, Skye, frou-frou beer is included in the delivery.)

Thor has posed:
    As May walks in, Thor turns his attention on to her for a moment. Just watching. Quietly. And then, after a long moment, a pregnant silence, he turns his head and answers Skye. "Nay. At least, nothing that The God of Thunder may provide. I do believe that everything else will be made clear when you meet the one known as Crystalia. She is the representative of this people."

    Thor glances again to May, and then to Darcy, and then to Skye. His lips curl into a friendly smile, and he nods his head. "But alas, I should away. My duties call me elsewhere, and my business here has concluded. It has been a pleasure, Not-Shitcode. Glittertits, call me for our next tv night!"