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Latest revision as of 00:23, 14 August 2019

Follow the lead(er)
Date of Scene: 14 June 2019
Location: Bushwick (Mutant Town), Brooklyn
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Selene (Underworld), Nightcrawler

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
It's five minutes to midnight, and there's the sound of a sleek, fast bike screaming down the road. With a scream of tires, the bike slows and stops with the rider getting off the bike and setting her feet on the ground. Selene's come out to Mutant Town to check on a lead. She's heard whispers of strange things, and it's not mutants. She's well aware it may be a red herring, a false lead....but she sets feet on sidewalk, and stands there looking around before she takes a step. One step, then another. She's deliberate, slow, as if looking for something in particular. Plus, she's not at home which, oddly enough, worries her a little. She rode into town, literally, and she'll get what she came for. That 'what', is rumors....but she'll check it out as Selene shakes her head and has a hand in her long leather coat, before stepping onto the sidewalk more. She's got her handgun in her right hand, a clear 'I am dangerous' vibe from the woman. Selene's here for information, but she's not entirely stupid. She's come prepared and ready for a fight if needed. If any lycans show up, too....she's got her ways to deal with them. Then again, Bushwick is mutant turf. Selene's not expecting lycans here....but in this city, anything's possible. Anything and everything...

Nightcrawler has posed:
    Resting appearing atop the church, St. Margaret's, when the screeching of tires and roar of engines sounds, Kurt steps out of the brimstone smoke of his teleportation, walking along the steep incline of the roof as if it were a flat street and coming to the edge in a scuttling crouch, hands and feet both holding to the awnings as he stares out into the streets at the leather clad figure poking her nose around.
    Many of the M-town regulars are watching from inside buildings or the shadows now, even the night owls, with such an entry - in the past it only meant bad things.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
With the entrance, Selene stands there then raises her palms and shakes her head. She's not a threat. But she gets how she could be seen as a threat.....but she's still stepping more toward the buildings and looks like she's stylish now, gun away....she's got her hands out, unarmed. "So" she says and looks to the buildings. She's looking for information, really....if only she'd not made such a dramatic entrance, which certainly sends a message.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    Seeing the hand come out, adjusting his leathers and plates for a moment, Kurt takes a breath and wills himself through dimensions with dual concussions of air displacement giving the distinct BAMF! sound before as he disappears into and reappears from indigo-purple clouds of brimstone smoke.
    "Guten Abend junge Dame..." he says as he steps to confront the woman. He cannot comfortably throw his shoulders back, nor puff out his chest, or any other 'typical' stances for very long due to his tail. So he stands, slouched, head tilted with glowing eyes focused on Selene, "Willkommen to Mutant Town, I assume you're not intending to draw down, ja?" barbed tail flicking back and forth as he speaks.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene nods watching the figure, "Nein. I am not wantint to fight, I'm" she says and shakes her head. "I am following up on leads" she says and looks over. "I heard rumors about people being attacked, and I was following up to make sure it's not vampires or werewolves" she says and spits the last word, 'werewolves'. "I was going to ask questions, and shop here" she points out, smoothing out her long coat and takes a step closer, "So you are?" she asks and fixes her eyes on that figure. "I'm here to protect people" she says softly, with her voice a soft purr, with so many European accents thrown in as well. She steps back and smiles, a flash of fangs.

Nightcrawler has posed:
Kurt Wagner's glowing eyes widen at the sight of the fangs and he makes the sign of the cross instinctively, "Not seen either of those, save for you now... only bigots and giant robots... and the only werewolf you'll find in Mutant Town isn't actually a werewolf..." mouth pulling into a tight frown as he studies her.
    "You can call me Nightcrawler, Mein Dame, and what might I call you?" he doesn't move now, only watches, entire body relaxing, but only to a point, as if he expects, or is very used to duplicity.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
"Nightcrawler?" Selene asks and offers a smile. "Call me...Selene" she says and pauses for a moment. "I am, like I said....here for information and not to start a war" she says, "A war's alrready been going on for centuries" she adds softly, looking over. "There's bigots and robots in this town? Then tell me, Nightcrrawler. Why did a trail lead here? Was somebody plling my leg?" she asks, her voice having a sharp purr to it now, the European accents all blending together. "So...." Selene points out with a look around. "If I'm wasting my time here I may as well get to know the people here, yes?" she asks

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "As far as werewolves I know no trail, and I suppose it would be easy to hide among us than it would with others." the fuzzy blue elf frowns still, looking around. "The bigots come from out of the area, and the giant robots... well watch the news and look for word about Sentinals"
    The Bavarian inclines his head to one side, focusing one eye more closely on Selene as well for the moment before he approaches, hands up, palms out. "Peace in Mutant Town, Mein Dame. Even if your little quarry came here, you wait for them to leave. I won't allow some brawl to break out."

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene sighs. "Who said I'd start a fight?" she asks softly, "Oh I'll wait...but in the meantime...." she says sitting on her bike, but not riding off yet. "In the meantime, I'll wait. Tell me about this place?" Selene asks. "Oh I know about the Sentinels. I just don't get out much unless I have to. Sadly that's more and more these days" she mutters, and glances over to Nightcrawler. "I'm looking to kil time. Not people" she adds with her voice softening some, the subtle purr back down to a sultry one. "So....what's there to do around here for somebody wanting to kill time?" she asks and looks serious.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "Come into an area saying you were hunting something - it gives the inclination to think so, Mein Dame - no offense intended." Kurt looks around the area, motioning to the diner, then the direction of the club. "Those are the best I can think to offer. This is a haven area, mutants come here, live here, we like to have our peace, ja?" he frowns again, "Judging by the der fangs... you likely would not enjoy the diner, no?"

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene shakes her head. "No, I wouldn't enjoy the diner. I came here to investigate" she says and shakes her head. "Now my focus turns to those who laid a false trail. Now.....if there's nothing for me here" she says and starts her bike. "If there's nothing for me here, I will be on my way?" she asks, as if asking for reasons to stay here. Still, she's got her hands on the bike's handlebars. She's waiting, either to get out of Mutant Town or a reason to stick around.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "Well how would we even know what whatever it is your hunting looks like, or how they move, ja?" hands folding behind his back, Kurt continues to watch Selene, tail flicking "In case we should have the problem here? What should we do, how would we contact here if we cannot handle it?" frowning deeper and studying the woman with a brow up.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
"They are werewolves. You hurt them with silver" Selene says and just told the residents of Mutant Town how to deal with werewolves. Still, she smiles. "I can send one of my people to give you information if you would prefer?" she asks and twists the throttle gently on her bike, moving away slowly from the sidewalk. Lesson.....learned. Selene got more than she bargained for....including going two feet before getting caught up in traffic. She turns off her bike and walks back, handing over a pile of papers. "Here, read through these. These are a basic primer guide on werewolves" she says and offers the papers gently. "I don't want a fight, I want peace and to work together" Selene offers, she's sounding very, very serious and extremely honest, really.

Nightcrawler has posed:
Taking the papers, brow raised, Kurt starts getting flashbacks to Excalibur, lips drawing into a line as he looks back to Selene, "Right then. Well hopefully we'll not have to call on you for something like this, but if we do... how -do- we call you?" though he expects he'd be calling Logan, or Piotr more as like.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene nods and smiles. "My house's number's on the first page. The one that ends....." and she reels off the last four digits. "If you see any vampires, call me. I will pay for that information" she says and looks genuinely plaeased. "Keep the information, and just know I'm not coming in for a fight unless it's needed" Selene says. With that, she gets on her bike and slides off into traffic again.

Nightcrawler has posed:
Nodding, Kurt makes note of the number, folding the papers and tucking them into a concealed pocket on his suit - feeling distinctly underdressed despite the other woman in leather... maybe it's the trench coat. Maybe he should try one. He shrugs and offers a hand to wave to Selene as she slips off into the night.