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Latest revision as of 00:25, 14 August 2019

Not a Stalker
Date of Scene: 10 June 2019
Location: Flatbush, Brooklyn
Synopsis: In which Darcy stalks a supplier and Fionna tries to get intel out of the SHIELD Agent.
Cast of Characters: Darcy Lewis, Fiona Glenanne

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Darcy did a bit of homework on the name Fiona. The only hit that made any sort of sense was a Fionna Glenanne. The other was Fionna Brooks, a spitfire of a wee thing with strawberry blonde hair and freckles that works in the Garage as a Greasemonkey. Other than the basic firearms certifications all SHIELD Agents seem to need, Brooks has nothing. Besides, the picture attached to the file made the final ID stupid easy.

The name Burn Notice was of some interest, but it any real details on that were just high enough clearance wise that Darcy couldn't get much without raising some flags. For the moment, she wasn't sure she wanted to do that. After all, Glenanne was a supplier for SHIELD.

Which was the only reason Darcy took time out of the office to hit up Fionna's neighborhood.

Darcy was in those yoga pant slacks. They were black and looked really rather nice. A blousy sort of white top was worn over them. Sleeveless with sheer fabric that floated at her narrow waist made her hourglass figure more pronounced. On her feet where simple black flats. Someone call May!! Darcy is wearing sensible shoes! She's got her long brown hair pulled up into a neat ponytail, and a froufrou flavored coffee in her hand. Bright red lips have left marks on the rim as she stands, shoulder holding up a lamppost, like she's just waiting for a friend. See? There's even an extra coffee cup on the mailbox next to her.

Fiona Glenanne has posed:
At the same time.....a Hyundai Genesis coupe pulled up and Fiona got out, with her phone to her ear. "Oh no, no. You are not dragging me into this. Uh uh" Fiona says turning offher car and shutting the door with her hip. "No, I ordered from your company yesterday. You said it was shipped this morning. So where is my 3D printer?" Fiona asks, as she listens, and then hangs up looking worn out and tired. She looks around. She's wearing her usual clothing, a samon colored blouse, jeans, her watch, and ankle boots. Her watch is on her left wrist and there's a holster at her hip, covered by a jacket...but Fi's not done the world's best job of concealing her gun. That's probably intentional. She looks around again and heads into the building, comeing back with a bag, then hands it off to a waiting car, which drives off. Fiona's got a look in her eyes. She waits for the car to get out of the area and after several minutes, she's watching her phone and punches in a number. There's a dull distant rumble and the wail of sirens in the distance. Fiona has her phone to her ear, faking a call. She's doing her best to cover her tracks that she just carbombed a target she was hired to kill, who had been peddling drugs to schools. Fi slides her phone back into her pocket again and sits on the wall, watching the street.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
All of this Darcy watches, silent, unmoving save for the sip of her coffee. She even waits for Fionna to walk near her before saying anything.

"Morning. Coffee?" she asks, now holding out the extra cup she had brought.

Fiona Glenanne has posed:
"Coffee?" she asks and nods. "Yes please" she adds and silently wonders if it's drugged or anything. Her first meeting with SHIELD agents had gone well, and Fi nods to Darcy. "What brings you to my part of New York?" she asks with a look to Darcy then scrolls through her phone. "Darcy" she says, it'd taken money for information but she'd got a basic profile on Darcy. Name, age, no job information, just the basics....and her contact had to go dark to save their skin. Still, Fi knows who she's dealing with now...plus that voice...she remembers it from the cofffee shop and smiles. "So did you ever get to the game?" she asks. "Or do I need to, say" she adds staying put by Darcy, "Do I need to get line experiment tips from you? Because c'mon, getting put to the back of the line sucks" she adds and tilts her head. "Yeah I know you. You're the one I've been dealing with on the phone, too" she says and looks impressed. "So, again. What brings you to my bit of Brooklyn?"

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Does the grin help ease Fionna's worries about the possibility of the coffee being laced with anything other than caffiene? She waits for Fionna to put two and six together, and the smile grows a bit sly.

"Game's not till Friday. Girls know better than to put that shit on a weeknight. As for lines? we'll see. i don't just go giving all my best tips to anyone. As for what brings me here? Well, I wanted to have an actual meeting with you, andnot on the phone. Your 'need to have a discreet phone conversation' skills suck worse than your 'cut into a line' skills." Yes, this is Agent Lewis from SHIELD, here on business, with that business tone of 'I get what I want, when I want, and how I want, period. You really don't have much room to argue about it.'

We should all fear the day Darcy uses this power for evil.

Fiona Glenanne has posed:
Fi shakes her head and smiles. "Come on in then" she says and leads the way into her home. It's sparsely furnished, really as she sits at a table. "So" she says gesturing to the other chair. "There's a reason my phone conversations suck. I'm surrounded, present company and your employers aside, by idiots." she says and turns to the wall. "That includes you Mrs McNally!" she shouts then turns her attention back to Darcy, ignoring the banging on the wall from her neighbor. "So, what brings a SHIELD agent to my little house?" she adds and folds her hands in her lap. Smart, keep her gun within easy reach. She's sitting like a woman who expects trouble and has been in dangerous 'business' meetings before. Still she's got her hands on the table now. No gun in them, she's not about to shoot a SHIELD agent and run away. Still....she nods to Darcy. "Then let's get down to business" she says, her tone serious and dark. "Now why would SHIELD send an agent here, to my house?" she adds and unties her hair, which had been tied back, and she kicks out her legs making herself at home. "See, SHIELD. Agent. My house. You see where I'm going with this, Agent Lewis?" she asks and smiles a little. "Oh come on. How am I expected to get better if I can't learn from people better than me?" she asks, sipping the coffee after bringing it in, as she nods and smiles.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Led into the house, Darcy makes note of her surroundings. It's not the studied gaze of an operative, noting exits and weapons and things to kill with. It's the gaze of someone who's lived in so many apartments and with so many people that how many dirty socks are laying out is more information into the kind of person she's talking to. Where Fionna moves to take up space, to show that she's the Alpha by owning the area, Darcy settles somewhat more delicately. It's the bdy language of 'yes, your house, but I'm still not your bitch'.

"Oh, SHIELD didn't send me, Ms. Glenanne. I came all on my own. I like knowing who my suppliers are, and I don't like it when my suppliers bring stupid to my warehouses," replies Darcy. Unlike Fionna, she's unarmed. Not even her taser. not even her purse. Just her phone in the thigh pocket of her yoga slacks and a blue-tooth ear piece in her ear. No doubt connected to her phone. Likely with a call connected or waiting to be connected, in case this goes pear-shaped.

"Dropping a car-bomb and lamely covering with a fake phone call's entry level. I really had expected more," she adds, folding one leg over the other at the knees and leaning back to drape one arm over the back of the chair. Her blouse is sheer enough to make it obvious that Darcy isn't even wearing a tac vest.

Fiona Glenanne has posed:
"Yes it's entry level, but" Fi says with a shrug. "I'm letting a certain somebody think I'm a small fish and a rookie" Fi says and smiles, a dangerous smile "You guys know about me. I'm not exactly a secret am I? You've known about me since before I started selling. Now..." she says. "Now I may seem like a rookie to you but there's people on that street who think the same. People who will report back I'm sloppy and unreliable" she nods and looks pleased. "I'm trying to single handedly lure out a guy who double crossed me. Then he pays me $2500 to drop that carbomb" Fi mutters. "So...I got screwed. And....." she adds not moving a muscle.....yet. Instead she looks Darcy dead in the eyes. "Your people are fully aware how dangerous I am" Fi says and nods, folding her arms. "It takes a great bomb maker to make a bomb and get away with it. It takes a truly talented one to make it look like a rookie mistake. Trust me. That was deliberately making it look sloppy on my part. I want them to think I'm sloppy and I'm unreliable. Thenwhen they come for me, I'l catch them off guard" Fi adds with a nod.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Darcy quirks a brow at Fi's stare down, not intimidated by the look, it seems. She sighs lightly, head tilting to one side.

"Look. Your business is your business, but I just want to make sure your problems don't become my problems."

Fiona Glenanne has posed:
Fi actually laughs. "Oh no, not unless you're hired to deal with a guy blackmailing stores here and all that stuff" Fi shrugs. "I got this. Don't you worry" Fiona nods. "So, you wanted to meet your suppliers. Ask away. can I get you anything to eat or drink?" she asks with a gesture to a small kitchen area, there's the obvious, jars of tea, coffee, and so forth, there's a rack for coffee mugs....and Fiona hasn't moved yet. She's awaiting Darcy's response. Fi grins. "So how much do you people have on me...and does it match up with what you found?"@emit
Fi actually laughs. "Oh no, not unless you're hired to deal with a guy blackmailing stores here and all that stuff" Fi shrugs. "I got this. Don't you worry" Fiona nods. "So, you wanted to meet your suppliers. Ask away. can I get you anything to eat or drink?" she asks with a gesture to a small kitchen area, there's the obvious, jars of tea, coffee, and so forth, there's a rack for coffee mugs....and Fiona hasn't moved yet. She's awaiting Darcy's response. Fi grins. "So how much do you people have on me...and does it match up with what you found?"

Darcy Lewis has posed:
WIth Fionna assuring her that she's got this, Darcy isn't so confident, but she nods anyway.

"No, thanks. I had lunch already," Darcy declines, sipping her coffee a bit more.

"Oh, I'm pretty sure most of what we have is above your clearance level. You want that info, you have to get the right creds," Darcy retorts, smirking in that way that women have.

Fiona Glenanne has posed:
Fi smiles. "You saying my own mind's above my pay grade?" Fi asks and looks amused, her eyes glinting as she speaks. "Or that I'm worth several pay grades?" she adds and carries on with that amused look, settling back into her seat more. "Alright. You're not going to leave me hanging, you can't pull the oh it's classified line and not sate my curiosity now can ya?" Fi asks with a gentle chiding of Darcy. If she's trying to get Agent Lewis to tell her....Fiona's not sure it'll work with those government types. But....it's worth a shot.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Of course I'm going to leave you haning. First rule of dating," Darcy retorts, moving to push herself up from the table. She collects her drink from the table, smiling oh so sweetly as she does so.

"Always leave them wanting more."

And with that, Darcy turns to start to see herself out.

Fiona Glenanne has posed:
Fi looks ovr and grins, "Well then, so you're leaving. Did I sate your curiosity about the supplier, me?" she asks with a nod as Fi too, gets up and looks thoughtful. "I need to shift more supplies to you, don't I?" she asks with a sly look.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"For the moment. But I'm not above co-oping field agents for stakes outs," Darcy quips on a grin. as for shifting supplies, she stops and turns to look at Fionna.

"I don't know what kind of operation you think I handle for SHIELD, but I don't just buy ammunitions for the shits and giggles of it. All I'm asking is a sensible about of professional decorum from you when taknig my calls, starting yesterday. You aren't the only gun-runner on the planet, you know."

Fiona Glenanne has posed:
"Professional. Me? Yeah I'll try" Fi nods and smiles more. "Sure I'll try" she says as she leans on the wall. "Decorum, sure thing" Fi says and agrees with Darcy. "You're right. I'm not the sole gun runner. But. I'm one of your suppliers that make ends meet and makes money" she nods and leans on the wall. "Now hold on" Fi says and raises her palms. "You want me to be nice to you from yesterday? I'm being nice. I've not shot you or blown you up, see. I like you. I like you and Lara, c'mon, you two are interesting" she says and laughs. "No, really. You're interesting and not boring, far from it.