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Asgardian Mead and Once-Dreams
Date of Scene: 10 June 2019
Location: Dining Hall - Avengers Mansion
Synopsis: Steve fulfills his favor to Loki in attempting to console Thor post-wedding debacle and Jessica shows up with laughter in tow to make the whole affair easier yet. Plus, Chinese food!
Cast of Characters: Thor, Captain America, Spider-Woman (Drew)

Thor has posed:
    Thor. God of Thunder. Son of Odin. The Thunderer. The Lightning Giver. The Golden Avenger. Jormungand's Fear. The names, badges and titles that the (mostly) immortal Thor has worn have been many and vast. Some have been worn with pride. Others, with scorn or shame. But none... not a one among them have worn as heavy on his shoulders as the Thunder God's newest.

    King of New Asgard.

    It is an honor, to be certain. An honor that carries with it a great responsibility. And a great sorrow. He is the King only by the death of his father. He is the king of a people who have had their very realm rent asunder, and scattered upon the winds of the cosmos. He is a king who has failed, even before he has begun his rule. And now, with his most recent engagement rendered null by virtue of deceit, Thor feels the weight of that failure upon his broad shoulders once again. Certainly, it was naught but a political marriage. One orchestrated under the pretense of securing an alliance and ensuring the safety of his people. His heart was not in it for love save for the love he holds for his exiled family of Asgardians.

    And still, he feels that gnawing emptiness in the pit of his stomach.

    "JARVIS! I need drink! Keep the mead flowing!" Thor's gruff voice calls out. The AI responds accordingly, and within a matter of seconds, the door to the dining hall pushes open to reveal a robotic arm, carrying a tray containing a pitcher of golden liquid and a large stein. It hums as it rolls across the floor, and then bumps the table, sloshing mead across the tray and making digital sounds of defeat.

    "Do not fret, friend!" Thor proclaims, placing his hand on the robot, as if reassuring it. "We do not cry over spilled mead."

    The robot, Dum-E, seems assured by this statement, and lays the tray on the table before Thor. He then pours himself a stein full. "Turn up the music! What was that song I like so much?!"

    "I do believe that it was "Thunderstruck" by AC/DC, sir."

    "THUNDERSTRUCK! YES!" Thor shouts, with a pump of his fist. The music starts to play, and Thor bobs his head to the hard hitting beat.

Captain America has posed:
From the second floor, Steve looks up from writing in his leather-bound notebook. His wheat-gold brows meet as he listens, head minorly tilted in a canine manner as if to better hear the sudden upswing in musical bass beats.

"Thunderstruck...?" he muses to himself, glancing over his shoulder towards the door of his bedroom. Tucking the pen into the notebook as he closes it, he then excuses himself from his room and heads downstairs. His approach in slip-on boating shoes likely won't be heard given the rolling of hard rock from the dining room, but the First Avenger appears in the doorway nonetheless. A hand rises to rub behind his ear as he takes in the scene.

Dum-E appears to be aiding Thor in getting drunk as a skunk. Mmm -- Loki wasn't kidding about needing to console him. Steve lifts a hand towards the Asgardian, partially as a visual flag in case he wasn't initially noticed, as he approaches.

"Mind if I join you?" he asks evenly, voice pitched overtop the strains of AC/DC.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Outside the window, a figure begins to drop into view. Upside down and lowering steadily as webbing slips through her hands, Jessica Drew slowly appears. "Dude...did someone order the PARTY platter or what? I can't hear myself eat Pop Rocks up there!" Then she sees likely source of the cacophony, and tsks quietly. "Aww Thor...You can't drink alone! You need a--crap...CRAP..." The wind has set her spinning like some sort of patio ornament, suspended from the balcony above, as Steve enters. "Aaagh, nooo....My vibe is RUINED!"

Thor has posed:
    "Steve Rogers!" Thor exclaims heartily when his eyes, one sky blue, and the other a gleaming shade of cooper, fall on Cap. His face, rugged, handsome and distinctly Nordic, lights up with a grin under the beard that is clearly starting to grow thicker and longer than Thor has worn it previously. He raises his arms up in greeting, with more mead splashing from the top of the stein, though Thor pays no mind. "My good friend! I would never turn down sharing a drink or twenty! For there are few indeed on Midgard that I would rather share mead, music and merryment with!"

    Taking a deep draught from his cup, Odinson almost stalks towards Steve with a sly grin on his lips, revealing a hint of his pearly white teeth. As the music plays and the crowd in the track shouts "Thunder!", Thor does that mimicking whisper-shout thing, and pumps one of his trunklike arms, ending with a tightly balled fist. It looks like he's going to come in with a playful swing at Steve's side, until the movement outside the window catches his attention from the corner of his eyes. His mock-punch interrupted, Thor's fist opens and the mighty warhammer that rests on the table comes flying to its home, comfortably in his grip. His attention snaps towards the source of the outside commotion, his stance rigid and tall, his shoulders squared and tense.

    And he sees Jessica. In an instant, his broad shoulders slouch under the thick black leather girdle that he wears, and he breathes a sigh.

    "Care to join us?" He calls out, his booming voice just loud enough to be heard outside the window, and over the music.

Captain America has posed:
Steve walks forwards to meet Thor with wry dimples on display. He's seen the look before, or at least a variation of it on the Asgardian's features, and prepares himself for the inevitable thumping in the arm or shoulder or back, sure to resonate through the sturdy soldier's physique.

But! Friendly thump averted. The Captain reacts as well to the sudden appearance of Jessica, but with more of a knowing half-smile rather than tension.

"Might as well, Jessica," he says overtop the music and accompanies it by a wave of his hand towards the inside of the dining room.

His attention shifts back the broad-shouldered warrior standing beside him, already smelling a little of the sweet bite of the Asgardian mead. "This is great music, Thor, but y'think we can turn it down a few decibels? Hard to talk overtop it."

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"Yeah! Sure! I'll just..." Jessica reaches out one hand toward the window to slow her spin, but misses the mark, as her arm is about a three feet too short to reach, but the upset of balance slows her spin a little, and makes it slightly more chaotic. "I'll...just..." She looks around, but finding no simple resolution, she lets go of the web and falls to the patio with a /thump/.

In an instant, she's bounced back to her feet, cracking her neck and dusting off her black tracksuit, bearing the Iconic "A" on one side of the chest. Her hair is tied up in a careless updo, with dark waves spilling downward. "I'm up! I'm good!" She lets herself in through the sliding glass door. "You....you wanted to pound me, didn't you? I saw that look!" Jessica chides Thor playfully as she shuts the door behind her.

Thor has posed:
    "Of course!" Thor says, when Steve so politely asks to turn it down. He settles Mjolnir back on the table, folding his thick arms across his chest, as he nods his head. "Of course."

    A pause.

    "Of course..." he mutters quietly, his smile fading ever so slightly. Nonetheless, Thor turns his gaze to the side and up, as if he might be speaking to someone specifically, when he calls out, "JARVIS! Turn the music back down, please! The stalwart Captain would like to swoon at the dulcet sounds of the Thunder God's entrancing voice!"

    Flashing Steve a sly grin, and the one-two combo of a wink and a singular eyebrow wiggle, Thor seems in high enough spirits. But, once again, his attention is drawn to Jessica's antics outside. As she tries to stop herself from spinning, Thor's head slowly leans to one side, in synchronization with the uplifting of one of his thick, dark brows. When she falls, the Asgardian releases a single chuckle, glancing to Cap to see if the First Avenger found that as amusing as he had. Thankfully, perhaps, by the time Jessica is rising back up, the blonde behemoth is all eyes on her once again, giving one of those approving looks like the parent who just had to endure their child giving a presentation starting with "Look what I can do!".

    "Jessica Drew," Thor greets as she comes inside. The accusation has Thor lifting a hand to his chest in faux shock, his brooding brows crashing down to cast his mismatched eyes in shadows like those cast by turbulent storm clouds. "I would never! I was only going to blast you with a bit of lightning!"

    He pinches his fingers together really close. "Just a little bit."

Captain America has posed:
The stoic Captain lets out a quiet snort at Thor's banter. Still, the music does decrease in volume enough so that it can both be appreciated and allow conversation without yelling. He turns to walk over towards the robot assisting in the drinking endeavor.

"A little bit of lightning would've tickled Jessica at best," quips Steve over his shoulder from the far side of the table, still sporting the bemused little smile from earlier's display of eyebrow-waggling from the Asgardian royal. "She's a tough cookie." He quietly and politely instructs DUM-E to retrieve another two steins of mead, please, and then turns back to the others. His thumbs loop into the pockets of his jeans and he gives Thor an open look.

"Figure it'll take about a stein 'nd a half for me to feel it in my fingers and toes, so 'm glad the work day's over. Got a story for us?" Steve asks this benignly of the man, knowing of his penchant to tell tales in a most grandoise style.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"Oh, well if THAT'S all..." Jess grins moving in to hug Thor's side easily, if he doesn't swat her away. "I eat just a LITTLE bit of lightning for lunch. With a side of cheese fries, of course." She looks to Steve and gives him a friendly nod. "Captain." Then, at Steve's question, Jess turns back to Thor. "Oh yeah! Got any fun stories? I haven't heard a good one in a long time!"

Thor has posed:
    "A story?" The Odinson asks, looking thoughtful. He even reaches up to comb his thick fingers through the silky, rust colored beard that lines his chin. As Jessica comes in for the hug, however, he drapes his arm across her shoulder and clutches her upper arm to give her a squeeze against his side. To both, he replies, "No grand stories to share, I fear. Just celebration."

    With that, Thor hooks one of his booted feet around the leg of a chair, sweeping it about effortlessly so that he might take up residence within it. Seated, the Thunder God reclines back as the seat will allow. His long, leather clad legs stretch out before him, crossed at the ankles, and he lets one of his meaty arms hang loosely at his side, while his other fist still clutches the oversized beer stein, lifting it to his lips to drink deep.

    "Things bode well for those of us Asgardians here on Midgard," Thor says as he lowers his mug. "We have a new home, and a new land! I have taken my rightful place upon the throne, as my people's King. My impending wedding to the Shi'ar has been cancelled, due to my betrothed's treacherous intent. Apparently, she desired to murder me for my kingdom, such as it is."

    Another drink is taken. And while Thor may put on a bright smile that dimples his cheeks under that thick beard, it doesn't reachhis eyes. There's none of his twinkling charm held within them. Only a tension and weariness that resides within the crinkled edges. It makes him look bitter and almost melancholy.

    "So! Crisis averted! All is well in the world!"

Captain America has posed:
"Hey Jessica," the Captain says by way of greeting as he delivers one of the two steins of Asgardian mead to the woman. DUM-E was quick this time and surprisingly less sloppy in retrieving and bringing the tray sporting the steins to Steve. He takes up a more sedate seat just down the way from Thor and nods at the seat across the way from him for Jessica, if she feels so inclined -- heck, she could hang from the ceiling and drink upside-down and be welcome!

The regaling is concise and delivered at the usual booming volume. This is normal. The lack of regularity in the Asgardian royal comes in the conclusion that was shared with Steve not days earlier in the cooler evening shade of a park in Queens: that the wedding is a thing of shambles -- of nothings and never-will-be's. Ouch.

He winces and lifts his stein regardless. "To your health," says Steve and sips deeply of the mead. He licks his lips and gives Jessica a glance before looking back to Thor again. "That's still a helluva tale, Thor. If you wanna tell us more, you're welcome to. We're a good set of ears." He pauses. "Anybody want food though? I can get some pizza ordered. Or Chinese food?"

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"If I'm gonna drink..." Jessica eyes the stein she was given, her brows arched. "I probably need something on my stomach besides Pop Rocks." She wasn't kidding about those. "I'm open to anything, though, everything they make here is fantastic." She lifts the mug to the others, and then to her lips, muttering, "except the ice." Then she drinks, sets down the stein, and regards Thor seriously. "She could've had the best of intentions ever, Thor. And she still wouldn't have been good enough for you. You're a Goddathunder, and you deserve the best. The prettiest, the most loyal and loving. And I promise she's out there, just /waiting/ for you. I promise. I have faith. You deserve nothin' less..."

Thor has posed:
    "Ah, my friends, there is little more to be shared. Odin be praised, my nuptials were a political arrangement, and my heart wasn't as engaged as my ring finger had been," he reports flatly, as his toys with the indentation of a ring on said finger. His thick brows knit together over his straight nose, creating a crease in his forehead just between them. "I agreed only to avert a war against my people. With the plot uncovered, and the arrangement dissolved, I only fear that I put my people in danger once more."

    There they are again. Dark storm clouds, brewing in the depths of Thor's dual-colored eyes. Roiling and simmering, like the tempest barely contained. A tumultous ocean squall lurking just under the placid surface of the Lightning-Bringer. With the way he reclines, he can rest his half empty stein against his stomach, and put on his smile once more. "Ah. Chinesse food sounds perfect! What is that thing that I enjoy so much again, Rogers? The spicy sweet chicken in the orange sauce!"

    A beat.

    "General's chicken! Yes!"

    And then, Jessica is offering her words of encouragement. Thor turns his attention on to her, letting his eyes fall on her as his smile fades. As she heaps the praise on him, Thor feels somehow as if he might be shrinking in his seat. He shifts, rolling his shoulders, and averting his gaze downward to the floor that rests at the foot of his chair. When she's done speaking, he can only offer up a wane, but tender smile, and give a faint nod of his head. "I am moved by your sentiment, Jessica Drew. I am flattered by your kind words. Alas, there is such little time for me to be overly concerned with the elusive nature of romance. As King of New Asgard, I have barely had the time to enjoy the wind in my hair, and the sea mist at my back."

    He looks forward, staring off into the distance at nothing at all. "I have come to identify with that lion from your Midgardian legends. Simba. All of my life, I just couldn't wait to be king. It seemed like such a glorious thing. And that it would be a joyous occassion, filled with revelry and laughter. I would ascend the throne in my father's place, and everything would just fall into place. I would have no worries for the rest of my days. But, of course, to take my place, my father had to die. And the burden of ruling... it is a heavy crown that the King of Asgard wears."

Captain America has posed:
"Gen -- yep," Steve confirms when Thor correctly identifies the particular flavor of chicken in the Chinese food varietal they usually order to the table. He eyes the swirl of small-bubbled foam atop his own stein of mead and listens to Jessica speak. It makes his own brows gather for personal reasons that he tamps down upon firmly -- tamptamptamp.

"It's a good metaphor...and uneasy lies the head that wears the crown," he agrees, quoting Shakespeare. "I'll go get that Chinese ordered. It'll be a quick thing." Rising from his chair with his tankard in-hand, he pauses and looks at the woman across the table.

"Figure I'd order up the usual, you want anything in particular, Jessica?" he asks.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Jessica has a fantastic knack for saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. She smiles faintly and nods to Steve. "Nah that's fine, I'm easy...thank you." Then she looks back to Thor, as the now self-minimized God-King laments. "Well, that is what's important. Find yourself. Find your path. It's the only way to find your happiness. And in the meantime, I'll just watch the wind in your hair, and the sea mist at your back and I'll smile, when you have the will to smile, too."

Thor has posed:
    Thor just gives Cap a nod of his head as he rises to make the call for the food. He did note the look that crosses Steve's All-American features at Jessica's words, which does elicit a response of open curiosity. Something he will want to touch on later, with Steve. Thor may be as blunt of an instrument in terms of social graces as the hammer he wields in battle, but he does know better than to pry his friend and battle brother about private matters when they are not, in fact, in private. Age and wisdom have given Thor just a dash of subtlety.

    "Aye, my friend. The usual. And all the pot stickers!"

    Looking back to Jessica, Thor tilts his head to the side as she speaks again. When she speaks of watching the wind in his hair, he subconsciously reaches up, brushing his fingers through the short cropped, sandy blonde hair that crests in choppy spikes. "I have little hair left to indulge the wind. Thank you nonetheless, Jessica Drew. I feel... honored... that you spy me from afar, as you do."

Captain America has posed:
Steve salutes with his free hand as he's walking towards the kitchen and the stashed menu for the favored Chinese food restaurant stuck with a magnet to the side of the dreaded fridge. "All the pot stickers!" he echoes with a laugh, probably feeling the mead begin to tingle in his fingers and toes. After all, he's imbibed half of it on an empty stomach.

The Captain's not gone long, a few minutes at most, and returns bearing his stein now only a third full. He takes up his chair again with a grunt and sets his elbows on the table, glancing between Thor and Jessica. "It'll be about ten minutes, they said. Turns out they had an order get canceled halfway through the making and most of ours was already prepped. Quicker than usual," he reports.

He sucks in air through his teeth and look to Thor in particular. "Anything you need us to do after all that?"

All that being the woe of the broken wedding.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Jess, partaking of her beverage, sputters a frothy cough when Thor calls her out for spying on him. "I'm not spying!" she protests. "You're the one who mentioned the wind in your hair and the sea mist on your backside. I mean...at your back! I almost never spy on people standing in the wind, butted against the sea. I mean with the sea behind them. I don't always watch..." But when she does, she makes sure it's Thor.

Thor has posed:
    As Jessica sputters and stumbles all over her wording, Thor's steely eyes remain fixed upon her, unwavering and inscrutable. The further in she digs herself into the hole, the higher up his eyebrow lifts towards the heavens. He's only left giving a nod as she mentions his backside, and does the uncomfortable white people inverted lip smile thing, looking away when she mentioned him butted against the sea. And when she's finished, the God of Thunder just lightly claps his hands together and quietly remarks, "Yep. That just happened. You did not have to give me that, Jessica Drew. But you did that. You did that for me."

    About that time, Steve is coming back in after placing the order and giving the incredibly lucky news. Thor lifts his stein overhead in triumph about quick Chinese food, before lowering it to his lips and tossing it back to guzzle the remaining contents. It spills from the corners of his mouth, creating twin rivulets of golden mead that trace down his bearded chin, and down his throat where his Adam's apple visibly bobs with each swallow. When he's finished, he sets his stein down on the table with a near thunderous boom. He draws the densely corded muscle of his forearm across his lips to wipe his mouth clean, while casting a sidelong stare at Cap.

    "After all what, my friend? The aborted wedding? Nay. There is little that can be done about it, save for me to enjoy the freedom to do with my single status once again. I wonder if, perchance, that exquisite Weather Witch of the X-Men is still single. The storms we might make together..."

    Thor gives a shrug of his massive shoulders, before looking back up at Steve, and giving the faintest shake of his head. "Unless you can reverse time and undo the ravages of war that have led me to this, I fear there is naught to be done. This is all as destiny foretold. I simply have to learn to adjust."

Captain America has posed:
"Take all the time you need. It's not an easy process." Steve says this quietly, as if he'd know a facet of the emotional turmoil the Asgardian royal's going through. "Happy to provide distractions though -- can spar, show you things around the city." He wrinkles his nose in thought and squints at his drink for a second in thought. The mead's starting to catch up to him in earnest now. "Haven't been to New Asgard inna while. I mean, no hurry on that one," and the Captain lifts a hand to half-dismiss his idea. "We can visit when there's time and interest."

His true-blues rise to Jessica. "What's your favorite thing to do in the city?" He's asking in earnest by his expression, curious as to the answer.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"Well..." Jess' gaze rests on the window for a long moment. "Leave, and go someplace where the people are salt of the earth, and you can see the stars at night," Jess replies in earnest, her own expression a touch more somber. "But it's getting later, and I think maybe I should let you boys enjoy your revelry for tonight. And your Chinese food!" She rises, taking another drink from her stein in an attempt to finish it off the way Thor did, but there is still over half left, and she barely makes a dent. "I do hope that Steve can lift your spirits, Thor. He seems to have a fantastic knack for that. I'll catch you two crazy cats later, yeah?" And with that, she rises and sees herself out, climbing the stairs to her room.

Thor has posed:
    "Aye, I shall," Thor says, though he does put on another smile. "Rogers, you act as though I'm a heartbroken lamb. Fret not. My broken engagement is not a worry for my troubled heart. It is a worry for my obligation to my people. My betrothed's betrayal did not wound me for my love for her. Such a thing did not exist."

    He offers a smile that, while may have a bit of frayed edges, does seem genuine. "I always welcome a spar, and you have home and hearth available to you in New Asgard. As does our lovely Jessica."

    He then turns to Jessica as she describes that her favorite thing to do in the city is to leave it. That is something that he can certainly understand. While he's come to have a very special place in his heart for New York, the... noise of the city is overbearing at times. The stench of people on people. He might love them, but Thor needs his distance. He needs to be able to escape and be free and in the wilds of the world, at times. In touch with his nature as the God of Storms, and the son of Gaea.

    "You should come to New Asgard, Jessica. Or allow me to take you north, to this village in Iceland where they built a temple to me. You can see the Aurora Borealis there, during certain times of the year. It is majestic. Nearly as beautiful as seeing the Bifrost crossing through the endless space between the Nine Realms."

    But Jess is excusing herself, and Thor is left frowning at that. He doesn't attempt to stop her from retreating, but his brow furrows and he gives her a silent nod.

    "Fare thee well, Jessica Drew. Worry not for my spirits, for you have done more than your fair share in the heavy lifting of them. And, should you decide that my offer sounds enticing, just say my name. I shall hear it."

    A pause.

    "But I cannot promise that I shall not eat all your Chinese food."

Captain America has posed:
"Mkay. Thanks, Thor," replies Steve to the confirmation of a visit to New Asgard. It's always a pleasant retreat from the hustle and bustle of the city, even if he is Brooklyn-born-and-raised. "I'll take you up on some home and hearth sometime."

However, Steve's loosened up enough to aim a loose punch at Thor's shoulder within reach at the jibe about Chinese food, mimicking the rough-and-friendly interaction he's seen between Asgardian warriors -- and he's solidly buzzed at this point.

"What he means is we'll save you some," the Captain says with a laugh. "Have a good night, Jessica!" And there she goes, amazingly acrobatic as always. Steve slouches his chin on his palm and glances over at Thor.

"Y'know, if I tried to climb like that, I'd fall ass over tea kettle."

Thor has posed:
    The punch, be it what it may, makes the broad shouldered Norse God shift to the side as if rocked by the force of the blow. His face lights up with the smile that forms on his lips. A true smile, that. He doesn't argue when Steve corrects him, but just raises a hand to wave goodbye to Jess as she leaves.

    "Ah, I think you give yourself too much credit," Thor says as he watches Jessica retreat. "I think if you tried to move like her, you'd probably break your hip, old man."

    Pot. Meet Kettle.

    Still, he looks at the door, and says, in a quiter tone of voice, "I do rather enjoy the way she moves, though. She is a fine woman, that one."

    Putting that aside, Thor turns his attention back to Steve, his expression suddenly becoming very intense with expression. "Speaking of fine women..."

Captain America has posed:
Thor gets an outright snort for his quip, but it's mostly buried in the tip of the stein as Steve finishes off the first volume of Asgardian mead. Once he appears again, he licks foam from his lips and retorts with a grin,

"'m a grasshopper compared to you, Odinson, stuff the guff. 'nd it's true. I might be able to sideline a Panzer tank, but she has me outclassed in flexibility any day." This, he admits with a truthfully innocent honesty and accompanying nod of his head.

The Captain is drawn from considering another stein of mead when he hears the Asgardian's vein of questioning peter off. Thor gets an oblique look, half caution and half alcohol-inspired openness. "...what about fine women?"

Thor has posed:
    "Tell me how things are going with you and yours!" Thor practically shouts, incredulous that Rogers would play coy with him. He does laugh, though, and it bubbles up from his belly to spill forth from his lips like rolling thunder. He slides his feet to plant them squarely on the floor, just so that he can lean over and drop his hand on Cap's shoulder, heavy, but with a firm, reassuring grip.

    "I know that my duties to New Asgard have made me an absent friend, but I am still an interested one. Tell me what is happening in the world of Captain America! I had heard you had quite the meeting with some school, recently? What was that all about?"

    For now, he'll forget that Steve called him out for being old. In Asgardian years, he was still a very young man, after all! He'll also refrain from speaking of Jessica's flexibility, les the drink send his tongue wagging in ways that would be unbecoming. Steve is a proper sort of gentleman, after all.

Captain America has posed:
Oh god -- whew -- safe territory after all. Indeed, a gentleman to his bones, and from an era where the outward discussion of relationships was kept to the chest more often than not. The merriment and friendly shoulder-shake has Steve visibly relaxing and finally shooting a grin back. Of course, his ears pink at the tips, but that could also be the mead. He gives his stein another look and shakes his head once.

"You're talking about the Institute -- Xavier's school," he amends. "It went well. Felt like we made a couple of folks feel better about things with letting 'em know that we're all in it together against the Sentinels. If someone didn't feel better, at least they know." He shrugs and rubs his neck behind his ear briefly. A short laugh leaves him as he looks over at Thor, dimples showing. "One of the counselors thought it'd be fun to have a dirtbike race, me against some other students. The mud puddle was deeper'n I expected. Still finding mud in places," he chuckles. "'nd then Janet threw me in the pool because I hugged her after the race, but's all fair 'nd all. We're..."

He seems surprised to say it, in a way, but he's clearly pleased to say, "We're happy, Janet and I."

Thor has posed:
    As Steve speaks, telling him of the Institute, and the message that they were trying to convey, Thor nods his head. He has thought, very hard, about declaring New Asgard as a safe haven, and a Sentinel free zone. The only thing that has stayed his hand has been that Norway had generously given the Asgardian refugees land to claim their kingdom. He'd rather not do something that might impact their nation adversely. Thor, it seems, has found a sense of patience and a delicate hand in his short time as King. "Should there be a need for the Avengers to end these Sentinels, once and for all, then you need only call on me. I will bring down the thunder, and let my lightning turn those soulless constructs into so much slag. Of this, I swear. Besides, it is as I said... I am always free if it means that I have chance to woo that beautiful Weather Goddess of the X-Men."

    The rest though, has the Thunderer laughing, as Steve describes his experience with racing and mud puddles. He, of course, immediately thinks of a tale where he and Loki went on an adventure to Alfheim, and Loki had tricked Thor into stepping into a puddle of mud that turned out to be a sinkhole. Good times.

    "I'm glad of it," Thor says when Steve makes his confession. That hand, still lingering on the patriot's shoulder, gives another squeeze, before Thor rests back in his chair once more. "I am happy for you."

Captain America has posed:
"Thanks." Steve leans back in his chair and settles his hands with fingers interlaced across his belt, giving Thor a small but true smile. "You'll know the second things come to blows. We'll need you to deal some back, 'm sure."

His phone suddenly chimes in his pocket -- well, not really chimes. It sounds like someone letting bursts of helium from a greatly-inflated balloon -- kind of like a chirp? //Chirp. Chirp chirp chirp. CHIRP.// That last chirp sounded especially angry and it's enough to make the Captain snort to contain his laugh.

"That'd be Janet," he comments, squinting at the screen momentarily out of long habit from his youthful days with less-than-stellar vision. "Ah, on her way." A more normal ping. "And that's the food. Be right back." Steve pushes back his chair and pauses. "You want more mead?"

((Source of chirping ringtone: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cBkWhkAZ9ds))

Thor has posed:
    "Well, you'll have my axe!" Thor exclaims, riffing off of his own unique knowledge of pop culture. Because he was told very emphatically by one Darcy Lewis that he NEEDED to watch the Lord of the Rings series. "Except, you know... my axe is a hammer. And the hammer is..."

    Another pop culture reference, though he refrains from finishing THAT comment. Steve wouldn't be likely to get it, and even less likely to find it as uproarously funny as he does. So, instead, the Thunder God silences his tongue and just breathes a sigh. Until that chirping sound comes along. Thor eyes Steve's pocket with clear and present apprehension at that unearthly noise. When Steve explains it, Thor is left shaking his head. "Go, speak with your fair lady, Steve Rogers. I have just heard a prayer for my protection. Be well, and remember that I am always at your call."

    Thor rises up from his seat, and lifts his stein, only to see and remember that he had already finished it. Dejected, he drops it onto the table unceremoniously, before reaching out to lift Mjolnir.

    As Thor Odinson strides towards the sliding glass door, his shoulders noticeably lift and rise from a slouched posture. From under the gorget of his armored vest, a billowing red cape just seems to bleed out into existence. Electrical arcs crisscross the thick, compacted muscle and sinew of his arms, and in the wake of the lightning is left shimmering, pearlescent steel scales. Thor opens the sliding glass door into the back yard, whirling Mjolnir in one hand, before launching off into the sky at breakneck speeds.

    His bellowing voice calls out, "And save me the pot stickers!!!"