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Latest revision as of 00:26, 14 August 2019

Date of Scene: 11 June 2019
Location: Recovery Room 01 - The Triskelion
Synopsis: In which Darcy's alert is answered or Mazi was the real hero in this one, guys. No one cares what Darcy says about it.
Cast of Characters: Ota, Darcy Lewis

Ota has posed:
Belonwu spent most of the afternoon filling out paperwork at one the CIA's New York offices in a secure room. His access to the Agency and its systems was cut almost immediately after he accepted SHIELD's offer, but paperwork moves at a different pace. He is on the way back to the Triskelion when the alert comes through that an agent needs backup. Belonwu checks his cellphone, frowns and checks the location on the alert. A moment later he pulls out into oncoming traffic and guns the engine.

Surveillance driving training and experience comes in handy as he weaves through traffic and blows lights until his phone tells him he all but on top of the beacon. He slams the black Tahoe into park and climbs out, scanning for the issue. Other drivers honk at the short, heavily-built man, but he ignores them completely.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Blown out glass and cracked buildings leave a trail from ground zero at Chang's Buffet, two blocks from the Triskelion, to a nondescript alley clear across town. The alley is empty and silent, and everyone near by is leaving it alone. There seems to be nothing special about the alley aside from a large crack in one of the buildings (a crack similar to all the others along this odd trail of breadcrumbs) and a black stilletto high heel sitting in the middle of the alley.

Darcy Lewis is in a heap on the ground behind a dumpster. Her jacket is crumpled on the ground near her other shoe. Her SHIELD badge is clearly visible: Lewis, D. Level 5 - MOSS Admin. The glasses that her ID shows she wears are cracked and broken by her hand, and her phone is open. Looks like the last thing the Admin was doing was signaling Assistant Director May for back up. The message right before a new location ping was the very cryptic: Impulse captured.

Darcy's breathing, so that's something.

Ota has posed:
Belonwu drops into well-worn operator habits. He draws his firearm and advances quickly down the alley, checking for signs of any threats left. Once he is satisfied, he kneels down beside Darcy. He quickly looks her over and notes her ID.

"Darcy, my name is Ota, with SHIELD. If you can hear me, do not move," he says in a heavy Nigerian accent. "I am a doctor, I will just check you out."

Belonwu runs through critical injury and vitals checks on Darcy, especially concerned about bleeding or neck/spinal injuries. He checks her vitals and then pats her body down thoroughly to make sure he does not miss any critical bleeds or signs of internal injury. He is especially gentle along the neck and careful in checking her pupil response for signs of brain injury. Images of doing the same in the sand in Afghanistan, streets in Iraq and other places flash through his mind as he works.

When others arrive, he directs them to secure the perimeter and any evidence. He makes a medical assessment and only if he is satisfied that Darcy can be moved without killing her does he work with the others to get her put on a spine board, blocked and if unconscious, intubated. Then Darcy is lifted on the board onto a stretcher for transport to the Triskelion. Ota throws his keys to one of the other agents and climbs into the vehicle transporting Darcy.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Words. Someone is talking to her.

"I'm fine," she says. Well, she thinks she says. What actually comes out of her mouth is a faint groan. Her eyes flutter, but that's all she's got coordination for.

All of the injuries are impact ones, like she was thrown against a wall - if it was hard enough to leaves those kinds of cracks in the wall but not kill her, maybe she's super in some way? - and then dropped to the concrete below. Two stories below.

She's got cracked ribs, a dislocated shoulder, and a serious concussion. All in all, either she got lucky for a normal human or she's just a low powered meta and hitting the wall that hard only caused these levels of injury. By the time the rest of the support get there, Darcy's eyes are almost open and she's trying to talk again. Which is all good news for the medical team.

Ota has posed:
Belonwu calls ahead to medical to let them know who is being brought in and her condition. Since she is conscious, if disoriented, Belonwu straps an oxygen mask on her instead of intubating.

"You are going to be fine," Belonwu reassures her. "We will be in medical soon. Were any other agents with you or injured?"

It is a short ride into the underground at the Trisk. They slide Darcy's stretcher out of the van and into the elevator, then wheel her into medical.

"Dislocated left shoulder, cracks in R2 and L4, no signs of flail, breathing is clear," Belonwu reports to the duty doctor. "Head trauma; decreased LOC, disorientation, impacted speech. No signs of inter-cranial pressure yet. I think she hit a wall and fell two stories."

"Bed one," the doctor says. She is a young brown-haired woman with sad looking eyes. "Are you a doctor?"

"Combat physician, Army Rangers," Belonwun says. The doctor nods and they get to work running an IV for pain, getting Darcy hooked up to the monitors and starting her scans. They also quickly review her medical chart for abilities, abnormalities or drug allergies.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Darcy's pretty sure she said no, but when this beautiful dark skinned person doesn't seem to understand she blinks once. Right? It's once for no and twice for yes. Or is it once for yes and twice for no? Unsure, Darcy just goes with the one blink, since that was making her want to fall asleep. Maybe she does, because things are a bit of a blur... or that could be the lack of glasses, but by the time she's more awake again, she's IVd up and laying in bed.

Her chart makes it cleat that she's just a normal human. Not allergic to anything.

Ota has posed:
Belonwu frowns, concerned when he notices Darcy struggling to communicate. It is not a good sign.

He falls easily into an assisting role for the duty doctor and nurse. Their equipment is well-beyond what he has seen before. A thousand questions pile up, but he holds his tongue and focuses on Darcy.

When Darcy passes out the team is alarmed and focus on assessing her head and for internal bleeding. Once they are satisfied she is not having a serious crisis, they relax a little.

"Second story fall?" the doctor asks Belonwu.

"Onto concrete," he confirms. "She is very lucky."

"I'll say," the nurse chimes in.

With the doctor's go ahead, Belonwu reduces Darcy's shouder while she is unconscious; nobody wants that while awake.

When Darcy does wake, Belonwu is standing nearby talking with one of May's executive assistants, briefing her on Darcy's status.

"... head injury, but it's too early to tell. I think she will be fine," Belonwu finishes then notices Darcy is awake. He walks over to her and smiles.

"You're awake, that is good," he says. "You took quite a fall, but I think you will be alright. Are all SHIELD adminstrators as tough as you?"

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Tall, dark, and blurry is back again, and Darcy slides her unfocused gaze on him. It takes a bit to parce what he said, because it's really hard to hear people when you can't see anything clearly.

"Fuck no. 'm harbor chick," she gets out, words more clear now that she's had a bit to recover. She's still loops from the pain meds, but this is an improvement. She groans as she tries to press herself up, head wanting to turn this way and that way to try to find her glasses and her phone and-

"Where's the robot?" she asks. Because that clears everything up!

Ota has posed:
Belonwu puts a restraining hand on Darcy's shoulder.

"Do not get up," he says firmly.

He shoots the nurse a concerned look at the mention of robots, but then remembers where he is. That is probably a reasonable thing to say here. Belonwu gestures points to the clear plastic bag one of the agents dropped off. He fishes through the jacket, shoe, ID and phone to come up with Darcy's glasses. He opens them and places them in her hands, ready to help her slide them on if need be.

"You were alone when I found you. Do you know where you are? What day it is? What is your name?" he asks, with a look of empathic concern that they either teach in medical school or medical school graduates pick up from TV.

"Can you tell us what happened?"

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Restrained, Darcy sinks back down to the pillows. She sighs, unhappy about being stuck in medical. But this is karma, she supposes, for all the times she babysat unruly Agents and forced them to stay in medical. Handed her glasses, Darcy manages to get them on her face, only to groan again when the cracked lens makes it a challenge to see clearly. She pulls them off again.

"Just great," she grumbles, eyes opening again to try to focus on the blurry man.

"I'm in Hell. It's April the forty-first because it's a quadruple leap year and my name is Princess Angelina Contessa Louisa Francesca Bannana Fanna Bo Besca the Third," Darcy replies, clarity returning. A moment passes before she giggles at herself before sighing again.

"Sure. Will you write it into the report for me? Or.. no. Call Barton or Rhodes and let's make THEM translate this into the report. They owe me and it'd be hilarious. Canyou image? Rhodes translating me into a report? Or Barton... Oh.. Blame Barton 2025. This is all his fault. Not really."

Ota has posed:
Belonwu cocks his head at Darcy's stream of consciousness. A look of faint concern crosses his face, but he shakes his head at the nurse so she does not make notes yet.

"I can call Barton or Rhodes," Belonwu says reassuringly.

"But first I want you to try again. You have quite a head injury and I do need your best answer. Could not speak clearly before, and we need to know how oriented you are," Belonwu explains. "Where are you? What day is it? What is your name? And May wants to know what happened," he adds.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Ah, shit. May. Right. I'm in medical. It's.. like Tuesday? And my name is Darcy," she replies, frowning at the news that she was incoherent earlier.

"Fuck. I'm never leaving the office without my helmet," is the grouse before she opens her eyes again.
"Ok. Got this. Can I haz my tablet? Speech to text is my friend."

Ota has posed:
Belonwu smiles to Darcy and nods to the nurse. The nurse takes some notes and heads off to update the duty doctor. Meanwhile, Belonwu pulls Darcy's tablet out of the plastic effects bag and hands it to her.

He fetches Darcy some water, puts it on the raised bedside table for her and reaches for the bed controls.

"I will lift this to make it easier. Tell me stop if you feel too sick," he says. The bed slowly folds up, but not far because of Darcy's ribs. Her left arm is in a sling and wrapped tightly to her chest to keep her arm and shoulder still.

Then Belonwu crosses his arms to wait while watching how Darcy manages. He is still concerned.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Darcy complains only a little bit as she's sat up, but she never calls 'red' about it nor demands that Belonwu stop. She does, however, frown at the sling as if seeing it for the first time.

"Oh.. for fuck's sake," she complains. Her arm is in a sling and she's complaining. The tablet is set down on her lap, and she touches her wrapped arm with her good hand.

"God damn it, Shiner's gonna kick my ass. Fuck," Darcy complains again.

Ota has posed:
Belonwu smiles. "It will not be on for long," he says of the sling. "You will need to start rehabilitation and get the arm moving soon so you do not lose range of motion."

He shakes his head at Darcy, unsure if this is how she usually is or not. "It is no small miracle you are here to complain this loudly," he quips.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Rehabili- Aw, man," Darcy says, head dropping back to the pillow with a groan. "Mmm... fuck me. Shit," she grouses again, turning her head toward Belonwu.

"Yay. Go me. Fuck, I should have just let security deal with the meta," she says, trying to sound wise and sage and failing miserably.

Ota has posed:
"Maybe," Belonwu says and sits against the edge of her bed.

"Were you attacked or did you go after someone? I do not understand what happened."

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Bit of both?" Darcy says, following the blur that is this mystery agent who rescued her. She can feel the bed dip when he sits.

"Some meta, a speedster, named Impulse, came into the lobby looking for Coulson. He said he was hungry and instead of hurting our cafeteria rations, I thought it'd be safer to take him to Chang's for the All You Can Eat while waiting for May to fet back to me with what she's like me to do with him. He was half done with the buffet line.. like, literally, half the buffet bar, plated and eaten before I even got to the table, when... all Hel broke loose. One minute, I was reaching for a pot sticker, next I was in a bubble being hauled across town.

"I think it was a robot or something, because when I got it to talk to me? It didn't sound winded or even that thing you do when your being jarred by running? You know the thing? The uh uh uh uh in your breath and under your words? That. The thing in black with the glowy white eyes that was moving crazy stupid fast wasn't doing that. It had to be a trap, which it was. Cue glowy yellow force field something. Impulse gets knocked out and then... next thing I remember you're talking to me."

Ota has posed:
"That is a lot of trouble just for lunch," Belonwu jokes. "You need to be more choosy about who you eat with."

Once she finishes her story, Belonwu speaks again. "Well, from what we can tell, you hit a second story wall hard enough to crack the bricks, then fell into an alleyway. You managed to make an emergency call, and I found you lying there with no one around. It took at least five minutes for me to get there after I got your message."

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Yeah, well.. I thought I could take him," Darcy grumbles, a smirk resting on her face. It's a smirk that falls when he explains what happened.

"...Tht was probably the bubble i was in. That black suited speedster guy grabbed everyone in Chang's and was flinging them around, forcing Impulse to catch us all. I was the last one left; Bait. Probably becuase Id been talking to him," darcy hypotheses with a soft sigh.

"Five minutes... The way those metas moved, that might as well have been five hours."

Ota has posed:
"The fast ones are frightening. They can kill a dozen people before anyone notices a thing," Belonwu agrees. "It sounds like you were caught in the cross-fire, which is good. You were not the target, you are probably safe. Did Impulse escape?"

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"I don't think so. Last I saw, he'd run into a trap. I pieced to together about a heartbeat too late.... which for speedsters... I was slow as fuck. Whoever that was, they've got him and I have no idea where," Darcy says, her lips frowning in genuine concern. She's quiet a moment before her eyes brighten up again.

"But Coulson might be able to track him? Impulse said he gave Coulson a... phone or pager or soemthing that could get in touch with him. Maybe that device canbe used to track Impulse down?"

Ota has posed:
"Perhaps, if it is still working. Is he someone we /should/ track or endanger agents for?" Belonwu asks coolly, calculatingly. "What is his value as an asset? The risk analysis with a fast meta is very high," he points out.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"May wanted him. When I contacted her, she wanted me to bring him in," Darcy says after the shrug she has started with leaves her wincing and grabbing for her left shoulder.

Ota has posed:
Belonwu nods. "If I can find the surveillance people, I will get them to track Impulse and set up on his location and work it up. If May wants him extracted, we will have people in place."

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Yeah. They'll have to find him first though," Darcy comment, eyes closing. Trying to see when life is this blurry is just a pain in the temples.

"They have any idea how long Imma be stuck in here?" Alright she's complaining. Typical SHIELD Agent.

Ota has posed:
"In here? Standard procedure would be overnight for a serious concussion, though SHIELD might have something special I do not know about. You have six weeks of rehab ahead for your shoulder, and that long for your ribs to heal," Belonwu says. "I will get started on finding Impulse. You rest. I will update you."