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Latest revision as of 00:34, 14 August 2019

Date of Scene: 09 June 2019
Location: Lara's Apt. Loft - Greenwich Village
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Nathan Drake, Lara Croft

Nathan Drake has posed:
Okay, SO!

Its a wonderful day out. Perfect for diving or for going on a jog or...you know, doing activity and exercise! But, after completing a dive for his day job at Jameson Marine Inc., Nathan knows that his eternal rival and wonderful person Lara Croft often had a habit of being a bit of a loner. So, taking this moment to actually go and talk to her WITHOUT being in a situation where they were either racing to the treasure or being shot at by the bad guys, Nathan drives over in his car.

He hoped she still had a flat in Greenwich Village, or else he's gonna end up knocking on some random strangers door. But, Nathan will save the 'oh crap' until or unless that actually happens. And to show that he comes in peace, he brought chinese food.

With a breath, he knocks on Lara's apartment door.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara had returned only minutes ago, she'd been out meeting contacts to discuss things related tot he 'heist' at the Triskelion that resulted in the magic spheres that she'd put IN the Triskelion to keep them safe suddenly disappearing... So its been a stressful bit of time since that heist.

When the door is knocked upon, it takes a moment before she steps away from the counter where she sets her phone and she pops the door open. She looks outside to see Nathan, a face she hadn't seen in quite awhile since a mission they'd gone on together for a wealthy individual that sent them individually on different tasks that all resulted in similarly retrieving items for him.

"Nathan?" She says, opening the door fully. She smiles at him and motions him to come in. "Its been forever, come on inside?" She offers to him, her apartment is cluttered with all manner of books and recovered relics, but underneath it all is a high class setup of polished wood floors and marble granite countertops in the kitchen that sits directly beside the living space with sofa and chairs, as well as Lara's cluttered study desk.

Nathan Drake has posed:
"Hey Lara, good to see you." When he's invited inside, Nate gives his usually charming smile. "Why I'd love to. Otherwise, what on earth would I do with all this Chinese food?" He grins, and he walks on in, setting the food on the granite counter and taking a moment to look around. "Huh. More humble than I expected." He then looks to Lara directly. "But...you look good. Hope everything's been fine? Near death experiences and all?"

Because yes, Nate knows what she loves to do, and it comes with the territory. He does the same stuff, and though their origins and their collection is different, both demand respect.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara shows a soft smile of her own at his food he'd brought with him. "Thats so sweet." She says in a calm tone before she steps over to the fridge to get them drinks. "I have tea, and beer... and wine, I'm guess you're a beer man?" She says back to him with a slight smirk as she reaches for whatever it is he wants from the selection. She gets herself a cup of ice water though.

"Everything is..." She exhales lightly. "As it normally is." She steps back to the counter island which has a few bar stools so people can use it as a dinner table. "Some things have been going on, that might be dangerous, or bad... Magic, you know? Its the absolute worst side effect of what it is we do, when we have to go up against that variety of challenge."

She glances him over for a moment then. "How are you? Its been forever. I should've called or e-mailed you by now. My apologies."

Nathan Drake has posed:
Nate looks at Lara as she appears to be happy about this development. "Eh, don't mention it. I figure its been so long that, well, you could use some company and we can catch up?" Now, if this was Sam, Lara has full right to suspect she's about to be asked on some great adventure. But no, Nathan is just here to see Lara. "Okay, so, they cheapskated me out of the Crab Rangoon, gave me four instead of six so...we can still split it even."

Though as she speaks about whats been going on, Nate keeps quiet so he can listen to her. "I hear you there. I've had a run in or two with magic, though not religiously. But, something tells me it hit you harder than it hit me." he looks sympathetic, though he chuckles.

"Lara, its fine. I know you get a bit in over your head with your work sometimes and you don't have time to give your favorite Drake a call. I'm doing good, starving though."

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara shows a soft smirk to the man before her. "Yes, well..." She lightly exhales. "SHIELD has me going after some of the wildest things on this planet, yeah? Whether they're real or really are just legend. Though it seems most legends are more true than we might've realized."

She turns then to go and retrieve some plates from the cabinets and utensils to eat. She sets them out for him to pick what he wants and she grins about the splitting of the rangoons. "Sounds good. Seems like large orders of Chiense food are always subject to missing items... cheapskates, or diabolical plotting?"

A little grin is shown then as she takes a seat at one of the chairs at the center island counter. "Speaking of other Drakes... How is Sam?" He'd been on that mission as well, the last time they'd all worked togethr.

Nathan Drake has posed:
Nathan lets out an 'aaahhh' as she speaks. "Well, All Legends are based off of some form of truth. Wendigos were based on cannibals for example." Nate then gives a light shurg as he passes Lara some General Tsao's chicken and some rice to go with it, while he sets out some Lo Mein for himself. "Heh...Sam? Well..."

"More than likely he's conning someone. I know my brother, he loves the adventure. But, he's doing well. I remember he said if I ever talk to you again, I should say hello to you for him. You should send him an email." Though Sam probably has a burner phone. Either way, Nathan looks at Lara.

"But, speaking of Sams, how's your friend Samantha?"

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara softly thanks him as he sets some food up for her and she takes up one of the utensils to poke at it. She remembers Sam being much more unrefined compared to Nathan, considering the first time they met he wasn't really looking at her eyes per-se so much as everything below them. "I'll have to do that." She says though anyway, having eventually worked up a pretty friendly relationship with the other Drake as well as this one, Nathan being the much easier one to interact with to be sure though!

"Samantha is great." She says then, flashing a quick smile. "She's a full fledged film maker now, and I believe she's more obsessed with adventure than you and I combined... Though hers are more geared toward providing a filmed experience for others to enjoy. Documentaries and the like. Where as you and I? We're... a bit more reckless, one might describe it." She then shows the man a grin as she raises up a forkful of the tasty food.

A moment later and she's asking him. "Have you had any big runs lately? If you need any help with anything, I'd be happy to offer assistance."

Nathan Drake has posed:
Sam is a little....rough and tuff. Just because Nathan and Sam were raised catholic in an orphanage doesn't mean that sometimes the eyes don't wander. Though at least Nathan only looked - ONCE -, Sam was a bit more obvious about it, but at least the banter was funny.

"Good to know that Sam is still doing the films though uh...I hope she's not trying to go with you and get the 'film experience'. I have a feeling her camera would get filled with lead, considering the natures of our field." he smiles at her.

"New runs? Eh, not really. Though I did find a hidden Egyptian tomb. Nothing exciting like Shambhala (Shangri-la) but...I found some nifty golden trinkets that go waaaay back to the Early Dynastic Period. Fun stuff. Though I might be on to something new, and if you want to tag along, more the merrier I'd say."

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara lightly laughs as she raises up her water glass for a drink. She shakes he rhead side to side then. "Samantha is not interested in going with me on any expeditions to dangerous territories. She's had her fill of that, I believe. She's more out for the..." She looks up and takes a second to phrase it properly. "The beauty of the experience. Naturalistic and the romantic aspects of traveling abroad."

Lara listens to him talk of his Egyptian finds and it makes her smile a little again to him. "So you're having successes then? I'm glad to hear that. The Natural History Museum here in Manhattan is paying quite handsomely for items like that. I can put you in touch with some colleagues there if you're interested..."

And she then nods her head two quick times to his invitation. "I would be more than happy to, should the scheduling align. Things are a bit hectic at the moment, but hopefully that won't last long."

Nathan Drake has posed:
Drinking his own water as he listens to Lara's belief that Samantha is done going on dangerous adventures where its really a do or die scenario. Well, not everyone can be hyper-adrenaline junkies like Lara and Nate. "Heh, good for her. Well, you know when she gets done, she'll probably steal you to watch her finished products." he teases her lightly.

"If but a little a success. Though there's always an adventure to be had. Hey, if you want to get me in touch, I'd owe you one Lara." he's silent for a moment. "Really, I would. Though, I'm happy with my day job too. I'm still running that salvage company, Jameson Marine."

"and well, its not like I'm doing anything pressing. Schedules pretty open as it is."

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara shows a quick and short smile to the man across from her while they share the very delicious food. After another sip of her water, Lara nods her head. "I'm always eager to see Sam's projects. Her talent for capturing the right shots is extraordinary. She can take an already beautiful landscape and manage to capture every little detail about what makes it as such. Sometimes even highlighting elements that one may have easily overlooked on their own... But yes, she's doing well all around, I believe."

She then goes on to lightly nod her head. "I remember you having that job. Though I still encourage you to consider joining SHIELD as I have. We could always use more input on what it is we do in the 'Wierdo Division'." She states to him with a sly grin, though she's fairly certain he'll turn that down again as its not really his style, or so he'd told her last time she'd brought it up to him.

"E-mail me your schedule and any time I'm able to join you, I'll happily do so." She then also adds. "And likewise for anything I've got coming up that you could get in on."

Nathan Drake has posed:
Nathan stuffs some noodles into his mouth, with manners of course, before he swallows and he speaks. "I think I saw...one of her projects before she officially made the leap. And hey...if you ever want to ditch the rich kid life and do some manual labor, lemme know." he teases her. Even when they were on missions, Nathan enjoyed perhaps making jokes about the differences between their respective financial statuses. It wasn't serious jabbing, but enough to get some laughs.

"Pffft. I don't know if you want me with a bunch of suits, Lara. Remember? Suits and I don't get along. And that party in Vienna doesn't count!" because he KNOWS Sam Drake told her that story. He then takes a minute to sigh. "I'll think about it, alright? Though I think this is just your way of saying you want to see me more often." aaaand its begun!

"But sure, I'll send you what I got and we can compare notes. Worse case scenario, I take some time off."

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara is pretty used to being flirted with, she's young and physically appealing to most people out there and she has been since she was in her teenaged years on her way to being a young woman. So she was a bit of an old pro at receiving it. That being said, she's not much of a romantic type and (in her words at least) terrible at responding to such things.

Generally her go-to is to just smile and take such things as a compliment, at least if its from someone who doesn't deserve to have their face punched for whatever it is they may have said to her.

She laughs lightly at his joke about her giving up her life style as a rich girl. "Hey. My family's money is entirely where it has been since they left it to me. Not a dime spent. Everything I have here is my own." It is a nice apartment, not overly large but large enough in NYC to suggest it costs a small fortune to maintain.

"And you've got the wrong mental image of what it is like in SHIELD. I'm in the WAND division, not a stuffy... office space. Yes its offices, but we're a team, a team of people all centered around the occult, where someone like you and I are there to provide our wealth of knowledge and experience on how to find and retrieve things of great value or... terrible danger." She's giving him similar speeches to this one before.

Nathan Drake has posed:
Hey, Lara is a beautiful woman inside and out, and Nate is single. He's gonna take his shot, even if she either constantly shoots him down or doesn't notice it. But, c'est la vie, and hey! Nate's a respectful flirter. Unlike Sam, who probably got punched in the face once or twice. Or the shoulder. Or lower. But!

Nate chuckles a little bit. "Suuuuure it is." Nate quips about her family money. "But I'll take your word for it." Then he's being given the speech about the WAND division of SHIELD and he's kind of lowering his head in a way that screams he's heard this before...or at least something similar. "I know, Lara. I just...Look, you're the badass who gets Excalibur or something, I'm just the knockoff Indiana Jones. I just..I don't know if I'd be good at that."

Though Nate has proven ABOVE AND BEYOND that he's a seperate household name than Indiana Jones, Nate is clearly thinking about it. "God dammit." he mutters to himself.

"Fine, I can ask whoever your boss is to try it out, and if I don't fit, then I don't fit."

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara just enjoys more of her food while she listens to him respond and she glances down at the food here and there and back up at him up to where he finishes speaking again. "He's one of us." She replies then, glancing down once again. "Indiana." She adds before raising her eyes to look at him again. "The man those movies were based off of. He's a real living breathing person and I found him. In Madripoor. He was hoping to stay hidden and retired, but I convinced him otherwise." She smiles lightly. Lara herself had a movie come out last year about her first adventure on the... traumatizing island experience of Yamatai, the movie hadn't been all that great and was nothing like what actually happened to her, as she'd had no involvement in its production, but thats how this world is, movies about a lot of people in strange and outrageous situations get made.

Especially all the super hero exploits going on in this reality.

Lara just shakes her head side to side, shows him a quick smile before brushing her dark brown hair out of her face. "Its only an offer, Nathan. I know you love your day job, you're more than welcome to keep it. But, by the way..."

Lara stands up then and walks toward the living area, she picks up her jacket off the back of a chair and pulls out a glossy magazine book, smaller than a average magazine though. She walks back to him and sets it down. "This, is for you." He'll recognize it. Its a copy of 'Adventure Club'. Something created a hundred years ago by people much like them. "Its the last issue that my father ever helped contribute on. I wanted to talk to you sometime, and now you're here... about reforming this manner of group."

Nathan Drake has posed:
"You have got to be shitting me."

Nathan seems to widen his eyes. "He's a real guy? Seriously? Real guy? Professor and everything?" Nate kinda rubs his forehead, but then again this shouldn't be a shock. He found El Dorado, he found Shangri-la, both places thought to not even be real...so why shouldn't a movie character be real? he sighs lightly.

But as soon as Lara comes up to him with a copy of an old magazine. "For me, you shouldn't have. Trying to butter me up for something?' and he strikes again!

"But as he looks at the magazine, he tilts his head. "Well would you look at that. I drew a lot of inspiration from those old coons. You want to start something like this up again?" Nate takes a minute as he is clearly in thought before he speaks again.

"What the hell." he mutters. "Alright, I'm in. On the condition that we pick a better name than Adventurers Club." he chuckles.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara sits herself down again on the edge of her original chair across from him on the island counter. She watches his reaction to the book and to the Indy news. She shows a bright smile and laughs warmly to what he responds with. At the book, she nods her head toward it. "They had different tastes in names back then... I'm open to suggestions on that much of it, though I do find a certain level of... elementary charm in it?" She shakes her head softly then.

"But yes, Henry Jones Junior is a real man. He has family here in Manhattan as well, a private investigate that operates out of... Hell's Kitchen, I believe? It was one of the driving reasons I got him to come back here, to spend time with his family again." She takes in an inhale of air then, and lets it out slowly. "But yes, I convinced him to join SHIELD, due to his... long lived life span." She flashes Nate another little grin. "The Holy Grail was within his grasp, so it seems, as it had been in the film. Though he says what actually happened that day, ended up going down much differently than in the film. As... I've now learned quite personally myself."

"Anyway, yes." She reaches out and taps the magazine lightly. "What I've realized is that... with all the troubles in our world, there is more activity and archaeological discoveries than any one before ever realized, just waiting to be found. And now we have the technologies to really dig in and locate some of these items, places, and long lost people. A group dedicated solely to this could be, beneficial." She seems to settle on that last word with happiness in its choice to sum up her feelings.

Nathan Drake has posed:
Nathan appears to be completely on board with this idea about making a group of individuals dedicated to find the lost and bring them to the light. Be they a people group, a legendary artifact long since thought destroyed, or what have you. Though he can only imagine what Sullivan's gonna think when Nate tells him, Nathan just keeps his eyes on Lara. "Can't believe you met Indiana freakin' Jones and didn't tell me until now." Oh yes, he's gonna dwell on it. "and I brought you Chinese food. Shame on you." His tone is as teasing and playful as ever.

But then, he seems to give a nod. "Alright. I'll try out this WAND business and see how I like it. As for this new group...well, more the merrier on adventure, right? As for the name...how about the-"

Nathan and Lara talk the rest of the night. Though Lara could either let him sleep on the couch or kick him out if it gets too late. But..nonetheless, this was the beginning of a grand adventure!