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Stark's Party Week doesn't have to End!
Date of Scene: 04 June 2019
Location: Penthouse - Stark Tower
Synopsis: Tony's birthday suprise by Pepper doesn't go as well as she may have hoped.
Cast of Characters: Iron Man, Pepper Potts

Iron Man has posed:
The string of parties has been a parade of constant action, sound, and excitement for Stark Tower. The fallout from it doesn't show on the surface, generally: the whole organization of the party sequence has always been something of a model to which all other long, ridiculous events are compared!

It's evening of the Friday party, one that transferred midway through from the tower to a cruise ship deck. Hot tubs, DJs, music: the second site was a surprise to the partygoers, and showcased how dynamic the Stark parties can really be, when guests are suddenly flown places!

Tony himself ended up, over the course of the party, in Iron Man armor, and starting to display more of the wild streak that comes out with that combination. The combo of armor and heavy drinking can make for some embarrassing displays, this night was mostly related to a lot of flight (and some 'intentional' diving in the water)...

The yacht site party is still going, but those at the Tower that didn't go into the 'exclusive' insanity of the sudden trip -- were just informed that Tony was coming in hot and fast, in his armor, to his penthouse. That can mean any number of things, really.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper was *not* taking his present to the yacht for a lot of reasons. And she almost always had to be back at the office in the morning (though tomorrow is Saturday and she technically has off, Pepper can't really remember the last time she took a full Saturday off), so she's usually come back to the tower. Tonight, however, she's got something a bit extra planned. If he happened to come home, he'd find a special present. (To be fair, she's been waiting like this every night since his ACTUAL birthday. One of these evenings, she knew he'd come home instead of staying out until dawn.)

A simple, elegant, dark chocolate cup cake on the table. Baked by her. And she's in a dress that she would not *dare* wear in public because the media would be all over it. Even if Janet designed her something that looks like a dream, Pepper's kept it just for Tony. Its pristine, sky blue, it's a bit paler than the California skyline. It's worn as a haltar top, crossing once just under the throat, wrapping around, then crossing again over the breastline. It leaves a diamond-shaped patch of skin visible from the lower sternum to mid-navel, and a like gap is exposed in the back. It's cut low enough that the small of the back is visible. The dress is stitched to give it subtle lines parallel to the course the wrapping takes. The wrap in front stops above the knee and goes down another eight inches behind the thigh. Four-inch white heels with a peekabo toe complete the outfit. Included are a pair of cute little arc-reactor sapphire earrings, and a pair of engraved bangles in silver.

Of course, the warning that he's coming in hot and fast? That breaks the moment. Pepper's now worried instead of waiting in elegant splendor. "JARVIS, report on vitals??" She calls to the ceiling as she dashes over towards the landing pad but not quite outside. She'll be there on hand in case he collapses after landing, to pull him in, but she has no clue what his condition is so it'd do no good for her to get run over WHILE he's landing.

Iron Man has posed:
"He appears to have had a number of drinks," JARVIS replies in a prim and slightly uncomfortable way that he can adopt when he doesn't want to disappoint the person he's giving the information to. JARVIS can tell she may not like that report. "But he is otherwise unharmed."

Tony lands on the outdoor, long balcony that he often flies in and off of when using his armor. 'Lands' is the kind way to put it: it's really a tumble and sideways skid, because he came in far too quickly, and the brakes lacked finesse, so he 'landed' and then spun on still-repulsing feet. He ended up slamming the wall and bouncing off a little bit. One of the robots on the balcony rushes to spray him heavily with extinguisher, which Tony doesn't even seem to be aware of at first, he just disappears partially into the cloud of it, one gaunleted arm raised, one finger up, in a 'just a second' sort of gesture.

The eager robot ignores the gesture and sprays more with an air of alarmed concern. Not that there was anything other than a few minor sparks.

Pepper Potts has posed:
"...Yes, well... Yes. Thank you, JARVIS." Pepper clips out to the unseen AI. Tony's landing is the exact reason that she didn't go straight outside to begin with and she winces deeply watching him. Brows knit, hands hovering in worry. She waits until he's firmly down and the extinguisher is going before she pushes the door open and dashes outside towards him.

"Tony! God...Tony... what... You were FLYING like this?? How... How many have you HAD?" She isn't even certain if he can hear her over the chaos of the over eager robot and any dents his suit has taken. But she's there, hands out, trying to offer him assistance in standing, or at least stumbling back inside. So much for a sweet, romantic reunion. She's managing all of this in those four inch heels too.

Iron Man has posed:
The building is dented, not the armor, though it's hard to see with all the extinguisher stuff all over him. "You're going to a community college workshop program if you don't stop that," Tony threatens the little robot with a horrible fate. The helmet is still closed, leaving only body language to be readable on Tony: well, that and his tone. He's probably had an exciting night, and he's still jazzed, overall. With the armor, though, Tony's very heavy, so Pepper's attempts to assist are mostly in vain, until he actually registers her there.

"...You were wearing that, and stayed HERE?" Tony asks abruptly, turning his head towards her, and abruptly the helmet visor flips up and open. He pulls the whole helmet off a moment later, as if still needing a better view. "I would've showed you off," continues the drunken playboy, staring at her, with a happy disorientation that's very, very familiar.

Pepper Potts has posed:
The relief of him being not visibly injured when he flips the visor up is enough to cut away any frustrations she might feel at him flying this inebriated. At least he didn't seem hurt. Her hands hover, not really sure what to do or how to help him while he's still mostly encompassed in the armor, but clearly wanting to. She looks worried and fretting, an equally very familiar expresion on Virginia Potts' face.

"I...I thought it was a bit... Revealing. The paparazzi would have been a bit much. But you... You get to see it. If you come in here and get that armor off and maybe drink some water, at least." Pepper only slightly huffs those words, her plans for the simple, sweet Happy birthday, the cake and more? They're all gone in hovering worries and her now trying to figure out just how drunk Tony is.

Iron Man has posed:
"Ooooor," Tony says, drawing the word out, "We could go back to the party," he suggests, lifting one armored hand to finger gun at her, brows up, dark eyes widening with the impact of his own suggestion. Yes, Tony's had a lot. His eyes drop over her front torso.

He then registers her suggestion that he take off his armor (or maybe more), and adapts, inspired, maybe, by the visual in front of him. He's not as quick while inebriated, but still quite there. "Oooooor I can catch up to you in nudity, yeah," Tony answers, stepping back once, with only a small sway, and triggering his robots to come undress him out of the armor. It peels away in sequence, quickly and efficiently.

Under the armor, Tony is dressed in one of his sleek, party suits, though the collar is open and the tie was lost to locations unknown.

Pepper Potts has posed:
"Anthony Stark. You are NOT flying off in this condition again, much less taking me *with* you. You're lucky you landed almost upright." Pepper's voice is that familiar mix of very worried and more than a bit frustrated, but relief is managing to blunt it from being all that sharp. She stands back enough for the robots to help him out of the armor, revealing the party suit beneath. Once he's free, she steps forward and smooths his collar down gently for just a moment. "You... lost your tie." She mutters, softer than before. It wasn't exactly an admonishment, but there was a deeper level of worry behind her voice than even before.

Just how much HAD he been drinking?

Then she turns on the ball of her foot, trying to lead the way back fully into the apartment. "I... had a few things for you, but maybe in the morning. Why don't we get you out of that suit and into bed. I know you've got another day of it planned tomorrow."

Iron Man has posed:
"Come on, we're on a first name basis, call me Tony," Tony teases, in the same way she's heard him tell any number of hundreds of people that he barely knows to call him Tony instead of 'Mr. Stark'. It's probably intentional, that sass. He steps towards her when she comes in to smooth his collar, with the sudden overwhelming closeness of someone that has no judgement of where he's standing in relation to her physical space. So he may suddenly be RIGHT up close. "'Honey' could also be permissible, in reasonable doses," Tony teases her, with his shameless way.

Tony lifts both hands to set them at her waist level; his hands aren't cold from the flight, they're warm in the chilly night air, from the armor he'd been in.

"I did not lose my tie. Rebeccah with an H has it," Tony says simply, providing information. There isn't any linger over Rebeccah, though, his eyes are on her. "Bed? You offer an exciting alternate way to spend my party night; did you have something planned out? Some sight-seeing, maybe?"

Pepper Potts has posed:
There, behind her on the top of the bar at the side of the penthouse's living room, still sits that single dark chocolate cupcatke. The candle is still going, so there probably is a good pool of wax on the top bit of the icing, but it's a flickering reminder of the things she did have planned which have firmly gone sideways for his less than smooth return tonight. Still, she doesn't pull back from his hands. She lets his large, warm palms grasp at her waist, the edges of her stomach bare to his thumbs where the dress' fabric is cut out. She's starting to blush, all the way up to her ears.

"...I...I'll keep that in mind, *Honey*. But we should really get you inside. And... I... no. No sight seeing planned, Tony. Just... it was nothing. J-just... let's go inside." She really wasn't certain how to handle this much Tony, this intensely, and this thirsty. There is still that slightly shy, too professional Pepper Potts locked inside, even while wearing such a revealing dress.

Iron Man has posed:
There are so many things Tony does see and quickly understands, but the small cake and the candle that's flickering out for what /could/ have happened this evening? Tony is blind to it, entirely unaware, and is still, in some way, back at the party full of people trying to latch onto the exciting, famous juggernaut of heroism - and money.

"This IS blue, isn't it? I should install some better lighting out here," Tony asks distractedly, drunk attention on her dress (or the areas it doesn't cover), fingering one of the back cutouts. She hasn't guided them in, so he's gone nowhere, yet. With the armor off he's less of a windbreak, but still something of one, up on the high balcony.

"No plan? What if I outline a landmark I'd like to hit," Tony questions, but seems willing to be led places - he isn't very steady on his own.

Pepper Potts has posed:
The strawberry blond is caught in stammering and even deeper blushes until he comments the landmark. She does NOT miss the double entendre there. "Tony!" She half yelps and pulls back, awkwardly laughing. "Inside. Now. You are so drunk." That was definitely scolding. She turns on the ball of her foot and leads the way in, though one hand does linger with him, running down his arm and then tugging him to the door so the outside wind can stop whipping her hair up around her face and threatening to make the dress flash even more. Though, he does get almost quite the show in the last second of wind as she crosses from platform into penthouse, the dress kicking up to just at her hip before settling in a smooth line again.

Once inside, the candle is out finally, the wind from the door being open haven taken the last few flickers. The cupcake still sits there abandoned and the penthouse has been neatly cleaned of any evidence that he was partying the night before, or the one before that. "I'm going to get you some water. And yes, it's blue, but you can see it better another day." Unless he catches her hand or wrist, she lets him go and double times towards the kitchen.

Iron Man has posed:
"Yes, I am. Did you expect an argument?" Tony asks, cheeky, when she declares his state of drunkenness. "Best party I've thrown, so far," he adds, pointing out at the skyline loosely in the direction he may have come from. It's not important that it be accurate. But he's close anyway.

When Pepper pulls him in and releases him, he rocks back on a heel but doesn't fall. Instead, he watches her move away, appreciating the view, as he lowers himself towards the nearest couch, and uses one foot to shove off first one shoe, then the other. His sprawl is relaxed, arms out over the back of the couch. "'Cept you weren't there."

"---You seem to continually mis-hear me. In no way have I said 'water'," Tony calls to the kitchen, but his tone is laughing: he knows he's about to get water. He's just being bratty about it.

Pepper Potts has posed:
A deep breath is taken as he teases about the water. Pepper sighs and turns on the faucet (and filter) with the side of her hand as the other rubs down across her face and she puts back together that professional, proper secretary demeanor. There'd be no use lecturing him tonight. Not for his birthday. Still, she's dead quiet for a few moments as she fills the tall glass of water. The sound of the running water cuts off a few moments later and she steps back out of the kitchen.

Her expression is put back together, a neutral smile across her pale, faintly freckled features. Just the start of summer, a few extra days in the sun and all those freckles are starting to come in for the season. She didn't bother hiding them under concealer tonight. She keeps her neutral smile in tact as she walks over to him and offers the water. "No, you didn't say water. I did. Drink. And I was at the office until late... and getting the extra insurance we needed on the yacht, just... In case." He set it on fire? SOmeone jumped off the side? Probably all of those things. "And I was here. I knew you'd come home. Eventually."

Iron Man has posed:
"I did rescue four people," Tony answers, proving her insurance fears to be entirely legitimate. He takes the water from her without his usual expression as if she were trying to poison him. He takes a big gulp of it and then coughs heavily. It's at that point he seems to register that it's water. He spills a little bit down his front, but also doesn't seem to care or mind. Drinks do a lot to adjust what matters.

"This was your /office/ attire? Since when has that started?" Tony counters, brows up, and a glow to his dark brown eyes. "Fancy Friday?"

Then Tony relents, in a quick shift, "You do look beyond great. I would've been fine if you'd came to the party in a sweatshirt, though." There's an honest depth to the statement, that he had wanted her, and had noticed her not being there.

Pepper Potts has posed:
His missing her does soften some of the feelings she's having about how messy he is tonight, Pepper standing over him as she watches him struggle just to drink that glass of water. Her lips press into a long line, hands at her hips. She's not settling down beside him, but hovers there, waiting to see if she should get him a second glass of water. "I didn't wear this to the office. I...I put it on tonight. In case you came home. For your birthday." Pepper explains a bit more quietly, almost embarrassed about it now.

"...And maybe I'll come tomorrow night. I... You know me. I'm not all that good at big parties. Not unless we're trying to get charity donations." She teases a bit. "Better just to make certain things are going fine behind the scenes. I was here in case there was an emergency. I promise."

Iron Man has posed:
"This one wasn't all that big," Tony assures her. "Just a few hundred. Intimate, really." Tony's teasing her, and lacks the full awareness to deadpan it fully, since he's smiling a lot. The drinking eases a lot of his mood. Until it doesn't, anyway: but for now he's upbeat and has the rush of the attention and positive worship of the crowd from his party.

"I came to fetch you," Tony says, drinking his water, with a squint: he's realizing he didn't do what he planned to do, but also is, it seems, questioning the plan. He drinks the water like a good boy, and hands the glass off to her without comment.

"But you don't HAVE to go."

Pepper Potts has posed:
Her mostly bare shoulders relax a bit more as he finishes the water. She takes the glass from him and leans over, giving his forehead a gentle kiss. "Only you would think a few hundred is intimate. I'd be lost in the crowd." She squeezes his shoulder and then turns away, going to refill the glass of water, still looking like a designer dream in that dress. She's never worn anything quite that revealing for him before. Or, probably ever, really. The sink running can be heard again.

"I'd rather you finish off a bit more water, maybe get your cake from me and *maybe* your birthday present, then tuck into bed. But... we could skip just to bed. Or..." And she comes back out of the kitchen, hips swaying just a bit in a way that says she might be teasing the smallest fraction, "We could go back. But then your present waits. Not until tomorrow, if that."

Iron Man has posed:
"Is it cake by the ocean?" Yes, that was a sexual joke, AND a song reference.

Tony groans, sitting forward to pull his suit coat off, and promptly smushes himself backwards into the cushions more. He lifts a hand to press it over his eyes a little. The huge amount of water, taken in that fast, has made things less awesome in Tony's world. He should have paced it with the water drinking thing. Pacing anything isn't really Tony's most strong suit, or he wouldn't be where he is. It's always turned up to 11.

"Let me shut my eyes and brain off for just a moment," Tony asks of her, resting his head into the cushion. He isn't in a state to appreciate her fully, or her dress: which also isn't unusual. It's the alcohol, once again in the way.

Pepper Potts has posed:
When he can't even appreciate her attempts at teasing, she knows the headache is coming and it's going to be bad. So much for fancy birthday presentation. Pepper gently sets the glass of water down on the table in front of him, "I'll...go get some advil." She murmurs softly. Then the heels come off. Sure, they look nice, but they also click on marble floor and she wasn't parading around like a gift for him any longer tonight. It was mainly about taking care of him now.

Stockinged feet carry her off to the bar area where she just habitually keeps a large bottle of Ibupropen for times just like this. They have been too frequent as of late. She pours out two and brings them back to the couch area where she tucks herself down onto the cushions next to him. "Eyes open. Take these and *sip* a bit more water, then you can go back to shutting off your brain and I'll get you in bed in a few minutes."

Iron Man has posed:
Tony isn't responsive, when she returns. He's just -- out.

The 'resting' of his eyes has turned into something far more extreme, and perhaps yet another glaring neon sign of the problem that's stayed mostly in a shadow. This could have happened during the flight over, or on the landing area; that the willpower of Tony got him this far might be sort of incredible.

Incredible, but also terrible; the unconsciousness reveals now what everyone has ignored, by encouraging or at least turning a blind eye to where things have gone.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper stares down at him quietly, her face lined with deep, silent worry. "JARVIS, keep a close eye on Mr. Stark's vital signs. If they dip into anything even near worrisome, alert me immediately." Pepper's slightly cracked voice echoes to the ceiling. She's not worried about waking him up. He's sleeping too deep, too boozy, just too much. He'll be out until the morning, no doubt.

She then walks the rest of the way over to him and gently begins to unbutton his shirt. Once it's loose and open, she ever so carefully shifts him forward. She leans him against her enough that she can slip him out of that shirt while balancing dead weight. Once he's free of that, she guides him down to the couch and starts the same with his pants. This is a BIT more of a challange, but she has gentle hands and he's had entirely too much to drink. Once she has those off, she bundles the whole thing up for the dry cleaners. Then she heads to get the guest pillows and blanket. She could't carry him to bed, but she could make him as comfortable as possible on the couch.

"...Happy Birthday, Tony. We... we've got a lot to talk about in the morning." She whispers to no one in particular.