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Titanic Orientation
Date of Scene: 31 May 2019
Location: Lobby, Titans Tower (TBD)
Synopsis: Negasonic shows up at Titan's Tower for 'Orientation' with Raven and Red Robin.
Cast of Characters: Negasonic Teenage Warhead, Red Robin, Raven

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Well to be fair Ellie wasn't entirely sure Colette would ever get back to her. So she was a bit surprised when the email came after she sent those sample social media posts and a 'resume' about being made an Associate Member and Social Media intern.

To be fair the email looked awfully official, what with Colette fudging the paperwork in Damian's absence. Still this could be like an elaborate con, one of those Carrie like movies where it ends up in ridicule ... pigs blood.. and then a Tower being exploded.

And yet.

Curfew is a Bitch and the lockdown due to Sentienl bullshit has about driven Negasonic nuts.

So one fine Thursday afternoon, early evening almost, flaunting the curfew in the closeness even, comes Ellie Phimister to the automated ferry service after catching the Long Island Railroad to it. She has been here before and argued with the A.I. after all, so she just strolls into the lobby and says "Hey. Negasonic Teenage Warhead, I got this email I wanted to make sure everyone was serious." she peers around the empty space. "Is Stardust here? Anyone?"

The AI probably alerts currently present Titans that the young lady who threatened to light the river on fire and whom has been 'hired' recently is back.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake is doing something that will probably drive Damien insane. He is making sure the kid did not leave anything in his room that he should not have before the trip he has taken. Tim being a previous leader and one of the computer types coulf get into the kids rooms, and at the alert he will lock back up and come down. Red Robin takes the elevator down, and reaches into his utility belt for a stick on patch to cover the slice along the arm of his uniform from one of the murder midgets booby traps in his room.

Raven has posed:
    The usual welcome wagon for the Tower is officially listed as 'Anyone But Raven.' However, of those currently dwelling at the tower, Raven is theoretically the only one that -lives- here. Therefore, when Negasonic arrives, Raven is technically the only one "available" to answer the call at the door. At least, by the standards of the current roster.

    There is a startling noise- not from some explosion or loud clattering of any kind... But from Raven's voice, erupting from a direction or a corner that, almost certainly, there couldn't have been anyone before. She emerges from seemingly nowhere, at the top of a bannister of the stairway in the foyer. Floating, somewhat idly, down towards the visitory.

    "Welcome to Titans tower. What can we do for you?"

    She is quiet, and solemn- her voice is montonous, and drones, somewhat, as if it doesn't get much exercise. As well, the unsettling purple of her eyes shines out from beneath the hood of her sweater. It almost stares -through- the person her gaze lights upon- in this case, Ellie.

    "Stardust isn't here. She would have been if you had come here sooner. If you received contact from us, I can assure you it's serious... If it indeed -did- come from us."

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Ellie turns, pivoting on one of her sturdy knee high booted feet to face the voice. She has pretty good situational awareness with all her time clocked in .. the other danger room... and she is pretty sure there wasn't someone there a moment ago.

The young woman's eyes flit up, then down, then up again taking all of Rachel in slowly, giving her time to formulate her response. "If I had to wager a guess, you're Raven." she pauses "Well that and I did my research on your media profiles, so I guess it isn't much of a guess." a slow shrug. "I like your look." she notes complimentary.

With one eye on the Elevator that seems to be showing it moving towards the lobby, or potentially past it, she answers Raven. "That is the trick, I doubt it is a trick.. at least hopefully." and there is a smartphone in her hand and turns it to show Raven, who well not close enough yet. "Got an email from either your official account or a really good fake after I sent in some samples of how I would do social media for you all and .. other things. It says I've been accepted as an associate member.. blahblah trial basis.. come by and fill out things and sign them. That sort of thing. My names Negasonic."

Emotionally right now Ellie is an odd contradiction, there is an exceptionally well honed sense of sulleness, a fairly still emotion that is tinged with a mild sadness. The conflict comes from little prickles of punkish irritation, like man this better not be a trick. Nothing very overpowering from the goth girl though.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake will step out of the elevator as it stops, and look around. Seeing the Goth girl a brow raises at someone he does not know, but seeing Raven and she sems to be doing the talking he will moe to listen and back the magical goth up if things are needed.

Raven has posed:
    Raven lands quietly, her chunky stompers offering this very light thud as she takes the first few steps in Ellie's direction. Her hands remain in her pockets, and she's silent for longer than the situation should normally permit- it almost borders on an awkward level of silence, before she finally speaks.

    "I don't manage any of that." she responds, her expression unchanging. It's somewhat difficult to follow her online presence, as she more or less doesn't have one- no public profiles or twitter handles, at least. She can be seen on media from all over- working with the Titans is not a thing one does without having some sort of public appearance. Even so, Raven is mostly known as some spooky hoodie witch.

    When Tim arrives, Raven's head does not turn to face the elevator. Instead, she merely acknowledges his presence: "Red Robin." She has yet to acknowledge the compliment- and probably isn't going to- but she continues on. "I can recognize that it -is- legitimate," she begins again, "But otherwise, there is little that can be done at this hour. If you want to remain until Stardust's return, I can give you some manner of tour. She will handle the rest of the matters at hand, as she initiated contact."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake will look over the NTW and tap the side of his mask, as he will see what he can find on their new media wizz. He will nod his head to NTW, and says "If you wish I can walk along with you Raven." He offers in a friendly voice. Seems he is used to Raven, and has a pretty good feel for when her neutral state is bordering on blah or weee. He asks "So Stardust working on a few new hirings?"

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
When the Elevator doesn't pass the lobby by, well Ellie watches Red Robin emerge and gives him a look over.

The Titan's being in the public eye, definitely makes it easier recognizing who is who, though she hadn't really thought about that until just now when she started down this particular rabbit hole.

She may be in trouble back home.

Have to wait and see on that though. That is later Negasonic's problem.

"Nice." was it about his outfit too, or was it about the tap to his mask there, her eyes narrowing a touch. "Well. I sent her my.. I guess application.. she said she would need to talk it over with.." she pauses, she knows the slip was a slip from Starfire. "People. I talked to her, Starfire, Kian and blew up a Ninja in your Danger Room." a shrug "Not entirely sure who sent the email, official account and it took longer to get down here than I calculated, so this is probably my fault I missed her if she handles this sort of thing." there is almost a smile. "I go by Negasonic or Negasonic Teenage Warhead.. but if I am honest a lot of people just go with Negasonic. Also a tour would be cool."

There was a mild consternation about something when she saw Robin, not about him, about something else there. The offer for a tour though relaxes the teenager a smidge. Okay so this is actually official.

What can be found about her, well the Bats have excellent computers and resources. Depends on how deep and what sort of facial recognition technology. The easy hits are the @sullensilence account, which interacted with the official @Titans account. That media presence seems to be pretty vocal about human rights, mutant rights, women's rights, LGBT rights, and anti-fascist. According to the 'app' in the Titan's system she handles the social media for that big club in Mutant Town. Actual Facial Recognition would place her on the scene in NYC where she and another nameless person stopped a gang from killing a bunch of people in an apartment building with arson recently.

Raven has posed:
    Throughout all of this, Raven hasn't actually introduced herself- though Negasonic guessed right, so there probably isn't much of a need to. "If you sent her what amounted to you formally volunteering, then it is likely you received that email in response to it." There is a pause, then. Just how little Raven moves is likely on some level certainly disquieting. "If you have already been to the training level, then there is little else to show you, other than the dormitories." Without bidding Ellie to follow- or rebuking Tim for offering to do the same- Raven begins to move. Terrestrially, towards the stairs, in fact. The lack of saying anything is as close to telling the two they're free to follow along.

    The tower itself is intricately designed- meant to be open and allow for individuals like those present to move about the tower however they wish. Raven is leading them up, via the stairs, towards the dormitory level. Specifically to the area outside the rooms themselves, the lounge area that, when there are more Titans in the tower, most people tend to linger and, well, lounge.

    "This is the lounge. It is pretty self-explanatory." she offers- such a gracious and detailed host, she is.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake hmms and smirles amoment, and says "Ok.' softly to himself. He will walk along, and he decides to help adding the small talk. "So may I ask, what do you do besides the media presence for this club?" He falls in walking relaxed now.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Negasonic archs a pierced eyebrow taking in Raven and her general.. Raveness. There is a shrug though and she follows after her now looking sidelong to Red Robin and then making sure she doesn't trip up the steps.

The layout is new to her after all. "Volunteer.. I guess that is accurate enough. I mean there was talk about some money and also an allotment of villains to blow up." is she kidding, she doesn't feel like she is kidding, she actually feels like she looks forward to defeating villains.

When Robin asks the question. "I help that place with it's media. I go to school still." she considers "I blow up stuff probably better than anyone you've ever met?" which is declared as they enter the lounge and Raven explains it.

It is pretty self explanatory.

"I figure I shouldn't be an ass on my first day. So this is safe." which is honestly miles more warning than Negasonic gives most people. Still she made a bold statement to Red Robin. So she holds her hand up, and snaps her fingers. There is a small bang and nothing is damaged or even displaced but there was definitely a small explosion around those snapped fingers.

"So are there any rules I should be aware of while I work on catching Stardust?"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake will start to say something but stops right as he starts to speak. He will bring his hand up to his ear, and says "Ok, I'm at the Tower, i will be there asap." He will look to Raven "Sorry needed back in Gotham." He will say to Negasonic "You have some interesting friends." and with that. He is heading back down the stairs. Did the boy wonder just jump over te banaster taking the stairs down the center of the shaft. Yes yes he did.

Raven has posed:
    There is a lot of information that Raven, well, leaves on the table as it were. Ellie having interesting friends, the people whose social media she manages that aren't the Titans, the display of power... Raven doesn't necessarily seem displeased outwardly, but at the same time, how little she addresses it is perhaps sign enough that she is a little bit on the subtler side of things. Whether she's annoyed or just looks down upon it is not entirely clear. However, Raven -always- looks displeased, so that's not exactly news.

    "Try not to be... Loud. We all try not to disrupt each other here. Otherwise... Don't poke anything you don't understand, stay out of everyone's room, and wait for Stardust to arrive. She'll probably be here in the morning or afternoon. I can't say for sure." There is another pause, then, "As well, you should stick to the upper floors and the lounge, specifically. The training level and underground aren't exactly restricted, but they are not something that is safe to poke at when you're probably going to learn about it anyways."