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The Renaissance Faire
Date of Scene: 02 June 2019
Location: Breakstone, Westchester County
Synopsis: Lorna, Rogue, Jason Todd and Kitty go to the Westchester Renaissance Fair.
Cast of Characters: Polaris, Red Hood, Shadowcat, Rogue

Polaris has posed:
It was the annual Renaissance Fair, which had happened every year for the past dozen or so years. It was something Lorna knew about, and had visited once or twice in the past. The outside had high towering walls meant to look like a castle, complete with fake iron gate that could be wrenched up or down to let people in. The ticket booths were crowded, but as Lorna had purchased everything ahead of time, the group had fast pass tickets and were through the opening gates before the cannons stopped firing off their welcoming booms.

Inside was packed with people in varying manners of dress. From the actors in full on Elizabethan costume, to the kids walking around in little Halloween store purchases, and plenty of people just wearing a pair of jeans and a T-shirt. There were even a few super hero cosplayers in the background, at least one Captain America with fake muscles and a steampunk looking man that might have been an Iron Man costume.

Booths lined the sides full of things to buy. Crowds passed through, people sang, and a fountain bubbled somewhere off to the side. Luckily, to escape the heat, there were plenty of tall trees all over, giving plenty of shade to the occupants. Lorna for her part, wore a white and flowing peasant looking top and a pair of black yoga pants, and a pair flip flops. A jiggle belt slung around her waist and she took a map of the place handed to her from an actor with a grin. She glanced at the others that had joined her today, and arched a brow. "So, what first? I want to go get some mead or something."

Red Hood has posed:
You ever see that episode of F-Troop where Agarn says "There's no way I'm wearin' a dress, absolutely not! No dress!" and Forrest Tucker's like "Yeah your wearin' that dress! Your gonna wear that dress!" and then they wipe away - and Agran's in a dress?

That's kind of how it went when Kitty asked Jason to come with her to this. And it probably would have stayed that way - until she showed Jason what she was wearing?

That's why Jason's wearing a loose fitting tunic shirt with a red leather vest - a pair of black leather pants, boots - but there was no way he wasn't going to not wear sunglasses. "And no pictures - you'll totally show them to Carrie and I'll never live it down."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde, uber geek girl, has been to quite a few Renaissance Fairs in her day. Though those were before she went off to school at Oxford. And at that age she never really was able to pull off the look that she wanted.

But now she's 20 and has curves. And so Kitty Pryde, Thief, makes her appearance this year. Wearing a costume that is black leather and lace, skimpy in all the places you would expect it to be. And most of all, a corset that while Emma Frost wouldn't wear it, would probably get a few moments perusal and grudging approval for all but the color.

She tugs it up a little bit, not used to wearing something like this. She grins over to Jason and says, "I will surely commission a drawing of you, good townsperson. That I might share it, hither and anon with my friends," she says. And then breaks out in laughter. "Ok, never really did get the speech down well. Lorna, this was a great idea," she says, flashing a grin over to the Genoshan.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is behind the three of them, holding a metal thermos for coffee--though it definitely doesn't have coffee in it. She's got big designer aviator sunglasses on over her eyes, a green tanktop with a sheer black see-thru shawl over her shoulders to let air in and onto her skin in the warm weather, a pair of low-rise blue jeans cinched with a black leather belt, and a pair of black and gold tennis shoes on her feet... she's clearly not medieval-timsed-up, beyond the whites of her bangs being briaded and wrapped around the sides of her head to tie in the back like she'd seen in Lord of The Rings, or something.

As they walk, she scans around looking at everything, showing a faint grin as she sips whatever is in her thermos. She trails after the others and just observes for now, she's on high alert though, gloves-on cause of how packed this place is... hoping some kid doesn't touch her sides since she's got some skin showing over her jeans. Them damn kids and their random grabby hands after all.

Thermos is sipped, eyes be watching for the hot guys in tights... thats what drew her into this after all, a promise of that.

Polaris has posed:
Oh, Rogue had an eyeful of several built looking young men in kilts, and nothing else save their knee high boots and some fur wraps. Another man passed by in nothing but a pair of jeans and had swirling blue paint all over his shoulders and arms, down his back and over his chest. There was //plenty// to see. People shouted for entertainment, and as they walked, or at least as Lorna ambled, flashing Kitty a grin as she made a bee-line for the nearest bar to get herself a drink.

Off to the side, a small line was forming a tall board with different strength rankings could be seen, with a bell at the top. The man running it shouted for people to test their strength and win prizes. One man in the front kept struggling and failing to get further than half way up.

Lorna came back with a plastic cup of something golden and frothy, and she sipped at it with care and a smile on her lips. "I thought this would be a great way for us to just relax for a bit. And it's not like anyone here is gonna give a shit about appearances either. Or strange behavior. Not a single person is gonna recognize me I bet." She sipped at her mead and made a happy sound of contentment.

"Though I hear over in Sweden the crown Prince goes to something like this all the time. I saw pictures of him in full on Elizabethan clothing. It was crazy."

Red Hood has posed:
"Last time I saw an outfit like yours, Kitty, it was on a busty German beermaiden. Not that they had much on you." Jason winks at Kitty as he takes in everything, the lone guy with the three X-keteers. "You two look great." comes the offer to the other two beauties with him. Though as he hears the barker calling out to the others, there's an interesting lift in the young man's eyes.

Someone always loves a challenge.

"One of you want to try it first?" he asks the others, because it looks like he's on the move to head directly towards the tests.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty glances back to Rogue, flashing her a grin and a little head nod in the direction of someone replete in muscles and wearing a fur strongman's outfit like something out of a caveman circus. She turns her attention back forward then, sliding her arm about the waist of her own strongman.

"Feel like a leg of mutton? Or maybe... oooo, Lorna what is that?" Kitty asks as she sees the other's drink. "And how much cleavage must I flash to get one without an ID?" she asks, the latter part in a much quieter voice. "God I can't wait, another month and a half and I'll be 21 finally. Uncivilized country, keeping me out of the pubs!" complains the girl with a few years overseas drinking under her belt.

Kitty turns back with a grin as Jason heads towards the strength challenge. "Win me a... whatever it is they have," she tells him encouragingly, her facing having lit up at his compliments on her attire. Lots of pictures will be taken. Speaking of, Kitty slips her phone out to snap one of Jason's swing when it happens at the strength game.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue offers a coy smile to the man with the blue paint splattered on his topless self as she walks past him, but otherwise just smiles and keeps on trailing after her friends. She raises her thermos up to sip from it and watches Lorna going for the big cup of frothyness. "Looks tasty." She says to the Princess who seems to be oddly in her element at this place, unlike most times Rogue has seen her at least.

Rogue's shaded eyes follow after where Jason is headed, she looks past him and spots the strength test thing and it just makes her grin. "Nah... I don't wanna rat us all out." Indicating her mutation and stolen strength. She's well aware that she could probably smash that whole contest contraption to pieces, just with a flick of her fingers.

So instead, Rogue lingers near where Lorna and Kitty are, sipping her drink. "LIvely place. Has a very... folky feelin' to it. I like it." She'd never been to one of these before, admittedly.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna giggled as she shot Kitty a wicked grin, "Here have a taste, tell me what you think. It's called a beesting. They said it was cider and mead." She glanced side long at the strength test, and considered it for a moment. Her green eyes focused on the distant point and she reached out with her magnetic senses and rolled her eyes once. "Oh no, I'd be caught cheating in a heartbeat. Nope. Let Jason go for it." She shook her head, and made to hold out her cup toward Kitty with a arch of her brow.

"Man, I need a turkey leg, and maybe we should go shopping for gifts for people. I wonder what they're using for their chainmail tops. I bet it's aluminum." She reached for the map again, opening it up and hmmming under her breath in thought as she considered where to go. She eyed the events, and performances and was truly torn over what to go see with the group.

"There's a joust in an hour. And some plays going on it looks like too."

A few actors came down the path where the group was standing near the strength test, and one of them might've been the Queen or something, judging by her costume. The woman had a rather voluminous dress, and a few people walking along with pikes and armor trailing after her. The young stopped before reaching the group, pausing to take pictures with a few little kids that came up to her.

Everything was light hearted, music played from a few harps and flutes down the wooded path.

Red Hood has posed:
"If you're getting chain mail bikinis, make sure Kitty's has extra large gauge!" Jason calls out - the better to leer at, right? Though he's clearly teasing her as he moves up to the strength test - and while he doesn't ring the bell, he sends the plunger far up into the scale.

There's cheers and laughter as Jason steps back, and is handed a small prize. "Tell me if there's a climbing one, I'm way better at that."

Since marksmanship doesn't seem to be offered as he heads to try out the next event.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty lets out a grin and says, "Can we get Anna-Marie entered into the joust? I bet you could win the trophy or whatever is they award. Actually, have you ever ridden a horse?" Kitty can't recall if she's ever heard Rogue mention horse riding before. But hey, what better place to learn than in front of a few hundred raucous spectators, right?

Kitty laughs at the chain mail comment from Jason. "Just remember others are going to see me in it too," she chides. She moves over to stand in the distance a bit behind the strength tester where Jason will see her as he's grabbing the mallet. She strikes a pose sticking her leather clad derriere behind her a bit and wiggles it. It's oddly reminiscent of how someone else might do it. "Come on! Inspiration!" she says, wiggling.

Kitty comes back around, smiling as Jason nearly hits the bell. "That was the best anyone's done so far," she tells him. "I just need to be better inspiration I guess," she teases, sliding her arm back around his waist.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is slow to follow after Kitty toward where Jason had gone. "Yeah, think I'll save a metal bikini for the beach sometime..." She comments. "Least there ya don't feel like a weirdo basically walkin' around in your underpants. For some reason... thats--ah who am I kiddin', I'd wear one if it didn't put so many people at risk."

She takes another sip of her drink as she stops beside Kitty and watches Jason do the strength test. Another sip is had, and as he does pretty well and people cheer, she waits and bides her time for the noise level to die down a bit then calls out. "And he's got a great Arse too!" in the best Scottish accent she can muster, which is... surprisingly apt!

With a smirk she takes another sip from her thermos and gives another glance left to right. "I don't think they let civilians do joustin' stuff... That seems like a sure-fire way t'get sued..." She looks to Kitty and grins at her. "And we got a stable at the school, silleh. Though I like brushin'em more than ridin'em." She pauses, sips again. "Maybe. Ridin's pretty fun too, in all instances, mrrowl!"

Polaris has posed:
Lorna snickered into her drink at the comment about chainmail bikinis. "No! I meant real chainmail! Like the actual stuff." Could she make some herself? Sure she could, but she wanted to //see// what they had. She was always interested in whatever metal work there was around to see. (Not surprisingly given her powerset.) Still, the green haired woman came up beside Rogue, watching Jason try and fail at the strength test as Kitty gave him 'encouragement'. She made a face, shaking her head and held out her cup toward Rogue. "Here you gotta try this." She offered and took another sip herself.

And the green haired woman nodded toward Rogue, "Yeah, Kitty I don't think they let people on their horses and stuff. Like she said, insurance issues all over." She grinned and without waiting for Rogue to try her drink, went ambling along the lane of tangled roots and wood chips.

"Ooh! Guys! They have those things... those.. ahh what are they. Stocks! They have stocks! C'mon, we can put on those little name plates and take pictures."

Red Hood has posed:
The climbing test is where Jason Todd shines. He has little trouble with the first pole, shimmying up it as he gets to the knotted rope next. There's a grunt as he leaps from the pole to it, and nearly slips, but at the last moment, both of his hands grip the bottom of the rope, preventing him from dropping into the mud pit below. Pulling himself to the top of it, Jason glances to the thin rail that's the last part of the challenge. "Should have brought my climbing gear."

Glancing down from where he is, he calls down. "Hey Kitty, I can see down your top from here!"

He's clearly teasing her as he grabs the rail and starts to pull himself across it, hand over hand as he approaches the end of it. And it seems this is where he does best as he grabs the little flag and then shimmies down the pole, swinging around it - stripper style as he twirls around it and hangs upside down, flag between his teeth as he winks at Rogue and Lorna, and then flips over to give the flag over for the prize!

Which turns out to be a large plush bear dressed up like a knight that's easily half his size as he moves to carry it over to Kitty, presenting to her. "M'lady."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde grins to Rogue. "He /does/ have a great arse," she agrees. Kitty then gets a pair of drinks like Lorna's, having really enjoyed it. How she manages to do this while not being of age will forever be lost to the ages. Though it involved leaning forward extensively. Thankfully while Jason was waiting in line for his turn at the climbing game.

Kitty returns to flash Lorna a grin. "Great, we deserve to be locked up," she says. She looks up as Jason starts his run. "You got it, Jason!" She calls out to him. "Whoopeth royally that obstacle course's buttocks!" she calls out in a bad English accent that gets a look from one of the RenFair players. "What? I'm in the spirit!" she tells him with a grin.

When Jason reaches the ground again and approaches with his prize, Kitty grins and moves over to go up on her toes and kiss him briefly. She trades a beverage for the plush bear knight. "Ok, need a name for him," she says, looking to Rogue for ideas.

Rogue has posed:
More sipping of her thermos as Rogue watches Jason's exploits, she knows enough about him to know that he's gonna be one of those guys at a place like this that is just too good at it. Like if he went on American Ninja Warrior he'd win and act like 'What up?' to all the other fat slobs that can't even come close to halving a course, let alone wholing it.

When he comes back with the gift for Kitty she just grins and slow nods. "What a man." She says with a fan to her exposed neck from a gloved hand. "I got the vapors." She teases as she turns to go catch up with Lorna, as she goes though she offers up a name that pops into her head for the plush. "Sir Hoticus Buttworth." And with a smirk she's off again.

As she starts to head toward Lorna she calls out to her green haired friend. "The Princess wants t'put us in medieval torture devices! I knew it all along! All ya EVAH had t'do was ask nicely though, sugah."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna watched Jason come back from his acrobatics wonder-exercises when a few bystanders whooped and aww'ed as he handed the giant plush toy over to Kitty. But the green haired woman was already standing on the little wooden stage that had been built up to host a number of wooden stocks without any locks on them. She stood in front of a fence that held a number of titles on wooden planks. There was 'witch', 'drunkard', 'nag', 'adulterer' among many many others. She picked up the witch plank and held it out toward Rogue with a grin.
5r "If you weren't called a witch back then, then you must've been pretty boring, right? That's how that works, right?" She joked, grinning as Rogue used her title and not her name. She made a false rolling back of her shoulders and tried to put on an overly dramatic expression, only to fail with constant snickering and grinning. "To the stocks with you! Particularly you Kitty, kissing in public! Ew!" She called out.

Red Hood has posed:
"Dibs on drunkard! Bring me wine, I have my wenches!" Jason calls out as he moves to settle into the stocks, totally giving himself up. Becuase it makes him bend over, and show off his backside.

Which he wiggles around. "I'm a horrible and terrible person."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde looks at the plus bear knight. "What do you say? Are you a Sir Hoticus Buttworth?" she asks the bear. She touches both of his shoulders to dub him so before moving back to join the others, sipping her drink as they go to the stocks.

Kitty grins as Jason settles down into the stocks. "Here, let me help you lock that," she says to the person, then giving him a soft swat on the well-formed backside. "Drunkard lout," she tells him with a grin before she goes to put down drink and bear to join the others. Kitty is handed a "Public Harlot" title which makes her pout prettily as she puts it on. "I'll never live this one down," she says as she is locked into the stocks and pictures are taken which they can get copies of for $5 each.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue plays along, cause why not. She smirks at Lorna's words. "Witches get all the riches." she idly comments as she steps around behind the stocks and moves to lower down and bend herself over to place forearms and neck into the proper place. "I forgot t'look'n see if anyone's behind me." She says then, throat extended so her voice sounds a little different. She's got her sunglasses off and held in her right gloved hand, so her eyes are exposed and darting about to see how many people are gawking at them all in this precarious position.

"I'd like t'say this is the first time I've been like this..." She rants a bit. "But that would be a bald faced lie. Because I'm a witch! And I'mma turn ya'll inta tooooads!" And then she hisses, cause Witches hiss, right? Either way, she waits for the photos and then moves to escape the 'confines' of the stocks, not actually afraid of ever being truly locked up in something so flimsy though!

"That was fun." She adds, putting her sunglasses up into her hairline ontop her forehead. "Maybe order some'a those on Amazon late'ah."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna laughed as she slung on a plank with rope around her neck and proceeded to the bench where she could sit down and only have her ankles locked into the stocks. She grinned at the others as each had their picture taken and then slipped as easily as she'd managed out and back. She sipped at her drink, now nearly empty, and practically bounced in step with far more energy than she typically exuded.

"Okay, joust next, or one of the plays? Ooh, there's a falconry showing too later today. We should so see that... also shopping." She grinned at the others and then released a contented sigh, rolling her shoulders back. Someone in passing stopped her, a woman coming up to the green haired woman.

"Hey, how'd you get your hair that color?"

Lorna blinked and grinned, "Develop mutant powers." She shot back, the woman cocked her head to the side and Lorna heaved a sigh and shook her head.

"It's dye." The woman made an 'oh' sound and walked off again. Earning a roll of Lorna's eyes.

Red Hood has posed:
When Lorna talks about her hair color, Jason has to bite his tongue. Nope, not gonna ask. "Hey, no manhandling the merchandise, your harlot!" he calls to Kitty as she's taken in as well. And they get their pictures taken, before he waits to be freed by the workers. "I'll go along with whatever you all want to do. This isn't exactly my usual faire."

Shadowcat has posed:
"... his usual fair is the gun fair," Kitty riffs immediately off of Jason. She grins at him as she's let back out of the stocks. As the person comes for the plaque, she says, "Wait, I have to give this back? How will people know I'm a public harlot the rest of the day then?" she says in nice nasally whine.

Kitty regains her drink and stuffed knight. She says to Rogue, "I know, right? Though a simple pair of handcuffs is easier to keep in the nightstand and..." she pauses and glances around. "Finish that conversation later," she says conspiratorially.

"Jousting sounds great," Kitty suggests with a smile towards Lorna. "So I've wondered, have you ever started a fashion trend with that hair back home?" Kitty teases towards her friend. She slips an arm around Jason's waist as they walk together.

Rogue has posed:
When Rogue is handed her photo she stands off by the flow of other faire-goers, waits for the first hot guy to take a look at her and she hands him the picture. "Here ya go, a freebie." She tells him. "I was an Avenger!" She says in a loud whisper to him before she turns and gives a little wave, then walks back to join Kitty and the others. She smirks at the handcuff comment. "You two get up t'some strange strange stuff in your private places."

Rogue then walks past Lorna and finally snags that drink from her to take a sip from it. After she lowers it, she nods her head two quick times. "That good." She says, some still inside her mouth as she raises a gloved hand to shield her lips while she swallows the remainder down. After a light cough she adds, no9dding, "Joust. I wanna see people beat the snot outta each other, or I'm gonna start losin' my cool around here."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna made a face at Kitty and Jason at the mention of handcuffs and shook her head as she carefully stepped around a group of kids trying to rush ahead of their group to the face painting line just off to the side and on their way toward the Joust. The big ring was set in an oval and could be clearly seen up ahead. There were benches in tiers going up from the wooden fence line, and tall flag poles on their side. On the far end was a tiered building, with balconies facing outward. And on one of the balconies, a few 'thrones' painted up and made of wood.

"Ugh, Kitty I don't need to hear about your love life--" And then Rogue was there, stealing the remainder of her drink and Lorna made a sound of protect at the back of her throat. "Hey! Ugh, I said a //sip//!" She shook her head and waved a hand toward the gathering crowds up ahead. "Joust is that way," She muttered, wrinkling her nose. It wasn't as if she needed the map to sense the concentration of armor and the alike that the 'knights' had donned.

"Save me a seat, I'm getting another one of those and a turkey leg."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde laughs and tells Lorna, "Hey, I was kidding!" Though there's just enough red in her cheeks to make one wonder. "This is good though," she says of the drink, taking another long sip of hers. She makes her way over with the others to get some seats. Sir Hoticus Buttworth keeps Lorna's seat warm for her.

Kitty glances around and says, "They should really sell foam fingers here. Though, I guess it wouldn't be foam. And wearing a big wood finger like that would probably be too heavy."

She takes another sip of the drink and stands up to get a better view of the knights. "Those lances look kind of serious. What are they, balsa wood?" she asks, shielding her eyes as she looks down the lists at the nearest 'knight'.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue just grins to Lorna. "I'll buy ya another, gosh. I'll buy ya four've if ya want that many. Don't sweat it!" She tries to encourage the Princess before she nods after her. "Get two!" She says seeing her go to refill. The southerner will turn then to go with Kitty and Jason to the jousting area.

"I'd wear a big wooden finger." She states then. "I'd poke people with it." She extends a gloved hand to poke at Kitty's arm with one covered finger, sharp little quick jabs! "Why the hell didn't ya bring your dragon? This woulda been his time t'shine! He'd have everyone oooo'n and awww'n over him."

Rogue goes to find a seat, choosing the Black Knight cheering section.

Polaris has posed:
The line was short, everyone wanted to get to the joust and the crowd was gathering as the announcers came over the speakers to rally up the audience. Rules were stated, how points were gained and how one could win was also covered. The audience cheered and clapped their hands as the 'knights' rode out to face each of the sections with banners flying and people cheering. There was even a lady knight too.

Lorna managed to get two cups of drinks, and a turkey leg (balancing all of that was tricky but she managed) and wiggled her way through the crowd to her seat, she stopped, shooting Kitty a look over the plush bear. "Scoot him over, yeah? I don't have enough hands." She settled into the bench seat, and glanced at the the knight for their section.

"Ooh, I like that armor."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde grins over to Rogue at the poking and says, "Well, while he might fit in, unless he stayed stock still on my shoulder he'd have hundreds of photos taken of him and... that's just too risky. Heck, even if he stayed stock still, because he's so adorable even like that."

Kitty looks up as Lorna comes back, reaching over to grab the bear and reposition him into her lap like a momma bear holding her baby bear. "I like what's in the armor," Kitty says, before looking to Jason and grinning to him. "What? I can comment at least, right?" she teases, leaning over to bump against him. "So I bet Sam would totally kill at this. He's the horse guy after all. Well, or Dani but that's kind of not fair."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue does the double handed grabby hands at the drink when Lorna brings it, her thermos resting between her thighs on the bench now. "Gimma, gimma." She adds in a moment of utter maturity.

A big sip is taken then and she smiles brightly before sighing and raising her hand up to lower her sunglasses back down again. "What does armor like that even cost? And they just go around beatin' the tar outta each other in it. God, it must be hot as hell in that stuff..." More drink sipping and she just watches the show.

A glance is given to Kitty though. "Sam knows how t'ride a horse?" She asks. "That... surprises me, for some reason. The Pizza Guy'n all, guess I under-estimated hi--- Ooo, that Blue Knight is hot."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna let Rogue take the whole drink without protest, and settled in to munch away on her smoked turkey leg and sip at her own drink. She glanced side long at Kitty as she started checking out the knight for their section, particularly as the helmets were put in place and faces were hidden away behind steel and iron. She arched a brow at both her and Rogue. "Look, I can //make// that and stuff ten times better. Would fit you better to. Much cheaper. We have some scrap metal and I could make it in like... five minutes tops." She drawled, bragged more like it and she nodded to the knight in a green tabard.

"Most of these guys don't even have full plate. Like most of it is just in the front. I mean.. it's not like they're doing the melee combat or anything.. Makes sense." She winced as the knight took a blow that knocked him from his horse clear off.

"Oooh, that's gotta hurt. I mean, those are just guys knocking the snot out of each other. I don't care how much padding you've got. That has gotta hurt."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde stands up to whoop and circle her fist like it were the 1980s. She sits back down, sipping her drink again and grinning. "Oh, I'm good enough without armor. Though sexy chainmail has its appeal. I bet that would be a royal pain to make, even for your, Lorna. All the detail, I mean bending each link like that? Can you do a whole bunch of minute detail like that at once, or do you have to focus to get real specific shapes?" Kitty inquires.

She glances to Rogue and grins towards her. "Oh yeah, he's from Kentucky. Farm or... ranch is maybe the better word? I'm not positive there, but have heard him talk about it," she says.

Kitty glances around the fair. "This is a lot of fun. Glad you suggested it, Lorna," she says.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue just softly shakes her head to the other two women with her. "I could ride one'a those horses completely naked and do better than all'a these guys out there with their big'ol beard." The cocky 20 year old X-Woman states, not really caring that there's some 40-something year old heavy set guy sitting next to her who clearly overhears that as he starts to laugh.

Rogue looks over at him, she smiles at him. "Don't believe me?" She asks the much older man.

"Honey, I don't care if you won or lost, I'd just like to see it go down."

This makes Rogue just raise her chin and smile all happily. "Its all about how ya ride tight ya squeeze the saddle." Okay, she's shameless. Truly shameless. But the man just laughs at her and hakes his head, telling her 'You're trouble.'

She does look back though when the guy falls, and snickers a little at the sight of it. "Thats gotta leave some bruises."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna tilted her head as Kitty asked about her ability to forge chainmail. She hmm'ed and sipped at her drink. "Ya'know, I never tried it. All the smaller particle stuff, I always just use a general magnetic field. Never tried a bunch of little things all at once. I was talking about making plate. It's much easier for me. All one piece. And it's more expensive. Better at projecting you from blunt impact too than chainmail." She mused, and continued to bite off her turkey leg.

She snickered at Rogue's comments, and shook her head. "Don't do that in front of the kids. We'll never hear the end of it." She murmured. The crowd rose up, cheering as the knight on their side scored a point and the trumpets blared. There was another round of applause and over the speakers the announcer went over the total points and reviewed where each knight was point wise. Someone passed by shouting that they were selling roses. Lorna waved the seller over, and after cash changed hands, she plucked out three different colored roses. She held one out to Rogue and Kitt, saving for herself the red one which she promptly shoved the stem down her shirt like the other ladies in the crowd.

"There ya go."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde takes the rose as she laughs softly. "So going to change all of your passwords at school to 'Lady Godiva' now," Kitty tells Rogue. "I'm sure they could sell even a few more tickets if you included that at the next fair," she suggests with a teasing grin.

Kitty looks at the rose and what Lorna does with it. "So are we supposed to give these to a knight? Or just leave it there for people to make budding comments to us?" she asks. She follows suit though, pushing the stem down into her corset. "Lockheed probably have liked it. He doesn't get a lot of time in crowds. Likes kids but doesn't get to see them a lot for obvious reasons," she says.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue just grins softly and accepts the rose, she doesn't understand what to do with it though and her sheer covering makes it kinda hard to stuff down her shirt, so she just holds it in her hand while sipping her drink with the other. "Yeah, I think I'd get the cops called on me if I suggested it t'whoever runs this shindig."

Rogue then points down to the front of the bleachers. "Coulda just put a leash on him and made him a dog. They got a dog here down there... doesn't look like a seein' eye dog cause its lickin' its crotch." She notes with such a charming attention to detail.

"Did we win yet?" She asks, looking back to the knights at-play. "I wanna go flirt with the Blue Knight..."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna shrugged wordlessly at Kitty's question. "I dunno, why else are people shoving them down their corsets? I saw others doing it. And like they're selling roses. Not my idea, but I thought we might as well fit in." She'd finished her turkey leg and as the crowd began to disperse, it was clear the joust was over. Who had won? Who could say? From their position it was hard to tell, but someone must have won either way.

Lorna stood again, "I'm gonna go to the bathroom and throw this out. I'll meet up with you guys back by the arming tent I guess? I figure that's where the knight'll end up to like.. not be in armor and talk to people. It's over there." She nodded to a tent over in the back corner of the jousting arena. It was quite obviously, what she said. Even from where they were, the others could see various suits of armor on display outside the tent. Likely to be sold for thousands of dollars to whoeever wanted to drop the cash.