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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2019/06/02 |Location=Mall - Salem Center |Synopsis=Summary needed |Cast of Characters=54,1126 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:54|Red Robin...")
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Latest revision as of 00:40, 14 August 2019

New hardware
Date of Scene: 02 June 2019
Location: Mall - Salem Center
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Red Robin, Cypher

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake has called Doug about getting together. He has something he wanted to bring him. He suggested they meet at the mall, so they could check the local game stop while there.

Cypher has posed:
'You still buy games in hard copy? Me too!' Was Doug's response. He arrives, in a t-shirt with a happy T-Rex wielding a pair of grippers. He has a brace on one leg. "What's up, fashionisto?" He asks, as he approaches Tim and grips wrists with the man, in a friendly way.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake has a bag with him, and after the hand shake will offer the bag to the man "As often as things go crazy, want to have something to do while the net is down." He jokes. If Doug looks in the bag, inside is the latest Wayne tech compics graphic card that is schedueled to hit the stores in 2 weeks

Cypher has posed:
Doug opens the bag and peers into it, before he whistles, slowly. "And how did you get THIS." He takes it out and turns it over in his hands, before he says, "...Any reason you're giving me such a princely gift?"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake looks to the man, and says "I work for the company and made sure, had a few sent to me when they were finished. I figure hook you up, and no excuse for you to not see the fire your standing in." He jokes with him.,

Cypher has posed:
Doug snorts at that. "Hey, my rig is so cutting edge that if you touched it, you'd bleed." He closes the bag up, and then says, "Listen. I just wanted to tell you, I appreciate the way you're helping me out." He walks, and gestures, easily. "It's sometimes hard to see the sunlight through the clouds... you know?"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake shrugs and says "Your my friend dude, and hell the way oit looks like we are almost inlaws or something." He says "Oh you know a girl Negasonic?

Cypher has posed:
"...Not super well." Doug admits, "But she's okay. Kind of a loner, but her heart seems to be in the right place. I think she's into girls though man, so if you're twitterpated..." Doug gives a grin, needling Tim a bit.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake shakes his head, and says "Na not that, she is loking at a job with some folks I know. I am more just tring to get the vibe of her. Romance is a whole other bucket of fish. Trying to figure out where I stand and where I want to be with a girl I know in that space already.

Cypher has posed:
"Oh, she's cool. Like I said, a little bit of a loner, so if she showed up, assume she's all in." Doug strokes his chin, and says, "Man, I never even got the chance to figure out what I liked. I mean, there were *always* girls, but me at 20 is not me at 16, not really. Not after everything that's happened. You know?" He pats Tim on the shoulder. "The best advice I can give is... just be yourself. And if romantic feelings don't come from it, you can still be friends."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake says, "Well this one, we have had something but had to take a break for about 6 months while I was working in singapore, pretty sure she and I are good friends and such, but not sure how the whole romance thing stands. Oh on a totally different tangent, gotta introduce ya to another of our guildies.""

Cypher has posed:
"Oh, really." Doug says. He gives Tim a mild look, and then says, "...Is this one a space alien?" He raises his eyebrows, and then says, "It's just been my experience that anyone worth falling in love with is worth being friends with, Timmy--" He shakes his head, "Though I admit that once in a while it'd be *nice* to be the one that the girl picks." He shakes his head. "Oh well." Then he looks down at the brace on his leg. "This should be off in about a week. Just a little leg injury."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake says, "The girl? Na, a bit more than normal but not an alien. And the guildy? He is a little green man, but he is not an alien." He jokes a bit to the other man. "What did ya do, tell Cassie she threw like a girl?" He jokes"

Cypher has posed:
Doug sighs. "We just didn't click. I think she was looking for someone a little..." He shrugs, "Well, I don't know. I try to avoid telling people what they think, even when I can tell what they're thinking. It doesn't make you a lot of friends. She's nice! Actually no, it was a chunk of concrete. Long story."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake hmms and says "well, than I am glad it is not sometihng worse. You want to go grab something at the fod court ans have a seat?"

Cypher has posed:
"Sure." Doug says. "...I've been thinking about taking a trip. But I'm waffling on it." He says, "Because it's loaded with a lot of emotions, and the place might also be dangerous. I'm thinking about going back to the place where I died. Just to try to come to terms with what happened... but I also think it might be a bad idea."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake hmms and will lead the other to the court, and says "Mind if I ask where and how it happened?" He will ask after tey have their food.

Cypher has posed:
"Well..." Doug says, "It's a long story. We ran across an animal mutate that had escaped from a lab facility. I was able to talk to it-- it asked us to go back and help the others like it that were being held prisoner there." He sighs. "...The lab was operated by a backer of an anti-Mutant hate group, who was running genetic experiments on the side. There was a fight, and I saw that one of my classmates was about to get shot--it would've been right in the back of the head. So I tackled her out of the way, and caught it..." he puts his hand on his back, just under his ribcage. "Right here."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake winces a bit to this and says "Well sounds like at least like you were being true to form my friend. Fits with what ya have told me and seemed so far.

Cypher has posed:
"It hasn't been easy to get over, that's for sure. I have nightmares, sometimes -- usually one or two a month. February is the worst month for me. That's when it happened." Then he sighs. "I keep coming back to it."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake hmms and says "I can only imagine, I guess I have been lucky, out there doing it with no powers, can be dangerous. Hell, I went to apocolypse last month." He says quietly so not to carry past them

Cypher has posed:
"That's a loaded word where I come from." Doug muses. Then he curls his fingers, and says, "I just wish there was a way I could put it behind me and get on with my life." Then he glances to Tim, and says, "Everybody dies. ...Dying without having made a difference to somebody is more frightening. At least, to me."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake says, "well, sounds like that is something you don't have to worry about, you have already did both my friend."

Cypher has posed:
Doug looks at Tim, and then reaches up to ruffle spiky black hair. "Well. Hey." He says, "...You seem like a pretty cool cat. What is it that drives you, Timmy? What's your purpose?" He sighs. "That's what I'm still looking for. Purpose."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake hmms and smirks at the ruffle "I do that to Damian." He says "Me, Well to be honest, I started it out of curiousity and realizing it needed to be done. Now? I am just trying to make a difference, and use what I know to do so. It can be hard at times to stick with whats right, but doing this is whats right

Cypher has posed:
Doug looks down, as they walk, and when they get to the food court he sits on the chair, more perching on it than sitting. He looks tense. "...That's just it. I know I have to do something, but I don't know *what*. What's my calling? What's the best way for me to help? If I can't find that, I'm just wasting my potential."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake hmms and says "Or perhaps the journey is as important as the final destination. Your seeking to rush to the end, maybe your supposed to learn the destination along the way?

Cypher has posed:
"That would make me the Fool in the tarot deck." Doug says, "...Not super comforting." Then he glances to Tim, and says, "Where'd you learn to be so wise?" He puts his braced leg up on a chair, and winces. "Sometimes I forget that this leg's held together by regenerative glue right now."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake chuckles a bit and says "Believe it or not, I would have to say the butler did it."

Cypher has posed:
Doug raises his eyebrow at that. "I can tell that you're being completely honest." He frowns. "You know, it's funny." He says. "Everywhere I go, I meet the most interesting people." Then he adds, "There's this reporter I want to meet. Or at least talk to - April O'Neil. She's got that podcast... she just talked to that lunatic in Arkham, and the vigilante, Spoiler? I'd really like to meet her."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake smiles and says "I have a meeting set up to meet April soon myself, and Spoiler. Well she is a good one." He says on her. Though they are not dating currently obviously Spoiler is very important to him.

Cypher has posed:
Doug tilts his head at Tim, and raises an eyebrow. "Oho. Ohohoho! Well, she's really bright." Doug says. "And feisty. You like feisty girls, huh?" He punches Tim in the arm, lightly, and then says, "...Give me some advice, Tim. What should I be doing with myself? Other than letting you mop the floor with my face."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake smirks and says "Probably same thing I am told on a regular bases "Quit overthinking things."

Cypher has posed:
"Not super constructive." Doug considers something, and then he takes his phone out. He throws his arm around Tim and takes a selfie with him, and then he posts it on his social media page. "Chilling at the mall with the coolest cat around. #thisguy" Then he looks up at Tim and says, "I need a project. Something to do. Well, things to do. I'm working on a car. I know *nothing* about cars. But I'm learning."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake smiles for the pic throwing up the peace sign, not even putting Rabbit ears behind Doug. He will hmms and says "Ever thought about trying to make your own language?"

Cypher has posed:
"...Today?" Doug asks, furrowing his brow. "I've done it before, in my head. As a thought exercise. What would be really interesting would be to put together a programming language based off of something that has no root language in common with anything on Earth... it'd be almost unhackable. I could do it."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake says, "Well, I was actually thinking a spoken language. A programing language would work, but I was thinking you said you can understand patterns and languages, but what about if you went into the reverse diection."

Cypher has posed:
"Well it's fun for hypotheticals, but creating my own spoken language would have limited use," Doug admits, "Except possibly, again, for encryption or unbreakable communications." He strokes his chin, thinking about it.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake nods hsi head a bit and says "A good encryptian is always a good thing. and if you could make a program that on a com, took notmal english, changed it to dougese before transmitting it, and then back to english at the other com. Would be rather handy.

Cypher has posed:
"...Dougese." Doug pinches the bridge of his nose. "...People really would think of me as a space alien. But that... is a really good idea." He snaps his fingers at Tim. "Okay. I guess I'll take a weekend and do that."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake shakes his head, and says "Na most space aliens, I have met are much tougher." He kids the other

Cypher has posed:
Doug raises his eyebrow at Tim, and says, "...I feel the same way." He says. "Come on Tim, I can't actually eat anything here... let's get an orange juice slushy and then go plan our next ass-whipping session."