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Latest revision as of 00:44, 14 August 2019

Workout of the Nerds.
Date of Scene: 27 May 2019
Location: Fogwell's Gym, Clinton
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Red Robin, Cypher

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake was talking to Doug via Discord last night when Tim mentioned he would be in New York the next day. Tim had to spend all day in one of the Wayne Tech offices for a busisnes meeting. They had planned on hanging out afterwards. About an hour or two ago Tim sent Doug a text asing the other man if he was up to hitting a gym for a bit, as being in the office al day has left him antsy.

Cypher has posed:
'A gym? Okay.' Doug shot back. 'Just tell me where and when.' Presumably it's someplace exclusive, considering that Tim is Bruce Wayne's adopted son-- but either way, wherever gym Tim picks, Doug manages to show up. He's wearing sneakers, sweat pants, and a t-shirt that says 'Visit Sunny Mexico' in Kanji characters.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake actuall ended up picking a place some might consider a hole in the wall, but when ya ask Ted Grant for a gym, this is the type of place ya get. Tim showes up in a suit, but has a duffle bag with him. He will spot Dug, and wave in greeting "Hey, I need to go get changed, sorry aint all the fancy stuff here but an old boxing coach of mine suggested it.

Cypher has posed:
Doug looks around, and unslings his backpack. "No, this is fine... this is analog, this is nice. Boxing?" He says. "I did a little boxing, but all I really have is some standard self-defense." He shakes his head, and then says, "I've always been more of a thinker than a fighter." Then he looks down, and says, "...Some things have to change, though, I guess."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake looks to the man and says "Aint nothing says you can't be a great thinking and a great fighter. Some folks fight out of an instinctual level, and can be some of the best you can find. Then there are those who study the martial arts, and fighting techniques with mind and body. As long as you keep yourself in good shape, you would be surprised what you can push yopurself to and still be a brain." He will smile "Be right back." He heads intot he back, to change before coming back out in a pair of shorts, and shirt that says "There are 10 types of people. Those who understand BINARY and those who don't.

Cypher has posed:
"Ha!" Doug says "I have that one too." He snap-points, and then says, "Okay." He looks up at the ring, and then says, "So where do we start." Then he glances to Tim and says, "...So you know, I'm a Mutant. Is that all right?" He asks. "My power is mental, not physical."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake looks over, and says "Na, I didn't but it doesn't really matter." He tells the other young man and says "As long as you don't drink out of the tolit your a step up from another of my friends." He oddly jokes. "But since you are open about being a mutant, and talked about self defence classes mind showing me what ya got. Maybe I can show ya a few things.

Cypher has posed:
"Okay." Doug says. He lifts his hands, and demonstrates a stance. His self-defense training is adequate, but basic -- it becomes obvious quick that he was never trained to be any sort of front-line combatant. But it becomes obvious early on that there's something else there. Batman taught Tim not to telegraph his moves -- at all. Better, he taught him how to deceive others with his body language. But with Doug, whatever Tim does, he might as well be putting it on a billboard. It's a lot like what Cassandra does, except Doug ALSO seems to instinctively know how to respond. He just lacks training.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake will at first seem to be holding back, but after a bit he will put on the moves a bit, and while he does not go full on Red Robin on him, he will show at least to Doug with his power that he is way more trained than any rich kid has the right to be. After a few rounds he will stop, and raises a brow at Doug. "So your power seeing the future like 5 seconds early?"

Cypher has posed:
Doug pauses, and grabs a towel, to wipe the sweat from his forehead. "No. I'm a specialized hypercognate. I have superdeveloped pattern recognition abilities. ...I can speak any language." He says, somewhat lamely. "For starters." Then he looks back at Tim. "You're holding back."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake 's brow will raise a bit at this and says "So, your saying you can see what I am foing by the patterns of my movement, can you copy them?" He will ask, and says "I think there is a supervillian who fights the avengers who does that. Not saying your a super villian, but you might be able to do like he does.

Cypher has posed:
"I can't copy them, I just know what the *response* would be." Doug says, turning again. "Throw a punch, move aside or block, then throw a counterpunch... it just comes to me. Intuitively." He says, "I can speak the language of violence."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake hmmms and scratches his chin in thought a bit to this and says "So, your good on the defensive, but your not to good on the offensive. We need to work on your training on more how to attach, and the counters where your attacking not just getting out of the way or not being hit." The look on his face showing he might see Doug's ways of training, a problem, and tim loves problem solving.

Cypher has posed:
Doug gives Tim an odd look. "...Okay." He says. "You know more than you're letting on. Who trained you?" He snorts, once. "...Batman?"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake 's body language may give that away to Doug but not to others in the room. He has been pretty well trained in a lot of things after all. "I actually have had quite a few people train with me. There was one woman, maybe as hot as she was dangrous, or would it be the other say around." He hmmms, and says "So, you useing your abilities to run around in short shorts and a cape, and fight crime?"

Cypher has posed:
Doug screws his mouth up into a funny line at that, and then says, "...What?" He laughs, helplessly, at that, leaning against the ring ropes, and then he says, "Holy cats, you are some kind of crazy. No, I'm not running around, beating up burglars. ...Which actually sounds kind of fun. I always wanted to be a super-hero, but. ...Short-shorts?"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake smirks a bit and says "You never know some of those costumes. I am actualy looking at seeing if i can start a superhero collection. See what kind of legit Items I can get, thinking maybe a few of the items some heroes put up for charity auctions and such. Always thought them interesting." This is actually something Tim is planning on doing maybe for more reasons than interest though.

Cypher has posed:
Doug perks an eyebrow at that. "Uh-huh. Well, maybe I could write an app that'll troll Ebay and other sites for you and alert you when they go on sale. Some of that stuff is really high-end though, not just scavenged batarangs from crime scenes." He crosses his arms, and then says, "I had a uniform, once. For training. I outgrew it though. I outgrew a lot of things."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake will motion Doug into some more training. It seems Tim thinks well while training, and he is curious how doug will do multitasking conversation while fighting. "Outgrowing things can be a really scarey thing, sometimes you don't even really know you have outgrown something till a pain in the ass comes along to make you move forward. So, you trained with a group that uses uniforms.' He hmms a bit as he comes in with a kick. "Shield?"

Cypher has posed:
Doug instinctively blocks that kick -- he's in great shape, but he also needs some endurance training, too, because he'll get winded doing this long before Tim does. But he seems to have no problem talking and fighting, too. "...The same place Kitty learned to use her powers." He says, "...Is it possible to outgrow your own life?"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake thinks upon that a moment and says "Your life no, the place you are currently in time and space yes." He does seem to be able to keep this up for a while. "There have been two specific times in life, I have been lost, and gotta say my adopted family and friends helped me through them. " He will try a few fake outs continueing testing and switch to speaking spanish "I mean when my dad was murdered. " There is real emotion he is speaking with. "It was a time like that I think. I mean Mr. Wayne took me in, I had been working for him, but there was other things on my mind ythan finacial security and where I was going to live. I knew who did it, and to be honest, I believe I could kill him, but I had to decide if I would.

Cypher has posed:
Doug flawlessly responds in whatever language Tim chooses to speak, whether it's Spanish or classical Latin or Japanese. He thinks about that, and then he says, "I *died*, Tim. I died and they put me in the ground and I was dead and gone for two years, and I woke up and everyone I knew was either *different* or just plain gone, and I don't know if I'll ever really adjust to it. This isn't the life I asked for, or even the one I wanted. It's just the one I've got. And I feel like a fraud, wearing somebody else's skin, that's too tight. They all want me to be the guy I was before, I can see it in their eyes, and I want to BE that guy, for them--but I can't."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake will stop and look at the other young man and simply ask an odd question, watching him for his answer to this before continueing on "Lazarus pit?"

Cypher has posed:
Doug looks back at Tim and says, "A what? No. A techno-organic virus I picked up by being merged into a singular entity with a space alien several times as a teenager. Somebody able to manipulate it used it to resurrect me."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake hmms and will stop the sparing for a moment, and the fact that he does not seem to look at Doug as if he had two heads might be a bit telling. "I have been told dieing can change ya in a lot of ways if you come back, but tell me something Doug. These friends of yours are they all the same as they were when you died?"

Cypher has posed:
"No." Doug says, "But I didn't get to change with them. That hurts." He sighs, and says, "It'd be easy to tell myself to just get over it, but it lingers. You know? My parents decided, after everything -- the funeral, me coming back and explaining I'm a Mutant -- that they just wanted me to go. It was too painful for them. So I go back, and they love me, and I love them -- but I'm still struggling. I need to be better, for them. I need to catch up, so I'm on their level."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake looks to the other man and says "Life is not a video game my friend. You don't level up, and I know it aint what you ment, but you need to feel it is ok for you to be different, you don't have to be the same guy they remebered. If you had went off on some cool vacation to the alps, or the amzon while they stayed somewhere or if thye went and you stayed, neither of you would expect the other to come back the same. Close, and still friends but different with new stories. And maybe thats the part that is hard for you. You feel you have changed but you don't have the stories and the adventures to explain it. From what I have read with mutants your power levels are different and some change and get stronger as they age some don't. Do you think your friends would think bad of someone whose powers were always where they started? Even if say that power was only the ability to telekineticly lift a quarter?"

Cypher has posed:
Doug goes through a series of stretches, as he thinks about that. "My friends? No. A better bunch of people you've never met. I tell you. But I think it's more that..." He exhales. "I don't know! I'm overthinking it. I *always* overthink it. They love me, it doesn't matter who I am now. But maybe *I* wish I was still that kid before he died. He had so much *hope*. All he could see was the possibility."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake smiles a bit and says "See and there we come to the core of it. You don't have to give up hope. There are some amazing things out there in this word. Doug, we have aliens and gods who walk amongst us. We have normal human men who walk with them. Most people will say there is hope till your put in the ground. Well now is your chance to show them there is hope after. Everyone who dies does not come back, and some of those who do come back come back the worse for wear. You seem like ya got a pretty good end of the stick, but I imagine it is tough. I can maybe introduce you to someone else who has came back. his path was a bit different than yours, and he can be a real dick at times, but if you need someone to talk to who ya might feel understands more, i can see about setting it up.

Cypher has posed:
"Yeah I met Jason." Doug says. "I don't know if we have a lot in common. But it's worth a try." Then he says, "...I want to learn how to fight. I want..." He thinks about it, "I want to be the best fighter I can *possibly* be, so that even if I don't fight, I'm ready to. I want to be able to pull my own weight, even against people who might be faster and stronger than I am. I want to take my stupid super-power and stretch it as far as it can possibly go."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake hmms, and says "Well, I can train you, but it is not going to be fun. I will be setting out a regiment you ahve to follow, and if I find out your slacking off the training is over." He hmm and does wonder what al kitty has told her friends. I aint the nest fighter you will meet, but I am good." he says this not as bragging oddly. "I can teach ya what I can and if you show potential and willingness maybe able to help you find other teachers. I will admit I find the idea of trying to teach you interesting. And while I am sure your power has many uses it maybe something we have to train as if is a weakness to your training.

Cypher has posed:
Doug tilts his head at Tim and then he crosses his arms on the ring ropes. "...What's the worst you could do to me," He says, raising an eyebrow, "...Kill me? Been there, Tim. Done that. Do your worst."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake smirks a bit and says "Remmeber you said that, and I will work up a regiment. You ok if I talk to Kitty and ask for informaiton about you and such?" He will ask, as he is planning on doing it.

Cypher has posed:
Doug raises an eyebrow at Tim, and then he says, "...That's fine. I can't imagine what she'd tell you though."

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake shrugs a bit and says "Never know, she might have some good ammo to use against you as seems she knows ya pretty well. "So, lets call it, I need to get back to my hotel and finish up some work. If I am going to make raid tonight.

Cypher has posed:
Doug raises an eyebrow. "...I brought my laptop with me. Wanna hang out? You know, I think Donnie lives somewhere in New York, too--"

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake says, "Sounds like a plan." He will tel the other young man."