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Informal Welcome Wagon
Date of Scene: 28 May 2019
Location: Food Court - The Triskelion
Synopsis: Lunchtime in the Triskelion sees Sibilance meeting USAgent and Darcy Lewis and visiting with May until Skye shows up and reveals her nerves about upcoming missions by being ... bratty.
Cast of Characters: US Agent, Sibilance, Darcy Lewis, Melinda May, Quake

US Agent has posed:
John Walker takes in the food court casually as he walks up and gets an order for himself, grilled chicken and vegetables, sweet tea, a piece of apple pie. He carries the tray easily in one hand and assesses the people around him quickly. He's newly transferred, although not entirely unknown, at least in costume, although he's unsure if people will recognize John Walker without his mask.

He gets a table to himself, neatly lining things up. He's wearing a grey USMC shirt stretched over a rather obvious and intensive musculature, along with black and white camo khakis and heavy boots.

Sibilance has posed:
Sibilance shows up shortly, wearing her usual black outfit, and the boots they gave her. She steps up to the line, getting some of the potatos, some spicy chicken, some mixed veggies. She slips through the room, the strange snake-like gal scouting, and then she finds a man sitting by himself.

She approaches, and leans in to get a look at his face. "Hello!" she greets, with a big warm smile. "May I sit with you?" She seems a bit sheepish about her question.

She may be a bit of a shock if it's the first time John's seen her, considering how pronounced her mutations are, but the sting may also be softened when she says, "Hey... You look familiar..." She pulls her mouth into a thin line as she tries to mull over who this could be.

US Agent has posed:
John Walker takes a sip of his tea and smiles up at Sibilance, "Of course," he says, gesturing towards one of the empty seats. "What, you don't recognize me? It's me, Peggy Carter. Have the years been so rough?" he says, holding a straight face for a beat before shaking his head, "No, I'm John Walker. USAgent. I ended up in the headlines a few years ago when I was filling in for Cap before he ended up back where he belonged. You are?"

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Darcy makes her way into the foodcourt. It's busy during lunch time, with all the office agents getting a bite or three. Tray in hand, she scans the court for a table and finds... a table with only one person. A handsome sort of one person who's joined by a beautiful mutant looking snake girl. Welp, time to Darcy the shit out of this. The statue-esque (because she's wearing her six inch heels and so stands half way between six feet and five and a half feet tall) and curvy Darcy Lewis makes her way over to the table.

"Hi, Handsome, Gorgeous. This sit taken? Thanks," she says brightly. Her tray is set down and her blazer taken off, whisking away her name badge. Quick of eyes would have caught part or all of her name: Lewis, Darcy and that she's got Level 5 Clearance. Also, the four letter designation of her department: MOSS. Having caught the tail end of introductions, she waits a moment to get her own name in.

"I'm Darcy. Or Darce. Or Taser Queen. Or you with the tits. Whichever. Nice to meet you."

Sibilance has posed:
"Well, I'm new..." Sibil meekly answers, as if she didn't realize that he was joking, but then she smiles awkwardly to him, and laughs even more awkwardly. "O-oh! Oh, that's where I know you from." She seems more cheerful after that, slipping into a seat to nibble on her food. She really loves that spicy chicken. "I'm Ainsley, Agent-in-Training." That's what her lanyard says. She's a Level One employee.

Darcy shows up, and calls her 'Gorgeous.' Her tail perks with a sound like a thunderstick, and nearly trips someone walking by. "Sorry...!" she gasps at the person that doesn't seem to annoyed by the startle. She coughs into her fist, and lowers her gaze to her food, and begins jamming it into her mouth, the picture of an anxious wallflower. Kind of weird seeing that out of a potential agent, maybe?

"Nice to meet you," she retorts. "Why do they call you Taser Queen?"

US Agent has posed:
If Ainsley's unusual appearance bothers him, John doesn't make much show of it. But then, he's always had a good pokerface. For him, being part of the team is more important than anything cosmetic (or genetic for that matter). Old lessons he learned back on the football field. "Pleasure to meet you both," he says, gesturing the attractive newcomer to join them at the table.

"I've gotten a few comments about my tits, too. Glad to have something in common," he says, making a pec jump underneath his shirt. "Taser Queen, huh? Sounds like a good story," he says. He takes a quick bite of his chicken breast, efficiently cutting it in advance.

Melinda May has posed:
Entering quietly, May glances around the room in the habit of people checking for threats and exit points, makes a mental note of the people coming and going and settling to eat, then collects her own meal. And, of course there are no empty tables left at this point.

She looks ready to just leave again and take her meal back to her office.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Oh, the best story. I'm called Taser Queen because-" She pauses, eyes spottign May as Darcy was inthe process of smoothing her skirt down so she could sit.

"Hey! May!" she calls out, lifting an arm and waving the Direct over. Of course, the lifted arm and waving reveals a nice bruise on the underside of her arm that's about 3 inches in diameter and almost perfectly doughnut shaped. May summoned, Darcy drops to the seat... without smoothing hte underside of her pencil skirt.

"-before I joined SHIELD, I carried a taser for self-defense and I wasn't afraid to use it. Some stupid ass jock in high school tried to get too frisky with the Homecoming Queen and I laid him out with it. She gave me her crown and we rocked the rest of hte dance together," Darcy says grinning at John's peck dance.

"Fuck, I'm jelly. I can't make mine bounce unless I jump," she quips, winking.

Sibilance has posed:
"At least you have them." Sibil pats her flat-as-a-board chest. Thump thump. She smiles at Darcy, the easygoing crudeness rubbing off one the snake woman some. When May's presence is pointed out, she lifts a hand and waves enthusiastically at May. She seems delighted to see the Director, which is even more strange. The reason for that would be obvious to May... A few days back, Sibil may have mentioned that May's stoicism was comforting. Sibil struggled with more bombastic personalities.

"Well, I gave myself my cool nickname," she explains to Darcy, "I don't have a story for it. 'Sibilance.' Or 'Sibil,' if you prefer." The difference between 'evil snake supervillain' and 'old lady' in naming tone.

US Agent has posed:
John Walker grins, "Guess I should find out where the trampolines are. You're the kinda girl gonna get me in trouble with HR, I ain't careful," he says, the Georgia drawl in his voice more pronounced as he points at Darcy, "Sounds like he deserved what he got, though."

"Sibilance," he says, testing it out. "Very smooth word. Sophisticated-like. I have no idea what it means, of course," he says. "Mine's real simple. U.S. Agent. I'm an agent. Of the U.S. But like a law enforcement agent or a secret agent, not a Hollywood agent."

Melinda May has posed:
How can May NOT see both Darcy and Sibil waving at her? Darcy yelling across the way as is her modus operandi doesn't hurt either. Accepting the invitation implicit in the across-the-room greetings, she walks over to their table and nods a hello to John. She doesn't presume and take a seat, though.

"Mr. Walker. Ms. Lewis. Ms. Garcia."

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Oooh.. Cybill," Darcy says, mistaking the sound of the name for something else. "I like it." Her eyes trail to that flat chest, head tilting before she smiles again and just shrugs.

"Rock what you got. Inner beauty's best." Starting to tuck into her food, she smirks at John.

"I think we've got one? If not, the parkour course has things I can jump," she offers, winking at him. Yes, yes she is the kind of gal that can lead to HR trobules if you're not careful, and she's fully aware of it.

"He deserved to have gotten the taser to the nuts, but my aim sucked back then," Darcy quips of her first real taser victim all as she notes that May doesn't just take the last seat at their table and so she pushes it out with her 'these are probably too tall to be work appropriate unless you work in a nightclub' heels.

"Join us! We're talking nicknames. Your turn to share," Darcy offers... because one of the few things Darcy isn't completely aware of is May's 'codename' and the reason for it.

Sorry, May!

Sibilance has posed:
Sibil flashes a smile to May. As John mentions he doesn't know what the nickname means, she answers, "It means 'hissing,' like when someone talks through their teeth. You know, cartoon snakes do it." She points up at her face and flashes a mirthful smile. Then she looks back to May and nods to the Director when she gets nearby.

    "How're you doing today, Director?" she asks of May, as happy and polite as can be.

US Agent has posed:
John Walker is surprised by Darcy's informality with May but, on the other hand, Darcy seems like a rather informal person. Oddly enough, John likes that. Much as he's a military man, understanding the importance of rank and fail, he's a blue collar sort of fellow and ceremony never sits too easy on him.

"I'll take you up on that parkour sometime," he grins, "I don't need to workout much anymore, but you do make me miss it just a bit," he says.

He nods at Ainsley's definition, "Makes total sense. Ma'am," he says, briefly nodding in acknowledgement of May. She has her reputation for being both formidable and cold and he sees no reason to push his luck as the new guy.

Melinda May has posed:
Settling at the table, May accepts the greetings with her usual calmness and a nod hello to John. "Things have been going calmly enough," she tells Sibil. "How has training been going?"

Her eyes then cut over to Darcy at the mention of nicknames, and she rather pointedly doesn't offer one immediately. Finally, though, she relents and offers a 'safe' one. "There are a small number of WAND consultants who have taken to calling me Agent Mom." She then points her fork at Darcy. "Your fault."

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Wait. What? Really? I thought it was like Cybil Shepherd," Darcy quips at Sibilance, eyes a bit wide. It means she misses how May cuts a glare at her, hesitates in offering a nick name. But when the name is given, Darcy turns back to May with the brightest of smiles.

"Oh my fucking God! Are you serious?! Oh, that's wodnerful! It's the perfect skater name too! Mommy, May I? Oh my god. We HAVE to get a team, for reals. You, me, Nat, Skye, Jem, Sibil, hmm... whom else?" She rambles a bit before grinning at John and nodding.

"Sure. Toss me an emil or leave me a message or whatever. As long as we stick to the hard parts though? Soft and squishing floors is no bueno for my wheels!" she tells him.

Sibilance has posed:
"Smoothly. Been practicing the katas Cap showed me. He said I might have to ask you about learning a good fighting style, since we've got fairly similar body types. If you're ever available I'd love at least a few pointers." Small, agile woman body types, she means. Sibilance then says, "He mentioned Agent Romanova, too, but I haven't seen her around. Must be busy." She shrugs lightly. Yeah, she's not high enough clearance to know what Natasha is up to, that would make sense.

Sibil looks over to Darcy, and-- "Wait, team? What?"

"I don't know how to skate," she says, with growing confusion.

US Agent has posed:
John Walker shakes his head, "I'll stick with Director or Agent May if you don't mind. You don't much resemble my Mama and I miss her too much to pass the title on to anybody else," he admits.

"I think you got all the soft and squishy handled already, ma'am," he says to Darcy. "But we'll have to find some activities that we can both do fairly. I'm afraid I have a few physical advantages over most human beings, all of which on top of bein' a Marine, which makes everything unfair to begin with."

Melinda May has posed:
May nods to John, clearly having expected no less. And the ONLY reason she tolerates that moniker from said consultants is that she did their background checks and 'poor motherless boys' is putting their situation mildly.

She looks at Sibil consideringly, then says, "I think something can be arranged." Which Darcy will likely translate any moment here, though at the moment Lewis seems a bit caught up in imagining a SHIELD-based roller derby team. May has considered disabusing her of that notion, as at least two of the people she mentioned would have a difficult time with keeping a full-contact sport from becoming lethal. For the other team.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Way too distracted by her roller derby team, the SHIELD Maidens, Darcy misses her translation moment, only to be further distracted by her phone pinging. She blinks, checks her messages and growls.

"Seriously? Fuck." Darcy turns to May, frowning. "Imma submit a transfer request on his ass, I swear to Jesus. He's fucked up the requisition... AGAIN," she laments, pushing up and grabbing her blazer.

"I'll be seeing you, Johnny. Sibil, stay awesome," she says, taking her mostly eaten tray and putting it in the bin before heading back to her office to kick Agent Stupid in the ass.

Sibilance has posed:
A wave is proffered to the departing agents, a smile for Darcy for being so positive toward her.

"Arranged? Will this show up on my training calender?" Sibilance wonders to May. Johnny and Darcy have left, leaving the snake woman alone to speak with the Director. She gestures to offer May a seat nearby, if she wants to relax for a moment, get something to eat. Sibil is content to nibble at her food slowly, and she doesn't have an active personal life as far as most people know, so she's got all the time in the world to sit with her.

Melinda May has posed:
May does indeed take the seat nearby. "You will see something on your schedule. We'll start with an evaluation of your current range of skills and see which martial arts will work best for you. Then you'll be assigned a trainer who specializes in those disciplines. It's not going to be easy, and it's not going to be fast, but you will learn."

She gives the young woman a long and searching look. "Do you feel ready for that?"

Sibilance has posed:
Sibilance looks back at the searching look with a smile. The explanation gets her to nod slowly, easily absorbing what is said without any faltering. When she's asked if she's ready, she considers the idea of proper training. "As ready as I can be, Director," she answers. "I've got a long way to go before I can be a full agent, after all. Gotta learn." She stuffs some chicken into her mouth and gives a cheerful warming of her face.

"Everything okay, Director?" she wonders, unclear on the question. It seemed pretty serious.

Melinda May has posed:
The cafeteria is in full lunchtime swing, people entering and exiting frequently and almost every table full up. May and Sibil are sitting somewhere in the middle, most of their table surprisingly empty (maybe not completely surprisingly?) and they appear to be having a bit of a serious chat, if the latter's expression is anything to go by. May ... looks the same as always.

"Good. You'll see the assessment on your schedule by tomorrow, likely for sometime before June." When the young agent asks her if everything is okay, she nods, though someone more accustomed to reading her micro-expressions will likely see the brief flickers of surprise. "Well, other than having to keep this entire organization operating efficiently, yes. Why?"

Quake has posed:
It might be lunchtime for everyone else, but this is usually the closest thing to the crack of dawn Skye gets to if she's in full swing work mode - and sometimes she's still awake. Still. Like today. Which means it's strong coffee and the first foodstuff her hands grab. In this case it's a bran muffin, guaranteeing the thing will not be eaten, but them's the shakes, right? Kinda like putting your money into the vending machines. You never knew what, if anything, it was going to spew out.

As it is, Skye is only here by virtue of paperwork needing signed off on, and a late afternoon check-in with both her trainee, and the Assistant Director. The closer they got to Zee-day the more things were piling on people's plates.

She had good news, at least, for May.

Coffee in hand, muffin in the other, Skye gives only a cursory glance about the room totally intending to head off without stopping.

Sibilance has posed:
"I'm still not used to how grave you are," Sibil admits, in answer to May's question. She gives an apologetic crinkle of her features, and stuffs another piece of chicken in her maw to gnaw at it. Aumf. She seems excited, and happy, because of the news of an assessment from one of the most intimidating people in the building. "I wonder what I'll end up being good at. I've only worked with improvised weapons before, and that's not exactly a trained art." That IS on her record. She can beat the stuffing out of things pretty handily with just about anything in the room sturdy enough to take it. A bar brawler, by necessity. But that's just from cursory examinations, the assessment will be more thorough.

"Oh!" She lifts her hand. "Hello, Agent Johnson!" She hadn't any time to actually talk to Skye, but she at least knows of the higher-ranking agent. Wave wave wave!

Melinda May has posed:
"Well, I've had people tell me that Spock is more expressive than I am." Yes, May just tried to make a joke of it, but she knows it's not an exaggeration. She has reasons for it, and she's not ready to share them with just anyone, not even people who know her better than most.

When Sibil pops up to call a hello to Skye, May looks over and nods to the younger agent. Come on over.

Quake has posed:
It takes Skye a moment to process the wave (and the name) are for her. May's nod clinches it, and by the time she's made it to the table, there's a saucy grin settled on Skye's lips. "Hey, so what secrets are we selling today?" Her mind working to place Sibil and coming up blank.

It shows, too, the younger agent pausing to give the serpetine woman a headtilted look, her features the blank slate of 'nope, I've got nothing' - though with Skye having been in medical for a week, and burning the candle at both ends since isn't surprising she's slightly behind on the latest in SHIELD.

Sibilance has posed:
"Even Spock has his moments. The contrast makes it all the more impactful, I say," Sibilance says, with a toothy smile. Her teeth are not charming to look at, looking sharp and a bit dangerous. She looks up to Skye when they're joined and she looks momentarily confused by the question. "I don't have any," she says, and lifts her lanyard to show off her Triskelion access card. Level One. Yeah, they wouldn't trust her with an empty manila folder just yet. Gotta earn that trust.

"I'm Ainsley Garcia, or Sibilance." She smiles shyly. "I was just talking to the Director about some martial arts training scheduling." She motions to May.

Melinda May has posed:
May nods her agreement with Sibil's words. "I'm going to schedule her with an assessment to find which disciplines will work best for her." She's fairly certain that purely power-based ones won't work. She's already thinking of disciplines that require dexterity and flexibility. She can also think of at least one secret the recent relocation from Mexico has, but that's not her secret to spill.

She looks the hacker up and down assessingly. "Anything you need, Skye? Other than a refill on your coffee?"

Quake has posed:
Skye peers into her newly filled coffee, as much as gauging how long she thinks this will last. "I'm going to need another," she says definitively, and sits down.

"So Ainsley Garcia." The sibilance bit is self explanatory - she looks like a mostly human serpent after all. "And ahhh, so you got nabbed for a probie, huh?" Skye ever so amused by that. She'd likely be more weirded out by the snake thing but she's met more than a few eye opening folks on this job and it's starting to become less of a shock. Especially since she became one of those eye-opening folks on this job. "I could see you doing.. oh, what's that street fighting one? krav maga?"

Skye shrugs and has to admit, "I'm not a martial artist. Enough hand to hand to pass my training. Much better with marksmanship." Though to be fair she's not actually tested the growth of her martial skills lately.

Sibilance has posed:
Sibil munches at her food with an idle interest in what Skye's saying. She shakes her head, though, when Skye mentions Krav Maga. "That's a military martial art, made for the Israeli armed forces," she corrects, with a gentle tone of voice as if she's shy about correcting someone higher-ranking than her. She clearly has done some reading, or at least has some combat trivia in her head.

"Do you have a favorite firearm?" she asks Skye, trying to make small talk.

Melinda May has posed:
May lets the two women talk, standing and going to get something to eat for herself (something disgustingly healthy, of course) as well as a second cup of coffee and a breakfast granola bar that resembles candy for Skye, and a slice of cheesecake. When she returns with this tray of foods, she settles in again in time to hear mention of Krav Maga. "I don't see you learning that, Ms. Garcia. I suspect you'll be more suited to Shaolin shequan." But she doesn't elaborate what that last word actually means.

Quake has posed:
Skye chuckles at being corrected, and holds up her gauntleted hands in a gesture of surrender. "Honesly, it's the only name that came to mind. Not a martial artist. That's kind of May and Nat's territory."

She's a bit surprised to be asked her favourite firearm. "Me? Uh. gosh. Nobody has ever asked that before. I don't know. They're guns. You shoot them. People get hurt or die. ICERs are okay, I guess?"

Her muffin is looked at with disgust. "Who the hell eats this shit? And who let me buy that." The offending bran muffin is shoved to the middle of the table where she hopes it will die a painless death at someone else's hands. "I like Merida. Uh.. my bow. But she's not going on on missions. She's for meditation and praticing my centering. Actually really helped me with my marksmanship with firearms."

Sibilance has posed:
Sibilance takes the gesture of surrender in good humor, smiling sheepishly when Skye admits she isn't much of a close combat specialist. She nods patiently at all of that, and May's input makes the reptile turn her head and give a thoughtful look. Then she mouths the word 'shequan' and digs into her pocket to get her phone out and look it up. "Ooh." She laughs to herself, and stuffs her phone back in her pocket.

"Either of you have any hobbies...?" she wonders.

Melinda May has posed:
May sets the tray on the table and promptly pushes the 'candy' bar toward Skye along with the second cup of coffee. The cheesecake is pushed toward Sibil, and she claims the 'yucky' bran muffin for herself. Seems okay, there's nothing else bread or starch-like on her plate.

Ainsley's reaction to having searched her phone for the term 'shequan' elicits the briefest of amused twiches of her lips. "You wouldn't like my hobbies."

Quake has posed:
"pfft," Skye makes a noise at May's comment, quirking a brow at her former SO (oh gosh, when'd that happen?). She does tell Sibil, though, "Told you mine already. I shoot my bow. Other than that I'm mostly a tech specialist in code. It's kind of what I like doing."

Okay, she'd learned to fly, to sign, and attempted to learn how to cook as well, but she didn't consider those hobbies. In fact, Skye was singularly lacking in those.

The 'candy' bar is given a suspicious look, but when the wrapper is removed it looks sweet enough, and almost vaguely resembles a chocolate bar only with much less chocolate. "This isn't some trick, is it? Like vegetables disguised as something tasty?"

Sibilance has posed:
Sibilance gives May a briefly skeptical look. "If you say so..." she decides to say, still sheepish even if she doubts that claim. "Well, I like gardening. I'm very good at it, a homegrown expert I would say. Well... botany, or herbalism. Gardening is putting it lightly. Show me a plant and I'll show you all twenty of its cousins and their medicinal uses." She flashes a big happy smile, rather proud of her expertise. "Anything I don't know I pick up on very quickly," she adds.

"If you don't want it, I can eat it," she offers to Skye, even as she's lifting the cheesecake she's given to her mouth.

Melinda May has posed:
"It is," May confirms, proving that she's not prone to lying. "Eat it anyway." She doesn't tell Skye that they were approved by the biggest sweet tooth in SHIELD: Barnes.

At Sibil's mention of being very knowledgeable with plants, she offers after a bit of her salad, "Garcia, I might put you in touch with R&D. Developing new medicines and vaccines is also something we do." Not nearly enough, in her opinion, but it happens as much as the scientists have time for the non-mission-critical research.

Quake has posed:
Skye very carefully pushes the granola bar to the middle of the table. "Have you met me?" Skye had yet to meet a vegetable she liked. "I don't do vegetables."

If Sibil cares to pick the thing up, Skye isn't going to complain.

She's interested in the plants bit - at least as much as Skye gets interested in these things. "Black thumb here. That's the right term, right? Keeps plastic plants alive, and even then only barely?" It was a known fact that Skye and Clint had a housekeeper after realizing that between the two of them they still didn't have enough domestic skills to make a single fully functioning adult. It was a minor miracle they survived at all some days. "Oh, hey, May? Those pills of Jemma's are doing the trick, by the way."

She wriggles a gauntleted wrist at the other woman.

Sibilance has posed:
Sibil isn't about to get between May and Skye, it's like getting between a mother and her daughter. Sibil's liable to lose a finger. Nonetheless, she eyeballs the snack when it's placed closer to her, and listens to the two of them. "I don't have any FORMAL training, I don't know if I have a place in R&D, but... I can take another test for that?" She takes a hopeful tone at May, shining a smile at her. What, Sibil /likes/ tests?

"Takes practice, like anything else," she tells Skye, with a shrug. "I can give you something that you'd need to actually try to kill, some flowers are survivors. If you want anything. I can teach, too."

She looks between the two when medicine is mentioned, leaving the topic alone. Medical stuff is personal. "Oh, uh... I meant to apologize, Director, for getting into... trouble out and about in Manhattan." She means the incidents where she ended up on the news -- both of which indicating she was, in fact, trying to help people. But sticking one's head out isn't always a good idea. "I was just out on a walk, I swear."

Melinda May has posed:
"That should be straightforward enough," May says to Ainsley at the question about testing to work with R&D. And it's true. She'll have Simmons schedule a time to talk with the AiT about it. The worst that can happen is the kid's aptitude is not quite up to snuff, and that's easily corrected with some college-style classes.

Skye refuses the breakfast bar, and May unwraps it herself before before pushing it toward Skye again. "I said to eat this. I don't want to have to make that an order." And she will, if Skye tries to out-stubborn her. Damnit, kid, you'll actually like the stupid thing if you'd just stop with the stupid prejudice against vegetables. She's tempted to go so far as to tell Skye that the sauce put on pizza is vegetables.

Quake has posed:
"They have plants for plant killers?" Skye can't help a chuckle. "I forget things when I'm working. I'm not sure about going out of my way to try and kill it, but I'm sure it will happen anyway." She is intrigued, though. And it was true, Skye forgot everything but work when she was on a roll. There had been a concerted campaign over a year ago to make her remember to eat and go out in fresh air at least once a day. They'd threatened her laptop more than once. Skye was infinitely more careful to not make them go to quite those lengths anymore.

Which made the order-not-order all the more forceful, earning May a small look of disgust, even if Skye dutifully reaches for the breakfast bar and nibbles on a corner of the thing. "There. I ate some. Are we happy?"

For some value of 'ate' and knowing full well May wasn't going to be happy and she'd have toeat more of the thing. It was surprisingly... tasty, not that Skye was about to admit it. Because this was the hill she was going to die on today!

Skye, it should be noted, was more than a little anxious about the upcoming mission.

Sibilance has posed:
Sibilance excitedly wiggles in place at the notion of getting tested on her plant expertise. She knows she's good at it, it's the one thing she's confident in, even if she doesn't have a doctorate or anything. She breathes a happy sigh and finishes off her food. Speaking of which, Skye's pettiness draws an askance look eventually.

It's something that starts to upset her, too. She opens her mouth for a second, and closes it, deciding not to opt for the outburst. Instead, she ignores it.

She looks at her food, which she's finished off by this point. Hmm, guess it's time to go. "It's been good talking to you two. Director. Agent Johnson." She nods to both of them, flashing a cheerful smile to each and standing up to return her tray.

Melinda May has posed:
May very much plans on completely ignoring Skye's childishness, looking to Sibil when the trainee moves to take her leave. She catches the askance look from her toward Skye is not missed either. "It was good to talk to you, Garcia. Do keep an eye on your schedule for the additional items. Worst case scenario, I'll be doing your martial arts assessment myself." But if not May, then who?

Then she turns her attention back to Skye and just stares at her with the same Vulcan expressionlessness as always. For those who've learned how to read her, though, she's decidedly unimpressed. And she can tell this current round of brattiness has very serious reasons behind it.

They're going to need to talk.

Quake has posed:
Oh, Skye knows that look. She also knows that a goodly portion of her 'tude isn't the bar she's nibbling on (all without being told to currently) but the mission. Not only it's importance, but the fact that she was not only putting her AiT into the depths of the fray, but had guaranteed her safety - a thing she couldn't actually know she could promise. And while she had no doubt Peggy would shoot herself in her own foot before letting anything happen to Samantha, that didn't help *Skye* feel any better about what could happen.

It was one thing to blythely throw yourself at danger. Quite another to send others into the fray. Further still, sending someone who counted on you for leadership and protection and wasn't ready for this at all but was going because you'd asked them to.

"Yeah," she admits. "We need to talk." She knew the look alright.

Sibil gets a fairly decent smile for someone who'd just admitted to herself that she wasn't coping well with this whole thing, "You'll like Jemma. Welcome to SHIELD."