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Sentinels: Other Measures
Date of Scene: 23 May 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Natasha asks the Sentinel for help with infiltration.
Cast of Characters: Bastion, Black Widow (Romanoff)

Bastion has posed:
The Avengers' facility where the Sentinel 'scientist' is staying is low key. The technology there does exist, but much of it is for security purposes, nothing more, as well as scanning. The large footprints that Sentinels have made out in the cement front area of the buildings and warehouses are the largest calling card that the facility is interesting at all.

'John Doe' as he was originally called, has adjusted his own name. He has been going by 'Sebastion', when asked, and that information has found its way to the materials that Natasha has full access to. From video footage and pictures, Natasha will have a full scope of what the man looks like: he's a heavily built, military looking guy, with pale blonde, short hair. In videos, he is generally responsive to honesty, and is direct, for the most part. He seems to favor Captain America's style of treatment to him, the polite approach seems to work.

Sebastion/Doe is currently inside the lower area, in the quarters given to him: it's an inch or two better than a cell, in that it lacks a big window where people can watch him, but still has a great deal of security. He recently cleaned up, having taken a shower, but the security indicates he is in there, listening to music.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
As always, even for this, Natasha has done her background work. If this is going to happen, they need someone with a faster way to get in. Otherwise it might take weeks. Which they simply don't have. A discussion with May and this idea of hers had been given the green light.

The question was, would John Doe, aka Sebastian, help them?

There is a polite knock on his door. No entering or treating it like a cell. It's as though someone is visiting or maybe there to sell religion.

Bastion has posed:
"Come in," answers Sebastion's voice. He projects well, it goes easily through the door. For a moment there was the stern order of some type of military commander in his voice. He could be useful, down the line, if a message was needed to be given to a group that needed someone to look up to. Perhaps something to file away for later.

The man himself is seated in one of his chairs, and he uses a remote to pause his music. It was pleasant, classical. He studies her with a throughtful quality, politely getting up, as if he expected her. He probably didn't. His study of her is not unusual: there's a lot of footage of him doing it, this analytical long look. He's scanning, Tony would have stated.

"Would you like to sit?" he offers, polite to her.

Tony would have said, were he in her communicator, that she passed the test of not being a mutant. Sebastion is being nice to her.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"Thank you, I would. I'm sorry to disturb you while you are relaxing," Natasha says as she moves into the room proper. She is in her Black Widow costume. No SHIELD insignias on it though. This is her Avengers version. There are no holsters on her thighs, no guns in sight. She does have her wristbands and he will know they are a weapon of some sort if he can sense such things. He also will know who she is possibly if he keeps up with the Avengers.

Or perhaps not.

She isn't trying to hide who she is at all, her short red hair the only thing different from the appearance most people are used to. "My name is Natasha Romanoff. Or Romanova if you prefer. I'm a member of the Avengers and SHIELD. And I need your help."

Bastion has posed:
Sebastion watches her enter. He's a large man, and doesn't wear his muscle in a sleek way: more of a bulky, heavy way. Still, he looks entirely human. He tilts his head a little bit, and moves to also sit, across from her at his small table. There's a puzzle there: mostly completed. A scene of an arctic landscape, lots of blue and white.

"Yes, I was given your name as one of the Avengers," Sebastion answers. "The Sentinels under my control see you as an ally. What can I do?" The question is relaxed, thoughtful, and doesn't have a promise in it. He will listen, but whether he's helping may be another story: there's a reserved quality in him.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
The Sentinels he controls. That's enough to send a chill up most spines. Though there is no outward reaction from Natasha, in her mind she does make a note of how easily he said that.

Not being a mutant, she is not immediately one to upset him. Yet, what she asks next might. "I am going to infiltrate Trask Industries. We want to know what they are really up to. What they know. What they want. Everything. While their Sentinels seem to be targeting mutants at this time, we need to find out if there will be more. If this is just the beginning and later it will be metahumans. Aliens. Humans."

She glances down at the puzzle, considering the pieces but resisting trying to place any bits. Then her eyes are focused back on his face. "We can do it the normal way but it will take time. Time we aren't sure we have. So we would like to try to speed up our timeline. I understand you have certain abilities that might help in this."

Bastion has posed:
Sebastion looks at her, listening to her entire statement. He folds his arms across his chest, at first a suggestion of defensiveness, but he only nods his head towards her. "Sure. Did you prefer one of the factories, or are you interested in going into the main office areas, or both?" Sebastion asks, without any pause or dismay.

"I know where Trask himself is at this time, as well as multiple factories, including a Mold. It just depends on what you'd like to look at, I think. I can manufacture an identity for you. So long as you aren't also asking to take me to him as your personal prisoner." Sebastion's mouth moves in a slight smile. He's quite able to joke.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"If you thought that would help but I don't believe we need to go that far," Natasha returns with a smile, seeming at ease in both posture and expressions. She motions to the puzzle, arching a brow in question on if she can touch it or not.

"Definitely a position in the main office. I want to get as close to Trask himself as possible. Probably would be best if I have access to other locations but I may be able to arrange that from the inside, once there. If I can get close to him, I likely will be approved for more higher access codes," she theorizes.

Bastion has posed:
Sebastion understands her indication, and nods towards the puzzle in an expression of allowance. He's socially aware, and there's no indication of him being artificial. Which may be eerie in it's own way: but he's comfortable to be around, because he doesn't act like a machine. Not at all.

"He is still in recovery, but is no longer in the hospital, so a position there is out," Sebastion decides. "Do you speak Russian?" he asks her, without awareness, as if he didn't connect her name to being Russian. "Groups come often from the Russian facilities. It would be easy to replace such a person: they are trusted with other Molds overseas."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
As he offers the information, she can't help but wonder how he knows all this. Considering where he is. How does he do that? She knows he isn't human. Not precisely. Yet, she would never know the difference dealing with him. All the little tells are there for a human. All the micro expressions. It's eerie.

She switches easily into Russian, "What is a Mold? That's twice you have mentioned that term."

Bastion has posed:
There's something slightly odd about how he answers the question, as if he was repeating himself, but is being patient about it. He doesn't follow her into Russian, but does nod. He understood her, probably. "A mold is a larger Sentinel model which creates Sentinels. It is a Sentinel much like you'd think of a brood queen. I am not certain if one is Sentient, I haven't contacted one yet. They aren't on the networks I access from here. It is, at the least, a large printer, and a vital part of production." Sebastion is, at all appearances, very open and sharing. It's probably disorienting for a spy used to having to squeeze information out.

But perhaps it is just a way to gain trust quickly. "If you do something for me, I will give you an airtight way to assert your identity."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"So it's a robot like an assembly line?" She's back to English now. The concept of it being large enough for a Sentinel to emerge out of its chest cavity hasn't even crossed her mind. "How many of these Molds are there?" she asks before she can stop herself.

The request doesn't surprise her really. She reaches down to the puzzle, taking a piece she had spotted and putting it into place. Then she looks to him and gives a shrug. "I can't agree to anything until I know what it is, of course."

Bastion has posed:
"Yes. I am aware of two here," Sebastion answers. "One is more local, the other in the midwest. They are not hidden well; should you watch the transmissions for new sentinels, they are located in that manner." Sebastion seems indifferent about the molds, for the most part.

"I want one of the molds to be brought into the remote network, so that I can look at it. I can come up with a device which should work for that. I need to determine if they need to be destroyed." Sebastion looks down at the puzzle, with a clouded emotion in his brows. "And if so, how soon... and if I can do it myself, or not."

He doesn't touch the pieces, he just looks at them. "It is safer through you than to go myself. I agree with Captain America's warnings that Trask should not gain access to me." He finally adjusts one puzzle piece, turning it.

"Although I think Mr. Trask heard my warning very clearly, about that."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"Two." It isn't repeated because it needs to be, more an acknowledgement of the information he has shared. They obviously need to shut down these Molds he is talking about. The idea of him having access to one? That makes her a bit nervous. After all, while he has been helping them, does he have their interests at heart or just his own? He already has Sentinels. What if he had a Mold too? Could he make things that met his own specifications then? And considering his own stance on mutants, that might not be much help.

Not a bit of this shows on her face as she continues to watch him. She does pause, tilting her head to the side as she hears those last words. Nothing in the reports. No details that she already knows ahead of time. So the only thing to do?

"What warning did you send to Trask?"

Bastion has posed:
"They may be building others, and the sites may have more than one mold. I know there are two mold /locations/," Sebastion stresses. "In return, I will give you the seventh sentinel that I am repairing, and I will use the Russian's recent build model. It will project your identity easily, and would be available to defend you."

Sebastion stops, as she asks about the point he just made. He looks up from the puzzle piece, rotating it in his fingers. "I requested that he cease attempting to capture me," Sebastion says, finally. "And I directed one of his Sentinels to shoot him in the chest." He puts the piece into the puzzle.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
That sinking feeling in her stomach has nothing to do with Molds. It has everything to do with the calm manner in which he says he had one of those Sentinels shoot someone for him. A human at that. No mutants, no powers, no crimes. Just point black him controlling the killing machines.

"Which is why he is alive. You wanted him warned. Not dead." She says it more for confirmation. It isn't really phrased as a question.

"Before I agree to this, how do I know that giving you access to the Mold won't be just putting someone else in control with unknown motives? After all, you just admitted to using yours for a personal vendetta of sorts. It isn't trust inspiring."

Bastion has posed:
"He is. I didn't intend for him to even be harmed seriously, only to demonstrate that he is not as powerful as he thinks, but the older units don't have weapons I was familiar with," Sebastion says, with a pressure of dismay in his eyes, as he looks back to her. "So. I thought perhaps as a machine, I might be immune to mistakes." There's a mild smile, unhappy. "Apparently not."

"Now that I'm more familiar with them, having had some here, things would be different. But that is hindsight. We can only try to be better. All I can do is give you honest information. I attempted to show power to him. Because when he had me, he wanted to take me apart into pieces. I suppose it's a vendetta. But it benefits you, does it not?" He smiles at her.

"I don't like the molds pumping out these horrific sentinels. If you want to destroy the molds, I would accept that in trade, too. I am just expecting that I'll have to do it, being as they are surrounded by Sentinels."

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"If I can get in deep enough, I may be able to do something about them. Not likely but possible. It would help if I had as much detail about them as you have, information like vulnerable areas."

Natasha up another piece of the puzzle, eyeing a spot then setting the piece back down as it wasn't a fit. "We all make mistakes. Human. Meta. Machine. It doesn't matter the origin, we all are fallible." She looks up at him. "It is good to make them though as we learn and improve from doing so."

Perhaps said for him. Perhaps herself as she continues. "I agree to your terms. I will get you access to the Mold or I will see them destroyed. I just need to get in there." She puts another piece into place then sits back, all attention back on the man (machine?) before her.

"So where do we start?"

Bastion has posed:
"I need time to finish your escort. About a day and a half, I'm estimating," Sebastion says. "I'll get to test how much sleep I actually require," he comments, maybe to himself, but probably to add some social comfort to the situation. Sebastion's laugh, as it follows, has a human quality to it, of being a little tired.

"I should be able to network into an indentity well before that. I'll let the Avengers here know when it's prepared, and the timeline for the Sentinel," he says, starting to stand. "Come back then, Ms Romanova," he offers, with a hand moving to escort her out. Polite, but they're done.

He has work to do.