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Latest revision as of 00:49, 14 August 2019

Movie Night without Spies
Date of Scene: 24 May 2019
Location: Movie Cineplex 12, West Chelsea Hill
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Cypher, Carrie Kelley

Cypher has posed:
Doug didn't pick Carrie up - they met at the theater. But he DID spring for her ticket. And he did buy her the extra large bucket of popcorn and soda.

There aren't a lot of people in the theater tonight, so he shows himself to have a quick eye, by spotting and pointing out the various pokemon that cameo in the background during the movie -- though he leaves plenty of room for Carrie to do likewise. He collapses in a fit of giggles at the bit with the Mister Mime. When the movie ends, he gets up, and gamely offers Carrie his arm.

"...Well, beautiful lady, shall we take the air?"

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley did offer to pay, but she also didn't complain too much when he pays. It was kind of nice after all. Even so, she did bring her own money with her, just in case something came up where it needed to be split or a shared expense. It was only fair.

Throughout the movie she laughs quite a bit without restraint or attempting to remain quiet. The theater wasn't that full after all and she was enjoying herself. Once it ends though she rises to her feet taking hold of Doug's arm lightly with a chuckle. "I assume that means take a walk. The other option is 'go flying' and I'm not sure either of us are up for that." Grinning warmly she nods with a nudge of her chin in the direction of the exit.

"I'm so glad that was as good as I expected."

Cypher has posed:
"It was everything ten year old me ever wanted." Doug says, as they exit the theater. Out in the lobby, he takes out his phone, and gamely snaps a selfie with the movie poster, hashtag gottacatchemall, before he strolls outside with Carrie.

"So." He says, "Kitty really likes you." He gives a sheepish little smirk. "I kind of beat her to the punch a little bit, I knew she was angling to set us up. But I'm having a really *swell* time."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley gives an awkward little chuckle at the remark though she can't help but nod. "I kind of got that impression as well. She knows I've not really had a lot of luck in the dating department." Lightly clearing her throat she can only shrug. Best not to give details about that she supposes. "I mean I lucked out dodging the bullet that is Jason..." A sly grin spreads over her face. "I'm having fun too. But I think it's up to us to decide if we like each other, too. I'm okay with seeing how things go."

Cypher has posed:
"So I guess I should tell you a little bit more about myself." Doug says, as he turns to stroll down a Gotham City sidewalk, looking up at the Art Gothic buildings looming overhead. "I grew up in Salem Center. My parents were lawyers. My life was pretty distressingly *normal*. Pretty packed. Boy scouts, chess club, track team, soccer, D&D club, Honor Society, Future Leaders of America-"

He pauses, and then quirks his mouth. "I'm amazed I had time to *sleep*, really."

"I met Kitty in dance class. Which I joined because... I wanted to meet girls, and it seemed like a really good place to do that. That was right around the time my Mutant powers first manifested, too. Seventh grade Spanish class."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley chuckles quietly as she listens to the tales of Doug. Mention of his childhood and parents causes her to go quiet, or at least quieter than she was before. Still she listens. "Well at least you had your priorities straiht," she teases a little bit at the mention of dance class brought up.

"So how'd that go? The Spanish class I mean." A sidelong gance is cast toward him along with a faint smile. "It's okay if you don't want to tell me details. I know it's not always a great time for people when they find out. Seems like kind of a personal thing."

Cypher has posed:
"Well I went in knowing... how to ask where the bathroom is," Doug admits, "And by the end of the 45 minute period I was having a conversation with the teacher in Spanish. And then I checked out 'El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha' from the Library, and I stayed up all night reading it. Then I moved on to French - Dumas, German - Goethe, and onward from there."

"I just thought I had a flair for languages. The M-Word was the *furthest* thing from my mind." Doug says, easily. "I didn't find out until later. That... is a really long story."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"Wow. Yeah that would have been pretty handy in school for me," Carrie has to admit with a slow nod. "Though very weird, yeah. There's flair for languages, and then there's ..." Her hand lifts to try and search for a proper term to describe what Doug had happen. "I don't know. Instant knowledge? That does seem like a pretty handy skill to have though."

Grinning ruefully Carrie regards him. "I guess it's my turn huh? I... don't really get along with my parents. They forgot about me a lot. I learned to take care of myself pretty early on and got out as soon as I could. They were too busy trying to improve their own lives to worry about mine." Her head shakes a bit. "I fell into the theater in middle school. Found a bunch of outcasts, rejects, and people with issues just like me. We were kind of family. It was great so I ran with it up into college. And that's where I'm at now." Lightly clearing her throat she adds, "Last Summer though I had an... altercation with some of Gotham's more well known residents. Gave me something else to want to work toward so I have been."

Cypher has posed:
"It has its upsides and its downsides. I'm sorry about your parents. Mine were great... but we're estranged, now." Doug admits. He slips his hands into his pocket, and then skips three steps ahead on one foot, hop, hop, hop, spins, and continues walking as if he hadn't done anything at all.

"After I found out I was a Mutant, I started running with a clique that Kitty went to school with -- her friend Illyana, our friend Sam, Rahne, Bobby da Costa-" ...Does he mean Roberto da Costa, the *billionaire* who's up there with Bruce in net worth? "...It was a great group to be a part of. *Really* expanded my horizons."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley lifts her eyebrows at that name which did indeed sound very familiar. Gotham had a lot of 'old blood' in it when it came to the wealthy, and they liked to keep tabs on other similar sorts. It wasn't unheard of to see his name in the papers either. "Seriously? Dang. That's a small world," she mumbles before shaking the thoughts from her head to get back on track. Her own hands absently slip into her pockets as she strides along not doing anything funny so far as walking. Other than balancing on the curb as she walks along, managing to do so pretty well.

"That's pretty great though. It's always good to have friends to grow up with. Especially ones like Kitty," she has to admit with a laugh.

Cypher has posed:
Doug nods. "Yeah. Best friends a guy could ever ask for, and we were thick as thieves, right up until the day I died." He tosses that off, and then pauses, before he puts his hand on his chin. "You know, I can't recall if I've ever said that out loud in conversation to somebody who wasn't there or who didn't know me before." He glances back to Carrie. "See, when Kitty talked about what your friend Jason and I had in common? She meant that."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"I know. I know about Jason's past, and I know that about yours," Carrie explains with a small shrug as she hops off the curb to one foot, then hops back up again picking up her step just like before. Tipping her head up she glances at where they're walking just out of habit.

"I was the one on the plane dressed up in black that came to 'visit' you when she found out where you were. So she explained on the way. Not the details," she adds quickly. "Just the gist of it."

Cypher has posed:
"I know." Doug says, with a wry little grin, "...But it's really rude of me to say so without being prompted first."

He seems to duck and weave through the crowds easily, without even paying much attention. "Yeah, I was shot and killed by a scientist working for an anti-mutant group called the Right. Dead for..." He thinks on that, "Two years. Dead and buried. Coming back was also a long story."

"So," Doug says, "Enough about me. Tell me about you. Your hopes, your dreams, your *aspirations*. What is Carrie Kelley's language? I'd love to learn it."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley lifts an eyebrow at that particular remark. "Okay, that one's really cheesey," she points out with a chuckle. Stepping down off the curb she walks toward Doug to reach out for his arm. A light little tug is given steering him away from the direction that he was currently heading in. "First off, don't go that way unless you want to be mugged. They're mostly harmless but if they see someone unfamiliar they give them shit. Instead..." Her free hand lifts to point down a street corner. "Let's go that way. Best pizza shop near Gotham U and I could use a slice after that movie. If you're up for it?"

Cypher has posed:
"Cheesy's great, if you can make it work for you." Doug says, before he runs his fingers along that golden flip of hair he's got. he takes her arm, and strolls, "I'm not too worried about it, I can usually read people's intentions really well." He looks up, and then muses, "I could go for a slice." And then as they walk, he murmurs, "Also, it may have been cheesy, beautiful -- but it made you smile. Point - Doug."